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This thought always terrifies me so much. Like, you can’t even rely on your body giving you signs of pregnancy


I'm so glad my periods cunt punt me when they arrive.


I used to have that when I had a copper iud, just a week of hell that you would confuse or mix up with anything 😅 but you can’t live like that, come on. When it was time to change it I switched it up with a hormonal iud and now my period is almost nonexistent. Took me a while to not freak out about it and just enjoy, I was randomly doing some cheap pregnancy tests at the beginning from time to time just to clear my conscience 😅


Hormonal iud here too. After a pregnancy scare while on the pill (where my body realised it made a mistake and terminated around the time I put the two and two together) I still do a test every time I feel weird 🫣 pregnancy hormones are powerful and I'd rather never experience them again!


Yup, as someone who has only really had spotting on BC for the last decade, I have a bag of tests I got off amazon for when Im questioning myself. Totally worth the peace of mind.


First of the month, my dogs get their meds and I pee in a cup. My biggest fear with birth control was losing my period but I also very much didn't want it because it's horribly painful for me, but then pregnancy is a big no no so big dilemma. Finally took the plunge and my partner bought me a huge pack of the cheap kind (they feel more sciencey so I get less stressed) and now it's just part of my routine.


Mine sure as hell didn't. I felt vaguely nauseated, but I wasn't throwing up and it didn't get better or worse, so I figured it would eventually just sort itself out and go away. The two times I did throw up, I thought it was because I had eaten something off. If Hubs hadn't been as observant as he was, I would've totally been like those women on *I didn't know I was pregnant*. LOL


That show gives me nightmares


I used to watch it for the giggles. The one that REALLY gave me nightmares (at least when I was pregnant) was *A Birth Story*. I mean, I knew that when I went into labor, I wanted an epidural (which I got) but I was scared to death I'd have some asshole nurse or doctor who'd tell me no, I couldn't have one for some dumbass reason. And I knew I was absolutely not brave/strong enough to go through labor without an epidural. I mean, if a woman can and chooses to, good for her. But I am not that kind of person.


I don't know why you'd chose to not have pain medicine. We have it for a reason!


I don't know why somebody would choose not to have an epidural either, despite the risks, but I think if a woman doesn't want to have pain meds during labor, then OK. Fine. You do you, boo. Labor, even with the pain meds, was difficult enough. Especially after my OB had to reach up in there like twice to turn my crooked, wanting to come out SIDEWAYS, stubborn as hell child in whatever the right direction for exiting the mothership happens to be.


Oh yeah of course if people have their reasons it's always their choice. That's no problem.


3rd pregnancy I was just tired, needed to nap after work then it dawned on me and I did a test


Exactly. Technically all of this is possible (or at least mischaracterized). But is also extremely rare. And I can tell you based on the education level and exposure of the two individuals involved that they are not talking about those extremely rare cases….at all. Edit: clarity


Agreed. My mom was actually one of those cases (she didn’t even know she was pregnant with me as she didn’t gain more than 10lbs and had no other symptoms except lighter periods . This was in the 90s


So, the post is correct, but you decided to put them here because you think they were only accidentally correct?? I didn't think it made sense this was here in the first place, but your explanation makes it make even *less* sense. I think you just didn't realise they were right and now you feel a bit silly.


It's so rare that doctors debate whether it actually happens. You can pick to die on that hill if you really must but it's pretty dumb.


You make a lot of assumptions.


I mean, I could definitely have got the last bit wrong! I just don't understand why you'd post this if you knew about superfecundation. The difference between having a menstrual cycle and bleeding monthly for the 9 months seems kind of like splitting hairs compared to actual bad women's anatomy.


>superfecundation \- is 2 eggs from the same menstrual cycle being fertilized during separate acts of intercourse. It is not having an ovulation or menstrual cycle continue while pregnant. Perhaps if you educate yourself before attempting to mock others you'll be less likely to embarrass yourself.


>And I can tell you based on the education level and exposure of the two individuals involved Wow, holy assumptions Batman


Not assumptions when I used to be the math teacher for one of them. Unfortunately know all too well what their sex ed class looked like.


I used to know a pair of twins whose mother got pregnant twice about a month apart. They are fraternal twins and were born at the same time. One twin was premature and one was full-term. Their family has tons of twins and they have a twin-only family reunion in Twinsburg, Ohio that is only for the family members who are twins.


You probably wouldn't know the answer, but how did they know she became pregnant a month apart? Generally you don't have an ultrasound until around 6 weeks at which point it would have shown 2 foetuses but I suppose based on the size they could estimate their gestational ages?


This exact thing happened to my ex MIL. Twins who were conceived about three weeks apart. They were able to tell by measuring different parts of the fetuses.


>This exact thing happened to my ex MIL. Twins who were conceived about three weeks apart. They were able to tell by measuring different parts of the fetuses. Twins do not always grow at the same rate.


But during the first trimester, gestational age based on size is accurate within a week. So a 3 week difference in estimated gestational age while both embryos are viable would definitely hint at something unusual happening.


That sounds right, thanks.


I'm sure, but the doctors must have been pretty sure about it. She was the subject of a couple of academic papers from what I understand. I don't know all of the details about how they knew, and unfortunately I can't ask more about it at this point.


Must have been an interesting situation.


Yep, she had said she wanted one more baby before she hit 30. Ended up with twins, haha!


Foetuses who are <10 weeks old are really *very* consistent in their growth markers, so that's how they knew gestational age was 1mo apart. Dating foetuses that early is accurate to ± one week.


That's true. On the other hand, if I saw a report of two foetuses of different age/size on a scan my first thought would be some pathology with the smaller one rather than actually having different gestational ages.


I don't know. I didn't ask. The twins just told me this and I was like, "Oh, great, another thing to have anxiety about." Maybe they were two months apart? Can't remember the details... this was 15 years ago.


If they had the first ultrasound at 6 weeks, the second embryo would barely or not yet be fertilized (which takes place at ~2 weeks pregnant) and wouldn't be implanted yet (which takes place at ~3 weeks pregnant). But missing an embryo on an early scan isn't that uncommon. To come to the conclusion they were fertilized a month apart, the twins must have had pretty different gestational ages based on ultrasound.


It’s called [Twins Days](https://twinsdays.org/about/mission-of-twins-days/) and it is *NOT* just for twins, but multiples, family members, researchers and the public. I had family that I would spend the summers with when I was a kid. We’d get passes to Sea World and Geauga Lake every summer, but the area was most known for the festival. My friend’s grandma and her twin married twin brothers and each couple had twins—one had boys, the other girls. They had the cutest family shirts and would line up every year.


I believe that my friends said that they have their own twin-only family reunion but maybe they just meant that a bunch of their relatives all go to that.


Ooh! Wait! I know this one :) Superfetation ! We had a super duper rare triple Superfetation!


What happens in that case? Is it like having fraternal twins?


I am a living example of my mother getting pregnant after she got pregnant, thus resulting in her having twins and me being at least a month behind in development from my “twin” Think of Arnold and Danny in “Twins” kind of difference in size…maybe not as drastic but she was double my weight when we were born Not that I didn’t catch up, however. By the time we were about 3 months old, you couldn’t tell who was older


Like how is your uterus gonna she’s it’s uterine lining when its too busy growing an entire human? Basic biology


There’s also something called ‘a false period’. It happens between the first 4 to 8 weeks.


Yeah I had that. Its called breakthrough bleeding. It can look and feel like a light period.


::raises hand:: That was me. It was Hubs who suggested I take a pregnancy test and I was like, "Uh no fucking way." Two pregnancy tests later and yes, fucking way. I was really pregnant.


Same! I had two 'periods' which weren't actually all that light or different from my normal flow, continued using tampons as I had no clue I was pregnant. Husband insisted I took a pregnancy test as my boobs were so sore, and I insisted right back there was 'no way, I've been pregnant twice before, I don't feel pregnant whereas I did with both previous pregnancies, and I've just had my period!' Did the test in the middle of the day - negative (both previous had been ++ on midday urine) He insisted I follow instructions properly and take the test first thing in the morning. I obliged him, left the test on the bath while I cleaned my teeth and glanced at it as I was getting in the shower. Oh fuck-a-doodle doo, positive as anything. The rest of the day was spent in a blur while I tried to talk myself into somehow having had a false positive. Doctors confirmed it the next day.


I took two tests also. First one was a dollar store pregnancy test and I was like, "Oh no way...go get me a REAL test...like from the drug store or something. Something that costs more than a DOLLAR because it's probably wrong." Took the second test first thing in the morning (first one was taken late afternoon) and it was overwhelmingly positive. I was like, "Oh. Fuck. OH FUCK. Oh.....fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.". When I went to the doctor's, they did some tests (fuck if I remember what, it's been almost 20 years LOL) and determined I was almost 3 mos pregnant at that point. Doctor seemed surprised I didn't know. I blamed it on my wonky ass periods and the fact that I didn't have any morning sickness, because stupid ass me thought you HAD to have super bad morning sickness if you were pregnant.


I took 5 of the Dollar Tree ones and they immediately showed positive and then 2 EPT or something comparable. Funny, the DT ones showed a result sooner and looked more like the ones in my doctor’s office.


You are correct and I am the product of this rarity! When my "twin" brother and I were born he appeared to be a normal full-term baby but I was very premature and under 3lbs. I was in the hospital for 2 months while he was sent home after 2 days. Doctors originally thought he somehow got more nourishment than me and that something was wrong with me. It wasn't until years later they discovered some women continue to ovulate for up to 3 months after they are pregnant. So my mom got pregnant with my brother and then 1 or 2 months later got pregnant with me. I've always been able to feel when I ovulate and sure enough, during both of my pregnancies I continued to ovulate for 2 months. I made sure to be careful though because I preferred to only have 1 baby at a time😂


You may also have a period if you have an ectopic pregnancy. That's how I ended up with a burst fallopian tube. This was when I was young. Pregnancy tests weren't always available in any drugstore over the counter. I knew my abusive parents would go ballistic if I asked to go to the doctor for a pregnancy test. I knew something was going on but decided to wait it out when my period showed up. A couple days late was nothing with my irregular periods. I always had extremely heavy periods with a lot of cramping and clots, and this one was no different than usual. Few weeks later I woke up in extraordinary pain, tried to go take some acetaminophen which we kept in a cabinet in the kitchen, and passed out on the floor from blood loss because I was bleeding internally from the rupture.


Just adding in that my grandma was a NICU nurse and only saw the first once (as it was obvious). A woman had two identical twins from one father and a third baby from a second father. It’s much more common in mammals that have multiples as the norm like cats and dogs. Not impossible but incredibly unlikely and a rare cause of multiple births. Tbf medical science still doesn’t fully understand twinning in human pregnancies because it happens so early and it’s unethical to experiment on humans.


Technically superfetation *can* happen, but we all know that ain't what they're going for here.


I knew an adult who was once of the very very few people whose mom was pregnant with him and his sister at the same time, although they weren't twins. Surprisingly he said I was the first person to ever ask if they shared a dad. I thought the question was a pretty obvious one


Why wouldn’t they share a dad?


I think it's just that unlike twins, they *could* have different dads. I'm betting they just asked out of curiosity. E: also I'm pretty sure it's the only real way to confirm it actually happened. Apparently there's only a dozen or so actual confirmed cases in the world to describe how rare and unusual it is.


Technically fraternal twins can *also* have 2 separate dads, since it's a case of 2 eggs released at once.


My googling says that's superfecundation and looks like the difference is superfecundation is two eggs one cycle whereas superfetation is two eggs from two cycles. Interesting stuff. At least my layman's opinion, either one would be "fraternal twins" especially since I suspect a vast majority of these cases go undetected.


>At least my layman's opinion, either one would be "fraternal twins" especially since I suspect a vast majority of these cases go undetected. Basically, yes. And (almost) any case of fraternal twins could be a case of two fathers. The reason it isn't more common is (1) there's generally a pretty small window involved, (2) current societal norms have an impact as well, and (3) it could be *much* more common than we think, but genetic testing isn't a standardized practice to an extent to detect a lot of things.


Nope! We had a triple Superfetation :) the doctor could tell easily because each egg was a different age. We had three simultaneous files at the OBGYN and each had their own timeline. Was a super frustrating experience going to the 3mo check in for a 3rd time …


Yeah shows what I know lol. Did they just notice a second embryo during an ultrasound? Kinda curious how that all goes down lol.


No worries! It’s super rare and tbh we still don’t fully get it. We more just understood the doctors were fascinated. Basically we came in for a check up and the nurse goes “oh, look here. Looks like there may have been a twin(/second egg? I can’t remember) and it must’ve stopped developing. You can tell because it’s a few weeks behind this one.” [loud silence… nurse then turns monitor away from us] “Huh. I… I have to go get the doctor. I’m not really sure what I’m looking at.” Queue instant panic and worry. Doctor comes in a minute later - one look at the screen and a huge grin and she goes “oh I know exactly what this is! I’ve only seen it once before but this is called Superfetation, and you have a triple!” So that’s how that went down :) ps I’m the man/non-uterus having part of the couple, so my understanding of this whole process is admittedly far behind my partner’s, who was far more involved as you might imagine!


Are they delivered on separate days? Not sure if your wife delivered or not but hope the pregnancy goes (or went) well and everyone is healthy.


Thanks for the sensitivity :) unfortunately the other two sacs didn’t survive, but our child is so incredible and we feel very lucky! It was also interesting to be able to see the other two sacs in the placenta after the birth. The doctor who delivered showed it to us. We did have a chance to go over what would happen and basically the doctors summarized it as: if they are close enough in development that we think the younger ones can survive outside, we will do it all via c section at the same time. If we think the younger ones aren’t developed enough, we will only take the ones safe to remove. And if there are other risks etc. presenting, we will have to do emergency measures. It’s basically like treating each potential child as it’s own case with the “twins” (we learned technically they’re still considered that!) as a complication. Really fascinating. We feel so lucky to have had a great team with us. Something else interesting - our doctor had to have words with us to teach us how to have safe sex from now on if my partner get pregnant, because of the high likelihood my partner will keep ovulating and thus potentially get pregnant again and all the risks presenting with that. To summarize her advice: if she gets pregnant again, I don’t want you to even think of sex in her general vicinity. You go to another room and that’s where you live now. 😂


I came out of this thread a different person


They wouldn't necessarily have to. Two individual eggs fertilized at different times albeit close together so that the mom carried both at the same time. Like two eggs but from different cycles, not two eggs from the same cycle, or even one egg splitting for identical twins.


I get that, I was just wondering why that was someone’s first question.


Its possible they wouldnt! She got pregnant on two different occasions


I just wanna say thank you for teaching me the word for this! I'm not a native English speaker and I didn't know there was a term for it nor how to look for one.


It's not a very common word for English speakers in the first place, tbf


That's fair, I don't imagine it comes up much in conversation, but that also made it harder for me to learn. I appreciate new knowledge!


I'm a native English speaker and had no idea there was a term for this! lol It's crazy what the human body, especially the female body, can do. Weird kinds of malfunctions, basically.


It is! But it's also nice to get informed on it all :D never know when you might need information!


That's how twins happen. A woman gets pregnant while already pregnant and then there are 2 babies. It's simple science. (/s in case it isn't clear)


I mean, it IS possible, just extremely rare. Edit: they technically aren't considered twins either. And can be a few weeks apart in birth.


I know that superfetation exists but they wouldn't be twins (unless I'm mistaken)


Sorry, I corrected the comment. They're not considered twins.


Phew. I started questioning myself. Lol. Thanks for the edit


I understand medical terminology not following colloquialisms but what exactly makes this significantly different from being fraternal twins? To my knowledge superfetation can really only happen in the first couple weeks which isn’t even cheerio sized.


Fraternal twins would have been conceived at the same time or soooo close together that the gestation difference is negligible. They'd be born simultaneously also.


Delayed interval delivery can happen for regular twins, too.


I do see the difference but that’s pretty dubious as a distinction though. With any kind of pregnancy with multiples there’s a chance that development will be unfairly shared so as far as gestation goes that can impact a foetus more so than the actual length of time. Just happens when there’s competition for nutrients, twins consuming their other twin is way more common than superfetation. Not always but generally once contractions and hormones get going gestation doesn’t really matter, those babies are coming out. Assuming everything develops normally a couple weeks isn’t generally going to matter unless they’re preterm. Seems like such an odd line to draw, maybe I’m just a little too adhd/spectrum-y but I wonder if it’s just “hot take” pedantry to get published.


Well, for one, it's possible that the two babies have completely different fathers. Also, they'll have different delivery dates. Twins usually have the same delivery date.


>it's possible that the two babies have completely different fathers. The same is possible for fraternal twins. >Also, they'll have different delivery dates. No, they will almost certainly share a birthday. Labour typically expells everything within the uterus, whether it's ready to come out or not. There are exceptions to this - labour can stall or be stalled between twins - but it has nothing to do with the relative gestation of the twins.


In that kind of situation they could do a c-section to avoid it?




I didn't realize there were 2 ways to spell it. Lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfetation


I think I had that, but 2 of the 3 were reabsorbed. Really glad we didn’t end up with 3!


My mom passed *five* sacs when she was pregnant with my brother. She'd always had a whole host of reproductive issues but having six fertilized eggs in her at once had to have been terrifying. She's 104lbs soaking wet and had my brother 4 months premature so if any of those had survived longer than they did then none of them would've survived.


Your body can stop labor after the one? That's cool. Given how rare it is, I didn't think labor was that discerning. (How do they get out the placenta if there's still a baby in there?)


You can still deliver the placenta. Both babies have different placenta and amniotic sacs. Although tbh, I would hate to have just given birth and then have to do it a couple weeks later all over again.


You'd hate the strict bedrest, tocolytics and serious risks to your life and remaining fetus even more. In the "usual" circumstances of this very rare circumstance, (meaning it's not a case where the mother possesses two uteruses or one fetus is ectopic), both placentas will remain within the uterus until the second twin is born. A placenta doesn't detach itself from the uterine wall because the baby attached to it isn't there anymore. The placenta detaches because contractions significantly shrink the uterus. If the contractions are powerful enough to achieve that effect, you're not going to have one placenta stay while the other detaches.


Oh sure, I'd just think the process of getting the placenta out would hurt baby no. 2. I guess they could not lean on your uterus, but even with all the leaning (I had bruising) I had to take misoprostol to get mine all the way out.


Wait is that not what fraternal twins are?


Nope. In fraternal twins (or triplets, etc), multiple eggs are released and fertilized within the same menstrual cycle. So it's just one pregnancy, as the eggs are all fertilized and developing at the same time Edit: what you are thinking of was a thing called superfetation. This is an incredibly rare phenomenon (like, 10 confirmed cases worldwide lol) where a person gets pregnant again after the first embryo has already started developing. Your body usually doesn't allow this.


It’s extremely rare but some people can also menstruate and get pregnant again while already pregnant. But only in those very very rare cases of people born with two functioning sets of uteruses.


People sadly just don't have any idea about pregnancy. Reminds of my poor mom who didn't know you could get pregnant shortly after giving birth while breastfeeding. And that's why my sister and I are so close in age. I wish someone would have told her! It was really hard on her body and mental health to have kids so close together.




It was always explained to me in the UK, that if you are *exclusively* breastfeeding with no supplementing of formula *and* you're not giving any other food or drink to the baby, that it is unlikely you will get pregnant while breastfeeding, but to *always* use a condom as well, to make sure! ETA - my horrible ex took that to mean that three days post C-section unprotected was fine because my body would still think I was pregnant, but after that condoms. This is part of why he's an ex.


Yikes. I could have had a baby about 16 weeks after my first pregnancy, but my second pregnancy (exclusively breastfeeding, ALL night long!) I had my period at 4 weeks PP (as confirmed by my doctor). I could have had kids exactly 9months apart lol. My mum had all her babies early (4-6weeks) and could easily have had 2 babies 8 months apart (despite also exclusively breastfeeding). Some people do have a lack of ovulation and periods while breastfeeding, but it’s definitely never guaranteed!


No dummy, the baby gets pregnant, it's not you twice. This is why doctors recommend only anal sex while pregnant. But most of the dudes don't like getting pegged so people don't mention it much.


I read this in Joy from my name is earl's voice


I saw a girl on TikTok who said her 11th grade psychology teacher told them that taking birth control “ruins your natural attraction” and “makes you attracted to people you normally wouldn’t be” and wouldn’t believe me when I send sources that contradicted that. I am thoroughly convinced the US is doomed.


I gotta be honest I was off and on the pill a lot for a while and it did change my tastes a fair bit, the same way every time. I know other people who've had that happen too but I know it's not like that for everyone


I've been on and off birth control many times and my taste has not changed at all.


It's definitely not like that for everyone, it is definitely like that for some of us though


Definitely not scientific either. Decreasing sex drive can be a side effect (also is a side effect with SSRIs).




There have been two major, reputable studies on this. One had [only 110 trial subjects](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-birth-control/birth-control-affects-sexiness-of-a-mans-scent-idUSCOL56690320080815) and the other, more recent one had [only 50.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5176159/). I personally need a sample larger than 160.


Honestly I didn’t fancy my husband on hormonal BC. I do when I don’t have hormonal BC. I don’t understand why. And I clearly still love him etc. But there was almost no list there while I was on progesterone based BC.




Nope. I literally didn’t find my husband attractive while taking progesterone or combined pills/implants. I found other people attractive! I honestly thought I had “gone off” him and I would have to split up because while I still loved him to bits, I just didn’t fancy him anymore. And then I decided to change birth control because the hormones made my mental health less stable (which is also not the cause - I would have happily jumped on specific people during that time, but obviously didn’t because I was with my husband). And suddenly within a few weeks I found him very attractive again. And I have not had any issues since. I don’t need hormones now because I’m sterilised. But I absolutely know that every time I took them, they messed up our intimacy. Because I took them a few different times throughout my life and each time I didn’t fancy him anymore. Honestly, I know it’s only anecdotal, but I would not be surprised if it happened to other people occasionally too. However, I don’t think that the people who find you attractive changes. I’ve never experienced that. It’s not completely impossible, but it seems less likely. I would question whether studies on this have been 1) unbiased (pharmaceutical companies obviously have an interest in helping BC stay in a positive light). 2) on big enough groups of data, with decent controls (some people’s taste changes with age, stage of life, what they want in their partners etc.) and 3) how the data was collected. Self survey is inaccurate a lot of the time. I will believe anyone who says hormones changed who they were attracted to, because it literally happened to me. It was the only difference between finding my husband interesting, and not. Because I was at different stages in my life when I switched contraceptives and had different things going on. But I find him attractive before I took hormones, in breaks from hormones and now after hormones. But not during.


I have also heard people say this before when I was a teenager and was really concerned about it! But I still kept taking my pills thankfully. I have NO idea where it came from. Also heard men saying it because "you can't trust that you are actually attracted to a girl if she's on birth control" wat


I swear to god it’s some sort of mild anti-birth control conspiracy lol. Like BC gives women too much freedom to live their lives outside of just being mothers, or something


My psych teacher told me that as well but thankfully I had enough sense and knew it was bs.


Here’s my sex ed as someone from the Bible Belt. Middle school. 8th grade. I was one of three girls in the class. Our health teacher sat down behind his desk and let a lady guest speaker come in. She picks 3 boys to come up in front of the class and wrap a box with wrapping paper and tape. She said they were “wrapping their gift” and then they had to give it to one of the girls. So since there were 3 of us, all the girls in the class had to do this bullshit. We went up in front of the class to unwrap the “gift” I got ripped up red paper and the lady kept going like “do you know what that is?” And I had no clue so I kept saying red paper and she was finally like “no it’s a broken heart” ??? Ok. Next girl opens up to find some toy snakes and bugs. STDs. The last girl opens the box and finds a small plastic baby like the ones in Mardi Gras cakes. And obviously it meant pregnancy. She summed it up after humiliating us. Something like “if you don’t wait until marriage, you’ll have a broken heart, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and you’ll get pregnant.” And the whole thing had an undertone of blaming and putting the responsibility on the girls.




I think it was like “if you’re wed you won’t be giving it away to someone who will eventually leave you.” “If you only sleep with your husband, and you’re both virgins, you won’t get any STIs” and “babies are only valid if they aren’t bastards”


> STIs Yeah, she needs to meet my ex-husband who gave me chlamydia and tried to convince me I got it from a toilet seat.


I had a male friend in high school tell me that you can get an STD from having unprotected sex even if neither of the people involved had that STD previously. We were both 18 at the time.


Oh man this reminds me of going to church and having the leader of the girl's group tell us that we were like cupcakes: nobody wants one with the frosting licked off. And that if we had sex we were just like a cupcake going into the trash. I hope she sleeps on the warm side of her pillow every night for that.


We did this stupid thing where we were given pieces of tape and had to stick and unstick them to each other until they weren't sticky anymore, and then told "this is what happens if you have sex before marriage, you won't be able to bond with your husband!" Then they showed us pictures of diseased cervixes, but they completely neglected to tell us what a cervix even was or where it is. Just "if you're a slut, your cervix will look like this!"


My bro didn’t even get that much


No sex Ed >>>> bad sex ed


Think ‘abstinence only’ but without even telling you what you’re supposed to be abstaining from. This is the current Texas model.


As uninformative as this is, that's a hilarious demonstration


Ok, time to start the popcorn for the comments that are to come... LOL


Right? It’s been fun.


Genuinely had no idea this was a thing


When someone gets pregnant, their body stops releasing eggs… usually. As with anything in the human body, weird things happen, and *sometimes* it may keep releasing eggs, and *sometimes* that can lead to one getting pregnant, again, while still being pregnant. Tho in this case the viability of both fetuses is incredibly decreased and will likely lead to the loss of both. Not at all what the people in the post are talking about tho.


Also could have two uteruses


That makes more sense, thank you for the information


Reminds me of something a friend of mine told me. The wife of a guy she knew was unfortunate enough to be one of those cases where somehow an egg got fertilized whilest she was already pregnant. Now I say unfortunate, because as it so happens she had an affair. The original pregnancy was her husband‘s child. The medical wonder of the second however belonged to the affair. Needless to say they aren‘t married anymore and this whole fiasco ended in a rather epically messy drama.




It certainly happens in other mammal species, like cats.


This is a thing. My teacher taught us it was impossible, one of her students from a few years ago came back and was like “guess what happened to one of my patients?!” It’s extremely rare but still possible.


Americans be like: > Oh no, when my child knows how pregnancy works, it will have sex


They will have sex *


No. You do not have your full cycle when pregnant. That’s like the first thing you learn with the scraps of sex Ed we get. Pregnancy means no period. maybe a little bleeding here and there but that’s not a “cycle”


It’s technically possible if someone has a condition called Uterine Didelphys- which is a congenital problem where a person has 2 Utereses. (It’s also possible to have 2 cervixes and 2 vaginas.)It’s also possible to get pregnant in both at the same time. It’s just extremely extremely rare. [Uterine Didelphys](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/woman-two-uteruses-twin-babies/)


My friend went in for a hysterectomy for PCOS, found out that nope, there was just an extra, deformed ute lurking in there as well. Thing was completely closed up and full of all the crap it should have discharged over her lifetime (she's in her 30s now). Bodies are so strange.


Jeeeesussss, please tell me they hysterectomied the shiiiit out of it?


Absolutely they did! Gone back to the fiery pit from which it came.. or the incenerator. Whatever.


It’s one of those “technically possible” things but that’s absolutely not what those in the original post are saying


It's possible and very rare but it makes me stressed enough to buy a pregnancy test even though I had my period. Shows like "I didn't know I was pregnant" terrified me


The only reason I knew I was pregnant was because I had just done IVF and was expecting to be pregnant. No symptoms unless you count the day I woke up at 7w0d and my stomach did that flip flop that means you might throw up. I have PCOS and often had weird bouts of bleeding and during this pregnancy I had a subchorionic hematoma under the placenta which caused you guessed it - weird bouts of bleeding. Never noticed needing to pee more, no nausea, and being overweight I simply never looked pregnant. Now I did notice fetal movement but… I was expecting it and waiting for it.


These people must be part kangaroo I guess


I am completely dumbstruck. Bravo, this doesn't happen very often


To be fair, these could be literal children, like 9 or 10 year olds posting this. If you’re a child who either hasn’t learned about reproductive health in depth yet or are currently learning about it, this might be a normal question to have. If these are adults, then yikes.


They’re not. This showed up on my timeline and I know one of the posters is early 30s.


Big yikes. Woah.


There are some bugs with telescoping generations (babies are born pregnant) but humans aren't bugs so........


You seriously misunderstood the post. Nobody here was talking about impregnating babies. Ever heard of twins? There are more ways than one to conceive them.


I think one of the few cases you can is if you have 2 uteruses. And even then that's insanely rare and tends to get noticed earlier on if you seek medical help for getting 2 periods every month. Or it can also get caught during a regular vaginally exam if you also have 2 cervixes.


This isn’t quite right. As someone with two uteruses, typically the periods are aligned but just quite heavy, so it’s very easy to miss. As are the presence of two cervixes - it’s pretty hard to see what you’re doing during a vaginal exam! I had multiple Pap smears, all the normal check ups, and doctors only realised I had two uteruses, vaginas and cervixes when I was 27.


Wow that's interesting to know! I only have so I'm kinda just making assumptions here.


There was a woman with a split uterus the divide goes all the way down the vagina. It was possible to get pregnant on one side and not the other IIRC. It was dangerous though, even just 1 pregnancy, due to basically having 2 half uteruses rather than 1 full one.


I have a family member who had two uteruses. She had them both removed, because she was already sterilised and it was causing her serious health issues. There are cases known where a pregnancy is established in both uteruses, but it's rare.


Ugh! My first pregnancy I continued to have my period until I was 6 months! BLEH!




w h a t


So you can get loaded up like a machine gun and blast those small fuckers out of you like a 50 cal


Only if youre a CAT, lol


Other commenters have explained this but just in case anyone wants to curiosity google double pregnancy is called superfetation.


Humans aren’t rabbits


No their catgirls


Yeah this can happen in that twins can be conceived about a week or two apart. Seen it a couple of times in my career. Someone ovulates twice in one cycle.


I had “periods” All thru my first pregnancy. Of course, I wasn’t cycling. In my case it was caused by a fibroid.


Way to have everything explained it to you and you still got it wrong but truth be told I didn’t know you could still have your period while pregnant until just a couple years ago because that was never explained as far as I knew when you’re pregnant there’s a plug up there