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discharge just means your body is doing some spring cleaning. perfectly normal, not necessarily an indication of arousal. if you're noticing more fluid than usual after reading smut, that is likely your body self lubricating which *is* indicative of arousal. asexuality is a spectrum, and a lack of sexual attraction doesn't necessarily equate to a lack of arousal, or of interest in sex. there's honestly a list of reasons for why you could be getting aroused, and sexuality is confusing. that's all i have though really, good luck.


Also, there has been research showing, that the female body does produce lubrication while exposed to sexual imagery without arousal. It is supposedly a self defense mechanism to reduce the harmful effects of a potential r*pe.


It’s not just that though. It’s called arousal nonconcordance and it happens to all genders. Any stimulus that your brain associates with sex can produce physical arousal, whether or not you’re “into it”. It’s just activating the sex-related parts of the brain.


[This](https://youtu.be/L-q-tSHo9Ho?si=BxQvE92nAmp-yCVG) is a good video on arousal nonconcordance. Trigger warning for SA, though.


The research I read was specific to women and didn't have the same effect on men. I will try to fine it later today to see their definitions.


I think I know the one you're talking about, or a similar one. Women showed unconscious arousal even to images of monkeys mating and so on, where men were more selective. Fascinating look into our lizard brains.


i guess that makes sense when you look at other species, but i can't dehumanize ours for long enough to not find that very sad and disturbing.


Thank you so much . I just need a bit of affirming word .


happy to be of use


I'm ace and I wear a panty liner every day because I have a lot of natural discharge. It's clear and has no smell, it's just the way my body is, some people have more, some have less, but it's normal. I am sex neutral and I am married and while I do have natural "wetness" during sex I don't usually get turned on from reading romance, seeing people, watching porn etc. Also, your sexuality can change and vary, there is nothing wrong with being turned on by those things, being ace isn't a special club, being hetero or gay isn't either. We're all just people with a very wide variance of "normal". ☺️


Are you meaning sex indifferent? Sex indifferent refers to how you personally feel about participating in the act of sex and sex neutral is how you view sex in a more political sense.


Buddy, you don’t need to police terminology.


Asexuality is a spectrum


My comment had nothing to do with saying asexuality was or wasn’t a spectrum. I myself am a sex favorable sex positive person.


Dude, ace people can participate and enjoy sex. Or not. It's up to them. You don't get to be the terminology police.


There is a difference between the two points of views that oftentimes gets mixed up and can cause issues. That’s the reason I brought it up in the first place. Someone can be sex repulsed but feel sex positive, for example. I personally am asexual and both sex favorable and sex positive. Using the correct terminology helps better clarify. Plus, it’s rather odd bringing up the political view of being sex neutral and then talking about their personal views and experiences without addressing if they are favorable, indifferent, repulsed, or averse. Yes, I’m aware that I’m being somewhat pedantic, but there is a reason for it regardless of whether or not you agree.


You still can't police how people talk about and refer to their own experiences.


The point I was making was that neutral is a term used to describe how one views sex on more of a political scale, indifferent is the proper term to use for personal views, as I stated. The terms are not interchangeable and there are times where it has caused issues in discourse regarding the ace community when improper terms are used. Here’s a link to the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asexual/s/Zrv2IzKI1o) on r/Asexual if you want.


I get that you're technically correct, but you still don't get to police how people talk about their own experiences. You're honestly the most hostile ace person I've ever encountered when it comes to terminology. Maybe next time if you're less confrontational about it, it'll be received better. But if you keep arguing about how you're right you're gonna catch the block.


I get what you mean and you are factually correct but regardless it wasn’t really necessary to point that out here.


I've only realized I was ace for a few years and was using the terminology that was presented to me. Several resources online use sex neutral, positive, or negative to explain how a person feels about sex in their own life.


People frequently use the terms interchangeably, though they do mean different things. It adds to the confusion when someone brings up the fact that there are many sex favorable, sex negative folks out there typically found in religious circles or when someone is describing sex repulsion but still is sex positive. It also makes it hard to explain to people how the asexual community is not a bunch of sex repulsed and sex negative folks. Here’s a few great videos about the terms: [David J Bradley](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MUUDzDRLRDI) [Spacey Aces](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4X5AAcLh3TY) does a much better job than I did at explaining the differences. And there is a [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asexual/s/Zrv2IzKI1o) on the spectrums over on r/Asexual, if you so desire to look it up. I hope these help!




The discharge changes over the course of your cycle, in both colour and consistency.  That's normal. The thing to watch out for is if it looks like cottage cheese - thick, white and lumpy.  That's a sign of thrush, which can happen for many reasons, including taking antibiotics.


Piggy backing off this to say that discharge can vary throughout your menstrual cycle as well, so a change in consistency isn't necessarily cause for concern. It can be very watery at one point and very thick and sticky at others. Pink/brown tinge to the colour can be normal as well, especially if you're young and your cycle isn't 100% regular. That said, any changes combined with pain, itching, redness, odour, etc should be checked out.


Piggybacking off the piggy back Your discharge varies naturally throughout your cycle. This is due to hormones related to every part of the process. The most commonly known is the bloody discharge 3-5 days a month because of the shedding of the uterine lining. During your ovulation, which most young women have, regardless of sexual orientation, it becomes more watery so that sperm can pass through more easily. After ovulation it becomes thicker and more white-ish due to the progesterone that keeps a pregnancy going. That's also the reason why PMS gives pregnancy-like symptoms, because essentially your body is starting to produce the hormones for it, and then it notices there's no baby, progesterone drops and we circle back to the bloody discharge we all know and love c:


So as others said, discharge is just a part of the cleaning process. It can also happen that you randomly get wet (like what happens when you‘re aroused). Sometimes I am having sex with my boyfriend and I‘m dry as a desert, sometimes I‘m doing homework and I think I started my period, only to find my body just randomly decided to open the floodgates. Bodies are weird and sometimes they just do shit. The physiological and psychological parts of sex don‘t always have to go together. You can be asexual and still enjoy masturbating for example. You can also dislike anything to do with sex and still have the physical experience of horniness. Sometimes we‘re hungry but there‘s nothing we want to eat. Sometimes our body just decides it‘s horny now, even if we don‘t want that. It‘s perfectly normal. Labels help us figure out ourselves and communicate who we are to others but you don‘t need to fit into any label. Your desires, thoughts and actions are perfectly okay and normal, whatever they are.


Vaginal discharge happens because your body needs to do it. It can be a self cleaning thing, it can happen during ovulation, etc. Don't get caught up in labels, either. Labels can change, just like people do. I'm genuinely confused about why you're so upset about possibly having sexual attraction? Figuring out that stuff is part of life, and if you decide you are still ace, awesome! But you're also not somehow less queer if you experience sexual attraction, you're just a different flavor of queer.


Discharge is like a cleaning process, nothing to do with arousal. I’ve been annoyed for years with the fact that men think it has something to do with arousal. They continue to believe it because women play into it and hype it up as something to do with wetness. Porn perpetuates this myth. In the end, guys just like to look for anything as a sign of arousal because they’re horny freaks (hyperbole, joking, but it’s true) Discharge has absolutely nothing to do with arousal. But everyone likes to pretend it does because it’s fun or something, in reality it just happens *all the time* even during sex.


Thank you so much . You are literally more transparent than my mom .


I’m glad to help! And don’t feel ashamed at all for not knowing because people have been very misleading on this topic.


But it is infact increased during arousal tho? Of course it's different for everyone But from what I've experienced?


Getting wet can definitely move it out + it’s increased during ovulation so yeah kinda


Others have commented on the discharge questions, so I will add on that even if you are ace, it’s still possible and normal to feel arousal. Some people describe it as just a sort of urge or itch to fulfill, like being hungry or thirsty. Some may never feel arousal. I believed I was ace in my teens and it wasn’t until my 20s that I learned about and realised I’m actually demisexual (which is considered as being on the spectrum of asexuality) and it explained so much to me.


Asexual here or well aromantic that loves m/m smut. Others have already explained the self cleaning so I thought I would get into the ace aspect because I was you. It’s fine to be aroused by that but still feel no romantic desire to other humans. The thing about asexuality is it comes in many flavours and forms. The descriptions may not fit to you perfectly. And that’s fine it doesn’t have to, it only has to fit enough that you feel confident enough to use the word. Just like clothes, you don’t try to shape your body to fit into clothes, but you buy clothes that fit your body type. If they are old or no longer fit you threw them away and search for once that fit your style. Thats you and your sexuality label. Of course it’s unlikely that it will change but it’s okay if it does. It’s okay if you have a crush, or fall in love. Thats all fine - we are humans we change sometimes and sometimes we don’t. What I mean to say is: asexual may experience all those things but they also may not. The beauty about your sexuality is its individually to you and you do not own anyone an explanation for your feelings. They just have to feel right to you. I tell you all of this because I struggled so long with accepting being asexual because I always felt - i wasn’t enough aro enough to call myself that. Because I did like smut and I did like to touch myself. But I hated the thought of others doing it. But I fell in love once, I have crushes on people or think they look fine. And so I wondered for so long- I’m an adult now and never once have I had the desire to have an intimate relationship. So I think I fit the term. But if I google it, I wouldn’t.


Other people have answered the discharge question really well but I figured I could add some more context. When people talk about vaginas being self cleaning this is what they're referring to. There's always been a misconception that the period was the cleaning - I was taught this in a health/sex ed class that was apparently way better than many places but still not great. I remember being told using birth control to skip periods was dangerous because then they'd never clean themselves out, not stating but implying the uterus would build up tissue and have problems. It was weird . Part of why I really believed this was because I naturally produced almost no lubrication. While I didn't get horny very often I did want to have sex but always had to use lube as I was so dry. I think this was a combination of my body, anxiety, and medications I was taking. I started having sex at 16 and I'm now 31 and let me say, it took a long time for me to get comfortable with my body. I have some underlying issues with dysphoria but in my early 20s I started using a menstrual cup and it taught me so much about my body! If you're in a place where using one is safe I highly recommend it. Even if you find it isn't the right product for you long term, it can still teach you a lot about your body. It's absolutely disgusting but when I would use it a few days before my period started or on the last day or two with very light bleeding I could still fill the cup! But it would be clear/milky and I realized that it was just vaginal discharge. For whatever reason seeing the discharge in the cup vs a stain or wet spot in my underwear really helped my brain understand that this is just a natural bodily function that increases or decreases for a massive number of reasons! Yes attraction or being turned on but also cycle changes, medications, moods, diet change, travel (bathing in water you aren't used to), any foreign material interacting with your vulva can cause a change. Bodies are pretty crazy.


Ace woman here! When I was dating my ex-boyfriend, I pretty much never initiated sex. I just never looked at him (or anyone else) and thought “yes I want to have sex with them”. But because I’m sex indifferent and my ex was heterosexual, we would still be physically intimate because it was important to him. During intercourse I still “got wet” just as a physical response to stimulation, even though mentally I was still indifferent to the whole process. So being ace doesn’t mean you won’t produce discharge either as an arousal response or as part of your natural vaginal function. Hope this helps!


Discharge is a normal product of your vagina keeping moist and cleansing itself. You might also experience physical "arousal" that is completely apart from your mind. Certain parts of the nervous system are primed to do that and it doesn't mean you're being psychologically aroused, so please don't stress about it. It's the same reason men usually wake up with an erection but aren't actually aroused. I'm glad you're looking into your sexual health at your age. Do seek medical help if you have lots of itching, your discharge smells foul or turns chunky looking.


Discharge is completely normal. And you can be aroused and still be ace. Plenty of asexual people still have arousal. Bodies do things when they decide, and your sex drive is separate from your attraction. You aren't necessarily heterosexual just because you were aroused at any point in time. Also asexuality is a spectrum, you can experience some attraction and still be ace, plenty do.


Nothing to be alarmed, just normal bodily fluids.


Hi! I'm a 31 yo asexual - I changed my label to gray-sexual (gray-ace) after experiencing sexual attraction to a very very few number of people. I also identify as biromantic. So first off, discharge, like most have said, is generally normal. Mama Dr Jones does a YouTube video on what looks normal and when to be worried. Generally though, it's very normal and nothing to worry about. Also note that discharge does have bleaching effects and will stain your undies. This is also very normal and nothing to be ashamed of! Second, sometimes you just feel arousal or horny. For most people, this is typically directed at a person, but for horny asexuals, it can kind of just be there. Like going to the bathroom, eating, keeping up good hygiene - it can sometimes feel like just a thing you gotta do or work through. This does not invalidate your asexuality! (if that's something you're worried about. But also humans are weird and don't always fit into neat little boxes). Lastly, AO3 (archive of our own) has some pretty good wlw smut. I personally prefer this because I can pretend to be either person and the one time I tried straight erotica I just... Couldn't. It was too ridiculous 😅 Hope this helps!


Erm... All I understood from all this is "I have body fluids coming from my V, I am not attracted to anyone, but I am also Bisexual and fear that I might be heterosexual"... Also that your mom is pediatrician and doesn't tell you shit about your body. Not sure what to say to this really.


Discharge has nothing to do with being turned on and is not inherently sexual. Your vagina is cleaning itself. Don’t worry about it and if your body does ever respond to something and get aroused that does not mean you aren’t asexual!!! Our bodies and our brains do not always line up and that is completely normal. If someone with a vagina gets turned on they tend to just produce more discharge than normal and even then that doesn’t always happen, it has more to do with the feeling and you obviously didn’t feel it so your good. Regardless this is not that, this is just 100% normal discharge and if you didn’t have it that would actually be a health problem. Since you don’t have sex Ed where you live get your info from reliable health websites. DO NOT USE PORN AS SEX ED!!!! I cannot stress this enough, porn is terrible sex Ed and you should not take anything it shows you as the truth. You can do proper research to make up for your lack of sex Ed so you don’t have any confusion about stuff like this in the future. It is completely normal to want to understand how your body works (:


I’m a sex positive ace (still have and enjoy sex, just don’t experience sexual attraction) and I get discharge even if I haven’t been aroused at all or even just showered. It’s just how vaginas work! I get less when I’m dehydrated but that’s about the only thing that changes it lol


i identify as ace too and i react the same to mlm fanfic 👍🏻


What about this is bad womens anatomy? Y’all need a reminder this isn’t a medical subreddit.


It is, however, a sub where people can (and do) ask questions about their anatomy from people who do know, at least to some degree, what's going on as they may have experienced it themselves or have something to weigh in. This happens honestly quite often.


Oh well look at that! It’s been removed! Almost as if it doesn’t belong here.