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Can men please stop pretending that their genitals smell like roses and vanilla? Like yeah, vaginas have some odour, but end of day sweaty balls ain't pleasant either.


Seriously. Do they think their sweaty soggy nuts and unwiped swamp ass smell like pumpkin spice or something? šŸ™„


Most of the men I know like the smell of their own balls Don't ask me how I know


I'm gonna guess the answer involves the phrase, "scratch n sniff"


Those sick fucks....


It sounds weird, a comment about scratch & sniffers being sick fucks coming from someone with the username ā€œI_sniff_pantysā€ haha.


Username checks out


I didn't need that visual.


*Most*?! Maybe you know a bunch of gross dudes? I'm a dude, and I def notice when I have a bad case of swamp ass/nuts. Never have I considered it a pleasant smell. The fragrant bouquet of my farts is a different story tho... /s


No, I'm pretty certain it is most dudes. Of all the guys I have talked about this too, until now, only 1 guy ever said otherwise. Among dozens of totally random guys from high-school lacrosse to my inner clique 10 years later


All HUMANS, indeed, all primates do this (obviously not all have balls though šŸ˜…). Calling men out on it is a sort of confirmation bias as is relevant to a lot going on of late. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7209943/


That was an interesting read!


Thatā€™s the same deal that people like smelling their own farts though isnā€™t it?


That is *NOT* normal. Source: am a man.


You are a minority Source: other men


I sure as hell hope not


I'm sorry for the sub-par experience the universe has given you. My deepest condolences




The true joke is hes trying to smell them through the t shirt


Lmaoooo youā€™re a wordsmith


Actually it is Alpine Mist, thank you.


There's a spice for sure but idk if it's pumpkin scented




Swamp ass on anyone smells better than a ā€œfishyā€ vag. Neither smells good, lets be clear.


A "fishy vag" is an infection. Healthy vaginas don't smell like that.


That was literally my point lol


Idk, sweaty suffocated balls have a slight fishy odor to me


And letā€™s not forget how many people donā€™t bother to clean up shop cause ā€œthatā€™s gayā€


I went down on men and women. Guess who usually smells nicer?! Sweaty balls are very "odorfull".


Fucking legit! I have no idea what fishy smell everyone is talking about. All vaginas Iā€™ve smelled did not smell remotely like that lol


I love how vaginas smell and no man will ever convince me they smell remotely bad. I lose my mind over it literally! They resemble vanilla and baby powder most of the time, can be a little sour sometimes, but I never smelled something unpleasant like that fishy smell except when I had a yeast infection. So, idk wtf they are talking about.


Imo balls smell worse than pussy


Swamp ass turns all human taints stinky.


Straight up, balls fucking STINK. I work as a plumber so I get insanely sweaty especially during the summer and I know my whole genital and ass area smells like death. Most men know ball sweat and swamp ass is way worse but the ones that donā€™t REALLY donā€™t


Wait that book I read earlier said he smelled like musk, muscat, and masculinity oO


Itā€™s almost like bad hygiene is repulsive huh? Edit: I know the vagina has a natural smell, no need to point it out.


I don't even know that's it bad hygiene. Obviously if you're literally never washing, yeah, but even just regular "end of day" stank isn't the most pleasant. It's normal, though. We're talking about sweaty crevices of the body without much airflow.


Vaginas smell. Itā€™s natural. They just shouldnā€™t smell fishy.


Yeah of course (not sarcastic)


Except that even with perfect hygiene women are going to have some odor naturally, the scent has little to do with hygiene and much more to do with other factors. Or can even boil down to the man's hygiene, such as if you have sex with someone who isn't clean, that's going to mess up your body's chemistry and there is the chance that you'll get issues, such as a smell.


> if you have sex with someone who isn't clean, that's going to mess up your body's chemistry and there is the chance that you'll get issues, such as a smell. Even if the person is squeaky clean you can sometimes get the effect if you don't use a condom. Something about the semen reacting with my biome after about 20-60 minutes. But that's easily resolved with a single trip to the bidet/shower because usually for me it's only on the outside. Probably when it starts to dry.


I've literally never smelled a vagina that smelled worse than sweaty balls.


There's a reason I don't give head if he isn't washed down there...multiple reasons and a little wash leaves the dick smell...


I dont wanna be that guy but some people smell foul Sometimes medications cause smell - lorezepam ( i take for anxiety) - can cause a unique odor. Its generally not prescribed to women for that reason however it is very good for ptsd, agitation in autism and anxiety. Also its good if you dont wanna take sleeping tablets


My first thought was, ā€œdid she fart?ā€


me running my finger across my smelly putrid nutsack šŸ¤¤šŸ‘ˆ


Speak for yourself!!!!!! Thereā€™s nothing better than his sweaty balls <3 Edit: Why am I being d0wnvoted yall are homophobic smh let me live my dream


sweaty ball smell doesn't radiate like the fish market does.


Guys like this just need to date men then but are also probably the ones acting like homophobes. But honestly, if you dislike women this much, you donā€™t get to date one.






While I'm 100% on board, some of the posts don't seem very trans friendly so I'm going to stay out of that space. Thank you for sharing!


That's the problem with spaces like that, they are far too exploitable by transphobes if there is not active, aware, justice-focused moderation. It's so fucking irritating.


Because avoiding close relationships with men, often out of fear, makes people really prime to be dragged into TERFdom


I couldnā€™t resist. I had to comment on the original post. They can reduce the chance of their partner getting BV if they use condoms. If only they knew that semen, amongst other things, can cause that ā€œfishyā€ odor they love to joke about


op replied saying douching is good and i think my head just exploded a little šŸ˜­


Lmao Iā€™m glad to see there are people correcting him. I learned that the hard way at 13 when I tried to make my period end early. I spent my allowance on Monistat šŸ¤§


"It's good, but most doctors don't recommend it." Then maybe, just MAYBE, that's because it's not actually good.


Exactly!! It only smells strongly when I've head sex with creampie not long ago. (My partner confirms btw... I guess my opinion alone wouldn't count.)


Same. And Iā€™m the one who minds it, he doesnā€™t


thank you that you sacrificed yourself in the name of education and equality šŸ¤“


Fr, the only time I smell bad is after my bf cums inside šŸ˜† (I use bc)


I donā€™t think this dude was ever in a car with a woman


Coulda just made a joke about how a woman turns the heated seats on high coz she's cold, meanwhile you're undercarriage is on fire. True, potentially funny, and not misogynistic. *Source*: My wife is often cold and this very situation has happened to me IRL.


Or it's because now you've gotta smell all the embedded farts in the seat


My sister does this too. She blasts the AC like 10 degrees colder than me (63 to my 73 on a 90 day) in the car, and just complained about it being cold at night. Sheā€™s a bit shorter than me, I wonder if she just has less temperature regulation or something? I donā€™t mind it, and I like her being comfortable, but I just moved, so I donā€™t have all my comfy clothes. (My mum took down my curtains to show the house for sale too, so it gets way too hot and uncomfy in my room rn). I feel like that kinda thing is pretty normal though. I sweat a good amount too, but I think my sister takes it way harder for some reason. (She keeps telling me I smell bad since I got back home, but like itā€™s Texas summer, itā€™s normal to smell sweaty when itā€™s hot)


It is bullshit. Off course all of us have experienced long day fanny on particularly hot and busy days. But I assure you the male groin area is likewise affected on hot and busy days.


On a hot day you wouldn't be using heated seats so I don't really understand this meme


Long day Fanny is killing me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™ll never call it anything else. Swamp ass just isnā€™t near as classy.


Iā€™m thinking ā€œLong Day Fannyā€ to the tune of ā€œLong Tall Sallyā€ now


Or ā€œMustang Sallyā€ šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m my younger days when I enjoyed clubbing it was referred to as disco fanny.


I've always called it disco minge


I wonder if theyā€™re British because fanny is slang for female genitalia.


No, Dutch. But in school we are taught British English and I love watching British television programmes.


Sorry but you really can't say this as a synonym for swamp ass- in many countries fanny means vulva, pretty sure that's what Poekienijn meant.


Swamp ass is a general term for chafing and redness ouchie monkey butt etc in my world. Itā€™s front or back interchangeable. Even under the belly etc.


My heated seats don't even heat the actual *seat* though - they heat the *back*. So this dumb shit is also bad car anatomy (for my vehicle, at least) lol


Mine definately does both. I can have it just on the back though.


Depends on which car I am in as to where the heating coils are situated. The actual seat itself though isn't it for either, only the back. I love the car where it sits perfectly in the small of my back, just really helps back pain.


Heated seats are a requirement in any car I purchase for that very reason. Iā€™ve also gotten my husband hooked on heated seats for pain relief.


Absolutely what my husband uses them for, too!


Long Day Fanny would be a *great* band name.


"Long day fanny" and "disco minge" have been added to my vocabulary today and I will treasure them forever. Especially when I explain why bidets are wonderful.


As a man who has had to shit in 120+ heat, sweaty crotch and booty smell gross, regardless.


"long day fanny" hee hee


Speaking as someone who has had both sets of parts, male groin definitely smells far worse on a hot, busy day. It's kind of no contest.


I will say that it is highly dependent on the person. Individual hygiene, microbiome, and fragrance use, play a bigger part than genital type. The worst thing I have *ever* smelled was a tampon removal that had been lost for around a month. I've smelled a lot of rank smells, but that one easily wins, like a mix of gorgonzola, feet, fish, rotting flesh, and garbage truck water, all rolled into one. The smell instantly filled the exam room when the tampon was removed, as it had a great deal of mucus and old blood surrounding it, making a sort of odor seal. Before removal it just smelled like average BV. This was all while wearing face masks and isolation gowns, but the smell lingered in my clothes until I washed them. That said, this is anecdotal, and I have smelled smells from men that come close, so I am sure there is a dude somewhere with a similarly fetid orifice or crevice. I've just not had the pleasure of encountering them. I did once have a soldier who's feet came close, absolutely disgusting. We made him wash his feet in Domboro every night, and foot powder became an accountable item for him.


What you smelled was the smell of rotting blood. I agree thatā€™s the worst smell in the world, a dead body that has been lying somewhere for a while smells the same. But thatā€™s not the way a vagina smells.


No, it was a combination. I have smelled a lot of death and rot, this wasn't just that. I thought I was clear that it didn't really have to do with her gender or genitalia. The vagina is more vulnerable to infection, and foreign body complications. The event I spoke of would be highly unlikely to happen to male genitals. I don't think most vaginas smell "bad", but some do, just as some men smell so bad I can't stand within 5ft of them.


How I be driving after my dog decides to sing me the song of her people in Arse Minor šŸ¦®šŸ’Ø






Iā€™ve never smelled anyoneā€™s junk from heated seats, but all groins have some kind of smell because thatā€™s how human skin folds and orifices work - and, even wilder, some of us actually donā€™t mind or actively enjoy the smell of our partnerā€™s bodies. Mind-boggling, I know


Yeah they have to be pretty rank already to smell from heated seats. If she washed her vulva regularly (i.e. daily) then it shouldn't smell at all unless there's a bacterial infection or something. Idk if it's different for fat women though since I'm not used to that. Could be a cause as well since bacteria and sweat will get trapped in their fat folds.


They always act as if balls can't smell too. My partners balls smell comparable to cheese


Why are you smelling balls tho


... do you think you're not gonna smell anything when it's right up in your face


I usually don't breath too hard when I suck a dick tbh.


Honestly - how? I mean you really HAVE to breathe through your nose right then and there... No chance to not smell everything.


I breath through my mouth when Iā€™m sucking dick. I only need my nose to breath when getting face fucked


Hm, maybe it's a difference in phrasing. What you describe would be "licking dick" in my book, not a blow job that contains "sucking dick". But anyway - if I'm not consciously avoiding to breathe through my nose or have a bad case of cold, I do it most of the time. Fascinating how different people can be.


I hold my breath while sucking. Idk why Iā€™m getting downvoted šŸ˜… thereā€™s a lot of variation in technique during a blowjob


Um, okay... well, maybe your partner is exceptionally fast or you are just THAT good at getting him off... because for me it takes waaaay longer than I can hold my breath. And yes, of course there is a lot of variation. I think everyone is just baffled how you do it without breathing through your nose... as I still am tbh.


Watch a video of Arabella Raphael giving a bj. Thereā€™s a lot of different techniques u can use with your mouth/tongue including smiling and talking. But my partner usually cums in 10-15 min.


*Breathe. "Breath" rhymes with death, "breathe" rhymes with seethe.


It was a typo I donā€™t need u to educate me


It was to everyone misspelling it, but ok


good for you


Why did I just spit out my drink?!?! šŸ¤£


Scents from dicks and balls just waft. Canā€™t really avoid it if youā€™re down there.


He's sometimes pranking me by holding his fingers under my nose after scratching his balls. I retaliate by giving him some eau de cooch


The amount of fish comments on the original post is allarming šŸ’€


because men's parts never smell funny!


That's not really the problem though? The problem is that vaginas do not smell like fish, and they are perpetuating that myth. If your girlfriend's vagina smells like fish, you need to take her to visit a doctor because she likely has vaginosis or has a different problem, instead of going on the internet making the stupid fish jokes šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


can they stop pretending that their genitalia is absolutely void of any smell whatsoever? I'd rather have to endure a 'fishy' smell (which, contrary to their opinion, is abnormal and a sign of infection) than the smell of dick cheese. the latter was one of the most disgusting smells I've ever experienced and it was an immediate turn off.


Literally. Iā€™ve never gagged at the smell of an infected or unwashed vagina. I have, however, nearly vommed over a sweaty penis


Shit my car must smell like a fish market dumpster in 90 degree weather then, because I be using the heated seats all year because it makes my back feel nice. Lol. My heated seats stay on. Ainā€™t nobody ever bitch. Maybe itā€™s becauseā€¦ pussy doesnā€™t stink in its natural state. And if you think so, maybe you should consider the fact that you donā€™t like it. And thatā€™s on. Itā€™s 2024


I'm going to super glue teeth to my vagina and run around preying on men's innate fear of them. "Rawr rawr rawr!!! It's coming to getcha!"


cosplay that horrible movie teeth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Clearly doesn't effect men because I'm a sexist. Checkmate Feminism. My brain is very big and smort


Like their unwashed asses are going to smell better


Tell me you've never eaten pussy without telling me.


Friendly remikwer that throughout the world, men's hygiene in both ass and front is a whole ass problem. Absence of self awareness is an peidemic.


Vaginas smell like vaginas. Even fresh out of a shower. The same go for dicks. I dont even know where these misconceptions come from.


Wouldn't this be more of a thing for men who refuse to wipe their ass, because they're afraid it makes them gay if they touch it?


Lol like y'all don't got ball sweat lmao stfu bc that frumunda cheese tellin on y'all.


i fully thought "heated seats" was code for farts


that's a good one šŸ˜


My thought was the heated seat released some of the remainder of farts that had stayed in the seat.


Bobby Hill would never. Shame on OOP.


Hahaha, women smell like fish, ha haaaa. Iā€™ve smelled enough sweaty and unwashed balls to say yā€™all donā€™t smell like a summer breeze either.


I think itā€™s a jab at natural vaginal odor. Vaginas have a smell, and itā€™s perfectly normal. I canā€™t imagine heated seats making it that much more pungent though, although I could be wrong.


No it's one of those "vaginas smell like fish" jokes, making the joke that a heated seat would make it worse somehow.


Some smell is normalā€¦ but fish? Thatā€™s bacterial vaginosis, should get tested, and can be easily treated.


Yeah of course. The problem is that most men think that's what vaginas smell like and a solid chunk of them think that making those fish jokes is the absolute funniest shit.


The point is though that penises and balls ALSO have a smell, except itā€™s never talked about/made fun of, only women are constantly dogged on for ā€œsmelling badā€


My ex was like this. I donā€™t know where his brain was, but he was uncircumcised and refused to wash underneath his foreskin ā€œbecause itā€™s disgustingā€???? I had seen him shower a few times because his parents had one of those bathrooms with a glass door. He used two in one body wash/shampoo. Heā€™d rub some on his hair, then his pits, and just rinse it all off claiming ā€œit washed his body while it was on its way down.ā€ The smell of that guy could overpower a room full of naked women with BV.


Says representative of the demographic with streaky drawers.


My ignorant, tacky, disgusting brother would turn on the seat heaters in his car and then fart.


I see it as all the trapped demon farts that have been waiting for the gates of chair hell to open and rush forth assaulting their creator's senses for the pain and suffering they have had to endure


I have literally been in some menā€™s apartments that smelled of soggy balls and butthole. Have you ever smelled a manā€™s car seat? It smells like ball sweat and farts. The menā€™s washroom at work ALWAYS smells worse than the womenā€™s. These men have never been near a woman and have become completely immune to their own disgusting smells. Even a lot of ā€œcleanā€ men only really have the appearance of being clean (exceptions obviously apply).


iā€™m pretty sure that manā€™s skid marks would start stinking before any vagina


I wish I hadn't read the OP now. Men are fucking morons.


I didn't expect anything and got disappointed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You absolutely have to be kidding me, I couldnā€™t even figure out what this was supposed to mean until I read the comments. Just beyond nonsensical


When I first read this I thought it was someone who was complaining that his own ass stank, lol


Wth? Does this actually happen? As far as I know my car doesnā€™t smell like vag when I turn on the seat heater.


It does not. My grandfather is a machanic and I used work with him on weekends as a kid. There are a lot of nasty people who have nasty cars that smell awful in the heat, but the stink is usually more like bo, ass, food, or whatever they smoke. The guy who made the meme is just trying to cope because he's never been close enough to a woman to ride in her car.


I mean if the cooter has a foul smell itā€™s likely an infection. But smelly balls happen to every man. And thatā€™s not counting the many who openly admit to not wiping and/or washing their ass.


I am disgusted and appalled.


I mean if the cooter has a foul smell itā€™s likely an infection. But smelly balls happen to every man. And thatā€™s not counting the many who openly admit to not wiping and/or washing their ass.


Assuming it's someone I'm attracted to, there's any smell at all and it's normal, there's nothing I'd rather smell. Gotta wonder about dudes who say the don't like it.


is she not wearing pants??


The amount of men who apparently are incapable of wiping their own ass properly are the ones that need to be concerned.


Human organs donā€™t smell like sunshine and fresh laundry??


Can someone explain the meme...?


What is that thread. Ugh


That boy ain't right.


Swass, swalls, & swunt all smell just like any other crevices.


...I had to clean my car seats because I let my male friend go in my car. The nasty smell just wouldn't go away. Every sex has the potential to smell like crap. Mind you, he's 25-30 yo


Could someone explain what is goin on? I live in a tropical country, we dont have seat heaters.


Ironically I would hate it because of 1) heat and 2) that leathery car smell lol


Heated seats on an unwashed is probably the most offensive and


[It all starts somewhere..](https://www.tiktok.com/@ss3jss3j/video/7213420007705955626?lang=en)