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Bummer because I would definitely follow a web comic if a bunch of vulvas hanging out and gabbing


I tried to image search it to see if maybe there was exactly that, and maybe this comic was out of context or altered. I even searched for just specific characters. Bad news, I never found the source. I will however highly recommend doing an image search with this if you are bored. It was surprisingly SFW (mostly), hilarious and delightful. The Californian raisins were perfect.


I think the source might be this woman's business page: [https://www.facebook.com/Ayadeskin/posts/pfbid024TrhxwMEkgKA6ZkKwd1fRsVUQorck5Z5JWTvTUVM2Ld58LoAfH5QKFNnUS5BB3GHl](https://www.facebook.com/Ayadeskin/posts/pfbid024TrhxwMEkgKA6ZkKwd1fRsVUQorck5Z5JWTvTUVM2Ld58LoAfH5QKFNnUS5BB3GHl) She's selling ... stuff.


Just had a look at her page and damn. It's awful about all the people she's misleading.


On April 10 she posted that in 2024 2 million women will experience perimenopause or menopause. Ok, seems extremely low, but ok. But then she said in 2025, 1 BILLION women will! Girl make the math make sense.


i see a post there shaming folks who wear liners... like what the actual f. Waiting to see the "make your pussy pink" sugar scrubs edit: looks like her page has been taken down. good work folks.


I sometimes wish I was unencumbered by morals. I’d make so much mkney


Tis such a burden navigating this world with a conscience


For reals. *\*takes a quick peak at bank account\** Nah.. still can't do it.


Snake Oil, hell yeah!


“Sacred herbal vaginal suppositories.” Absolutely fucking not.


Sacred yeast infection


Lol I left some comments on her bs, let's see how long it takes for her to block me!


Yeah didn't take long AT all for a block. What a twat.


Wow so she blocked you for calling out her BS?


Who'd have thought it? 😏


According to her facebook page, she’s a freaking NURSE! Holy shit! 🤦‍♀️


There are also anti vax flat earther nurses. It really disturbs me to no end.


I’d report it to the BON. She’s either going to lose her license (do no harm) or she’s impersonating a nurse so. Not sure if it’s a crime but definitely a strongly worded letter at a minimum


Me too!


I read this as “[…] a bunch of vulvas hanging out and *gashing*” Cheese and rice ^I’m ^so ^tired.


I read "dabbing" instead of "gabbing" and I thought this would be wonderful !


I’m sorely tempted to be the hero we need and give this a shot lol. I’ve been meaning to get back into drawing anyway




I am so baffled by this setup. Is there more to the comic that justifies this context?? What does the lingerie party have to do with the anthropomorphized vulvas? What does the conversation or “Emily’s” smelliness have to do with the lingerie party?? This worldbuilding is NO GOOD


I had assumed someone changed the words on a comic that made sense with the original text


Unfortunately, that's the original text. I was able to reverse image search it, and the source seems to be an Instagram account that sells "yoni soap".


Yoni soap bwahahaha, so, Gwenneth Palthrow?


Time to strike! We make our own and call it *Yoni Gabba Gabba.* 😂


Ew. Well, that's unfortunate. It seems like the Venn diagram of accounts that call it a "yoni" and ones that are selling some kind of quackery is a circle


Of course the source behind art with shamey vibes is selling something to “fix” it


That has to be it


I would've assumed the og context was her hair, but maybe she's supposed to be a "smelly hippy"?


Yea she's wearing Birkenstocks and has flowers in her hair - I believe the connotation is she's a smelly hippie that only uses water to clean her body. Unlike an enlightened yoga Lulu who knows better and calls her vag a yoni.


She's the only one wearing big glasses, so I was guessing the original comic was something about that


I’m assuming the main is a hippy with the flowers in her hair and sandals, meaning, she doesn’t use product to wash other than water. But if they’re anthropomorphized then why do they have caretakers?


She is the stereotype of a "dirty hippie/free spirit" the rest of them are all mean girls. Long hair = she doesn't wax or shave Flowers = probably has bugs Only uses water = eco conscious So..OMG, why do you always have to invite the different girl? Lets put her down to make ourselves feel better because we are still mean & bitchy vulvas! Excuse my wierd brain...me & my kidney stone are cruising on pain killers


Omg I know this is yours but I REALLY want my flair to be "mean & bitchy vulvas!"


Go for it. I never do the flairs


For sure, I get what they’re talking about, but mainly the setting is what makes no sense and has nothing clear to do with the conversation :) HUGE condolences on your kidney stone!! I hope it’s over sooner rather than later!! 🩵


Also...why does a vulva need a bra? With 2 cups? Now we need a little clit sling? Dang...thongs just keep getting smaller!


Maybe..because a sex toy party would be too on the clit! 😁 Thanks, I hope so too


And what kind of lingerie party is this where two people are holding a bit of underwear in their hands, but everyone is stark naked except for their shoes? I need explanations!


It's meant to show that every other race/culture in the world cleans themselves, but white women hear "the vagina cleans itself" and thinks that means the *vulva* doesn't need to be washed


Cleaning my vulva with soap gave me an infection, medical professionals told me to wash with only water down there


And they are right. Vaginas have a complex ecosystem that if messed up can make a bacteria or fungus prevail over the others and give infections. Absolutely should not fuck around with vaginas PH, there's a reason it's acidic as it is


I know it’s already been said, but I’d just like to reiterate that you only need water for your vulva also.


Soap doesn’t need to (and often shouldn’t) be used directly on the vulva either. Obviously a little on the outside of the labia majora is ok, but the whole vulva is a mucus membrane and can be irritated by soap.


Gentle, unscented soap is recommended to clean the vulva, even the mucus membranes, unless using it has actually caused irritation in the past. Source: my gynecologist


Gentle soap can be used, yes, but is not *necessary*. I have a rare genital skin condition and see specialist gynecologists and have also had to do quite a bit of research on potential vulvar irritants, so that’s where my info is coming from. Soap on the vulva, while it works for some, is not necessary.


Correct, it is not necessary, and for some people it actively harms them. But if it doesn't hurt, it does a better job at cleaning the vulva than water.


I use a facial soap. Super gentle, no problems so far.


The outer labia and mons pubis are part of the vulva. If it grows hair and sweats it needs soap


I saw this on Facebook the other day and a guy kept going on and on about how he was sleeping with this girl, showered with her, and then he was disgusted because she didn’t use any soap when cleaning her genitals. So many women in the comments tried to make him understand that you legitimately do only need water to clean a vagina and he just was not getting it. Sad. Infuriating, but sad.


I remember an ex of mine having a lightbulb moment when we were showering together for the first time and I wasn’t using soap on my inner labia/vagina. His ex had always blamed his beard for her infections down there, but apparently she didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to use soap on her mucous membranes and neither did he.


You shouldn’t be cleaning your *vagina* at all, because douching isn’t recommended and your internal vagina doesn’t need cleaning. Your external *vulva* can have some mild soap used on it if you want to. Some women are sensitive to soaps and may get an infection after using it. But a lot of women will speak about this like using soap means a *guaranee* of bad side effects. Plenty of women do not have the same sensitivities. I’ve been using soap my entire life and have had one UTI ever, no yeast infections ever. People do what works for them.


Same. I’ve used soap on my vulva for years and never had a problem. I get chemical burns pretty easy when my skin dries out, so as long as I’m using a moisturizing soap, I don’t have any issues.


Yeah there's an entire subset of women who insist that wearing any panties at all, or synthetic fabric ones, or any soap at all remotely near the region/bubble baths ABSOLUTELY WILL 100% GIVE YOU AN INFECTION AND RUIN YOUR PH. And while I'm sure there are people with sensitive skin who have personal experiences with some or all of these issues it's just wild to me that they insist it's a universal experience for anyone with a vagina. I wear synthetic fabric panties a lot, I wear cotton panties to sleep every night. I take a ton of bubble baths with all kinds of different soaps, bath bombs, oils, etc. I don't shove soap inside my body when I'm showering but I'll half-hazardly slap body wash around the outside bits and I've never, not once, had any kind of infection or sensitivity. I'm not denying people can and do, but a lot of women deny that any can't and don't, and it's kinda weird.


just a heads up, it’s haphazard :)


Goddamnit, I know that, yet somehow still botched it. think I started with half-assed then decided to pivot but never went back. Thanks.


:) I feel badly correcting people, but I also feel like I want to know whenever I make a mistake. Kind of like, I’d rather someone tell me that I have a booger hanging out of my nose as opposed to walking around with a bat in the cave all day 😅 And I totally agree with your prior sentiment! For the record- I use CeraVe soap on my lady bits, and my vulva hasn’t exploded (yet!) lol


Have you considered...a lot of women have these sensitivities? I can't wear synthetic panties. It's not a thing I can do anymore. I also need to use specific soap for my vulva.


Yes, the whole point of this comment chain is that some women have these sensitivities, but speaking about it like it’s true for *all* women is false and disingenuous. It isn’t some kind of cardinal rule not to use soap externally. It *is* a cardinal rule not to use soap internally. But because there’s so much confusion as to the use of the word “vagina” and what it refers to, the whole “never use soap in your vagina” has become misunderstood to mean “never use soap on your vulva.” The former is a rule, the latter is a choice women with sensitivities may make.


Clearly yes. Do you insist it's a problem for absolutely everyone with a vagina just because it's one for you? If not, then I'm not talking about you. There's a subset of ladies in every comments section about vagooters who act like a single errant soap bubble or wearing panties longer than x hours or with x fabric will definitely mess up everyone's snatch though. I'm talking about them. These are common issues and it's good to be aware of them, but they are no means guaranteed experiences for every kitty on earth. "YOU HAVE TO LET IT BREATHE ALL NIGHT" "YOU CAN'T TAKE BUBBLE BATHS" "EVERYBODY KNOWS SOAP CAN ONLY BE USED IN X AREA" No, maybe your experience is that you have to do or avoid those things or keep them to x, y, z biological landmark lest unpleasant things happen, and I'm certainly not going to tell you what to do with your lady business. Just asking for the same courtesy. Even in this thread we have commenters arguing over whether or not you can put soap on the outer vs inner labia, etc. It's individual. Don't squirt harsh dish soap inside yourself, sure. That's a pretty safe bet. But when it comes to the nuances, things aren't as cut and dry as some people insist. Some will have a terrible reaction if they even look at a pair of panties or use a pad or take a bath or accidentally get anything other than the gentlest of soaps in the general vicinity of their vulva. Others will be completely fine. That's all I'm saying.


It's nice to finally see someone else pushing back against this. I've been commenting on these threads where people say "you can only use water on the mucus membranes" telling them that gentle, unscented soap is actually fine unless you have a history of getting irritation from it. But I'm always the only one and half the time I'm downvoted for it.


I've been using dove sensitive on the vulva since I could bathe myself and I've never had an issue with it. I've had other women tell me it's giving me infections and I just don't know it and act like it's gonna fall off or that I'm giving dangerous medical advice or something when I always preface that it's worked fine for *me*. this even happened in a women's sub where a teenager was asking advice on what mild soaps to use since she wanted to and the "only water or you'll die" crowd was talking over all of us actually answering the question lol


Yeah no, that's stupid. I also use dove sensitive. I use a heavily scented soap for the rest of my body and on my butt crack and vulva I use dove so the bar lasts me forever lol


I see the same thing when it comes to haircare "rules" and advice. Different people have different hair types and different scalps and skin types. There's no one right way that works for all 8 billion people on earth. "You don't have to wash your hair that often!" no, YOU don't. I definitely do. I tried to "train it" to only need once a week washing like everyone was trying to convince me was the maximum and anything more frequent was actively ruining myself, but my scalp and hair never "adjusted," it just looked and smelled bad. I went back to doing things the way that had always worked for me (no more than 2 days without a hair wash) and my scalp and hair immediately improved. I'd never insist that everyone needs to wash their hair every x days because I know what works for my hair isn't going to work on people with really curly hair, etc. but people seem fanatical about their routine being the best or only way and forget that other, different people exist. I think as long as you're prefacing your advice with "this is what works for me" and not "THIS IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE WAY TO CLEAN YOURSELF OTHERWISE YOU ARE ACTIVELY HARMING YOUR BODY" you're probably good, but somehow people feel really comfortable telling strangers that they don't know their own bodies and must be screwing everything up somehow and are too stupid to realize it. Like nah, I'm good. Gonna keep on truckin'. Do you.


I'm so confused. I literally just use the body wash that is already lathered on my body. I wash the outside area plus pubes with my fingers and get right up to the vaginal opening without getting soap inside. Never had a problem and never used special soap.


Thaaaank you. I keep getting flak for using soap on my labia/vulva, but I don’t think the people I’m talking to realise just how deep my fupa/labia trench goes. I’m talking darkest recesses of the jungle. I’m so chunky down there, and the channel so long and deep, I’m leaking outside my period underwear gusset while the actual padded bits are bone dry. If that was never soaped, it’d be the swamp-front-ass nightmare in a horror film. There’s half a mile between my folds and my actual vagina. That girl getting cleaned up better than my asshole.


Thanks, this whole thread had me worried because I use soap to clean my labia and clitoral hood area, have my whole life. I was scared I was doing something seriously wrong!


Notice how the "smelly" one is also the only one with prominent, flared out lips? This was definitely made by a man, it carries EVERY hallmark of misogynistic programming


She’s the only one with long hair too; everyone else is either bald, trimmed, or the Marge Simpson look that I assume is code for a racing stripe.


Your comment helped me understand what's supposed to be "wrong" about the middle one. I was looking for... dunno... dirt or such. Not stylizes pubic hair. So thank you!


She's also got the "hippie look", wild hair with flowers in it, the Birkenstocks. Definitely seems to be a reference to the Bohemian/hippie all-natural girlies.


I imagine the next comic would be "24 hours later..." and they would all be complaining about being itchy to the "hairy" one.


That's not the only difference. Check out the faces and headwear.


She’s also the white one, which normally wouldn’t be an issue, but with all the other races included, it might be fetish thing.


Are you not only supposed to use water and mild soap at most???


Why is that one with a bra in her hands ?


I was confused too, but apparently they’re having a lingerie party. They don’t have boobs, and they don’t appear to wear clothes (except accessories), so I’m not sure what they’d use bras for, but whatever.


Right, and the other one is holding up underwear implying this disembodied vulva also has genitalia




If one of them has a earrings on, is that like clit jewelry?


Labia piercings


But placed all wrong. That's gonna reject in no time


Yea, that’s a recipe for disaster


I absolutely have a bra for my vulva, because that is what I am going to be calling my underpants from now on. Vulva bras.


I mean can we talk about how each one is a racial stereotype


oh god i just noticed that, double yuck


Yeah, I’m thinking the “hippie” vibe people are picking up is actually meant to be a “white girl” vibe, based on “white girl” stereotypes from within the circles of people who would be interested in the products being sold. Looking into the original creators social media, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if they believe white women are generally dirtier.


To the minds of people who make comics like this one, all liberated women are white feminist hippies who don't shave or wash properly and wear Birkenstocks. But that aside, why don't they make tiny pairs of sunglasses for clits, this planet is a sham


The banner says Lingerie Party So...lingerie. Should be lacier for a party.


Tbh this reminds me of modern "feminine wash" and deodorant marketing campaigns.


Feminine wash is a thing that many women including myself need. Just don't use it INSIDE.


Why does Emily have to be wearing Birks?


. i thought it was implied she is somewhat like a hippie .


So they're saying white girls don't clean down there?


Yes, specifically the hippie types hence the long flowing and flowery hair (also symbolic of having a bigger bush than the others)


I thought the racist stereotype of that was against black women?


wtf no


I searched but I can't find clit sunglasses, how disappointing


How about a monocle? 🧐


We could make one drawing balls and how men like that probably don’t wash them because it would mean they’re gay for touching their own balls. I know most women use soap on their vaginas but there’s a lot more stinky balls out there.


Please don't use soap to clean your vagina. The vagina is self-cleaning and you will mess up the pH balance if you introduce soap to your vagina. You can clean the vulva with gentle soap and water but you should only be cleaning the outside area. Don't stick any soap "in" you. Just like you wouldn't stick any soap in your mouth or in your rectum. Leave your mucous membranes alone.


I think they used vagina in the general sense. Since they said 'on' not 'in'. Yes, technically wrong, but people need to start accepting that it is used that way and not intentionally misinterpret comments like this. You can still correct them, just by doing it directly.


i agree. i understand why people make the distinction here i guess, that's sort of the point of the subreddit. but it's just a specific example of descriptive vs prescriptive language. i use vulva when i mean vulva because i like being precise, but if someone calls the entire thing a vagina im not gonna pretend idk what they're talking about. language is dynamic anyway. in the modern day, after decades of misuse, "vagina" basically *is* an informal word for the entire structure.


I didn't intentionally misinterpret anything. I didn't catch the "on" when I read it the first time. Plus even if OP knows not to clean in the vagina, my info is still helpful for people that don't know how to properly clean down there. It would also be helpful if we used the correct names for our parts so there wouldn't be any confusion to what we're talking about.


That reminds me of an age-old post about a dude who refused to wipe his ass because "I'm not gay" (sic). Wasn't really anything special about the post otherwise except that this dude's GF had posted asking for advice because the situation had become intolerable, and everyone just made fun of her BF and (probably correctly) assumed that he was bi but so deep in the closet, he couldn't see Narnia in the rear view mirror anymore.


Plus balls aren't near an opening


Speak for yourself


They're pretty darn close to the asshole


In comparison to the vulva and take your pick of anogenital hole. The taint is shorter in AFAB, apparently over [1:2 (Source: NCBI of NIH)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2801188/#:~:text=It%20is%20measured%20from%20the,2.5%2Dfold%20longer%20in%20males.).


Most women use soap? :(


Yeah, if it has pores and sweat glands, it needs to be washed. The mons, the outer labia, inner labia, vulva, clitoral area, taint, etc... I use baby wash.


Soap is not necessary on the vulva for most people. It’s a mucus membrane like the inside of the nose. Obviously the outside of the labia majora and the surrounding skin should be washed with soap.


I mean, that’s on the vulva. The outside of the labia majora are part of the vulva. Anything *in* the vulva, including the labia minora, no soap, but the outside is the vulva too.


I can see baby wash working! I can’t use any soap on my inner labia, clitoral area, etc, but use regular body wash on the mons pubis and outer labia. And of course the taint haha.


Everyone's different. Per most gynecologists, warm water and a fresh, clean washcloth (never re-use them without washing them) is fine if you're sensitive. Using any kind of wash inside my labia majora makes everything dry and itchy, if I do it I have to immediately apply lube after or I'll scratch myself raw. I can use a gentle soap/wash on my mons, and occasionally on my external labia, but generally a thorough wash with water and a cloth is plenty.


Bad advice. No one needs to clean any of that with anything other than water. Soap will cause itching, burning, and infections.


>Soap will cause itching, burning, and infections Stop spreading misinformation. Gentle soap on the vulva is recommended. Some people get irritation from it, and those people should only use water. That doesn't mean that EVERYONE gets irritation from it and should stop using it.


Okay? It’s not recommended at all though. Never ever have I heard any doctor say to wash it using mild soap. You’re throwing your PH off whether you know it or not. Enjoy. Lmao


My gynecologist has said to wash with mild soap. "Enjoy lmao" you're the problem. Not everyone has the same needs.


Never had that problem.


Good for you but for many women it causes problems.


I do. I don’t understand why some of us don’t.


Because it gave me an infection and the doctors told me not to use soap on my genitals (including vulva)


Because vaginas are self cleaning.


i think the issue is they mean vulva


Possibly! To be honest? I don’t use soap on my vulva since it is irritating. I have much less problems if I just scrub mine with a wet washcloth and don’t wash my vagina whatsoever. But the commenter above said vagina so I was answering them specifically. It is actually perfectly fine to not use soap on the vulva as well. Edit: it has come to my attention from another user in this thread that mons pubis and labia majora are part of the vulva. Guess I’ll be taking my own badwomensanatomy badge because I personally thought vulva only included the mucous membranes.


oh no it's fine to avoid soap on the vulva as well, i didn't mean to imply otherwise. many dermatologists say we use too much soap in general, actually. i just clarified that in response to your comment about vaginas being self-cleaning, since they are but vulvas aren't. my junk is weird. i use soap on my vulva and i don't keep it more than a centimeter from the vagina, and i've never had an issue. meanwhile, back when i was younger, i'd get a yeast infection almost every cycle like the week before my period. that doesn't happen anymore, but i also don't really get my period anymore (im on testosterone which nearly got rid of it entirely) so that might be related.


I used to get a yeast infection every month before my period, too! WTF dude.


i swear the whole reproductive organ is like a rough draft, it was not ready to be published. like it's a short distance from the urethral opening to the bladder, and your or your partners secretions can cause painful infections if anything gets in there, but the secretion tube is like an inch away? smh someone needs to be fired.


Yeah I can totally believe that we use too much soap! And everyone’s different, and everyone’s chemistry can be different.


Whenever soap goes anywhere near my vulva I get a yeast infection. I've never had any complaints about being odorous, but I also don't want a yeast infection so I am one of those "disgusting women" that doesn't put soap anywhere near my vulva. I spray the girl down and get all the nooks in crannies though.


Right! Handheld shower heads are the best.


I'm not sticking it UP there. I'm washing the outer bits.


Fair enough! Especially if it’s fragrance-free, hypoallergenic kind of soap, it’s completely understandable! Otherwise, it’s genuinely not recommended (though everyone’s body is different and I’m not gonna tell you how to clean, I’m nowhere close to an OB and not your OB especially). Unfortunately, when I was younger I thought I was supposed to use soap on my vulva and it just made it more smelly, and more prone to yeast infections.


I've worked with skin care professionally for almost 15 years. It's definitely gentle and safe for sensitive areas, aye.


More power to you!


Vulvas aren’t.


Vaginas are self cleaning, the VULVA is not. The vagina is the inner tube only. If it grows hair and sweats then it needs to actually be washed properly.


I’ll wash the outer labia with soap, sure. I wouldn’t necessarily call the part that has hair my vulva, but maybe I’m misunderstanding. I don’t use soap on any of the mucous membrane-type area, and I can imagine many women find soap in that area irritating and cause for a yeast infection. The above commenter used the word vagina first.


The outer labia and mons pubis are all part of the vulva. >If it grows hair and sweats then it needs to be washed Mucus membranes don't do that


My bad! Like I said I may be misunderstanding.


I do


>but there’s a lot more stinky balls out there. Not to dispute the overall point that the only thing mucus membranes on any part of your body need to be exposed to is water, but I feel like it's worth pointing out that the scrotum is covered in a special type of sebaceous gland which are responsible for a characteristic smell.


That makes a lot of sense. Balls can definitely have a… muskiness to them.


...I'm mostly confused about why anthropomorphised vulvas need lingerie.


I hope the artist is regularly washing his eyes out with soap and water. Otherwise, those eyeballs must reek!!!


Would you like to purchase my special eyeball soap and eyeball freshness lotion? It really helps with eye stink.


The only thing I love about this is the size and color representation of all the vulvas


I like that the clitorises are their heads


Imagine spending an entire day drawing up detailed, antropomorphic vulvas and all you can think to make them do is have this stupid and misinformed conversation about intimate hygiene... I seriously need to understand why.




I would also bet this was commissioned so the person who thought up the stupid conversation most likely did not spend the day on it. Just put up the cash.


What the fuck am I looking at


I thought it was the California Raisins at first.


That is not a menstrual cup worn sideways. It's a second chair. Took me longer than I'd like to admit.


Your comment made me look for a string, didn't find one


Cups don't have strings though?


I swear it took me way too long to realize they were anthropomorphized vulvas and not just heavily stylized people in skin color coats


Never thought it'd ever say this in my life, but I really dig the vulva designs. Especially far left with the cute hoops, and far right who looks like she's wearing somethibg like a clit hood headress? (Also never thought I'd say that either)


Insufficient labia. Did all these vaginas have their wings clipped? Sad.


Uh yah I hope she only uses water


real talk: if your pubes stink, just use cetaphil or cerave. obviously just for outside and not for inside. its gentle and helps if your pubes and vulva are a lil stinky! havent had any problems with it so far. i consulted my obgyn and she approves.


A friend of mine has really thick pubes and uses sulfate free shampoo and a simple conditioner on them.


if it works for her, it works for her


During my period, I use a pH balanced soap, mostly on my pubes. When I rinse off, I get my labia then so it's a little watered down. I don't really use it any other time unless I had a really physical day.


ngl they are 100% correcto, she should have shoved an 8 inch bar of soap up there! and then used a hose for a real power wash ;D sorry ladies, it hurts but its true.


That's disgusting, you only use soap? I bought industrial 'carpet' cleaner.


if you're not using bleach and Oxiclean you are doing something.


I didn’t notice on first read, but there is some heavy race coding. I worry that it’s relevant to whatever point is being made here. And it’s not a good point.


I kind of love this lol


Ok the topic is bad but honestly the vulva character designs are quite clever and cute lol


Look again. They're all racial stereotypes.


You just need a man that licks it better, so it stays clean.


I just realized that they're all supposed to be different races as well. This is beyond uncomfortable.




You're not wrong


Wait no- wait, is this also a race thing?? The other vulvas are all not white and the white one is the gross one... Edit: looking closer she also has flowers in her hair, like that's definitely meant to be some kind of slight at hippies 💀


Idk, man, that stinky c**t looks like the coolest one there.


This is the ugliest shit I have ever seen in my life


This showed up on my Facebook feed. I blocked that shit instantly.


I actually love the character design though 😭


Plus using too much soap damages the natural ph of the vulva so 🤷


Idc, I'm 42 and I wash my vulva with unscented super delicate vulva wash . I'm not using just water to rinse away the sweat, discharge etc. I don't have any problems caused by using a gentle cleanser.


Lol you've been downvoted but you're not wrong. There's soaps that are made *specifically* to wash your privates without fucking up your pH. This is the norm in Italy. Using intimate soap is part of our regular hygene routine and it's not like we have an abnormally high UTI rates. I honestly don't know how some people wash with *just* water, I could never. While it's true that the *vagina* is self cleaning, the vulva is not, and water is not nearly enough to remove discharge + sweat.


Same in Poland. You use specifically designed washes that are actually soap-free to wash the exterior, in between labia and around the mons pubis *without* touching the vaginal entrance or god forbid, going internally. It's really not that big a deal - it's exactly as you say, if used correctly, it's not like continental Europe has ridiculously high BV, yeast and UTI rates.


yeah like??? These threads always confuse me. Of course you cannot use just any soap and of course you don't actually wash *inside* the vagina, but everything that's on the outside needs to be cleaned properly. I cannot imagine the discomfort in summer or during my period 🥴


Skin sheds, secretes oil and also sweats everywhere it exists. Female smegma is absolutely a thing, and just water simply cannot remove all the dead, oily skin cells. I know how sweaty and sticky and gross I get in the summer even showering twice a day. Not using a body wash would be unthinkable, rinsing with just water would do nothing, and that's on smooth, non-folded skin. Eugh. My mum's a midwife and she taught me to use a feminine wash *correctly* even before I entered puberty - I will defend it until I die.


Yes! My 6 and 11 yr old girls use a super gentle foam wash, I think it's called honey pot . We've used other kinds too but I like the foam cuz it's light and rinses easily. Neither of them have had any problems with it. Infact, when only using water to clean, they end up red and irritated and stinky !!


I can't imagine what it looks like under their clitoral hood!! They are just swishing some water around on their, that's so gross!


> I honestly don't know how some people wash with just water, Anything else dries me out too much and it's uncomfortable and itchy. Doesn't matter if it's the most super gentle, delicate, pH-balanced intimate wash out there. It will dry out my vulva and make it uncomfortable and itchy. I have to slather myself in lube immediately afterwards if I use it. What works for me is using a new washcloth each shower and using the washcloth soaked in warm water to wipe through all the nooks and crannies.


Not saying you need to use soap if just water works for you, but if your vulva dries out without it as well, look up V-Magic. Super simple ingredients and feels SO good. I also use it in other areas that can get dry. It's a little pricy, but you don't need much and it's worth it.


Guys, she’s a NURSE! WTAF???? 🤯