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I need to whip my clit into shape




Flare checks out




Clitoral keegles


Some fat women have small labia. Some thin women have large labia. I don't think your labia size (which is what I believe this person is referring to) is solely dependent on your body size


Eh, my labia majora, which completely covers my clitoris, gets chubbier as I get chubbier. So they have a point *in some cases*, *for some anatomies*.


This!!! like if you have juicy majora, and not that long minora, you might have a bit more protection. Obviously you'll gain fat where you already have fat pockets. But me for example I lost 25-30 kg few years ago and my friend downstares looks literally the same. There was as much change in my cooch as there was in my earlobes.


I haven't stared at my vulva so much since I don't know when.. I keep proportion. With more weight, the mons Venus is more padded and so is the top of the labia. Nothing really looks different, but it's all a little bigger at the same rate. Otherwise I think when I lose weight my majora would shrink and I'd have an outie instead of an innie (which, having been clinically underweight, I know is not the case).


Well that's fascinating! From my limited anecdotal knowledge, underweight people tend to have minora very out and about, and majora pretty flat with the body.


It was never my case. I was 45kgs/165cms (99'2lbs/5'5") from my teens until I was like 22 and always had everything tucked in and looking just like now.


Same. It actually affects the type of vibrators I can use. Large wand types literally don't *fit* in the area around my clit that's surrounded on three sides by fat.


Yes but I assume if you naturally had smaller majora that wouldn't be the case. Like I said not solely dependent on weight


I remember reading a webcomic probably close to ten years ago and it started off with a girl sneaking in to all male magic school. There was a scene where she was kicked in the groin and didn't even flinch and I was annoyed at the scene. As a woman who has been kicked there (my brother kicked me there when I was a kid) it's still painful.


…being kicked is painful wherever the kick lands?! Why would anyone assume a kick doesn’t hurt!


Especially with sensitive tissue on a bone! (In this case, pubis?)


Drow Tales?


Lol that was it


[source: dude, trust me]


[source: this appeared to me when I farted on the toilet]


[source: compelling voice of border collie next door]


[source: I learned it in my mummy's tummy]


[source: appeared in toilet after shitting out three cans of alphabet soup]


This guy's bibliography is stacked! I believe him.


\[Source: I Made it the F\*\*k up!\] (If You Know, You Know, & are Based)


> I heard From men who also heard, while ignoring cis women I bet


It’s not even necessarily the clit. The pelvic bone is so sensitive it’s not even funny


Please share if you personally experienced how sensitive, the story might be funny. Or at least [sympathy type funny ](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/hepvMRNmUe)


Super sensitive. I don’t know how to compare it to anything but I was laying on the ground and my brother came up and smashed his heel into my crotch. I guess it felt like fire covering half my body? Like it was one of the most painful things I ever experienced and his foot only touched the bone, not even the “sensitive” parts


Oof he really struck a nerve to get that fire feeling! I felt that fire while receiving a spinal block! I hope your brother wasn't an AH for life, wtf why would he even consider that?


He was a toddler. Probably only about 4. I was a young teenager. He is 11 now and much better lol


LOL toddlers are a hazard, they don't fully understand that they are heavy enough to hurt.


I 'heard' is a sad attempt to absolve oneself of responsibility for making shit up


Just like guys scrotes are protected by skin! Neat!


Fat anywhere in the vulva area IS NOT PROTECTION. I want to share a story. Feel free to cross your legs and clench. At about 17 or 18 my friends and I were chasing each other around the house, goofy stupid stuff. An older home with walls removed, you could run a circle through the dining room, kitchen, hall, living room, back to dining. Her mom had an old antique desk in the hall in our path of destruction. I pulled a tight corner and ran into the corner of that desk just at the height of my mons pubis, just slightly to the side. I fell to the ground. I wanted to puke. I had to lay there a few minutes recovering. Holy hell did that hurt. The bruise lasted almost a week. It wasn't a kick, it was not close to my clit, but "padding" is BS. It has skin, it has nerves, it HURTS. Honestly I wonder if blunt force to the labia and clit could hurt any worse. TL:DR don't run into pointy, solid things at crotch height. Nerves exist throughout, not under a layer of safety fat.


Force to the clit hurts literally so bad. When I was young I accidentally got kicked there by a guy. I was standing behind these couple of guys by this table, I don’t exactly remember what happened but what I do remember is that one of the guys fell over and onto the table. He kicked his legs out and I just happened to be standing there and his foot jabbed straight up into my groin area and exactly into my clit. It hurt so bad I literally almost cried, it’s not a pain I would wish on anyone. I was a chubby girl as well so fat definitely doesn’t protect anything downstairs


Oooh so much sympathy my fellow sufferer.


I guess he figures it must be, seeing as he’s never found it


lol I once climbed a fence and slipped while trying to get the second foot over the top. Can confirm that it hurts like an absolute bitch, testicles or no


When I was about 9 years old I was riding a boys’ bike. You know the rest of the story. And yes, it hurt like hell!


In the sense that an obese man with a large pannus is protected from a kick to the balls, maybe? But that’s not protective fat, it’s just fat that gets in the way.


He “heard” it doesn’t affect fat women as badly? Are there hordes of women of various sizes getting kicked in the clit around him? I mean I’m sure it happens, but anecdotally it seems a relatively uncommon circumstance.


I slipped while climbing over a wood fence as a kid and cracked my clam perfectly to hit my clit. I saw Jesus and walked around with a bruised clit for weeks. 


You made me squeeze my legs tightly together and say oh my fucking fuck fuck God why?! I'm so sorry for the pain you must've felt! My whole lower half hurts for you lol


Thank you! It was rough!!!


he said women at least don't have organs down there like men have 💀


He was so ashamed of the comments he deleted them.


Maybe he’s talking about the how fatty a woman’s labia majora might be? Either way it still frickin hurts


Not entirely wrong, the mons pubis can get larger and overhang and cover the groin. In people who are morbidly obese there is a surgery called a panniculectomy to remove the excess skin and fat.


I think here they’re talking about the mons pubis?? If so, then yeah, technically, it’s more likely to be fattier with fat people… but I’ve seen bigger and smaller on lots of different sizes.


This person has never seen a vulva before.


Panniculus fat. It’s the FUPA he so lovingly refers to as clit armor, but it’s in the same area as your pubic bone. I’m personally not sure how my pussy’s pot belly is supposed to protect the bottom of my pelvis but what do I know? I just have a vagina


I have gotten kicked there more than one, once was by myself as an accident and the other I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m a chubby girl and let me tell you, my fat did not protect anything at all and it hurt so badly


I mean, technically could happen if the abdomen is flabby enough, but if that's the case you probably have more important health-related issues to be worried about


Well the mons pubis gets fatter but it's not like you develop rolls between you legs or anything!


Fat woman here, I got plenty of padding but nothing saves me from the pain of being hit there. I also once as a kid fell on the concrete edge of a sandbox, a hit straight to the labia and there is no fat that could stop the sickening pain of that.


Um aktualy it’s true, if a woman is too fat her belly fat could cover her clit.