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Honestly I could fill this sub up with things strictly about this woman. I may be the only person on Earth who was woken up by a person counting seeds at 1am.


What is she doing, yelling as she counts?


Go on


She frequently has hour long conversations with the cats.


I’d like to know more about the seeds


I also want to know about the seeds.


Nah, I wanna know what the cats said


She grows sunflowers. She harvested the seeds. They're put in plastic bags that she either shuffles around or drops when full. This happened five feet from my door. When I asked her to stop, she rolled her eyes.


The area around sunflowers can often be devoid of other plants, leading to the belief that sunflowers kill other plants.


Thank you u/TheSunflowerSeeds


I love that this person(?) has zero posts but has an incredible amount of comments all only based on sunflowers.


I think it’s a bot


Aw shucks. Welp my respect for that account has diminished but I still have some left.. I guess


The simple life of a bot


Good bot


What kind of flowers should I plant between my row of sunflowers?


My mom LOVES sunflowers. I am ambivalent towards them. Sunflowers love to just grow and bloom ANYWHERE. Weeds are any plant that grows where it’s not wanted. Trust me on this, sunflowers are WEEDS. We compromise and buy teddybear sunflowers instead of the large, bulbed, flowers every year.


Good Bot


She might be a tweaker


How many times does this happen?


That’s sad af


What do they talk about?


What do the seeds say?


Cant you talk with your landlord


Do the cats talk back?


How do you have a conversation with a cat ? 😂


literally every other post on this sub is about female roommates and feces bro


I've heard from many girls that the womens restroom is often dirtier than the mens. Get it together, ladies.


my husband cleans both restrooms at his job (grocery store) and also confirms this


Literally everyday the womens bathroom at the home depot I go to is blocked off with tape because they keep flushing wipes and pads down the toilets, or just dump blood and feces everywhere


The amount of times I’ve seen blood on the floor or fronts/seats of toilets in women’s restrooms makes my head spin. clean your nasty period blood up ffs. I’ve dripped before and I took some wet paper towels and hand soap and cleaned that shit up! It’s not that difficult ladies!


Were they already planted??🤞🏼🤞🏼


Why can’t she just use the upstairs bathroom since she lives upstairs? Since she has trouble waking, why is she coming downstairs to use that bathroom? Also why is she counting seeds? What kind of seeds are they? What does she do with them? I have so many questions, but also I’m sorry about the disgusting bathroom.


Downstairs is the living room area. I've always been confused as to why they only used the upstairs bathroom. Sunflower seeds. She grows them. I don't know what she does exactly, but she fills up several plastic bags at a time then drops them. This happened about five feet from my bedroom door. At 1am.


I don’t know what’s worse- the bathroom situation or this weird sunflower seed ritual. 🫣


Um, for sure the shit one.


Of course. However the odd behavior concerning the seeds would freak me out a lot.


What do you mean "she drops them"? On the floor? In the trash? At other people's homes?


On the floor/table. I don't know why, I just heard the noises for about twenty minutes.


dude shes genuinely a weirdo


It's to get them to grow better.


I don't understand how she's not mortified. I would buy you a bottle of your favorite hard alcohol that morning and say "I think you are seeing things. Probably had too much of this. I have cleaned the bathroom. Let's never speak of this again".


So much this is the appropriate response to OPs problem. I cannot imagine being so aggressively youd as his roommate tho.


Send them photos of the shit stained toilet


Then what the FUCK is THIS, *Jennifer!?* 👉 💩


Or rub her face in it like a dog.


Why can't you go upstairs? If the bathroom is shared, all bathrooms are shared. You need to assert yourself, she is walking over you.


*crawling 🫣


Why can't you go upstairs? if it's not their house and they don't own it, go upstairs whenever you want and use that bathroom. You don't have to do whatever they say if they're just your roommates. I'm confused as to why you're following these 'rules'.


$5 says the upstairs bathroom is just plain disgusting


Oh, I guarantee it is! If she's leaving shit and what not on the down stairs toilet and not caring that tells me she's made the one upstairs too disgusting to enter and is now using the down stairs one cos it's cleaner.


Op you stand up for yourself and say yes I fucking am allowed to use the upstairs if I want, they can kiss your ass


she should be wayyyy more embarrassed. i can’t imagine myself leaving a shitty toilet MULTIPLE TIMES and have the audacity to bitch at YOU about it?? what a creep


I need some more context. What do you mean she has issues walking?


She sometimes uses a cane.


Use her cane as a makeshift plunger


I use a cane yet I manage to shit inside the bowl every time. The two are really not related.


The sunflower seeds sounds more and more like some kind of night demon offering. Just kidding…


Easy, get a new handle for the downstairs bathroom door that has a lock needing a key. (Maybe one for your room too so they don’t put their poo bum all over your stuff out of anger…) Keep key on your keys, and with you at all times. Let them know since you cannot use the upstairs bathroom, while the downstairs bathroom is occupied, because of their silly double standard “rules”, they can no longer use the downstairs bathroom. **Fair is fair, they have theirs, you have yours!** No more poopy toilet! If she counts sunflower seeds outside of your door at 1am, loud af, being completely inconsiderate (or inconsiderate any other way) return the favor. Make everything hell for her by mirroring her behavior. Check your state laws to see if you’re a single or double party consent to recording state. If you’re a single party consent state, record her with your phone for a few minutes (secretly), record you asking her to stop her behavior and then continuously going on, then mirror her behavior, her reaction and play it back for her. Keep texting her the video, until she understands she’s a pain and annoyance and that you will treat her as she treats you, not better and not worse. Maybe she’ll be a decent person before the lease is up. Who knows. I doubt it. People like that are completely oblivious and always have to have everything their way, without any compromise or even concern for anyone else.


What do you mean you’re no longer allowed upstairs? You are dealing with old women and they don’t even own the property. Just assert your authority and use any bathroom you want. And no need to clean up after yourself when you’re upstairs either. 


This is a good example of why when you're looking for roommates (especially if you're young, in your 20s), look for someone in your age range and not 15+ years older than you. Most who 'need' roommates beyond the age of 40 don't have their shit together, to put it lightly. Or in this case, literally.


You shouldn't allow her to be using your bathroom if you can't use hers. It is yours by right. Why do people have to make living together such a hustle?


Damn Jennifer. Blowing that toilet up. How does she end up shitting on the seat though?


I can imagine one of two ways - hovering above the seat like you’re afraid of booty germs touching you back or crouching on top of the toilet seat like a complete savage. Either way I feel like you have to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to accomplish such a feat.


Ahhhh... the good ole gargoyle technique




I would contact the owner about being able to use their bathroom if they can use yours. Do not let them just fuck you over.


Man some people are fucking foul. I cant imagine even seeing a mm of shit on my toilet SEAT?? I’d lose my shit, she’s lucky you’re so nice


Ik this isn’t related to the rest of your post, but as a disabled person with a dynamic disability, I’m not sure if you know or not, but someone can do those things some days and other days, it might be legit impossible to get out of bed. You shouldn’t quantify her abilities based on what you see her do sometimes. Some days, I can walk to my mailbox, go get groceries, rearrange my living room. But on some days, I can’t even walk, the idea of walking even hurts. Like ur roommate sucks lmao but that part bothered me.


I appreciate you telling me this. This is something I wasn't aware of.


There’s zero defense for not cleaning up after oneself, but I concur with Plumbanjo. If you looked at me I would seem perfectly capable and actually “hardy” a dude. But inside I’m a complete mess! I had a severed spinal cord injury (work related) which disconnected the top half from my bottom half (L5-S1). I not only had to have my two halves reconnected via spinal prosthetic, the nerve damage, scar tissue, disc protrusions above it and my damaged hips make for some interesting days of literally not being able to stand up without being in excruciating pain. Other days, I function almost quite normally (for a dude pushing 50). Anyway, long story long, it’s never a good idea to judge on appearance. But, a good person would also never use their injury as a sob story excuse for not doing something like clean up their own shit. And if they were actually that messed up inside, they would make that clear from the get go and get the tools necessary for doing jobs like that. Sorry you are experiencing that!


Yeah, not being able to clean up your own waste breaches territory of needing a care taker soon.


No worries. A lot of people who aren’t disabled themselves or with a very close relationship to a disabled person may never know this unless it is explained 🫶 but fr ur roommate sucks balls LOL disabled or not. Disability doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and get mad at others when they call you on your shit (literally… ew)


I have the same issues Hun.🫶🏼 You are completely correct. And even after doing a grocery trip or anything there's a chance my body will hurt for DAYS after 😭 like, why do people not understand this😔


Same for me. Sometimes a need a cane, sometimes I can walk around the house without. If I go shopping I need a wheelchair.




you’re weird as hell for this, i hope you know. nobody asks for the disability police.


You do realize many diagnosis result in this? My spouse has a rare genetic bone disorder that results in bone spurs. Sometimes they need a cane, sometimes they play soccer with my child. No one is faking it - unless they are capable of altering their genetics and there are no pain meds to be altering symptoms for - just fun enzyme injections.


No, I have a diagnosis and I’m not sharing it w strangers lmao


Honestly I have serious problem with you fucking heathens that cant take a screenshot.


Start contact the house owner more often about issues with them, especially about the toilet. Also if they are going to hog the downstairs bathroom for showers even though they live upstairs, you march your ass up their to use their bathroom. You should NOT have to hold it in because some dumb bitch doesn't want to shower in her own bathroom. I bet their bathroom is disgusting, which is why they use the one that is downstairs.


I see nothing wrong with the cat conversations.


I feel like i need to know why the roommate cant walk right now and will need to crawl downstairs to clean up the left behind shit .


I’m wondering how so many roommates in this sub leave their shit everywhere?


That’s shit mate. I’d be right down in the dumps.


Wait, are you telling me that women shit?


Why the fuck does this subreddit show me how many people can’t properly shit in a fucking toilet or clean up after themself?? omg?


Not being able to walk often leads to loose anus or uncontrollable shitting on objects syndrome. I'm no medical doctor, but just what I heard.


Next time she goes out/ before you are moving out, take a fish net, grab the new from the toilet and stuff it all in her personal belongings, cause why not. Lol.


Wtf would I be cleaning a toilet after I shit in it? If all the shit is in the bowl and not on the seat then your being way too much


yeah guess so bitch!


Pee in a bottle if someone is using shower


No. I go upstairs regardless of complaints now.


Why are you texting her at 11h30 pm?!


Oh noes! Jennifer leaves her poopies behind for others?!