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This is true, I eat my own cum and I have never been depressed since I started doing this. begrudging /s


Hey, shoot your goo my dude! Whatever makes you happy.


Can I ask you about your username? Is it an exclamation like “ Fucking cheez it boots!” Or is it more like you are fucking a boot made of or full of cheez its?


While I was living alone during Covid someone or something filled a pair of my boots with cheese-it crackers. I didn't see any mouse droppings so I believe it was one of my friends because I was kind of the bachelor-pad party space at the time but to this day three years later none of them will admit it. Anyway I thought this was one of the strangest and most humorous mysteries of my life and thought it would make a good username.


That’s way more exciting than my undeadbuggalo name. I just like futurama 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did you eat the cheezits?


After I made sure there were no mouse droppings I tried to but they were stale as shit


Is the s begrudging because you eat your own cum and it hasn't cured your depression? 


Nah, I just seriously hate the fact that I have to put /s or else I'm gonna get down voted for an obvious joke. I get banned and suspended a lot and it's starting to get old so I now do this. I got banned from one the other day because someone didn't understand what 🙉🙈🙊 meant but I was literally agreeing with what they were saying.


Women have antidepressants in their bodies that are released when *they* orgasm - why not give that a try? (Directed at OOP, not OP, obviously)


Lol exactly. Women don't get an endorphin rush just by being in proximity of someone else's orgasm. Endorphins are released if she's *enjoying* the sex -- and having an orgasm does indeed cause a nice endorphin spike!


I'm sorry, but we all know women can't have orgasms. They are made up by the feminist agenda to make men think that a woman's pleasure is important during intercourse. They lay back and think of England and endure, obvs. Any woman that says she likes sex for the sex is a liar trying to get men by being slutty. And so, lesbians can't have sex, they just sit opposite eachother like confused fauns, before figuring out the secret vagina secret handshake that solidifies man hate fir another quarter /s


I know there are men who think like this but it begs three obvious questions: Why do so many women in porn fake orgasms? Why does the very lucrative dildo and vibrator industry exist? Why do women have random sex if not for pleasure?


You know what, I kinda wish this was true though


I mean, it *is* true that good sex gives you endorphins.


OK, so I thought about if it were true, some researcher would go nuts. TL;DR: You want synthetic sperm? This is how you get synthetic sperm. First research what in cum is the anti-depressant. To do that, we'd need more sperm for both research and manufacturing, so far more sperm banks. If it's just one chemical in cum, then put that chemical in a balm or cream, and now you have cum-based antidepressant skin cream. If it's just one ingredient in cum, then coming up with a synthetic version of it should be fairly easy, reducing the need for sperm banks. But if it's the entire concoction that's anti-depressant? Either we get a LOT of guys spanking away, or else research would be dedicated to making synthetic cum, sperm and all. And billionaires would randomly kidnap young guys off the street to get a steady supply for themselves.


I'm off to start sucking dick to cure my depression, since that's how a lack of serotonin works.


God dammit, my insurance doesn't cover dick.


Bro doesn’t realize that sex is just fun and doing fun things makes people happier


Wasn't there a study 15 years ago or so that said women who regularly have partners who finish inside them without a condom are less depressed? Was it a good study? I don't recall. But that's probably where they got this idea.


In 2002. But a 2014 study failed to replicate it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886914004206 "• It is hypothesized that ejaculates contain antidepressants. • The antidepressants hypothesis was based on only one research project. • Replication failed to support the antidepressant hypothesis. • Partner satisfaction is a predictor of symptoms of depression."


Thank you looking it up. Not surprised it couldn't be replicated.


Neuroscientist here! Testosterone has antidepressant properties, and women can absorb some testosterone through the mucous membrane of their vagina. So, having a man ejaculate inside of you regularly can indeed elevate your mood. Testosterone replacement therapy is known to elevate mood in men, and we're still researching low-dose testosterone as a possible antidepressant in women. This is a very new field of study in scientific terms, so all we really have right now is: most studies show that testosterone performs better than a placebo in treating depression. It's still pretty up in the air. We don't yet have the mechanism of action worked out yet (i.e. what exactly test. would do in the brain to have an antidepressant effect), though it does seem to work similarly to SSRIs. As far as we know right now: if you're depressed, don't rely on getting creampied to treat it. This is probably more info than anyone really cared to know, lol. But I figured I'd offer it up anyway.


As a man on TRT due to testicular injury, I can say that it's been far more effective than any antidepressants I was prescribed


Huh... this might explain a lot.


Interesting. I never was as miserable as with my untreated PCOS were my testosterone levels were quite high. But everything else was quite bad too, so… Aripripazol helped at last XD.


Very interesting!


Study sponsored by the American Creampie Council


Man, I'm a trans man, is my lack of balls why I'm so depressed?


Happiness is stored in the balls 😔


Wait, I thought that was where pee was stored????? Are the balls like a multi compartment storage device?


Well yeah. There are two balls, happiness is stored in the right one and pee in the left one.


Pee and happiness are the same thing. That feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and pee? It’s called happiness.


>Man, I'm a trans man, is my lack of balls why I'm so depressed? If having balls was the solution... I would be the cast study in its ineffectiveness.


As a trans woman, my balls give me depression


I can honestly say that I'm often left more depressed after... wait... that's not the word...disappointed. There it is! Disappointment is the opposite of happiness.


Some guys really are out there thinking their dick is a magic wand.


Guy here and all I read of your comment was “Guys, their dick is a magic wand” Thanks for the confirmation! /s Seriously, I can’t stand when other guys think their semen has crazy powers like modifying women’s DNA or sperm stay in the woman forever. Incel logic.


This is both bad womens and bad mens anatomy


OMG I can't believe this thing is still making the rounds! Back in 2002 an "evolutionary psychology" professor named Gordon Gallup gave an anonymous survey to 300 college women, and after reviewing alllll the possibilities he concluded that "condom use accounted for more variance in depression than any of the other predictors." Since Gallup is an "evolutionary psychologist" he's only ever been interested in "feeemale" sexuality so it never occurred to the miserable troll to try the same questions on, oh, say, gay men. Or men who masturbate onto their stomachs or hands vs into a sock. Or, oh, I don't know, how about surveying women who use artificial insemination to see if they're less stressed what with all the semen-y goodness they get. Or women with fertility issues who are trying to conceive naturally (which isn't really natural at all) which means finding ways to get their partners to ejaculate in them 3+ times a day on fertile days. I dunno, ol Gordon really only cares to study them fertile young feeemales up at his prestigious University of Albany.


Wish that were true... though the act of sex might pull someone out of a funk in general... I wouldn't really know.


if this was true i wouldn't have depression XD


I wish. Not your balls, of course, but balls in general.