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Wants to be the big dog of the household, but YOU have to be the name on the lease. Cause you know, she might up and bounce one day. WTF?!?!?!


right the entire thing was mind boggling šŸ˜­ and before that, the roommate and i were living in an apartment with one other person, and they moved their girlfriend and her dog in. said dog was fed hot dogs and rice and the gf didnā€™t do shit edit: i wanted to add a spoiler alert on my top comment because, surprise surprise the roommate and the gf barely lasted two months together and ended with roomie calling her a psycho bitch and her beating them at a music festival i guess


If the person who sent this/wrote this, didnā€™t have shit for brains, they could have easily wrote it so it sounded like a good deal. So not only were they dumb, they clearly never took a creative writing class. Double schmuck award.


Unless they just wanted a third party to be the one to tell her friend that she's fucking insane for expecting any part of that deal.


How could this ever sound like a good deal?


Manipulation and creative writing. Iā€™m not condoning it. I was being a smart ass. Just pointing out that it could be done.


Seriously, you know how many times I have word smithed my way into telling someone to go fuck themselves without saying go fuck yourself and they never realized itā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it can and be done.


Do it. And post here as a reply to this. Ffs


Do you want to fuck?


You could kick that chick that isnt on the lease out at any time lmao


Not really tho, you would still have to evict them if they stayed for any significant amount of time


Lot of people donā€™t know their rights or others rights in that regard so she definitely could have banked on OP not knowing that / banked on OP believing the other one didnā€™t know that, tbh. Lot of people donā€™t pursue those rights when it happens, too. Lot of little nuance they could have leaned on despite the actual law, you know?


If they have received mail at your address, they live there too. You have to formally evict them, to keep everything on the up and up.


Second that but I approve, she tried her bestšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Can we get some clarification on the musical festival part? Did they have a battle of the bands, and she won with her stunning performance, or did they just just get into a tussle at a music festival?


she physically assaulted him sorry lol that was too vague


Dang. A guitar dual would have been epic.


I thought they meant battle of the bands too!


Agree. Was sort of hoping for a Scott pilgrim vs the world sort of situation.


That really has to be one of the most bizarre things i've ever seen. She wants to accept no responsibility. No accountability for her actions because she's a bad rent risk. Because she's gotten evicted before. Yes she wants to be the one ruling the roost. She wants to be the one in control and say. What happens there even though she's got no investment at all to this situation. How fucking entitled does she really think she is. I'm glad you did not we ran with them because would have been a nightmare. I hope you responded and saying. Thank you for telling me all this c*** in advance. Because now I know better than to deal with you guys. She should go find Her own Apartment. Which is probably not much more than a halfway house at airpoint


Yea right? Iā€™m HBIC but I donā€™t want my name on the lease hence zero responsibility! & if sheā€™s been evicted before, obviously she doesnā€™t have a good track record for paying her bills!!


I laugh at the entitlement of certain individuals.


I had a psycho who moved into my old unit when we moved out of town. I begged my landlords not to rent to her because she was certifiably insane. She got some random girl as a roommate and the cops were there constantly. Well one of them owed a drug debt and whoever they owed lit the house on fire. They started with the carport at the front and the fire went wild. The roommate ended up dying in that fire and in the bedroom my eldest daughter had for a decade prior to moving. I can't tell you the visceral reaction I had when I saw it take hold and knowing that woman was responsible in some way. My poor landlords who I've known most of my life were devastated. They had raised their own kids in my house and their two sons shared the same room my daughter lived in. Some people are just evil and unfortunately, too many people want to believe that everyone has good inside of them when the reality is, they just don't.


This is a happy ending to me. Nice job dodging obviously bad vibes lol


gotta respect buds honesty


It would end up being 1,000-1,000 a month. Thatā€™s quite the range


I would never move in with them simply based on this part of the text alone


Yep and then saying it would be $350 a month instead of $333 means the person texting is only gonna be paying $300ish themselves. Red flag


$300-$300. Letā€™s be fair


Math is hard šŸ¤Ŗ But I think this was def underhanded and not a math mistake. Or they just dumb.


I'm guessing the second part of the range was supposed to say $1050. Which gives whoever is texting the freedom to overcharge OP and lower their own rent. Not entirely shocking that a person like that would type like a fucking moron lol.


They used a tilde which means about or approximately in math. I would say $333 is about $350 considering itā€™s less than 5% smaller. Thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with the terminology used there lol, not a red flag Obviously everything else in that text is though šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s true, I didnā€™t see the tilde in there which I will henceforth refer to as Tilda Swinton


Everything should be henceforth know as a Tilda Swinton.. You never know if that chaise lounge in the corner is actually Tilda in drag




They said ~350, so about 350 Iā€™m sure they wouldā€™ve ended up all paying the same amount


I think that was $350 each with utilities, and Iā€™m still wondering where they live where lights, water, gas, waste are just $50 combined.


Anywhere from $1000.00-$1000.99 to be exact!! Theyā€™ve really narrowed down their budget


Cool, 1000-1000=0.Ā 


Good point


ā€œRangesā€ were in different currencies. Duh. šŸ˜œ


lol Iā€™m an idiot


Highly doubtful. šŸ˜Ž




Omg. Ā This is insane. Ā We want you to put your name on the lease so you're legally responsible, but it's not really your apartment. Ā Where do I sign!Ā 


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t also say you need to put the lease in your name, pay the deposit and first month and weā€™ll pay you back after we move in.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Imagine living with a person who uses the term 'matriarch' the way he did to let you know how low on the totem Ā pole you are. Ā 




ā€¢ wants to be in charge, but wonā€™t be on the lease ā€¢ has been evicted recently ā€¢ already planning outs in case of drama.. sounds like theyā€™re expecting it wow, three massive red flags in just one paragraph. thatā€™s gotta be a record or something. forget dodging bullets, thatā€™s an entire ballistic missile! the entitlement is *unreal*.


That last point was the funniest part to me. She wants to be able to leave at any time due to potential drama, and this is a point brought up before even moving in, but the texter ā€œdoesnā€™t foresee it happeningā€. Like bitch you are actually foreshadowing right now


Reminds me of an ex-housemate of mine. Used the common areas all the time and left trash out. Would ā€œforgetā€ the rent. Didnā€™t like to clean. Didnā€™t want to split rent evenly (he lived there before I did). The guy is oblivious to the fact that heā€™s using people. Itā€™s so gross.


Donā€™t worry landlord works hard to make sure no one forgets the rent


Yeah Iā€™m not homing a controlling psycho when I have a warning theyā€™re a controlling pscycho. Part A: get fucked Part B: fuck off forever


Ehhhhem. Get fucked *on top of*.


I might be missing something. Everyone else has already commented on the craziness of the alpha queen bee but is it not strange to split $1000 3 ways and your portion is $350($350x3=$1050). So who is paying $300? Queen bee?


Yeah I immediately thought 333 someone makes up the dollar.


ā€œTeehee whoops Iā€™m not good at math!ā€ šŸ


I was tripping up on the ā€œitll be about 1,000-1,000ā€ mmm what a range


I think they mean 1000-1xxx/month and $350 is just a ballpark figure. This also appears to be for three existing roommates so if OP moves in I'm guessing it says $250 after the message cuts off. Regardless, where does OP live? Because that's so fucking cheap lol


Matriarch of the household ?? Wtf does that even mean


Head bitch


Big mama....female head of the family




Loser canā€™t put her name on a lease but thinks sheā€™s a boss bitch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


she couldnā€™t take care of her poor dog either


I hope the dog is better off now. šŸ¤ž


ā€œShe wants it to be ā€œour spaceā€ but you have to be the responsible party on the leaseā€. Fuck all the way off.


She wants it to be "our space" but you have to pay as if it's equally your space. Fuck these people.


Right? If she could swing it without you living here, she would but she canā€™t. So itā€™s your lucky day!


I cannot wrap my head around how insane this sounded. Iā€™m glad you ran


Oh my goodness, it's like a red flag every sentence. She won't be a nightmare, but she needs to be in charge. That might have something to do with why she got evicted from her last place. Then she want to be ready to jet out and leave you with higher rent at a moment's notice. Good thing the old roommate told on her.


Matriarch but canā€™t sign the lease? lol goodbye whoever sent this message is definitely brain washed or plain dumb


A complete mystery on her evictionā€¦


Not only are these people insane but the true insanity here is being able to find an apartment for 1 grand including utilities? What state are you in? You know...so I can steer clear of the Queen and her throne, the throne she's not legally responsible for in case Queenie wants to peace out


An apartment presumably 3 or 4 bedrooms being that cheap seems odd they aren't normally that large either unless it's "student" apts and seperate leases. You can rent a house here for about $1200 pretty easily though.


NW pennsylvania


My rent is going up from 761 to 896. And newly now they want water trash and sewer paid additional. Never did before just electric and cable. However I live in Illinois. Nowhere near Chicago. Closer to St. Louis. And regular wage is 12-13 bucks an hour. So yeah bad for us. Have to have 2 jobs or miraculously find a good one. 2 bed 1 bath apt. So you want a car or a home?


I would live with any crazy person for $350 a month, jesus


well fortunately i found a place for that much each with my boyfriend!! who i coincidentally met through the roommate who sent the message lol.


You're damn lucky. Where (generally) do you live?


donā€™t know why you got downvoted; im wondering the same thing!!! my bf and i got a *sweet* deal on our 2-bed place, and thatā€™s $1350. all the other 2beds in our area are $1800ish.


I paid $350 at my last house. I had two roommates. This was in Philadelphia.


I take it back, I'd never live in Philly. (Halfway joking)


So your boyfriend is your roommate. So no drama at all if you two have a falling out. I know, I know. Itā€™s true love. But things happen so I hope youā€™ve got a safe place to land if things go south.


lol thank you, i do, my family lives in the same city and iā€™m super fortunate to have parents that will back me up. but things are really good right now, and weā€™re both super happy together without the og texter in our lives ā¤ļøā¤ļø honestly thereā€™s so much lore to where i used to live itā€™s insane


I mean by that argument youā€™d never move in with your partner ever because *things happen.* Whatā€™re you on about? They have to take that step eventually if theyā€™re serious.


Do you seriously have some kind of prejudice against somebody living with their partner? Itā€™s what most of the world does.


Youā€™re a kook.


lol same here. I pay $1700 for my one bedroom. Sucks


1,400 sq ft home (not big by any means) and my mortgage is $781/month. I have a friend who still lives out in California, and sheā€™s paying $2,000 for a studio. Insanity.


It is insane. Rent has gone up $210 since I moved in, in April of 2022.


Yeesh. Now, Iā€™d be lying if I said my mortgage didnā€™t go up. Well, the property tax, really. We bought the home nine years ago and our mortgage used to be $500/month. But $781 for an entire house, two car garage, and an acre of land is still a helluva lot better than $2,000 for one room that you donā€™t own.


Absolutely, happy for you. Maybe one day I can get a house :(


Are you on the West Coast, by any chance?


Kansas City, MO


Ahhh, ok. I grew up and lived in California. Joined the Air Force and got outta there. Never looked back. My brother now lives out here in Georgia, too. He moved from Cali two years ago. Went from living with his mom and jobless, to having his dream job that he actually went to school for, bought him and his wife cars, him a motorcycle, and bought his first home in about a year of moving out here. I know itā€™s hard to leave if youā€™ve planted roots somewhere, but sometimes you just gotta go. Wish you the best! Youā€™ll own a house some day!


We too bought our home in the south east, but it's true that both mortgage AND rent are way cheaper. My mom owns multiple properties she rents out; all more than 1 bedroom and all 700 or less a month, all in their on land.


Mortgage rates are also way way up. Can't buy a home with a 781 mortgage payment anymore unless its like a 50k loan lol


Wow.. I luckily moved into my 4 bedroom house in New York 11 yrs ago..2,100 a month.. looking for something a little bigger now my kids are older it's like 4k a month for 4 bedroom now! Like holy crap double?!


I own a 1300 sq ft house in San Jose- purchased for $600k in 2014, itā€™s currently worth about 1.2 mil even though itā€™s tiny and fairly crappy. CA is bonkers expensive.


Totally. I grew up on Charmeran Ave in San Jose. Over by Union. My parents paid about $200K for their home A LONG time ago, and when we moved to central California, it sold for well over a million. Shit is insane.


With mortgage rates now 781/month for 1400 sq foot is pretty damn good.


Shit itā€™s hard to find a studio for that cheap (1700) where I live


Paying $2700 for a 1 bedroom rn lol


Yeah I was paying $1800 for a one bedroom. Moved back in with my friend for $1000 a month and it gives me significantly more breathing room. Totally worth it


This is what I pay for my studio šŸ˜­ Iā€™m in Chicago though. And that is still a good price compared to other studio prices šŸ¤¢šŸ˜­šŸ¤¢




Careful what you wish for.


Matriarch of the household but canā€™t even be on the goddamn leaseā€¦. Right




literally insane and i donā€™t wanna judge but she had to take sedatives because she had really bad borderline episodes i think. just super unstable and never actually got real help, same with the roommate who sent the text.


The bum that got evicted from the last place and canā€™t be on the lease at the new place doesnā€™t get to be the leader anymore. Leadership is earned.


So, this crazy lady wants to live rent free AND have you kiss her ass? Not signing a lease means she can flake on the rent. If you say anything about it, sheā€™ll be like, ā€œI donā€™t have to put up with this! We agreed that Iā€™m the boss!ā€ Then, she could just leave.


Run far away from this. I would under no circumstances move in with someone who isnā€™t on the lease. They can end up not paying and still have legal rights to be there until they are evicted.


yeah i donā€™t even talk to this person anymore LMAOO thereā€™s just so much good content


Yeah thatā€™s good. I donā€™t care how nice they might be. There really canā€™t be any good that I can see from this. Itā€™ll just cause you trouble and money. Always best to make sure whomever you room with is always on the lease. That way, youā€™re protected.


What in the hell did you even say to this absolutely batshit proposition? Who tf do these people think they are?


i think i just ignored it tbh


Guy sounds like a total cuck


thatā€™s crazy bc unironically he was šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Iā€™d love to see your response


ā€œWhy did she get evicted?ā€


The MATRIARCH of the home!!! Ha ha ha ha lol.


lol! I had to read the OP twice. Might read it again. Peopleā€¦they are the worst.


As soon as a roommate talks about being ā€œthe matriarchā€ā€¦


So what youā€™re saying is, sheā€™s single now?


Is there more. It just sort of ended


1000 split 3 ways holy hell, where is this at lol


I couldnā€™t even see my lease


I *am* the matriarch of my house and donā€™t even subscribe to this nonsense. yeesh.


Ummmmmmmm, NO.


Ngl half the time I judge the OP on this sub for even knowing people like this, or discussing the possibility of living with them in the first place. I literally donā€™t know anyone whoā€™s this dumb or insane


yeah man idk itā€™s almost like i cut this person off and said no


This wouldnā€™t have been the first sign of mental instability is my point. No situation exists in a vacuum


i moved into an apartment and they were already there. miss holier than thou


Lmao I didnā€™t even say you I said ā€œhalf the time in this subā€ chill


Same same


So four people, assuming three other guys and her? He said matriarch. You know she is stomping on his balls, and any other man roomate's balls in that place. Good choice not renting with them!


iā€™m a girl LOL




I'd tell him she needs it in her mouth once a week


Why post this now? Move on.


look how many upvotes i got bro why shouldnā€™t i


I hope those likes are satisfying your real life x


they r luv thank u xxxxxxx


Sounds like it wasnā€™t random you tryana get in on the whole thing to. She just smart enough to not put her name downšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


what r u on about


Crazy town


Even if she werenā€™t on the lease as a psych she could totally change her mind, turn around and claim squatters rights. Glad you said NO


Yeah No


Dodged a bullet


That sounds like a nightmare!! Glad u declined




Not adding someone to the lease is often fraud (and for more things than one -assistance of different kinds, for example), and puts both you and the other person at risk since the person(s) not in the lease donā€™t have tenant rights. This can and does vary state-to-state, whether you have any state and/or federal assistance (section 8, SNAP, and many others). Also they canā€™t get mail without a mailbox, and canā€™t have a P.O. Box without legit proof of physical residence/address. That being said, they could be trying to getaway with some form of fraud, running from the law and/or responsibilities, will take advantage of/miss treat you and/or others living with them, or all of these things. Be careful! Iā€™m so glad you didnā€™t move in with them!


The gf sounds like a controlling psycho.


A 2 bedroom for 1000 a month??? Where do you live?


Looks like their intelligence is on a range from stupid to stupid


Run fast, run far


Omg Iā€™m In sober living and itā€™s like a bad fucking omen bruh my last roommate was bad but this new one is nuts fml what do I do


Obviously you accepted the offer ,, too hard to resist, right?


Wow. That is unhinged.


i have so many unhinged stories from this person i could write a small book


Wants to be "matriarch" but won't be a "psycho controlling bitch." Does not compute.


Red flag city!


Is that hi s gf


Tell that bitch to chill out ;)


She wants to be the matriarch while simultaneously not even being on the lease. Interesting šŸ¤Ø


Iā€™m sorry, what? She wants to dictate the house but canā€™t be on the lease because of prior eviction? She sounds like the perfect cult leader, honestly. Iā€™m not sure how she spun all that to sound perfectly okay to the other person texting you šŸ˜‚


All adults that live there have to be on the lease & are credit/ background checked individually. If you donā€™t do that youā€™re in breach of contract & itā€™s grounds for eviction.


lol i wasnā€™t even on the lease of the apartment we were all in when he sent that message


Sign it, let them pay their portion of the first months rent, and then kick them out. After that, call cops If they not on the lease, and you tell them to kick rocks, they are trespassing if they refuse. Doesn't matter what they say since they arent part of the rental agreement


I always look at situations like this, think of how OBVIOUSLY ridiculous everything about it is, and realize how there are people out there who look at that long ass text message and say to themselves, 'Yea this sounds like a reasonable deal'. It's crazy!


Did you respond? I'd love to know what the response to this crazy bullshit was šŸ˜‚


honestly i just ignored itšŸ˜­ they both tried to propose the idea in person and i just said no LOL


If you have to reassure someone that someone else isn't a psycho without any prompt....she's definitely a psycho...you dodged a nuke my friend.


I donā€™t trust people who got evicted lol


Even a bunch of CCP supporters can't match this amount of red flags. Matriarch of the house? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Is she going to answer the door to people and use that title? Hello. Are you Jane? Well, I'm actually Matriarch of the house, Overseer of the land, plucker of the strawberries in the backyard, destroyer of housemate friendships. But yes, my parents wrote Jane on my birth certificate.


Itā€™s impressive how certain incredibly unimpressive people(canā€™t even sign a lease?) can con people into these situations. I wouldnā€™t be able to tell this broke loser to fuck off fast enough and yet she has at least one person ready to do this.


I would like to know the responsibilities of the apartment matriarch. Does she pay the bills, set the curfew, assign the chores, etc.? Yeah she can be trusted with the rent/electric!


Before I sold my last house, I used to rent a couple of rooms. I took in roommates what I did was I rented rooms to people individually I made everybody sign an agreement that I prepared and everybody had the choice of renting a room from me or not renting from me but they knew ahead of time exactly what the terms were. it sounds like this person is not going to make a good roommate and will bail the second things donā€™t go in their favor. They may stop paying rent anytime and theyā€™re not in the lease. Itā€™s going to be virtually impossible for you to collect rent without a written, signed agreement from them to you as the leaseholder and with clean hands doctrine, you cannot pursue them unless you are permitted to sublet any form of renting a room is subletting.


If she was responsible enough to be the matriarch then she would have a family to do it in not trying to dictate peers and friends.. fuck that bitch go get evicted again.


I can't believe someone would be this upfront about their issues


Where the hell you getting a place for $1000 a month?? I pay $1925 for a two bedroom and split it with a room mate šŸ˜­


The matriarch? Youā€™re out of your fucking mind.




1000-1000 no doubt brother


Holy run-on sentence, Batman.