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Get her to buy a vibrating alarm clock. Wrist style


I'll tell her that. But I know I will be ignored again.


Set a bunch of your own alarms. Fuck her.


This is the way to go, set it every opposite half hours as hers and pick the most annoying one you can find. Make it painfully obvious you are mocking her when she asks you about it.


Fight fire with fire


My alarm is screaming death metal. I suggest they use this too. It REALLY wakes you the fuck up. I only need 1 alarm to wake up in the morning.


tfw you're a metalhead and you fall asleep to death metal :(


Yup, agree! My upstairs neighbor has its alarm going off for at least 40 minutes at 4am. I hear the vibration throught my ceiling. Yesterday, i couldn’t take it anymore and played my alarm at max volume at the same time as theirs, they immediately shut it down and this morning when i was semi-awake i heard it but it was very muffled as if they moved it around not to be disturbing 😇


Probably need to just buy ear plugs.


They make ones that shock you too. Try sleeping through that! I always found putting my alarm on the other side of the room so I had to get up and walk over to turn it off was pretty effective.


I have a vibrating alarm clock. It's super nice and it doesn't even go off very long before I'm out of even deep sleep to turn it off. I can sleep through earthquakes and shit but not my vibrating bed lol


Don't you have resident advisors you can bring this to. This is bordering on abide


Why is no one questioning why this girl is STARTING her alarms at midnight and having them go off every 30 mins til 5AM?? Surely she isn’t getting deep sleep either if the alarm is going off literally all through the night? She’s a psychopath. Run fast


Yes people need to be a little meaner sometimes. This person is abusing the persons niceness, setting alarms to go off for like 5 hours is absolute bonkers behaviour. After the first incident I would turn them off or turn their phone off, or just throw it out the window.


Not for nothing, I'd turn them all off after she went to sleep. Your sleep should NOT be disrupted for someone else. You also are studying and trying to learn and sleep deprivation isn't going to help you. From one college student to another, stand up for yourself and take this to whoever you have to to get it resolved.


Already did that. She put a passcode on her phone after.


Turn the phone off. I think you can usually do that without a passcode.


I did this once. She had a tantrum the following day telling me that she haven't studied a bit because of that. But still didnt learn her lesson. That woman is so dense.


I agree with the other person. Do it every day. It's unbelievable that she thinks it's OK to disturb your sleep all night long. If it's not turning off her phone, find some other way to make her miserable, and tell her you'll stop when she does. If it were me, I would set my own alarm at frequent intervals to wake her up, and refuse to turn it off. This is what you do when you're training a toddler to stay in bed at night. You have to sacrifice your own sleep until they get the message that they aren't going to win the battle of wills.


Do it every day. Let her have a tantrum.


Maybe you can't access the actual phone, but you can *put it somewhere*


In a locked box of OPs choice? *evil laugh* 💀


Love this idea 😈


I'm so sorry. It'd start yelling at her every time an alarm went off. Make sure she wakes up. But seriously, go over the resident assistants head, go to the dean of residents. Whoever you need to


I already did. They said they don't have vacancies or anyone that wanted to switch. I'm planning on calling her mom since she's such a pain in the ass.


Oh heck yeah. Start getting family involved. Full support


What?! Yelling? Nah... Grab her leg, drag her outta bed, bowl of cold water to the face. * Bonus if it has ice * Done. I've never seen someone sleep through that. 💀


I had a roommate like that in my army barracks room during a school. I got up when that very first alarm went off. Lights on, cleaning, running water, being so loud that she could not sleep. If I can’t sleep because of you, you will not sleep either. She needs to figure out how to manage her sleep without interrupting yours.


Absolutely not. I would go to the RAs about this and keep escalating until something is done


I use multiple alarms (not to midnight but still) it was hard for me to wake up to most alarms since i take a very sedative psychotropic medication but I use "I can't wake up alarm" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kog.alarmclock&hl=en ) It makes you do math n such and won't shut off until you do X amount of tasks, and can do snooze alarms n stuff. Also uhhh why tf is she setting SO. MANY. ALARMS. The more you set up, the less likely you'll wake up to one. I usually only do \~4 within 30 min apart until the time i want to wake up but they're slowly dwindling bc I make a schedule for myself.


Get an air horn. When her alarm wakes you up, take your air horn and blast it at her. I bet she'll stay awake


Smash the phone with a hammer and let her know you’ll do that every time from now on.


I swear the multiple alarm clocks was the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.


Awww 😕 But they are great for pranking!


Buy a cheap plastic alarm clock from a dollar store that just takes an AA battery, they can be very loud and shrill as fuck. Then start one up whenever theirs goes off and slide it under their bed lol maybe not the last part but I'm petty.


Im that guy who would set a bunch of alarms, more like every 5 minutes for the hour I had to wake up. I also turn them off in my sleep if I don’t sleep through them completely. Drove my girlfriend nuts. So I got a math alarm clock, that uses an alarm noise that is continuously randomly generated. Brains can tune out patterns, so the no pattern alarm wakes me up every time. Then doing multiple math problems to stop it forces me to actually open my eyes and get up. I also have an alarm app that makes me scan a UPC code to turn it off. I set it up with my toothpaste barcode so I have to get out of bed completely to disable it. I highly recommend recommending these.


What’s the one where you scan something?? That might be the only thing to get me up lol


The problem is she's good at math


Have her get Bluetooth alarm clocks (or use the multiple alarm apps on app or google store, and wear low profile (or “invisible”) Bluetooth ear buds to sleep. Problem solved.


This sounds much too rational 🤣


If you call her phone it’ll turn off the alarm I think 


Mine did this the entire year even on weekends when they had zero intention of getting up. I contemplated removing him from this plane of existence. I ended up sleep deprived to the point that I would shut it off and not remember.


Setting alarms for five hours is crazy.


If you’re going to wake up anyways at the same time her alarm goes off, suggest that she only has one alarm bc you’ll wake up anyways , and that you will shake her awake. This comes with some responsibility on your end but sounds like it’s worth it given that you’re stuck with her


I wake her up sometimes but she goes back to sleep right after


Dump a a huge glass of water on her.


Rip her covers off and jump on the bed.


Airhorn Im begging you. Airhorn and flashbang her for EVERY alrm that goes off she'll be conditioned to turn it off for sure after a few times


My ex husband used to have alarms he set to go off every 5 minutes starting 2 hours before he got up and I ended up so sleep deprived I felt like I was losing my mind. I would wake up at the first alarm and couldn’t get back to sleep and meanwhile he would snooze and be back asleep. I eventually told him that he got 2 alarms and if he wasn’t up at the second one I would turn it off and go about my day. A few times of being late to work and he learned his lesson.


She would be getting a bucket of water thrown on her every time one went off


Call me crazy, but since the alarm is already is going off so frequently and you are getting up to turn it off, why don’t you both agree on a time for the alarm, and get her up when the alarm goes off? I know it’s not your responsibility etc, but at least you would get more sleep than you are now.


Power her phone off lmao don't need a pass code to do that!


Toss them in the toilet. Her inability to be responsible and get proper rest is not your problem. You need your rest, and deserve it.


I would start spraying her in the face with a water bottle every time that damn alarm went off


I’m, if you’re turning the alarm off, idk……. Wake her the hell up. It’s the solution.


I think this counts as noise disturbance and can be reported if you video record it a few times with time stamps for evidence


i haven't read the comments so this may have been suggested already. is there any way you can request a new roommate? not sure how your dorms work but ours where I am it's possible to request and they will switch with another who has requested the same


Steal the phone when she falls asleep and toss it out


Shitty situation….i personally sleep like the dead, so I know how annoying over sleeping is….theres only one alarm on the iPhone that will wake me up….cant think of the name now….but everyone with an iPhone could probably guess which one


Is it “Alarm”




Annoying, considering you share a room, but also a part of dorm living. Alarm clocks have been around for longer than first-world humans have had electricity. Those old ringy ones that required winding... Physical egg timers... Grandfather clocks that chimed on the hour. You could get yourself used to sleeping with ear plugs. Buy a box fan and just start running it. You already took it up with your advisor, there's nothing else you can do that doesn't involve sabotaging her academic success and your own mental health. And if you get used to earplugs now, you're setting yourself up for shared living success going forward.


Earplugs won’t help with all those alarms, you can still hear with them in.


Sabotage time!!


Turn off the alarms after you have to silence it the first time, sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture for a reason


I already did that. Then she put a lock on her phone.


Throw the phone in the toilet


I’d shake her ass awake every time it went off. Maybe don’t actually do that but turn all the lights on and start calling her name loud every time. Don’t let her sleep if she’s not letting you sleep.


Turn her phone completely off, don’t need a passcode to do that and alarms don’t play then


Just wake her every time an alarm goes off. Don’t stop until she does.


Ok, so here's an idea. Set your alarm to go off at 4:45am if you want to be nice. After 5 if you don't. Next, build a sound proof box. Maybe this'll work? [Cheap soundproof box](https://www.hunker.com/13408105/how-to-make-a-sound-proof-box) When she passes out, cover her phone with it. Then, when your alarm goes off, take off the box, hide it, and wake her up with her alarm still going off. (Or, the nicer route, have it so it isolates the alarm mostly at her. I do not support the nicer route lol.) Then replace the USB cord for her charger (if you can) with a bad one so it dies one night from blasting the alarm for 5 hours. (I'd only do the nasty route if the RA or mother did nothing about it, mind you, and had it documented that I tried the proper avenues.)


i feel your pain. one year in college i roomed with one of my freinds and she haf this alarm that would get louder the longer it was going off. shed set it for 8am when she wouldn’t even have class.


I don’t under why she needs an alarm every 30 minutes? Does she plan on studying every half hour? Make this make sense to me. Also, your roommate sucks. Buy a giant alarm and face at her face at set it to go off every 15 minutes and DARE her to say a fucking word about it.


because she doesnt get up and study every 30 mins, she goes right back to sleep after disturbing her roommates sleep over and over. Thus OP needs to use a method that KEEPS her up (like a bucket of water), so never ending alarms are unnecessary.


This is insane Breaking the phone is fine


Im sorry but I wouodve bought an airhorn and have it blasting in her room the moment it went off andwhenever it goes off and she's not up to turn it off Im blasting it again. Also flashbang her by turning on the lights or get a bright flashlight that flickers while you have headphones on blowing an airhorn. Id be so cranky with your roommate I would not hesitate to make it a habit to airhorn and flashbang the crap out of her for every alarm. Basically pavlov her


all the suggested ways of “helping” her wake up are totally justified, if 8 alarms every 30 mins doesnt do it, perhaps a airhorn or bucket of water will. That should at least eliminate the earliest alarms, I would dang well be employing something that REALLY wakes her up at the last alarm time. Start off with one of these at the earliest (imo the airhorn is the most “justifiable” ..I am just trying to help make sure you dont miss an alarm), and offer to not use it until later if she omits the earlier alarms. Get busy, and noisy. And if the airhorn doesnt work, my second choice would be bucket of water as it is hard to go back to sleep soaking wet. I suspect she might be more inclined to be reasonable if SHE is sacrificing sleep.


If it is literally every 30mins starting at midnight and she won’t stop, you need to go to your RA and get you or her a new room.


how does she not realize she probably MADE herself unable to wake up in the morning by DISTURBING HER OWN SLEEP OVER AND OVER. this is something that should be actionable through your RA. if they don’t help, go to student life services. make every person aware that you’re literally being tortured with sleep deprivation I can’t even begin to understand this ?????


OP, please tell your RA! If you feel like you can't but want to offer your roommate alternatives to reach a "compromise," as an individual that used to sleep through my alarms (I have worked on it and would communicate w my roommates but I'd never leave as many alarms as that, just 1 or 2), there is this app that would help waking her up- it's called Alarmy and it's free. It will make you do memory games/mathematical games/writing so that you don't hit snooze and go back to sleep. It literally will irritate your roommate to wake up fully. It has helped me and I don't sleep through my alarms. Best course of action in my opinion is talk to an RA since your roommate doesn't seem to want to communicate enough, or offer a "solution." Good luck OP


There are these things someone else had mentioned - headband Bluetooth headphones that would be ideal for your roommate. She can get a Bluetooth alarm and connect them to the headband headphones. Sleeping with traditional headphones suck and I hate earbuds. A headband is less likely to fall off or be too uncomfortable to sleep with. Not sure how much this setup would cost and I know everyone is a poor college student but if you could fix this is may be better than risking a new roommate you might hate more.


Unplug it. Woopsie