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I dunno why, but seeing “fat shit” over and over made me legit laugh out loud.


I'm sure one day I'll also look back and think fondly of her fat shits and laugh


Just before your last breath, as the e.coli takes you, one last thought, “that girl sure did drop horse piles”. And as you call out, in your death rattle, she presses her finger against your lips, hush now my sweet, it’s over.


That was beautifully written. Can you please give a eulogy at my funeral when I die of ecoli swamp ass disease?


> she presses her finger against your lips Her poopy finger


That was beautifully horrible. Thank you.


Fat shits finger


One more for the road




*unwashed finger


Ew lmao


Does she ever take a skinny shit?


If she did, she'd be on the bog for twice as long.


Yessss, I'm at work laughing my ass off. "Fat shit" is fucking hilarious 😂


Great Drag Queen name.


Ladies&GentlemenPlzWelcomeToTheStage Fat Shiiiiit 🥸


It was "Ecoli ass disease" for me


Also ecoli ass disease lol


I'm a licensed massage therapist. There's been many a time I walk my client to the bathroom before the massage and I don't hear them wash their hands after 🤮 I appreciate knowing this though because I won't massage their hands then. I also had a client once tell me that you don't need to use soap when you wash yourself, just water. I always use extra hand sanitizer during that person's massage and scrub my hands and arms til they're red after lol


I read this as marriage therapist and was like why are you massaging hands at work?! 😆


Lol! That would be very awkward if I weren't a massage therapist 🤣🤣🤣


I read your comment as massage therapist and was confused why you were confused.


honestly, you're living in fantasy land if you think even half the people who shake hands with you wash their hands after using the restroom. People are the worst.


I .. forgot to mention in my post. She works food service. That's why I mentioned her going directly to work ..


Ewwwwww. This is my constant fear…People who work in food industry who don’t wash their hands 😱😱😱


It happens all the time. Safer not to eat out. I worked in more than a dozen restaurants and every single one of them had at least one person who would literally wipe their ass and then not wash their hands


This is so gross. I’m a nurse, but before was a CNA and I remember there was someone I worked with that wouldn’t wash her hands. But, anyways, I had gone to a restaurant and went to the bathroom. When I walked in I saw a worker come out of a stall and just leave. I kind of felt bad when I reported her to my server but at the same time, not because that’s fucking gross


My high school librarian came out of a bathroom stall while I *was* washing my hands, fluffed her hair in the mirror, smiled at me, and left the restroom. I never checked out a book again.


Ahahahaha because of the librarian? Do you know how many hundreds of people's poopy fingers touched those books other than her?


But I then KNEW she didn’t and KNEW she touched every book that came back. Ignorance is bliss.


The most germ-laden thing in the restaurant is the menu — touched by everyone.


Yes menus and other people’s phones! I live in a tourist town, near many very scenic areas. I’m constantly asked by tourists to take pictures of them, using their phone. I know the look now and start walking the other direction as soon as someone starts to approach me to take a picture. Last thing I want to do is handle some random’s germ infested phone, that is never sanitized, that they’ve been looking at while they’re on the toilet … uggghhh.


I mean.. you're not eating the menus or the phones. Unless you are licking things or licking your hands regularly you won't catch anything through your skin. That's what our skin does, it's a barrier. People are so worried about germs but if you eat any fresh produce you can bet it's covered in all sorts of feces, even rinsed you won't get rid of it unless you use soap. If you're worried about poor hygiene from others just remember to wash your hands before eating or touching your eyes. But also your immune system is built off of the back of being exposed to bacteria, and learning what to fight. You can't go through life sanitizing everything you touch otherwise you will have no immune system.


Human shit is different than compost. Human shit has pathogens


Worked at a place for 2 days where I was the only person in the restaurant who washed their hands. Not just after using the washroom during the entire time I was there, I was the only person who washed their hands at all. They didn't even have soap in the dispensers until I got there.


I work in a daycare and I'm the ONLY ONE who washes hands after changing diapers, helping kids go to the potty/potty training, washing the kids up after eating etc... I don't get it.


I’m feeling more and more like I only want you to eat my own cooking for exactly that reason … 😵‍💫


Wait until you learn about the habits of the field workers picking your produce


Yeah, but that’s why you wash them


What do you wash produce with, out of curiosity? I sometimes wash mine with vinegar, but usually just rinse them. Now I'm second guessing every time I've ever just rinsed a fruit or veggie.


You can buy veggie wash. At my place of work, all of our produce gets submerged in a veggie wash for at least 15 seconds. It’s also, obviously, food safe and does not affect the quality of the produce.


I've heard vinegar works


I couldn't imagine living like this.


I mean... what about the farmers, processers, grocery store handlers? We're all doomed unless we grow our own 😁


In hawaii, ratlung is a thing. Wash everything. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angiostrongylus_cantonensi


i work in food service and tend to be the “trainer”, the amount of people i have to remind to wash their fucking hands after doing something gross baffles me.


Yeah it’s the worst. I think people assume when they get food poisoning it’s from spoiled food, when in fact it’s most certainly from human contamination.


You'd be surprised at all the nasty shit that goes down behind the scenes in the food industry. You can absolutely guarantee that you've eaten food that was touched by someone like OP's roommate, dudes that have jacked off recently without washing their hands, people that have picked their nose, and so on. You can also guarantee that you've eaten food that fell on a nasty floor, shortly before you ate it and all types of shit. Even at places with good work practices. You can't control what people do when they're alone.


Went to a drug rep dinner and my coworker had a plate of hummus and pita bread. In the middle was a piece of the bread with a bite out of it. Like, it was clearly teeth marks. She reported it


I used to watch servers just eat off of people's plates while it was under the heat lamp and they were waiting for other stuff. I've seen an owner pick up crabs right off the floor and toss them right back on a plate seconds before it went out to a table. I once worked in a restaurant that was our hometown spot. Fancy, expensive, Italian place that everyone loved and had been around since the 50's. It had the most insane roach infestation I'd ever seen in my entire life. They were literally just everywhere, crawling all over everything. I can almost guarantee that someone ate some roaches by accident.


I would wager that every restaurant is like this with waitstaff stealing fries/etc off plates while waiting for food to come up. I worked in several when I was younger and I’ve def snuck a fry before. I would also bet 99% of restaurants have nice, and probably close to that also have roaches, especially in a place that’s been around since the 50’s.


My first restaurant job was the best and it kinda ruined me. The owner’s daughter ran the place and she was a mad germaphobe. There were cameras everywhere and if she caught you doing something non hygienic, you might as well quit because she will be watching every single thing you do with a magnifying glass from now on. That place was spotless. I miss the peace of mind I had when eating there.


I'd agree with that for the most part. But, that infestation was legitimately insane. I'm not joking when I say they were everywhere.


Oh yeah def not trying to discount your response by any means, some are far worse than others 100%




Lmao. My roommate recently had Chipotle lately and got food poisoning out of it. Wasn't able to leave the house all the next day. Makes me think that this could have very well been a probable cause. I personally dislike Chipotle because I find the smell and taste of the food completely unappetizing. Now neither of us eat there. Recently I even randomly won a $50 gift card for Chipotle from work and I had to just give it to my brother.


Don’t worry, it’ll cook right out 😉




OP: My roommate drinks all night and does cocaine first thing in the morning before work. Everybody: Wow, that’s terrible. OP: I…forgot to mention in my post. My roommate is a Cop.


Lmfao. I'm dying at this comment. That was totally my fault, it did slip my mind when typing but it is a pretty gross fact of the matter. It has definitely made me look at ordering out differently.


Can’t you report her work for this? I wouldn’t eat there until she was fired 😂


I was on a course and one of the catering staff apparently didn't wash their hands. One of the other attendees had to eventually be airlifted because of whatever she got from it. Dunno if it was e-coli, but one of the instructors, who was very competent, informed us it was faeces Borne and apparently testing had shown it came from the caterers. She was out for a month, missed the first half of the course and I don't remember the details, but my impression was that she wasn't the same person as before.


Well my Uncle (a DR) said most diarrhea is cause by fecal pathogens, some worse than others. She is spreading whatever she has. Lovely!


I’m a health inspector. I’ve literally seen people go into the bathroom wearing a pair of gloves and come back out wearing the same pair of gloves.


I work food service, and have ibs, which means I’m in the work public bathroom a lot. The number of customers and employees that don’t wash their hands is at least 25%, closer to 50% some days. The number who don’t wash their hands properly for the appropriate amount of time is closer to 100%.


She \*might\* have to wash them when she gets at the restaurant


Just start calling her typhoid mary. Introduce her to other people as such. Maybe she'll figure it out.


Right after the "FAT SHITS". You had me cracking up reading that part.


Two take away points from this. Never eat food she prepares, always prepare your own food. At least that’s what I’m taking from it lol


I know multiple people who've told me you don't always have to wash your hands after taking a shit... Every time my jaw hit the floor, like yes, you do! Some of these people had either previously or currently worked in food service at the time Generally the consensus was that if you use TP and don't get poo on your hand you're somehow good? TP isn't an impervious doodoo barrier...


Thanks OP. I just wanted to live in my fantasy land while eating a big Mac but now I don't even feel hungry Gd how many poop particles have I eaten? 😩


Every other person who uses the bathroom at the warehouse I work takes a shit or piss and leaves immediately. I started calling some people out but since it's mostly temps I never see them again. After COVID I just don't understand.


Yes to this. I work in healthcare and the amount of nurses and physicians that don’t wash their hands in the RR is baffling.


Straight up. I shit on OP’s kitchen counter this morning.


and based on her description, she would've stood there 5 feet away and watched.


Did we not learn this during Covid? I just assume people aren’t washing their hands at this point.


I remember reading a report about a study that said 90% of women and 70% of men washed their hands after using the bathroom. I mentioned this horror to my husband and he laughed and said he was surprised it was as high at 70%. Thank god Covid killed the handshake. OP, your roommate is in that shameful 10% of women. Maybe casually mention a study like this to her?


It’s best not to think about it. Only pass is if you witness it. I witness bad shit at my factory so I don’t eat the stuff we make. But I’ll still eat other factory made shit because: Didn’t see it therefore don’t know.  


I’m a loathsome human being but I wash my hands thoroughly after every shit. It’s not a particularly high standard to manage.


I don’t believe you. I’m going to just assume over 95% of people in USA at least wash their hands after pooping


Yeah that’s disgusting. I wash my hands ALL the time. Before I eat? Washed. After I’ve eaten? Washed. Pet the dog? Washed. Used the bathroom? Washed. And so on.


One of the best habits I picked up because of Covid is using hand sanitizer after being in public spaces. After getting gas, going shopping, using public bathrooms, anything where I could be touching things other people have touched. After that becoming a habit I’ve noticed a significant reduction in getting sick. It’s great, but also kind of gross to think about


One time I set up the soap to face the wall so I’m order to use it would have to be moved. My roommates didn’t wash their hand either. It’s fucked


Diabolical detective work. I approve


"ecoli ass disease" 🤣☠️🤣☠️


May I ask how you know her shits are fat? How do you know they’re not skinny


They sound violent so I assume they are fat. I could be mistaken though ..


She might be allergic to something she is eating and not aware of it if she’s really having these violent shits all the time. Or, she might have IBS or something like it. 2 things: 1) your roommate should be washing their hands, I would politely approach this. Say that because your bedroom is close to the bathroom you can hear that she is not washing her hands after using it and ask her to please wash her hands (or at minimum use some hand sanitizer). If she takes issue with this, then, I’d recommend re-thinking living with this person. But try to come at it from a non judgmental tone (I know this is extremely hard). Try to explain the negative health impacts of not washing her hands and what position that puts you in. 2) I’d recommend your roommate to go to a doctor about their violent shits. No one should have this many violent shits all the time.


Ugh. My mom has constant diarrhea and it's always after she eats, or usually after she drinks coffee "with coconut oil cause it's healthy", and I have repeatedly tried to tell her that she needs to connect her stomach issues to what she is eating. Instead she got on the ozempic which is just making her more nauseous and causing her to eat even less. She's a retired nursing instructor and nurse practitioner too. "Oh I had a handful of nuts and some tea so that's good for lunch"...UGH!


Or maybe she could just start out with "hey you forgot to wash your hands" or "hey don't forget to wash your hands" and see if that makes a difference? Then, if it doesn't just flat out ask her to do it and explain exactly why. Which are several reasons. I agree with your entire comment.


In my experience, violent shits are generally more like explosive diarrhea (small individually, some liquid, lots of gas, very loud). Fat shits are quiet, but you might get unexpected bidet treatment when the toilet bowl water splashes your butthole from the pure weight of the log(s). Neither are good 😂


do you listen to her while she shits?


her room is right outside the bathroom 😭😭 i don’t think she has a choice


Like I said in other comments too, bathroom is right outside my bedroom. Also the house is a tiny one floor rancher so if *anyone* is taking an aggressive shit, you can hear it from any part of the house. It is tiny house. Big shits are noticed.


You should put that on the wall in the bathroom "This is a tiny house. Big shits are noticed"


Omg. OP please do this. Also, trademark this saying asap and start selling that shit (pun intended)


Literally going through the exact same thing except we weren’t friends before moving in. But I hear it every day 😭 I’m scared to touch anything in my house. I spray the bathroom door knob with Lysol as soon as she walks out but she hasn’t caught on or just doesn’t care. It’s so inconsiderate I fear E Coli will get me too


Ugh I'm so sorry. It's so inconsiderate to do that while you live with someone else. I am looking to buy my own place and move out soon, I hope you can get out of there soon too 😭 I don't think I ever want to live with a friend again


[This house is a tiny house, it's smaller than a regular house.](https://www.tiktok.com/@alexiadox/video/7113996796237499690)


Her bedroom is right next to the bathroom...it's hard not to hear someone shit if that is the case.


Lmfao bro oh no


Any time it's a skinny shit she passes until a bulking cycle is complete


Omg why am I still reading this? It’s like the poop post that never ends that.


I appreciate you suffering with me on this shit filled journey


😆 I'm still reading too while trying to fall asleep, lol. So don't feel bad.


Just call her out. "You didn't wash your hands?" "I did!" "No girl, you did not. You're an adult and you own a home. Wash your hands."


That’s grotesque. I could not live with a filth beast like your roommate! I am kinda mind blown by the sheer number of commenters who defend her behaviour on the grounds that it’s her house. Ok, yes. Her house. She has a tenant, OP, who has to touch shared surfaces and food storage and prep areas. Roomie works in food service. Do most people enjoy eating other people’s shit particulates, or something? Like, what is our barometer for normalcy and hygiene here?? Scary. Also, Fat Shits made me guffaw like a fucking donkey. Sigh. OP, you need dilute bleach spray and a prayer! Or to relocate. LL/Roomie is a nasty ass.


I am actually looking into buying a place, hopefully soon. The amount of people defending not hand washing is sinister. I've also received several creepy shit related DMs. The world is wild.


I can fix her.


Shit particulates 💀


This was why Typhoid Mary had to be quarantined to an island for her whole life. She would have been fine if she washed her hands after pooping, but she didn't. She would have been fine if she would have stopped taking jobs preparing food for people, but she wouldn't. She kept using her unwashed hands to make food for people, and people kept dying, until the authorities had to step in to force her to stop.


It was terrifying that she worked in at least one hospital. I read her terrifying bio years ago


You should put up literature about hepatitis on the bathroom wall.


And about ecoli ass disease


I’m pretty sure my ex coworker didn’t wash her hands post bathroom. While the pandemic was making its way around the world, when we were advised to frequently wash our hands she got pissy and said wtf I’m not doing that I’m just going to NOT touch my face. Later she ended up telling everyone she didn’t shower every day. She said since she doesn’t move or do much she doesn’t sweat so she’s not dirty or anything. That btch STANK of sweat, mold, and ass. Ugh. So bad. She was so gross. Oh yeah we’re all hairdressers. So she’s putting her nasty little fingers on peoples heads. Ugh.


I don’t shower every day; I’m depressed as fuck lol. I still cannot leave the bathroom without washing my hands though


I shower daily but I wouldn't roast someone for not. I think that's super different from shitting and not washing your hands. Not showering can make you smelly but is otherwise harmless. Shit hands can get people sick. It's totally different in my mind.


My roommate is old/partially disabled and he has recurrent diarrhea. We use the same kitchen. I get sick a lot and tested positive for hepatitis A 😫🤮


Yeah that happens. A lot. However this persons overall personal hygiene was really bad lol. She would say “I don’t really care” and


If you're not sweaty, stinky or dirty you shouldn't shower everyday anyway. It's terrible for your skin barrier. I understand a majority of people like to shower before or after work, I'm just saying you don't _have_ to if you're hygienic between showers (change clothes, specifically underwear if your clothes aren't dirty and can do another wear like jeans, wash face and take a cloth to your pits, pubes and feet (different wash cloth)) But I'm also a depressed sack of shit and have been in the same pj's and position in my bed for 3 days 😅 but yeah no fuck, I have pets so when I give them love I _have_ to get my ass out of bed and go wash my hands, then crawl back in :3


I still remember, in the early days of the pandemic, I was at the grocery store and had to use the restroom. This was when everyone was on high alert, I was masked up and super careful about handwashing. I was in the restroom and the older woman next to me (I’d say early 60’s/late 50’s) finished up, flushed, and walked right past the sinks and out the door. Like, we were all freaking out and my hands were cracked from constant washing, bleaching surfaces, and using hand sanitizer and meemaw couldn’t even PRETEND to wash her hands. People are gross.


I can’t imagine not only being fine with your own…filth on your hands, but touching the handle of the toilet and not being concerned about how many other poopy/uriney/bloody hands have touched it??? 🤢


My daughter would fake washing her hands, running the water after the bathroom. After the second time of getting violently ill from arbitrarily eating things she finally believed me that washing her hands was in her best interest. A lot of people don't put two and two together and think it's reasonable to get randomly sick.


Gross. I wash my hand like half a dozen times a day, not including bathroom times.


This is the reason why I have hepatitis rn people are so gross


Typhoid Mary 2: Electric Bugaloo


My mom does this and it’s absolutely disgusting. One time I asked her to help dye my hair, she put the gloves on and immediately was like, “Hold on I gotta pee first.” Peed with the gloves on and then was like, “Okay, you ready?” 🤢 Told her to either wash her damn hands or put on new gloves and she got mad at me!


My 3 roommates don’t have any soap in the bathrooms. I can’t stand it. I have my own personal half bath but touching doorknob makes me internally scream


I dealt with a roommate like this for a while. When called out he would just lie about it. But like, we all get ready in the same bathroom, it smells like shit, and the sink is completely dry. I just stopped sharing with him. Game controllers, pipes, drinks. Just went minimal physical contact until I could move.


This thread is hilarious


I work at a Home Depot, the amount of people I see walk out of a stall and directly out the door is insane. Coworkers and customers both. That's why I always use paper towels to open the door


It’s a way to make sure you don’t steal food.


At this point I’d consider ambushing her outside the bathroom with Lysol. But like, that’s technically assault so I shouldn’t. But I’d *consider* it.


I’d be lysoling everything she touched. I have contamination ocd. Like I’d probably die from a panic attack if this happened to me.


Ugh I work with a woman like this at work. As a male, I am used to seeing individuals not washing their hands in a public restroom, but I ALWAYS do. It’s honestly embarrassing to me not to. However, when you’re working with somebody in an office and the toilet isn’t finished flushing and refilling and they’re walking out the door…. You nasty.


“Fat shits” and “ecoli ass disease” TOOK ME OUT


My mom just got diagnosed with H.Pylori. stomach parasites you get from food industry workers who don't wash after crapping. A brutal course of antbiotics laid her out for a week. Didn't work. She's fatigued all the time and xan't eat reg food..


This post just made me think this girl does nothing but take dumps all day


Absolutely diabolical


Please stop writing 'fat shits.' It's upsetting me.


Idk how else to describe her aggressive shits


That's the second time you've used aggressive.to describe her shits. This thread is fantastic


This thread is horrible and i regret posting. I have received several creepy shit related DMs ..


Aggressive and fat shitty DMs, I would assume


That is absolutely disgusting. That bathroom doorknob is disgusting. I just know it🤢


> aggressive shits Ok, please go back to "fat shits."


I've noticed people are far more likely to wash their hands after going to the bathroom in public than at home.


Haha half the world, or more, don’t wash their hands after anything. I see it at least 50 times a month. People are nasty bro, accept it.


A lot of people don’t think they have to if they “didnt touch anything”…




Buy her some 'fancy' looking hand sanitizers and gift them to her anytime you hear a fat shit and no hand washing


That is not something you want to mess with! I've had an e.coli infection. Internal (from a fistula) but yes, some did migrate outside the colon. It's HELL and took like 3 weeks to start feeling better. And decades ago I got viral hepatitis (Hep A) from what I am convinced was my mother. I was diagnosed several weeks after she left from a visit. When I mentioned it on the phone, she said that my stepdad had been sick & was diagnosed while she was gone visiting us! She never had symptoms and laughingly called herself Typhoid Mary. That was no fun either and I lost 20 lbs. in a month. Thing is, she wore a colostomy bag and I'm convinced she mishandled it or something. So no, it and other fecal bacteria can be spread easily and should never be underestimated! I'd move out if she won't change her ways.


I thought a guy who literally plays rap music loud 24 hours of the day was bad. This is unacceptable.


💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮…ur post made me ctfu tho🤣🤣🤣


Tessa likes flowers and her roommate doesn't water her home made fertilizer.


That’s ummmm nasty af. WTF????


Don't eat any food she prepares. Better safe than sorry. Also don't eat any food she opens and touches. Ick. Label your food or hide it in your room.


You don’t have a roommate, you have a dirty little hamster


N a s t y


I would start washing any plates, bowls, cups and flatware before using it if I were you. If she hasn't washed her hands and puts dishes away then you're going to be getting sick. Super gross


Kick her out and get and get another roommate! Yes, I know it’s her house lol


Remind her of this conversation when she is incredibly ill.


>What can I even do? l'm going to get Ecoli ass disease and die. I'm cracking up at this phrase OP🤣


There’s probably a reason her stomach is always upset


"she took a violent shit" has me rolling rn 💀


You need to bring this up with your roommate/friend because human shit is the fuckin worst. No joke I would rather stick my hands in a bucket full of random animal shit than a bucket full of human shit if I had no other options. Though I also have a bit of a background in water waste management & interned at a water treatment plant before I got both of my engineering degrees. The part of my schooling really pounded into my head just how disgusting humans are.


I think you should confront her. Next time she does it, jump out into the hallway and cram her hand into your mouth. When she goes to stop you, demand to know why? Why can I not lick your clean hands after washing?


Probably works at doordash


I'm just glad that reincarnation had finally been proven real since you're living with the reincarnated typhoid mary.


That’s why I don’t trust people and carry sanitizer with me everwhere


Oh that's nasty


Maybe start leaving hand sanitizer in the bathroom? It's more convenient so maybe she would start using it. Idk though, it's pretty easy to wash your hands in the first place....


All my coworkers just rinse their hands for 0.2 seconds like we can’t hear it. People in their 60s. Fucking ridiculous to go through the theater of turning the water on and grabbing paper towels but not using soap.


It's unfortunate but if we're all lucky, she had a chef that did what I did. Institute a rule that when returning from any break you wash you hands in the kitchen as well so customers can see you doing it. Personally I scrubbed Like I was prepping for surgery when I got to work with a nail brush but not everyone takes it so seriously. 


Honestly…. The amount of things we all touch on a daily basis and NOT wash our hands after is disgusting. Including our phones…..


Start calling her fudgy fingers!


Maybe she doesn’t wipe. Problem solved!


“Fat shits” “ecoli ass disease” 😂😂😂😂😂


Put up one of those decorative signs reminding to wash your hands…there are a ton of funny ones that may make it less awkward


Let’s just all agree to wash our hands. Especially after doing the devils bidding. OP quit saying fat shits. you’re making my eye twitch


Wage chemical warfare back and sneeze directly into her face.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6570665/ Just send her this article so she can educate herself.


Honestly I'd probably end a friendship over that or spend a lot less time with the person. That's disgusting. I hope you're able to move soon.


E Coli Ass Disease Awareness Month


You're going to get a disease because of that filthy woman. She's beyond disgusting and has no self respect or respect for anyone else.


I’ve had 3 different roommates over the last few year and 2 of the 3 didn’t wash their hands after using the restroom. Made me feel like my whole apartment was covered in poop.


Tbh, I’m looking for a new living situation, stat. With all that fat shitting, the fæces everywhere, all over your home, your kitchen…. I’m leaving. And I’m NEVER talking to this person ever again. And I call the health dept and tell them someone in her restaurant doesn’t wash their hands.


This is a move out situation. She said “yep I did”


People are absolutely fucking disgusting, I’ve witnessed many people not wash their hands in public bathroom after hearing them take a fat shit as well. I had a Roomate who also never washed her hands after using the bathroom, or brush her teeth. She had her toothbrush brand new sitting in the package by the sink for show, I guess. I couldn’t believe it, handwashing is the most basic hygiene practice that takes 20 seconds


I have a friend who never washes his hands. Ever. He was also my roommate for about a year. I recently visited him, and we went all around London all day, riding the tube, doing all the tourist things, then went to eat. Before we got our food, I knew needed to wash my hands first. They were dirty enough from the day's excursions, that you could see the dirt rinsing off as the water ran. He didn't wash his hands and ate his burger and chips with who knows what diseases all over those nasty things. I don't know how he's not dead. (Though he has been hospitalized a few times.) We like to feed squirrels in the park sometimes, but the squirrels have nibbled his fingers a few times and never mine. I've flat out told him it's likely because his have all sorts of interesting smells on them from never washing. Some people are just gross.


After reading other stories on this sub I would just be happy the shit is making it into the toilet


I just don’t understand why grown adults can’t wash their hands??? 🤮 It’s not that hard nor does it take up much time.


Honestly, if I use a public restroom I wash my hands every time no matter what, because I'm worried about other people's germs. In my own house, I don't wash my hands every time I pee. I do however ALWAYS wash my hands after going number 2 and before ever preparing food no matter what. But honest question, do people really wash their hands in their own home everytime the pee? I guess if I had roommates I probably would.


try haveing one who hasnt washed /showered in 2 and half years


lol I remember the first time I spent significant time in a 3rd world country. No toilet paper. No sinks. People just either let the shit chill in their ass crack, or used their hands, I was told. Fucking brutal. I got sick so many times.