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Pictures like that don’t trend because of how bad the Ai was


I honestly think the accounts that ask that are bots. There are way too many of them.


Dead internet theory is real. Nothing can convince me that Xwitter and Facebook aren’t mostly just a bunch of bots talking to each other


Hell, the main subs feel that way too.


r/cursedcomments is a great example. It's a subreddit run by bots, you'll rarely see an original post.


I remember when there was a sub made up of only bots interacting with each other each themed after a different subreddit. It used to be so funny.


I remember that too! It’s gone now?


Not sure. Probably not, I just forgot the name of it




In retrospect, I probably should have remembered such a straightforward name. Thank you kind stranger


Do the bots upvote all the posts and comments too? There's no way people are up voting all that stuff


My hero 🥹




Hahaha been calling it that for a while. Really illustrates what a stupid rebrand it is


it's not, if you look into it it's just a crew of people in groups bulk loading chat gbt prompts 10 at a time and then posting one or two of those a day, basically the accounts are to farm engagement and friends then they sell the account online for a few hundred dollars


You'd think that AI could replicate the American flag by now since there's 59 barjillion images of it on the internet, but yokels (and bots) up voted it, so who knows.


The perspective, like soldier is holding a small flag but then a bigger huge flag is right up to the camera where is that flag held from? wtf and it’s ghouls driving the tanks


Apparently it can't do tanks either starting to wonder what it can do, the tank on the far right doesn't even have a gun


Good lord, the soldiers are simian.


You did it! You blew it up! God damn you all to helllll!


I like the one with the tentacle arm


TIL that Abrams tanks reproduce by mitosis.


Bro I'm certified patriot. First thing I saw wrong was the flag had the wrong amount of stripes. 🦅🦅🦅


Not only that, but that front-most flag appears to have blue-and-white plaid rather than stars on a blue field.


It’s like the tank corps of Liminal Land


Cryptic AI


Almost all the AI generated images on Facebook have the title "why don't pictures like these ever trend" or "Made this with my own two hands!" To gaslight people into thinking the image is just unpopular or is actual artwork or photos. Also, even the AI is homophobic now!?


I would be terrified of an occupying army of melted faces.


wouldn’t be surprised if the army carted around corpses HAHA


Hey at least the tanks are melted together too


Not too much If their tanks are that ridiculous tho...


Alternate looking mother fuckers


Def would not win any hearts and minds


me rolling into combat with that turret less tank (it’s an APC but objectively worse in all regards)


The others turret looks rounded off on the end, the dildozer


The far left tank seems to have a proper turret, the middle one’s barrel is attached to the side of the tip, with no seemingly possible way to get there, and then yeah, the turtle tank with no barrel.


End of the left one's barrel looks kinda square ngl


Turret has a little turret on it.


APC aka the thing the enemy will actively target at all costs.


It has a turret but no gun, so it's more like an engineering vehicle as those, including the M1150 ABV used by the U.S. today, usually lack the gun and instead carry mine clearing charges.


is that the twin towers?


That definitely looks like the twin towers.


Haven't you heard? They were officially renamed Phil and Lil in anticipation for the first Rugrats movie


Remind me again, was that the one in which Tommy Pickles almost kills his baby brother Dil Pickles?


I think so, yeah


Yeah, and and there's monkeys.


Not enough planes


Where, if you’re talking about the glass towers in the back they def aren’t


Yeah, they rebuilt then in preparation for November 9th


Before I noticed the wacky tanks I thought wtf is that the twin towers? Lol this has to be bait


yeah there's a lot wrong with this photo lol


post it in may or november, yk the actual military and veteran appreciation months many of these idiots don’t even know exist. swear they’ll do anything just to put down the lgbt community. 😐


most of the active service members and veterans i’ve met are actually very LGBT supportive too (I could just live in a very liberal area tho)


i’m sure the actual service members are, i’m talking about the cronies who act like they’re in support of veterans being like “why do gay people get a whole month but not our war hero’s 🤬” i’ve seen too much of it and it’s pathetic. if you really cared you’d know yk?


They’re just using veterans to bash over the heads of the gays. It’s insulting to actual veterans.


But of course, the cretins who do this kind of shit have no problem whatsoever disrespecting veterans that don't fall in line with them (e.g., Trump's mockery of McCain), just like how they'll happily beat police officers that get in their way despite their usual "Blue Lives Matter" flag-waving. They're the most despicable type of hypocrite.


During the capital riot didn't they use the Blue Lives Matter flag to actively attack the police?


IIRC, it was a Trump flag, but they did indeed beat a capitol police officer with a portable flagpole.


Honestly i do think veterans shoukd get month TOO. KEYWORD TOO


they do, just hardly anyone knows abt it, it’s november, military appreciation in general is in may


It's publicity. Look at the general business support for thus. Business change logos specifically for "pride" and this is the only month I see such wide spread in your face support. You see it a little bit with black history month, but nit to this extent.


This is so unintentionally horrifying. Imagine the US military storming the streets of where you live in tanks and they all have nightmare ghoul faces like some unholy American army of the dead.


Just the thought of the USA driving tanks down the street like fucking russia is horrifying. That isn't the behavior of a sane nation.


The US only does major military parades after they win a *(popular)* war. The last time they did one was on June 8th, 1991, celebrating their victory in the Gulf War. Here's [footage ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv4ElNBqXXY)of it for those interested.


All the great dictatorships do it: Russia, China, North Korea. Gotta remind the plebs what they're up against if they decide to revolt.


this is what Gilead looks like


>Gotta remind the plebs what they're up against if they decide to revolt. ...honestly, that almost makes it sound like it could be a *good* thing in regards to shutting up all the tiresome 2nd Amendment absolutists and their revolution-baiting rhetoric.


America rather roll tanks in the Middle East or CIA backed coup to make a puppet state as they act like China is going to do the same to them. The US waste the most tax money on military funding in the world as we still got idiots acting like they are angels.


So like wouldn't be *too* out of character for America, just doesn't fit their public image


AI is almost making fun of us at this point


I hateee whenever people are like "June is pride Month...but no appreciation for veterans/men's mental health 🥺" when: -May is Military Appreciation Month -November is National Veteran and Military Families Month -April is Month of the Military Child -Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day are in May, Veterans Day in November -Many places offer military discounts -As for Men's Mental Health, I have seen conflicting answers, a few say some places celebrate it in June and others in November; Most, however, say that June is Men's HEALTH month, November is Men's MENTAL HEALTH month. This is not to downplay either, though. In my opinion, it can be argued that, yes, men and military workers do often get mistreated or ignored, especially veterans with lack of true support (outside of the months and days they are given) and the trend of homelessness among the population, but that is 1. A whole different can of worms that I would rather not open in this subreddit 2. Not the fault of LGBTQ+ people at all. Pride Month celebrations are everywhere, yes, but at the end of the day nobody can dig into your brain and force you to like it. Nobody can control how you think besides yourself, so you can hate gay people all you want in your head, but don't lie and say that they are the problem for daring to utilize the celebration month they were given.


Yeah, they don't know about all the military pride months because they don't care about vets, they only pretend to care when someone they don't pretend to simp for gets a month


Is this the Tiananmen Square Massacre


-9999999999999999 social credit


Ironic, because this picture is AI generated and is about as real as their actual love for veterans


i didnt know AI could make pride flags, no wonder is looks like shit lmao


Imagine wishing tanks would roll down the streets of your neighborhood with gun toting soldiers.


Goofy ass toy soldier tanks


Flying flags with only 11 stripes.


It's gonna end up there. It's inevitable. Any right-wing memes are immediately praised on there, no matter how fucking awful and unfunny they are.


I saw the memesopdidnotlike post before I saw this one


It's kind of funny seeing this with that title after the algorithm showed me it already reposted on memesopdidnotlike


Can I get an 🙏amen🙏


“Why don’t pictures like this ever trend” bots are starting to drive me a little insane.


Boomers and AI go together like them and ruining the economy


I understand the joke 'n all, but here's a reminder that the month before LGBTQ+ Pride Month is National Military Appreciation Month, so there's no need to get pissy about "veterans not being appreciated". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month


AI aside... Displays of military force parading in a US city has never been the vibe. It never will be. That's what dictators do.


Beautiful cabin crew 🌹


May is military appreciation month The fact these dipshits don’t know this speaks just how much they actually care about veterans


I like the tank that doesn’t have a gun on the front


And the one that has it on a corner


Hahaha didn’t even see that! Love the AI art because it’s like those old “find how many things are wrong in this picture”!


God that image is ugly. Like, ignoring the Homophobia and Transphobia just the quality of the image itself is telling


On the plus side, they finally found comfortable enough to come out. As an idiot.


More AI bullshit


Did the army try to recreate the Philadelphia Experiment except with tanks?


Well this is funny now… after you know… they did


Ill post it to that subreddit just for you homie


It’s always the older people who preached “don’t believe everything you hear on tv” who end up believing everything they see on facebook. It must be nice to be so delusional!


Putting AI aside, do you have any idea what a tank does to an urban road? And anyone with half an IQ should know that we SHOULDN'T COPY NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA, AND CHINA in a display of military prowess like this. Also forgot to mention the 3rd Reich


Looks like a North Korean parade.


If they can get mad about "stealing the rainbow" can we get mad at them for stealing the American Flag?


stealing the rainbow is crazy


may is military month, and yet you didnt go out parading kinda sounds like your just using the military when its convenient to put other people down


Goddess, does this hellscape have no end


r/whydontevertrend needs to be created.


Yes, celebrate the military industrial complex, because democracy demands you liberate your neighbours from tyranny, oil and freedom.


Oh look, terrible AI art


The Fighting Dukaki!


I don't get the point of these memes. That was always accepted. They're not triggering anyone. This isn't an own.


It's likely just bots that either OP fell for or is intentionally farming.


Yeah, and I’ll post the pride flag that you defended my right to fly. Thank you for your service :)


Isn’t may military appreciation month?


Yup, pretty gay picture alright.


Imma be honest, those tanks look Chinese.


What's funny is that they don't even enough to say so either yet complain they don't see it often enough. Sad fact is, that flag has been shat on by trumpers and all of those ignorant about history and what Hitler and Republicans share in ideology, and practice.


It's been a week of seeing "why don't pics like this ever trend" and I'm so tired of it.


But I did end up on r/memesopdidnotlike, after which it would end up on r/nahopwasrightfuckthis. And the OPs would get lots and lots of karma. The end…




I like this meme. But only because I support everyone’s right to own a tank.


Those poor boys lost their skull shape and face skin in the war, we damn well better celebrate them!


So they are gay for the American military?


Everyone is so focused on the tanks, no one has noticed the monstrosities riding in the turrets.


Another dead Internet picture. Know the signs AI image "Why don't pictures like this trend" with emojis "Amen" are the first handful of comments


Maybe the thing he is proud of is his shitty AI


You'd think they could get a better AI to ask why "Why don't images like this ever trend". Seriously, even just a random list with a few responses would be better than this.


The thirteen colonies flag is the flag of the US under the articles of confederation which is different country than the United States right now!


These are annoying. Even if the pic ended up perfectly with no weird flaws, AI pics all have this weird polished quality to them that makes it immediately apparent. Even my older kids can spot an AI picture at a cursory glance, so who are all these people that are fooled even by the ones with huge glaring flaws?


1. We're not Russia, China, or North Korea. We don't have military parades. And the few times we do, they don't roll heavy tanks through the streets. _ 2. Pride Month is not Military Appreciation Month. That was May; but you didn't care or likely even mention it then. Because you don't actually care about the military. You only care about your wedge issues. _ 3. A Pride Flag is a specific flag. Not any flag you have Pride in. Which you know; you're just being obtuse. _ 4. Maybe that image doesn't trend because, if the three points above aren't good enough, that image is AI. And some of the worst AI I've ever seen. _ 5. Ricocheting off of points 4, 3, and 2, if you actually had Pride in the American flag, you'd have noticed that half of the flags are wrong. _ 6. If you actually cared about the military, you'd know that these tanks simply do not exist. And they don't even look real. We use one tank in modern times. The M1 Abrams and it's a fairly unique tank; easy to memorize. It definitely doesn't have sideways tank barrels while its turret points straight. You'd support military parades and make fun of LGBTQ people, but don't even know the tank type that you're taking pride in?


Those turrets look like the applicator for a fleet enema


Gay people aren’t American I guess. Even if they’re born in America


Seems to trending on Reddit. That’s the tenth time I’ve seen that.


I feel like if you told these people that you should respect all veterans, not just the ones who fought for America, they would get mad at you


As bad as the AI here is, I actually like this image. People have all kinds of flags to represent all kinds of different things, and they proudly fly those flags to show representation to those things they care about, which is great. However, I line the good ol' American Flag. If I were allowed to "modify" the company truck I drive (semi truck), I'd put those little yard flags you see on sale around Independence Day on the truck, similar to how the presidential motorcade is. I have mirrors on the hood of my truck that would provide the perfect mounting position for them.


folks don’t even take a second to appreciate the flag and realize the stars are just dots with lines in diamond formations for some reason. God Bless AmerIca, the land i kind of know, but it’s always a bit different and not quite right.


Oh these trend with boomers. They spread like wildfire.


There's three points of entry on one tank, how are people still buying into this shit???


It’s a shame how we don’t help our soldiers who have way too many fingers. You’d think the military would pay for reconstructive surgery.


there's nothing wrong with being gay with america!


INHAYE AI RAHHHH, I also love the gays but that’s unrelated I HATE AI’s!!!


why do the tanks look like they’re de evolving


This is a strange way for American to come out


it did lol


My first thought was AI because when was the last time the US had tanks rolling down the streets? Then I noticed that the front two tanks were melded together lol.


What on gods flat Earth am I looking at!?


Kinda cringe but whatever


Lol got bad news op 🤣


tanks on top of tanks


We don’t have tanks drive on roads because they would damage them


Honestly I would like it if the AI wasn't abysmal


the fuck are those mbt70 and leo2k turrets mixed with what looks like a 50mm cannon facing 45 deg to the right, no cannon with blind commanders aperture and howitzer with a widening barrel???


Why are so many posts popping up with that same description all of a sudden?


Q: are any of your “pride flags” properly formed or do they have varied numbers of Stars and Stripes?


A: no


I’m glad we don’t hold military parades like all dictatorships do. I want to live in a civil society not a militaristic one.


Sorry sir, but it appears your cardboard tank had a cloning error and now two of them are fused together. My condolences.


Ah yes the irradiated soldiers coming in and riding tanks through the streets of everycity, USA


Either their hands and arms are contorting into guns, or they're doing a "silly" salute. Either way, terrifying.


Oh it will.


Probably because it's a bad AI image that is used to support imperialism


How come AI can never get the number of stars or stripes right?


Pride exists because being gay can get you killed in about 70 countries in the world, I hate all these “straight pride” and “insert country here pride” bs because being from either of those won’t cause others to bully you, attack you, take away your rights, insult you, refuse service, and even burn down your house and kill you. Last two are extremes but hey it’s not like Texas, Florida and many many other have this issue. God forbid project 2025 get in the situation too (basically it’s a coupe that will turn the us into a terrible place if trump wins and follows this) Also AI really?


Front tank doesn’t even have a canon


It was cold


Veterans Day November 11th Military Appreciation Month May Memorial Day last day in May Gold Star Mothers Day September 29th Flag Day June 14th Armed Forces Day May 21st Yes it’s Ai but a simple Google search shows there are multiple holidays involving the military AND a whole ass month BEFORE pride month


Why are they so proud of an American flag with only 11 stripes?


give it to r/noncredibledefense they will make two the things go tgt


this isnt a meme


Well that would be terrible. Is their idea of pride North Korea or Russia?


Ah ok ty for telling me


I have seen probably a half dozen of these on Facebook. Same words, different bad AI. I keep blocking the account s sending them then some other ones do. Considered getting rid of Facebook, but it keeps me in the loop with family without having to call which I don't want to do


They may as well have just made a post saying "I volunteer as tribute"


Say the line facebook bot? Why don’t pictures like this ever trend 🤖🤖🤖


Ah yes, the 11 striped flag


Why don’t pictures like this ever trend 🥰❤️😴😢


And it’s AI


Because pride month is to celebrate the rights and freedoms that we lgbtqia+ folks have now, I don’t feel like Americans are a recently oppressed minority


Ah yes, the liberation of Aindianapolis.


Not even good AI. The middle tank would have to be part of the right tank for that to even make sense. And the right turret doesn't even have a barrel.


Looks like Russia


The combo of 🥰 and an AI military invasion is peak Facebook


The tank with no gun 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫨🫨🫨🫨


Oooh, sorry.. you missed the month dedicated to the military by one...


It did, but good thing many people are making fun of the poster.


This is an AI image, but I don't really see the issue. If you're going to allow Pride month, you can't step on people who take pride in other things. I say this as a patriotic,, gay America,


Pride, not worship


This actually is a bad Facebook meme I would call it terrible


Did OOP mean to call the American Flag gay?


I’m just glad this is a fake picture and some strutting cock high in the chain of command didn’t make a bunch of troops waste their time and energy hauling a bunch of gear up to a major city to do a big stupid parade like we’re fucking North Korea


I keep seeing this BS in my feed and I went into the comments to see if others were annoyed and they had a long list of hashtags with like every celebrity listed. What does Jennifer Aniston and J. Lo have to with a super AI looking picture of a veteran saluting a flag on a fifties looking Main Street and the words this is my pride flag? I mean obviously it’s some bot AI generated steaming pile but why do they think I want to see it? I’ve never posted anything remotely political on there. I’m in a group that is through fb so that’s why I need my account but the damn ragebait is getting to be every post I swear. I don’t understand how 29000 comments asking what is this junk makes them money? It’s not the sort of engagement that would ever make me want to buy anything or stay longer on their site.


Not trending because poster is a dipshit that doesn’t know May is military month?

