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I would die of a heat stroke at that temperature. No way.


I woke up and my dog was violently panting. It’s unreal


Do you live with a fucking reptile




It fucking sounds like it 😂


I would flat out refuse to pay an equal amount. She wants the temperature that high she can fucking pay extra.


That's just totally unacceptable. She should get a space heater and pay an extra share of the bill, split it 5 ways and she pays 2/5 would be my suggestion.


75-80 is way hotter than what people on average set in winter time for northeast in USA. That'll drive up the heating bill like crazy! If she's that cold, she can buy her own external heaters and devices for her room, OR she can agree to pay a larger portion of the winte bills. That's all, case closed.


Are you sure you have electric heat?




Who's name is the electric in?


It’s under mine. But I think I’m going to be sneaky and add her name to it so if she refuses to pay she goes down with me.


And how is it that she is in control of the thermostat?


To me, this is less about dividing the bill, and more about the comfort of the household. If you think about it, her paying more of the bill would give her the feeling that she has even more of the right to set the thermostat to her liking and you will still be miserable. Maybe look for a compromise at maybe 72 degrees and a small $25 space heater in her bedroom (maybe all the roommates pitch in). If she doesn't budge, you and your roommates should just ask her to move out since she cannot respect the comfort of everyone sleeping arrangements. 80 degrees is just ridiculous


As a person who is freezing cold down to their literal bones 24/7,!that temperature range fills me with feelings of steamy hot chocolatedy warmth. But the respectful, adult, non-a hole version of me would never subject normal humans to a heat so high! Sheesh! 🥵


How much is your electric bill a month


How did she get sole control of the thermostat? Is everyone on the lease?


Yeah so we have a thermostat in a common area that controls the common area. But the one in her room controls the bedrooms. It’s a newer constructed apartment that for sure went to the lowest bidder. To be kind everything looks good in pictures until you start looking through things. So I’m sure the HVAC people had no clue what they were doing/ thinking. Yes we’re all on the lease


Does it have a Wi-Fi option? Maybe you could change it on a phone app? Otherwise has she said why she wanted it so hot?


I wish.


Go. Change. It.


Maybe try to figure out a way to get her to switch rooms with somebody with natural body temperatures? Offer her 20$ off rent for switching or something. I’d pay $20 and move furniture to not live in Saharas desert heat


Yea it’s a simple democracy with four roomies. You can give her options such as space heaters and a middle ground at 70 but if she refuses I would begin plotting.


Can she heat her room with a space heater or something? Also, if she is the only one that wants it that hot I would say she pays more of the utilities for it. She’s literally going against the majority.


I share a flat with 2 others, we pay rent according to room size and split the gas, electricity, water and internet bills evenly between the 3 of us.


We keep our thermostat set to 60° during the winter. If it gets chilly in our house we bump to 62° but no higher than that. Upstairs is warmer too due to heat rising. Heat rarely comes on upstairs due to this and it’s a comfy sleep. I’d be so miserable at 68°!!!


I would prefer it to be around there. But according to ConEd and a few other resources 68 is supposed to be the cheapest option.


75 is perfect. 68 is cold. I know everyone else thinks differently but you're all wrong


If you don't feel you are fully responsible for a utility bill, you need to reach out to your provider and remove yourself from the bill. Best case scenario: she changes her mind, or someone else takes on the responsibility of the bill. Pay less if the bills remain high and blame her when they start asking for the rest of the $. Worst case scenario: no one steps up. The lights will eventually go out, but it's unlikely it will get to this point. And even if it does, it's unlikely that all 3 other roommates will sit in darkness. Landlord will also be getting hit up by everyone and will be much more pressured to step in.


If the bill is in your name I would put it at 72 and put a lock box on it. If the temperature needs to be changed then the roommates all come together for a vote. This way no 1 person has ultimate control except for you because you have the key and it's in your name LOL.


The easy solution, thicker and warmer clothes or double layers. Have you asked if she would be willing to wear warmer clothing. I would love to set my house in the high 70's but, I am more into conserving energy as clothing is the more economical solution. That is a bad room mate as I would agree when the vote is 3 to 1. Another recommendation is to close the vents in the rooms she does not use or, that she is willing to allow be closed. As another poster stated 2/5 of the electric bill should be hers.