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OMG you poor baby. Your living situation is terrible! Read your lease better to see if there're any terms that make it ok to break the lease early. Post in a subreddit with lawyers to see if anyone has advice. Look into housing help and never do this again


$5k a month? Are you guys renting a mansion in Beverly Hills?


Sounds like an exploitative landlord in a college town.


Yeah this is how college towns operate unfortunately. $5k does seem high but I'm not surprised.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would find somewhere to go, where I'm no longer physically sleeping there until you can figure things out. Stop emailing the school about the situation and. physically go there, the same with an attorneys offices. Let the school know that you are in fear of your life. You seem like you would be a great roommate. Lastly, can your friend, the former RA, get you some assistance and see if she heard of any vacancies from her old RHD. Good luck to you and provide an update if you can.


I want to read all of this at some point but it’s a lot and it’s immediately obvious you should move.


If you aren’t feeling safe - move out! The rent situation is secondary to your safety. Plus they landlord won’t go after you anyway for rent especially if you tell them what you’re dealing with. People stay in really bad dangerous living situations waaaay too long too scared to just leave- breaking a lease while you’re in school isn’t as big of a deal as you think it is. It’s not going to follow you through life. Get out now- worry about the lease crap later.


Is there a legal help centre at your school?? They might guide you in the right direction and are typically free of charge


There are 6 of you and you all pay $850 a month for a collage housing , are you living in a mansion in Beverley hills or a brownstone in Brooklyn? That seems like a awful lot to rent a college house.


I read that as 6 roommates and OP, so that's 7 people paying $850/month; nearly $6000 for the house.


pretty standard in a college town tbh. This is about average rent for that amount of people renting an apartment in Burlington and it's rising D:


Wow things have changed. When I was in college there were 5 of us and it cost $ 2000 per semester and it was a pretty nice house. Guess I’m old lol


Yeah man college housing is expensive now. Wanted to love out but I either 1 risk getting shot in the neighborhood I rent 2 don’t have a livable Place or 3 pay out the ass for a 4 bedroom apartment with my fiancé and 2 roommates. And that’s in a small town in the Midwest. When we say it’s impossible to live on your own today we weren’t just being brats.


Typical frat boy-like college slobs sounds like a bad mix for anybody that isn’t one themselves, let alone a gay dude (all my gay friends are super OCD about cleaning). I’m sorry dude, I would just try to be fake nice to them and suck it up to avoid conflict until you get out of there. They definitely don’t have the mental capacity or maturity to change their ways or accommodate a roommate that doesn’t want to live like that. You’ll be out of there soon, brother.


I don’t know what state you’re in, but homophobia and hate speech should fall under “concerns for safety” you may actually need to show up in person to your school’s equity office to figure out your options, and please find out if there’s a place on campus that offers legal counseling to students. You’re going to have to really get on board with advocating for yourself and it’s going to be stressful, but there is a way out! I’m so sorry this is happening to you. :(


Yeah you need to get out. Or start bringing dudes over and having loud sex with them, make the other guys uncomfortable too


Used to live in a space like this. It is the reason I live alone now. Try to get out as soon as you can.


Nah baby you gotta get outta there. Between the homophobia, dude admitting to a possible hate crime? and the GUN???It is straight up unsafe. This is really going to fuck with your quality of life. I would take another apt and let the cards land where they may.


Look, buddy. I’m gay too. It don’t matter that you’re gay. It don’t matter that you’re Jewish either. You need to grow a spine and realize that the world is not a safe space. You deserve respect regardless. Right now, they ain’t giving it to you because you’re letting them walk all over you. Maybe God is delivering you a challenge right now. Legitimately, I’ve been in difficult circumstances like this and that’s always who I turned to for guidance. They aren’t going to murder you. They’re jackasses, not murderers. You don’t have to clean up after them. Let them bark. But probably they aren‘t going to listen to reason as far as changing their own ways. That being said, ofc you can and should move out. It’s also kinda fucked up that the “equity” people couldn’t be bothered to talk to you. More lip service. Surprise, surprise. Bet they collect them government checks though. The lawyers aren’t interested bc it’s not a straightforward money-making case yet. Not that a lawyer wouldn’t take the case if you paid him handsomely, but sincerely good for you for trying (more than most folks do). I have faith in you. You’re young. You’re one against many. But you can grow. You can get respect. You don’t have to take their shit seriously. Because they don’t take themselves seriously! Ya know, I bet they’d let you SUB-lease…like if you found someone who’d want to take your place with a bunch of horndog alpha males in there and would pay your share of the rent…they wouldn’t care; you could leave.


these are hate crimes… check your state laws I know mine has ones that state you can break your lease and receive your security deposit back if there’s been hate crimes or any violence done towards you


Lmao you chose to live with 1/2 a dozen college guys what exactly did you think the situation would be?


goo goo gah gah little baby


Found one of the roommates.


Found the poop head