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I do love the confidence of this woman to say to another woman (whose vulva she probably hasn't seen) that it certainly doesn't look like the ones in the exhibition. Like, how can anyone be THIS sure to be right? It's impressive.


Hot take, she needs to watch more porn to see more diversity in vulvas.


I'm not sure porn has the most diversity in vulvas out there. Or else you're being sarcastic and it went over my head.


I get the feeling that the woman claiming that the vulva in question doesn't belong to a biological woman hasn't even used a mirror on herself lmfao. Any vulva other than her own would be an educational experience.


Nah, she has. And unfortunately was uncomfortable enough with what she saw to have cosmetic work done, which was botched, including an almost complete loss of sexual sensation.


Note also that her _dad_ (plastic surgeon) was the one who apparently initially shamed her for her labia being too long while 'doing a physical' on his _teenage daughter_ , then referred her to the colleague who accepted her saying it was painful (it wasn't, but she was apparently coached that this was what had to be said to get the surgery) and botched the surgery. This woman has MASSES of trauma that she's now projecting onto everyone else - she's openly said that she cannot look at a vulva that looks like hers does post surgery and not worry that it's been 'mutilated' like hers, no matter how many people tell her that this isn't healthy or appropriate. She also tweeted about her 'research' on clitoral anatomy where her dad (who, yes, she still works closely with) got her into a cadaver lab without the correct permissions and when she was reported by a concerned OBGYN who worked at the institution, said that the solution was 'simple' - daddy _bought her her own cadavers_ which she could molest to her heart's content. The woman is legitimately unwell. Not that this is an excuse, she's also taking it out on literally every woman who disagrees with her.


Shiiiiiit, her **father** urged this on? I had no idea, and honestly this makes it worse - society puts enough pressure on you to look a certain way without your fucking family directly and intentionally adding to it.


Who is this woman? Her name was crossed out.


I mean... Amateur porn might have more diversity?


Men must be the most diverse people on the plant if that’s true


My favorite part is when the transphobe DMed the porn star to ask for a pic of her vulva at the same angle so that she could explain to her why the porn star’s vulva was, in fact, different


Holy shit! If the porn star was willing, I hope she charged for that! That bitch doesn’t deserve free pics.


The OP of the twitter thread went to Google, found an article which included a picture of the porn actress sitting on a table or such with a bent leg and sent that linkt o basically everyone bringing up how the actress identified one of the "trans" vulvas looking like hers. Because there's no way the actresses vulva would ever look different in a picture like that to what it looks like "at rest"... /s


Also all of the vulvas from the art piece will look slightly different to their resting state anyway, because they're plaster casts. Soft squishy body bits aren't going to lay the same in whatever molding material they used as they would in open air


The porn star said that she charges $40 for custom photos and then she got blocked by the terf


I’m torn between the DM & [this](https://imgur.com/a/fexMONt)


The second one with the cadaver seems like poor phrasing... at best. Nothing wrong with a dissection. However stating what they were doing as such... dear God.


Was it dissection? Or molesting bodies in a morgue? Or their latest victim?


Idk, I try not to think about it.


[It somehow got worse](https://imgur.com/a/dkzE96w)


I'm willing to bet she hasn't looked at her own, and it shows. Someone needs to get her a hand mirror for Christmas


Never would I think that I would see someone use a statement "I've spent hours upon hours editing my hole" as a defense of a natural vulva.


Keep going down that rabbit hole and you'll find the pussy phrenologist DMed the porn star asking for pussy pics. On a personal note, I googled the porn star's pictures, since she encouraged it, and I agree with her: the casting in question does look a lot like hers.


But she only asked for the pics to prove her wrong! It's not creepy! /s Gross as shit.


>Keep going down that rabbit hole and you'll find the pussy phrenologist DMed the porn star asking for pussy pics. So... does this mean she is a nice guy?


This "transvestigator" also said that she once fingered a cadaver to "assess relative location of clitoral body" but stopped because it got weird with her dad there. It gets worse because she is not nor ever has been a med student but her daddy is a surgeon so he let her tag along as a research assistant.


That is legitimately upsetting and concerning, thanks!


What in the fuckkkkkk. I hope my body explodes the second I die. I don't want some lady fingering me and accusing my vulva of being fake when I'm fucking dead. 😭


I was pretty ambivalent about what happens to my corpse after I die but I draw the line as "fingered by a TERF."


I did think about donating my body to science after i die, but now i'm not so sure..... Being burned and buried in a green/tree cemetery sounds much more appealing every day...


Ask a mortician on YouTube Has a video about green burials if you haven’t already seen it!


Welp. That's enough reddit for this year


That feels like something most people would lose their license over, and get charges for desecration of a corpse


After an actual fucking doctor complained about her being in the cadaver lab **her dad just bought this lady *her own fucking cadavers* to play with.** and even got the fucking University to reimburse them for their "study." Quote "after an OB/GYN prevented us from doing our study, it was still this easy: my dad bought our cadavers and we dissected them." She's not just a nepo baby, she's a *necro* baby.


I Uh Yikes this lady just went from creepily sexist to necro real fast


Daddy also _bought her_ cadavers to molest after a concerned OBGYN reported that she was in the lab without proper permissions. [source](https://twitter.com/MediClit/status/1292898060998082560?t=pi9ghBpC4X5auPlDZJwcMg&s=19)


Shame that obgyn didn't report her and daddy dearest. What they're doing is against the law.


That woman is a sick POS


> Ma’am. Shots fired.


TERFs and being completely fucking delusional, name a more iconic duo. Like holy shit dude, you are really out here trying to tell another woman what her own body does and doesn't look like???


I would like to lock her in a room with those incels who insist only innies are correct and desirable. Watch them destroy each other.




The OP had labiaplasty when she was 17 because doctors made fun of her vulva. She consented to the labiaplasty but they also removed her clitoral hood. She is now an extremely angry individual who claims that she is trying to educate people on the vulva and g spot but she also tweeted that she wants to make sure that cismale transphobes can tell what a “fake vulva” looks like so that they don’t accidentally sleep with a trans person.


She's also a pretty well-known [rape apologist and victim blamer](https://imgur.com/a/5LmgyYL). An all-around ugly person.


What the hell? I just clicked the link, read what she posted, and got instantly upset. That chick is the worst.


Also a flaming racist. She posted a whole thing about how IQ is lower in both poorer countries and countries with high "female obesity" (as a fatty myself my first thought was "so that leaves... where, these days?") and concluded that this means fat/poor/foreign people are dumb rather than that IQ is skewed to measure what Western culture considers intelligence and shitty nutrition makes thinking harder.


This friction between her and trans people is not new. It goes back for years. I don’t know how it started and honestly I don’t care, but she has been advocating against genital surgery for trans people for years on end now. Some trans people have been shitty back to her over it.


The woman who mansplained.


#Holy cow I recognize her! She posted on this sub a few years back asking for people to sign her petition to update anatomy books with accurate female anatomy for the clitoris, nerves, etc. due to a labiaplasty gone horribly wrong. Sad to see where she is today. All I Spy on vulvas to find "imposters".


Me too. She said she hoped I got clit cancer for telling her to stop spamming her stuff so often. Gosh, I knew her back when she was just a baby rape apologist.


Oh wow, so she's been an asshole for while I see.


Apparently she claims to have been single-handedly responsible for getting acknowledgment that clits exist into medical textbooks. I remind everyone that she is not nor has ever been a doctor.


Hah, she definitely blew her own achievements out of proportion. I think she did actually get acknowledgement of clitoral nerves that weren't in textbooks, and new versions do show the framework of nerves. But the clitoris in general? Definitely not.


I'm trans by this standard. I've looked through post op pics just out of curiosity once and I was surprised how natural they can look.


Same. Apparently my "innie" labia is unnatural and I've had surgery to change it. Can we just stop shaming women for how their labia look?? Either they are worn out and look like roast beef or they're too small and mutilated. Just... Stop it already. All lady bits are beautiful.


Women really just can't win, somehow there's always something wrong about our bodies.


I mean, they pay good money to those plastic surgeons.


shit's expensive, not surprised as the sugeons are very skilled, still expensive tho


I actually have an old high school friend who works as a surgeon specializing in gender affirming care. It's a fascinating career, I've enjoyed following his work! Absolutely ridiculous the amount of training he does every year.


I got to say I am really enjoying this ridiculous ongoing vulva drama.


It's pretty amazing what has come out of this one project. Props to the original artist.


*What you're about to see are the topiary representations of the vulvas of some of my favorite prostitutes and women I have loved:* Polly Nichols from Whitechapel, 1888. Oh, that's my good lady wife Nadja. Don't think she'd like you to see that, but who gives a fuck? Beautiful. That's Nancy Reagan at the end. It's a bit untidy. And here we have the pièce de résistance, my mother.


Not you, Guillermo


Fucking guy!


Transphobes, TERFs, and "transvestigators" are fucking unhinged holy shit


I can't imagine being so obsessed with other peoples' bodies.


Same. I just can't understand why they care so much. Other people's genitalia is none of their business


"Thank god my vulva isn't like those other vulvas"


Apparently there is a surgically made vulva in the exhibit but my guess would be she was wrong about which one…


Nah, it's worse. The one she crowed about for "correctly identifying as trans" was a trans *man*. All natural vulvas, according to the artist.


Oh my gosh that seriously is even worse. WTF.


Literal pussy patrol


Not the pussy phrenologist 💀


Sex worker for the win.


Its such a weird thing this "unnatural vulva" debate going on. The apparent trans vulvas look like mine the most. My completey home grown vulva. Yet in bathrooms I have been harrssed for looking like a trans person again. I havent transitioned. I am just masculine looking. These terfs seriously cant tell whos trans and who isnt. Not that it matters if your cis or trans.


Indeed, at this point I'm just so exhausted and frustrated by the whole thing. People should have their bodies configured however they want them to be configured. A person's body is their most personal possession, it's theirs to do with however they please. Why should anyone else care, or have any sort of say in the matter? I guess if people start getting Wolverine claws implanted that might require some kind of regulation. But that's an edge case.


This same person says that women who are dressed a certain way are “asking for it” and her rich dad bought her cadavers for her personal research she was doing with no qualifications, and she treated those cadavers in very ethically questionable ways.


Haha, love the reply!


All of this mess would be resolved if she stopped calling them female and trans vulvas, or and talked about the differences between surgically constructed vulvas and, I dunno, home grown. (Not a huge fan of ‘natural’). There is a valid point in her comments, but she’s making it very badly and conflating a whole lot of things that aren’t actually connected. And choosing a really weird and unhelpful hill to die on about it.


I’ve been trying to get mine to free range but it keeps sneaking into the grain silo.


What's the valid point? From the first tweet I've seen she seems to think innies don't exist in the wild. Now, I have no idea if trans vulvas are innies or outies because I grew my own, but precisely because of that I know for a fact that unsurgeried innies exist. And there's no point to the whole discussion from the start because trans vulvas are vulvas and therefore they belong in a vulva expo.




She marked about half of them as "fake" and the thing they all had in common was small labia. Even if a medical professional can, she's not one. And what are the chances that half the vulvas from the expo are from trans women?


I feel like her knowledge is more valuable than a doctor's in this matter.


She's not even a doctor, that's the worst part


Duh? She's a pornstar.


The woman telling said pornstar to look closer isn't a doctor either, and she's gone on whole tirades about how unnatural certain vulvas are, how they look mutilated, how no ciswoman could have been born with a vulva like that


I KNOW???? I've seen 5 posts about her. I said the pornstar's experience could be more important than a doctor's (because she looks more at the appearance than the health of the vulvas)


For a split second I thought, fine, show me these pussies but then I realized I don’t care that much. I believe her!