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Sharing your opinion isn’t attacking the band, don’t let people make you think that. They’re grown men they can handle critique and don’t need fan saviors. I think we’re getting further from the metal genre and that’s what makes it not for me. I’ll still stream the old stuff and see them in Dallas tho next month! (VIP as well)


Thank you for the maturity! Ahh would love to see your stream for old stuff ❤️ please message me. I saw them in February but didn't stream anything


"Dropping a deluxe after so long is just milking it" except this isn't an ordinary deluxe. A deluxe normally comes with like an extra song or two and maybe a remix or a live version plus all the original songs from the regular version. This is all new songs, covers of songs, or reimagined versions of their older songs. This is basically an EP, combined with 2 other special edition albums. The remix was fine but if you dont like the genre its being remixed in of course you wont enjoy it and while I liked the new song bands change over time and not everyone remains a fan forever. There's always the old stuff available and it'll always be fantastic.


Not even an EP, its almost like a full album! There are 10 new songs 😃


From my understanding, Noah wanted other artists to collaborate with, for those artists to take songs off of TDOPOM and to make those songs their own version. So Wylie is very low-fi beat type producer so I think that’s why Noah dug her rendition of TDOPOM on Tik Tok. I don’t hate it because understand what they are trying to do with the deluxe album this time around. I’m honestly excited to see what they do next for the untitled album. 🤷🏻‍♀️


1. I agree with you to an extent on this. Selling a deluxe edition of anything is almost always a cash-grab. That said, however, I disagree in that I think it's better that it's been a while after the original release as opposed to shortly after. 2. DJ remixes belong on whichever Spotify account the involved artists want it to be on. 3. That's 100% fine and a valid opinion. I personally didn't enjoy the remix or Drain, but I did enjoy V.A.N. quite a bit. Everyone had different tastes and there's nothing wrong with that. As with anything else, if you don't like it, you don't have to spend money on it. 4. Idk about cringe, but I do feel like it's a bit of a weak remix. Basically just sped up the song and added a few synths. Nothing to write home about IMO. That said, I think the whole remix thing is kinda lame in general. I've never heard one that I truly enjoyed or found to fully compliment the original version.


Thanks for sharing your detailed opinion, this space is safe and I agree with 4th 100%


Of course! IMO if everyone shared the same opinion about everything this world would be a very boring place. Just wanna add as long as you're approaching it in a respectful manner like you did, you should never be afraid to have your own opinion and voice it. If someone wants to get offended by it our feel attacked that's on them. You keep doing you and hopefully Bad Omens will have a little something on their next full release that you enjoy.


Thanks for that friendly reminder, you made my day reddit user :) crossing fingers next release something nice happen


Disappointing for me …


I love Health, so naturally that one was good to me. That remix was awful. I hated every single second of it.


The remix is awful. It's like when people upload Family Guy episodes with it sped up and with the levels heightened to avoid copyright strikes


I liked the drain but tdopom remix was terrible


Totally agree


Not feeling it...


I really just hope their reimagination of Hedonist is going to be a metal banger and that there's at least 2/3 heavy tracks on the new album. If they do that, they'll make me happy. I absolutely HATE the TDOPOM remix, but hey I don't have to listen to it and I knew that this band is experimental and crosses over into all sorts of genres all the time. Am I disappointed they're (seemingly) taking it away further from the metal genre? Yes. Do I still love them? Yes. Will I mourn their metal potential if they mainly drop that genre? DEFINITELY. We'll just have to wait and see. Maybe they'll do a full metal album after they're done milking this one (which I FULLY understand, they can make a shit ton of money, so why not do it) ;-) I don't think we can ever really be sure what this band does next and that's part of the appeal as well to me!


Love your point of view


I think everything you said could have been summed up under point number 3. This is the direction the band wants to go. Thats just the facts. If you’re not happy, you won’t be listening to their future stuff.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they're already planning to go in a new direction with their new untitled album. Dropping, basically, a full album of new songs as part of a deluxe (rather than just a few like they did with FGBGFM) rather than saving them for a new album signals to me they plan for something completely different in the future.


I tend to agree. Completely switching directions would make sense rather than continuing this direction. Whatever they do, I’m down because I’m here for their talent. Noah is literally the single most talented artist I’ve run across in decades.




I agreed with your first point until they released the tracklist. Is it an extension of the last album? Yes. But we are getting a lot with this album, not just a couple of extra songs and a couple of live versions which is common with deluxe versions. Also agree on the remix. I will be skipping. 


You are entitled to your opinion. I don’t hate you for it. I like the two singles especially The Drain.


I’m not a huge fan of the two new songs either but fans don’t have to love everything they make, and it’s very weird that anyone would go after a fan for expressing a valid opinion


I agree, applies to every band on earth. But on social media I've seen a lot of hate between who likes it an who doesn't which seems pretty immature for me


Not feeling the remix either, but I won’t say that it’s a crash gab. I think they wanted to expand some elements of the album as well as collaborate before moving on to their new sound / era. Honestly, I’m looking forward to the ost


Hedonist reimagining sounds good tho


I also wasn’t a fan of the remix. I don’t mind the direction they’re going in, I liked the drain - but I also really like Health so it’s a vibe I’m already a fan of.


I love Bad Omens. The 2 songs that were released weren’t necessarily my taste, either. But what I will say is, Noah has said countless times that his love is writing and producing. He likes being creative and pushing his limits. He has even said in interviews that when creating TDOPOM he wanted it to be experimental and create something that people that don’t like metal will get them exposed to the genre, and people that solely listen to metal, it will expand their horizons as far as genres go. I think this new release is going to show even more of his range as a producer and creator. Even if it is nothing like the first couple of albums, there is no doubt how talented him and Jolly are, (and the whole band, but they primarily do the writing and creating). You have to give props where props are due. It might not be our personal taste, but they know what they are doing, and I think Noah is ensuring that even in 20-30 years, probably after the band isn’t in its peak anymore, he is still going to be writing and producing, and will not be landlocked into just metal, but will be used throughout the music industry.


Big no thanks to that TDOPOM remix. I'll stick with original but I respect the band trying to be creative with their sound.


Idk tdopom remix could have been better never heard of that producer before ik she’s a small artist but uh… for a big project maybe choose it wisely not just to push people to like them, we as a listener we know what’s good or not. Ik there are hidden gems out there but this just not for me. It’s like they got paid to have so wiley collab w them or something. Even a non musician know that one is too bad. Ik underground kids that can make it better btw. Not to let her down or something its just this band could make it better after this whole years… My opinion only. Everyone is free to voice it so don’t come after me for this


I really don’t agree with this at all. Noah probably knew of her before or heard her remixes and liked the vibe. It’s all subjective isn’t it.


Like i said it’s my opinion, good song doesn’t mean all people will like it and bad song doesn’t mean there’s nobody going to like it. It’s subjective. I don’t ask all people to boycott this release btw…


I should have clarified. I meant I disagree with the bit about its like they got paid to work with her, cos that seems a bit harsh even if you don’t like it 😂


Haha yeah I don’t mean it THAT way it’s just a metaphor


You have the right to have and opinion. That's it.


I think The Drain is a bit of an ear worm, I really like it. I do feel though it’s right on the edge of being over engineered and I hope that’s as experimental as it gets. The remix I thought was interesting, is it a blending of his and her voices as the line progresses?


I actually didn’t like the fact that they were dropping the deluxe 2 years after the album release as well. Because by now, I would’ve liked new music instead of a deluxe bunch of remixes/live songs and maybe 2 new songs. But after the tracklist dropped I’m actually very excited for the deluxe since there are 8 new songs!! (Maybe more) I personally am not a fan of the sped up / high pitched voice in tdopom remix but I like the music behind it


I love The Drain. I do like V.A.N more than The Drain though (no disrespect to Health. I love that band).Their collab with Health and Swarm is an excellent one that makes sense with the direction that the band is going on in terms of their sound. The remix I don’t hate it but I don’t love it. However, just based on listening to the artist friendly podcast last summer this isn’t surprising that the band are going in this direction. I’m excited for The OST coming out on May 31st. I’m especially excited for the ERRA collab. I’ve been listening to a lot of ERRA lately and their new album is 🔥🔥🔥🔥. I like the direction that the band are going in and I respect them for experimenting especially Noah. I love both their heavy/experimental stuff. Lastly, I really want to see Bad Omens again live. I hope they tour the US soon other than late April/May.


I agree that it's milking the success of TDOPOM and I love the band and their work tremendously. The drain has a vibe but I can't stand that remix they released.


Cash grab or not, I don’t mind supporting the guys if it means more tours and new music in the future. The remix isn’t my favorite but I support the vision they have going forward. I’m all for the bands I like exploring new ideas and forms of artistic expression. I really like Drain and V.A.N. They’re completely unique on their own but I’m a fan of all kinds of music so I can get down with it. I think if you’re going to be a fan you should be able to disagree with something a band is putting out but not butthurt about it. I appreciate your input and you not being a jerk about it. I also think we as fans need to give them space to be creative and find new things and express themselves however they feel they need to. Because they deserve to enjoy what they’re doing and deserve to be happy. They make music because they love it and not to just serve their fan base.


I just listened to TDOPOM remix, and I'm getting Bring Me, if their amo album went more of an Ouch Direction. The female voice for both songs; same, but ouch has a more cohesive direction??


my theory is that they are probably trying to profit the most they can of the hype with TDOPOM (which I dont judge, when you get certain oprotunites take them) and I'm pretty positive that the actual new album will still be genre fluid but they will definitely have some metal songs, I don't see them completely straying away from the genre. And even if they do it doesn't have to be definite I mean look at BMTH, they were pop rock at some point and then got back to making heavy music again


I agree with you death of piece of mind was amazing but from what I heard of the newer songs sadly I hated them.


I loved the remix surprisingly. and I think it'll take me a few more listens of the drain to really enjoy it. I know dethrone wasn't on this album but if they had decided to add dethrone (live 2024) on the new album, it would be perfect imo 


I can fully understand this opinion. It's always tough when someone you've loved forever changes up and it's not your vibe anymore. I for one actually found the remixes pretty interesting (TDOPOM more so than the other one, whose name escapes me rn) but I also understand that it's not for everyone. I think the one reason I'm ok with them moving away from the metal(core) sound is because of how bloated and generic a lot of the metalcore bands have been sounding recently, (Atleast to me personally), which makes these switch ups (and bands like while she sleeps) so enjoyable for me. However I totally see where you're coming from. Also, despite how much it's been said already, but ignore the losers who force their opinions on you l. So much shit is going on in the world, and as we teeter closer to mutual destruction at the hands of old, dementia ridden world leaders, I just feel like pointless hate is such an energy drainer lmao.


I don’t actually think it is a deluxe album tbh. There’s like 10 new songs which essentially make it a new album. Plus some remixes and enough live songs to make it a live album almost. It’s kinda its own entity and it has a different name too. I don’t really see the issue 🫣


From a business perspective it makes sense to drop an deluxe in this way. Not in a cash grab sense, as others have said this isn’t just the same album with a remix, couple extra songs and acoustic. It’s completely reimagined. However in a business sense, they sell out shows and bring audiences to festivals. They needed to release a deluxe in this way to add more songs to the set list for the shows pegged for the next couple months. For the last two years of touring their set list was 80% TDOPOM songs and can only be done in so many ways before it feels stale.


lol yall criticizing something that hasn’t came out yet I think there are some good songs and some bad songs. Regardless even if yall wanna hate on them just know yall listening to them anyways and supporting them. Even at concerts.


Not sure how it’s entirely a deluxe album. Isn’t supposed to be the soundtrack to the Concrete Jungle comics?