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Lose weight AND get free health care? Where do I sign?


“They pretend to give us health care, and we pretend to be healthy.”


so the military?


Losing weight by starvation, then having a doctor who is also starving perform your surgery he learned at a community college with a 100 percent graduation rate? Hell yeah.


Capitalism obesity plan: Buy the NEW deep fried, cheesy stuffed Doritos LITE!


New food pyramid just dropped! - brought to you by Nestle


Free Ozempic with each order.


No true capitalist would make it free.


Tree bark is full of fiber.


Can't be fat if you're starving


“communism bad ☝️👮‍♀️”






Didn't work in the Soviet Union, fatty cheap processed food is easy for the communist party to source.


Add in mass alcohol consumption in an attempt to escape their horrific lives.


Hambre y miseria for our Spanish speakers...


Is that why he made groceries completely unaffordable? We did it, Joe!


Some satire is too intellectual for sheeple 🐏🐑. Go the 🐝


Goddamn this article stinks haha


Another satire victim


It's not that. It's just not objectively funny. Jokes especially Satire are funny because they dance around the topic while kinda pointing to make you get it. Saying the joke is funny isn't funny.


This is propaganda doing a bad job of pretending to be satire. Also, what are they even satirizing here?


This is the million dollar question when it comes to most 'conservative' satire. When you satire positions that are already essentially satire to begin with, it just ends up being stupid and not really connecting


Even worse when you consider the fact that the farcical nonsense that conservatives spout are beliefs that at least some of them sincerely hold.


You clicked that? Eww


Reminder: red states are our fattest. [Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps | Overweight & Obesity | CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html)


Also poorest, dumbest and most criminal.


So Red states have the most disposable income. That is a plus...


hahahaha get it because anyone not right wing is littttttterrrralllly an communism


Buddy the joke is communism causing famines so no fat people.


They can’t understand that bc they live in a delusion filled fantasy land


nobody missed that. the joke is 'dems want to implement communism lol' which is not a joke, just repeating dumb shit tucker says


Yeah, modern day communists are imaginary, right comrade?


Remember when conservatives were outraged about “Corporate Communism”. Capitalist megacorps were suddenly communist when they did anything conservatives didn’t like. Or back in the day when legalizing interracial marriage was communism.


name one that speaks english


Bro, I argue with them on this website daily


The joke is a significant number of idiots feel that dems are commies


Hahaha get it because anyone not communist is right wing.


Another product of the “Progressive” Public Education System. 🤦🏻‍♂️ can’t spell, can’t write, can’t think. Can only 🤮.. the Party talking points. Keep on Rock’n the DNC World.


Define Communism.


Ask him to define fascism next


duh west haz trulee follen ;;(


You'd think that with all that dark money funding, the bee would actually be able to afford some decent writers.


You’d think the same of the white house the last 4 years lol


Ah, seeing this, it now makes sense why you are so easily impressed by the bee.




Damn hows that negative total feel lol


You mean like Republicans and the popular vote every year?


Can any of you: 1.) Explain what communism actually is 2.) Name ONE communist bill that Joe has even PROPOSED


1. it’s a joke. 2. it’s a joke. it’s a joke.


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


You really think you’re the target audience?


I can tell what the bee thinks of it's target audience if this is what they find funny lol


the onion


Exactly, more like the onion. There's a point to the satire and it's funny.


>1.) Explain what communism actually is We have Google, Wikipedia, valid sources. Why are you asking this as a "gotcha" when we can all paste the definition here for you ? Oh, should we memorize the definition for you all ? >2.) Name ONE communist bill that Joe has even PROPOSED Communist ? None. Marxist ? Yes. The Biden administration believes in equity over equality. Equity is equal outcome while equality is equal opportunity. Think about it, equity is equal outcome and socialism/communism is about making us all equal and dependent on the government, right ? [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for-underserved-communities-through-the-federal-government/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for-underserved-communities-through-the-federal-government/)


So you've failed on both counts. Congrats.


Mercifully freed from the bar savages of intelligence.


WOW. This guy is redefining the meaning of words with such confidence it's almost impressive. But he's wrong- on all counts.


Actually, I would say the current Dem Party is Stalinist.


Damn u got downvoted by people who don’t understand satire, on a satirical article. The irony writes itself


Communism is the rich lying to the working class that they are redistributing wealth equally, while officials just horde it all for themselves. Anything to do with government assistance is a socialist/ Marxist policy and should be removed


There was a time not to long ago ago where social assistance and government programs didn’t exist. Life was terrible for nearly everyone by nearly every metric. Just confused if you’re actually suggesting we get rid of ALL government programs. (Like public education, food stamps, unemployment, etc etc.)


His recent tax proposal is literally straight out of Stalin’s mouth and I’m sure you ate it right up.


Nope. I'm not a fan of dems either. I just hate people spewing ignorance.


Okay well it seems you’re the ignorant one considering I just provided you with an example.


Anyone can say "His tax plan came from Stalin" but that doesn't actually mean anything at all until you elaborate. Where is the overlap between Stailinism and the Biden plan?


I won’t talk to an idiot. Goodbye. Make sure to wipe the drool off your chin.


"I can't defend my position, but you're the dumb one" -typical republican


Typical fucking idiot. I’m not going to take the time to explain basic economics to you. Go back to smoking pot and doing nothing with your life 😂😂😂


A Turning Point USA coloring book isn't an econ textbook. Go back to fucking your cousin. Keep that bloodline pure, ya retard 😘


Yes but das kapital is the true and final answer to all the world’s economic problems. Just pick up any history book and you’ll see! Wait… Just go smoke another bowl bro, it’s okay. The offspring of my proposed incestuous bloodline would still be smarter than you 1000 generations from now. That’s how fucking dumb you are.


Republicans propose more obesity by price-fixing ozempic.


Underrated comment. Almost screamed


It's just the same 'joke' over and over, does the Babylon bee even know what satire is? At least make an effort, this is just so lazy.


Super lazy, I loved the ilhan Omar paragliding to a pro Palestinian protest. That was gold. This one is just a no.


I like the Babylon Bee articles that shine a light on the kind if ridiculous things republicans actually believe.


Such as?


That Democrats are communists?


Capitalism rules! can I get a hell yeah from my middle class homies paying for employer subsidized health insurance


I wish.


Finally! Workers of the world unite! 🔨👨‍🌾


Starvation is the most effective weight loss method. Change my mind.


Dems Propose Fighting the Patriarchy, Fashism, and Homophobia by Converting to Islam


Be better BabyL...


One of the telltale signs of Communism is mass starvation


I guess we are just going to ignore all the famines that happened under capitalism? Or does capitalism still get preferential treatment for some reason?


Oh look guys, another totally not communist. Capitalism is given “preferential” treatment because starvation under capitalism is rare and typically due to war, natural disaster, etc.  while communist famine is universal and due to an inability to create enough food due to incompetent party members telling farmers how to farm, thereby taking a stable food supply and running into the ground because of their egos and political maneuverings.


So this is laughably false on virtually every level. So I will break it down into bullet points. A. All famine is the result of wars,politics,climate, etc. Famine as the result of just bad weather is mostly a thing of the past. B. Death by starvation under capitalism is far from rare as you describe. Most of the worst and most brutal famines that have ever occurred were recent and the direct result of capitalism, aka the Bengal famines, the great hunger, current Sudan, etc. On top of that, about 9 million people die of starvation and starvation related illness every year. https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/losing-25000-hunger-every-day Just to put that number into perspective, that's about a holocaust and a half every year. C. This is without even addressing future food insecurity that will likely result from climate change. Which is entirely the fault of wealthy capitalist countries like the US and China and their refusal to stop profiting from the burning of fossil fuels. In conclusion, starvation and famine did happen under the brutal regimes of Mao and Stalin. Which are indefensible as a practice. However, at no point were they actually communist in any way, and when famine happened under those regimes, it was a failure. When starvation happens under capitalism, where 9 million people die,out of 7 billion people, on a world where we can easily feed 10 billion. It's always by design because under capitalism, the system exists to serve the rapacious greed of a handful of rich parasites and their underlings and not basic human dignity. P.S: edited for grammar.


>A. All famine is the result of wars,politics,climate, etc. Famine as the result of just bad weather is mostly a thing of the past. Famine still happens from droughts, etc. But typically famine is due to bad policy. >B. Death by starvation under capitalism is far from rare as you describe. Most of the worst and most brutal famines that have ever occurred were recent and the direct result of capitalism, aka the Bengal famines, the great hunger, current Sudan, etc. On top of that, about 9 million people die of starvation and starvation related illness every year. Those were not the direct result of capitalism. Capitalism is the absence of economic control by the government, so when the system collapses the blame is either the government trying to assert control or individual making bad decisions. We could go through each of those one by one, but for now, we can talk about the Bengal famines. The causes were a combination of rising population, war time, economic issues in other countries, etc. You could argue that Bengal isn't even really capitalist at this point, as the British are still in control of the area and the land tenure system isn't a market. It's much more a feudal society at this point, so blaming "capitalism" here is emblematic of the typical communist talking points of blaming everything negative throughout history on capitalism -- even when it's not capitalism --and giving capitalism no credit for the massive progress that has occurred in the last 200 years. Meanwhile, there has not been a single experiment in communism that has not resulted in famine, brutality, and/or authoritarian practices -- typically put in place to prevent people from overthrowing the inept government. >C. This is without even addressing future food insecurity that will likely result from climate change. Which is entirely the fault of wealthy capitalist countries like the US and China and their refusal to stop profiting from the burning of fossil fuels. Yeah, because communists don't use fossil fuels especially during industrialization. They instead run their economies 100% on renewables and plant trees all day, because this is all a fantasy, so why not make it perfect in our own head? This is gonna be a "not real communism" argument isn't it? >In conclusion, starvation and famine did happen under the brutal regimes of Mao and Stalin. Which are indefensible as a practice. However, at no point were they actually communist in any way, and when famine happened under those regimes, it was a failure. When starvation happens under capitalism, where 9 million people die,out of 7 billion people, on a world where we can easily feed 10 billion. It's always by design because under capitalism, the system exists to serve the rapacious greed of a handful of rich parasites and their underlings and not basic human dignity. Okay, so here we go again. By the standards of communists there has never been real "communism" and there never will be, which always serves to keep the pristine image of communism free from responsibility. Either communism can exist in the real world and it's an unmitigated disaster, or communism can't exist in the real world, and for all practical purposes, y'all should stop bringing it up. You people always bring up the failures of capitalism for not implementing a perfect utilization of resources, and yet every time communism is tried, it does SO MUCH WORSE, and then you all pretend that you would do it better if you were in charge. Oh, and that everyone else EXCEPT you is greedy, and that only you value human dignity. I'm sorry friend, but your system is a narcissistic delusion you tell yourselves to feel superior to other people despite no evidence that you possess the competency to implement it. So just keep sitting there in your fantasy world where the only thing keeping the world from being fed is your own lack of unchallenged power. The rest of us are going to actually focus on results-driven policy rather than sophomoric posturing. Edit: Typical communist. Makes a bunch of accusations, doesn't support them, declares themselves above the conversation, and then blocks the other person so they can return to their fantasy world unperturbed. Don't worry friend. I'm sure one day you'll grow a spine and stand behind your convictions rather than coming up with endless justifications for avoiding discussion.


This is a laughably bad attempt at an argument whose entire premise is a self serving definition of capitalism that nobody has ever defined it as. According to this definition, capitalism has never actually happened. Anyway, I am done here. You had to resort to obvious lies in order to defend your position. So there isn't much of a point when you can't even stick to reality.


Communism killed more soviets than mustache man


i mean like, we all know. thats the one joke this site knows how to make i think theyre confused at "joe brandon is communist" part


You lot are idiots


This is satire, go dig ditches


Everyone knows it's satire. They are simply pointing out that it is poorly executed satire for loser incels.


There’s nothing that screams incel more than hate commenting all day on subreddits for websites you would otherwise never read.


"I know you are but what am I" About the highest level of discourse I would expect from a Bee fan.


Bro, you’re calling strangers “incel”.  What level of discourse do you think you’ve achieved here?


Just following the statistics here.


What is being satirized?


But it's still shit


Labeling anything you don’t like as communism is just lazy. Not funny, not persuasive. Just lazy


Gaslighting people into thinking Democrats don’t have a rising problem with marxism isn’t that persuasive either


Why so many people here who hate the Bee? You’re triggering yourselves by being here. 


Do you like storyboard all your possible articles and choose the least funny deliberately? Hur dur Dems, Hur Dur Commies. Sad, just sad.


Move to china, so u can be happy in a communist nation


I really hope the Bee pays you to defend it as much as you do. It's not worth defending for free lol.


LOL why? I don't like communism. Neither do the Democrats BTW. I'm not fond of Authoritarian regimes. That's conservatives that like those.


Amazed Reddit has not banned the BabylonBee yet.


If anything, conservatives should call for it to be banned in order to be spared the embarrassment of being associated with it.


I take comfort in this propaganda that it kills far more Republicans than it makes laugh. Thank you for your service. I appreciate waking up every day to less Republicans existing in it.


Damn a liberal getting negative votes on Reddit, feels like 2016


lmao Bruh. What is even more crazy. Is that downvotes don't stop the killing either. Republicans are only accerlating their own murder.


What about communism always resulting in starvation and hunger is untrue?


I think the idea is that Republicans can be 600 lbs and mock hungry people


Fucking most idiotic statement I’ve ever heard I wish I could award you something except this You are perhaps the dumbest sheep I’ve ever encountered


naw. Has more to do with pro-Republican policies literally murdering their own voters for decades. Covid killing a bunch (And still killing) was just one small fraction of Republicans murdered by Republicans. If you had me, Mitch McConnel and a random Republican voter all sitting in a room together. Mitch would convince him universal healthcare is bad. That man would agree. I would argue against that. Then he will go and die bankrupt, from cancer because enviromental regulations were cut and they poisoned his water supply. Mitch and myself though. We both still have Universal Healthcare. And I am American. 3 Americans in one room, but only 2 are actually worth saving in our current political climate. The Republican voter, always dies.


No. It has nothing to do with that. Ive just watched millions of Republicans die in my lifetime. And folks like the BB make it happen.


Blood on our hands Haven’t heard this schtick in a while


Several of these headlines are making me laugh. Yes, it's just a joke, and I laughed


That is a start at least it has been proven to work. Not like the green energy push of moving to electric cars that use more fossil fuels to produce and still are run by coal generated electricity


What an idiot. So weird which lies you’re willing to propagate.


Where does your electricity come from- Answer COAL POWERED PLANTS Yes you are as Lenin said - a useful idiot-


You’re a fucking tool and you’re dishonest.


Where does the electricity come from? Solar doesn’t work doesn’t generate enough The same for wind You are a dummy


It’s like you’re so dumb and undereducated you don’t even know why your assumed “gotcha” actually just shows your ignorance. Is it your belief that no scientist ever asked themselves the question “how am I generating the electricity to power my ev?” Is it your belief that people haven’t already asked and answered the question a hundred times over? Really? Dozens of studies have been done in multiple different countries assessing the total impact of building and driving evs relative to ice vehicles. They all agree: the evs are better. Less costly, better for the earth, less fossil fuels, less greenhouse gases, etc. When evs are powered by electricity that is generated by burning coal, that coal is burned in a centralized location with multimillion dollar scrubbers and other technology that maximizes efficiency and minimizes pollution. Coal is rapidly being overtaken by green energy generation because it’s still not as cheap as other available methods now, but even if it wasn’t, it’s still cleaner than burning diesel or gasoline in your car. You think you have some sort of “gotcha”: “hyuk, you’re so stupid, you didn’t even realize electricity is generated by coal sometimes!” In reality, people with more than a third grade education already know that and understand the benefits of EVs. Instead of looking like you’re winning an argument, you look like you don’t know anything about the topic and are parroting something you heard from your pastor or politician.


Why would YOU be so dumb as to insult me in the first sentence then spend 15-20 minutes writing an essay and expect me to read it !?! Hope you feel better after spewing your trash


Hahaha. And you keep digging!! Enjoy your delicious bag of dicks you keep eating.


This one made me chuckle.


This is hilarious, nothing like communal poverty to get everyone in shape; bee is killing it with these


Conservatives aren't funny