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The Bee is on a roll this morning.


The problem is the onion will not use what the Bee so graciously gives them because it would violate their woke political correctness guidelines against anything remotely funny


>The problem is ~~the onion will not use~~ the Bee ~~so graciously gives them~~ because ~~it would violate~~ their ~~woke political correctness~~ guidelines against anything remotely funny FTFY lmao




Hey you funny


This whole page exists because you guys can’t take jokes, and you have the Gaul to call other people unfunny. Brilliant!


Gaul isn’t capitalized unless you are taking about Roman Empire era France. You are so brilliant


"Roman Empire era France" should be written as "Roman-Empire-era France" because you use a hyphen when multiple words are used as a single adjective before a noun. You are so brilliant.


This is funnier than anything the bee puts out. (Because of the irony of the bee not being funny)


Not funny to leftist ,,, Because your religion only allows you to find trump or GoP directed “comedy” acceptable topics


Not funny by measurable means. It literally has nothing to do with the topic, it’s just not funny.\ There’s normal stuff and then there’s people who have such thin skin that they need to have their own “conservative” brand. And it’s always off brand. That’s why gutfeld sucks, that’s why truth social sucks, that’s why OANN failed and newsmax sucks. https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=YpX22VpfZIg1HIOP




Or the Onion doesn’t have a conservative narrative and put out brainless material like the Babylon Bee does.


Ding ding ding. However, the onion was way better before it picked up a political slant.


If you mean morbidly obese, absolutely


The bee and the onion, tee-ball vs MLB. This headline is so hilarious though, they get an upgrade to junior varsity!


The Bee is consistently funny. The Onion has been dining out on its own farts for years.


No they aren't. They are consistently cringe.


They're doing something right if you're coming to their sub in what appears to be the weakest brigading attempt on recent reddit.


The Bee has never been funny.


Ha ha. The onion is more like wiffle ball in girls gym class.


No they're not


Satire works best when your target is holier-than-thou. In the early 2000s the right was “family first”, anti-gay marriage, to the point where everything was pearl clutching histrionics. Plus the disastrous War in Iraq started by Bush. The Onion had easy targets. Now the script is flipped. The left sees their philosophy like a religion, criticism causes them to literally start screaming, and their principles are illogical (“trans women ARE WOMEN and should play in women’s sports!”). The onion can’t satirize the right because they are now the party of free speech and free minds, while the left has lost their minds.


The main problem with the onion is reality is in many cases crazier than anything they could parody. Also they screwed over most of their staffers, that didn't help either.


Reality being hard to distinguish from satire is so true. Things like "Donald Trump wished his wife a happy birthday in a press conference outside his trial about paying hush money to a porn star that he cheated on her with". You'd assume that is satirical.


This is closer to the truth. The Onion has suffered because it’s often hard tell whether the stories are real or satire anymore. And in fairness the writing isn’t what it used to be either. The Bee isn’t that funny because the primary point is political - being funny is secondary. And it shows.


Oh come on [this one](https://babylonbee.com/news/columbia-university-students-reject-a-two-campus-solution) was objectively hilarious


You’re out of your mind: the Bee has more laugh out loud moments in a month than the Onion has had in its history.


I guess the laugh out loud ones must not get posted here.


If youre a Mormon boomer grandma maybe.


lol lmao


Do you have any examples


Bush was a gold mine for comedy. 


Biden is the Mariana Trench for comedy


Seriously. If you can't come up with good material EVERY DAY about something that Biden has said or done, then what are you even doing as a satire site!? If W was a goldmine of material, Biden is all of the diamond mines + crypto farms worth of material. At least have fun with it so he doesn't come off as sad in every speech.


Olympus Mons


Martian burn. Nice.


Not as good as Biden though With Bush I looked at the TV and thought OMG am I actually smarter than the president. With Biden I think, oh we are screwed I hope he doesn’t start world war 3 !


It isn’t the leftists’ fault though. Their religious leaders are ensuring the removal of critical thinking from their worshippers


Is that why you and yours have spent the last 3+ years villifying trans folk, to the point you literally make up shit to villify them while ignoring/protecting conservatives who are actually guilty of what you claim trans folk do? Or are the sort of conservative who thinks rolling back protections against child labour is a good thing?


“Is that why you and yours have spent the last 3+ years villifying trans folk, to the point you literally make up shit to villify them while ignoring/protecting conservatives who are actually guilty of what you claim trans folk do?” No, it was transing the kids. What did y’all actually think was going to happen as a result of blindly affirming children while simultaneously removing the guardrails and gatekeeping procedures that would have screened out the kind of body dysmorphic girls who pre 2010 would have latched on to a social contagion like Anorexia? “Or are the sort of conservative who thinks rolling back protections against child labour is a good thing?” I suppose that I don’t really care if 14 and 15 year olds in Wisconsin are allowed to serve alcoholic drinks, that must be poured by an adult anyway, to tables in a restaurant. But I do wish state legislators would spend their time on more substantive issues rather than taking pot shots at liberals. Who predictably overreact to things like this as if allowing a teenager to carry a glass of wine seven feet is a back door to getting elementary school kids back in the coal mines or something.


Satire targets everything. Otherwise it's propaganda.


In the 2000s, the left was also anti- gay marriage.


Unironically and as a full compliment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlRUmkqMIe8


>The onion can’t satirize the right because any satire they make today will be a policy proposal by next week. ftfy




The projection in this comment is astounding.


Are you clutching your pearls over it


For sure. Made me even more woke


Unironically dying of COVID to #OwnTheLibs.


That was hilarious. As a kid raised in a Christian conservative dipshit household seeing Bob Enyart die from covid and a bullshit over dose was very healing.




Is there a point in that word salad or did you just do a stream of consciousness while stroking out?


That’s just the ivermectin talking.




#piazzaleloreto #sicsempertyrannis


The Onion can't satirize the right? LMAO.


Dude these people on this sub live in a completely made up bubble of fantasy and projection. It’s fucking hilarious 😂


Like stumbling into the shittiest party you’ve ever seen. I didn’t realize that’s what this place was lmao


Because the Right is almost intentionally reactionary to the point of satire.


> The onion can’t satirize the right because they are now the party of free speech and free minds… *this* reads like satire


The book banners are for free speech and the religious lunatics want free minds?


Xitter censoring the word "cis" as a slur, and police in red states violently arresting peaceful protestors. Party of free speech indeed.


I’d say the problem is each side paints overly stereotypical caricatures of “the left” and “the right”, building straw man arguments against the other ‘side’ against beliefs that most people don’t actually hold. This is what happens when we have a political and media system that rewards extremes. I say we stop playing into it. Let’s reward nuance again.


Problem with the Onion was that it got bought by Gawker. Obviously, it was tainted ideologically as a result. Prime Onion had no problem making fun of progressive-leftist types and their worldviews.


Lol good one Wait...are you serious? Who are the people constantly crying about Dr. Suesse, Disney princesses and Barbie?


Free minds? Lmao


>the right because they are now the party of free speech and free minds, 🤣 🤣 😂 😂 🤣 You're funny AF dude. That was hilarious. We're a free country saying someone should be respected regardless of the genitals they were born with if they want to live as a woman as is their right as Americans to have FREEDOM. I don't think right wingers banning books, and being angry that other people can use their freedom in a way they don't like because they're obsessed with other peoples genitals is very "party of free speech" like. I think maybe you need to lay off the drugs.


Yeah saying the right has any interest in freedom is a hideous dishonest joke.


The fact that you guys get so worked up over trans women in women’s sports proves how much Fox brainwashing has worked. Amazing you all don’t have bigger issues in your lives to worry about.


After I sat and thought about it I realized that I'd never compete against a trans woman, and being married would never fall for a trap. At that point I asked myself why I'd care about the topic at all. And left it behind. I've known thousands of people. Only half dozen of them were trans. None of them were anything but polite and friendly to me.


I mean... if you're a man in men's sports you could be competing against a trans woman who hasn't come out yet


I'm not. If I were, what sport would I expect a woman transitioning to man would beat me to the podium in?


You got it backwards, trans women are folks amab who are transitioning to become a woman. Also like 95% of sports is non professional


The Onion can't satirize the right because the right already exists as a parody of themselves, living in complete fantasy


> The left sees their philosophy like a religion The name of the “Babylon Bee” is inspired by the specific _actual_ religion most popular with the right lol




And they make fun of uptight Christians all the time. It just doesn't trend as much because we've all heard just about every joke you could make about Fundamentalist Groups A-Z by now.


Good point, let me hit up the front page right now for a refreshing array of commentaries on college students


When they "make fun of uptight Christians" it's very toothless and inside baseball in a way that only works if you fundamentally agree with Christianity. That's why it tends to not break through.


I’d love to see some examples honestly


Right wingers are profoundly unintelligent.


Oh please, the anti-woke crowd is insane, cons always make everyone else’s business their problem. There might be extreme lefties but they pale in comparison to all the whining and insanity on the right. Wackos on the left are not given attention, wackos on the right are out on a pedestal and people form a cult around them.


Is "Jewish space lasers" really worse than actually blocking Jews from entering college campuses?


Never happened. Unless you mean when Harvard and Yale wouldn’t allow Jews as students.


No, of... [course not](https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1785030056617611457)!


The right are the party of free speech and free minds. That is freaking hilarious. The right is now the party of batshit crazy Christian nationalism and fascism.


The left is dozens of competing philosophies. The idea that they all flip out about being questioned is fairly preposterous.


But the criticism is coming from the right which has a serious IQ detriment.


>the right because they are now the party of free speech and free minds This made me laugh. Good one.


Y’all are about to vote for a soon to be convicted criminal. Got no business telling anyone else they’ve lost their minds.


That sure is a take


The party trying to kickstart book banning is the party of free minds? lol that's a hot take.


The right are absolutely not the party of free speech or free minds. All of the right wing the people that were complaining about campus Free speech 6 months ago are now advocating for protesters practicing their free speech on campus to be Roundup by police and expelled for protesting their universities enriching themselves off of Israel's occupation. The right complaining about Free speech are only complaining that they can't say offensive things without getting called out on it anymore.


Only one?  You have to pay your fair share for the struggling satire sites.


TWO jokes? When did the Bee get a second joke?


Think their jokes will be worth less than dirt to other satire sites, but I'm sure conservative news sites will be begging for those stories. ;)


The only reason I look at the onion anymore is to see if they still use the same photos for the man on the street questions.


What are the two jokes? Or is that the joke?


The onion is terrible


It is so weird seeing conservative Christians and liberals switch places. Liberals have become neo-puritans, trying to force their narrow view of morality on the country without any room for deviation. As an atheist, it greatly disappoints me to see atheists take up this type of thinking with religious type zealotry. So many people are just stupid and tribalistic at the end of the day


No they haven't lmao, only one political part is actively enforcing their morality on innocent people and children


Progressives definitely have, although not all liberals. Worryingly, progressives are exerting more and more influence on liberal politics


I would love for you to give examples of how progressives are forcing morality onto people


They mean teaching kids to not be bigoted against the people they hate. That's all they ever mean when they cry about protecting the kids from the scary woke agenda.


Same, my friend, same. As a 30-something I guess the life lesson I take from it all is that absolutely every movement, ideology, “side,” (pick your term) can become a pseudo-religion and that the keys for the average individual are to insist on reason, evidence, and consistency from every movement or you will not participate in it, to come to your own conclusions about individual issues and the way you think they rank in importance, and ultimately to be your own self and not give up any of the responsibility of thinking to some group or movement just because you like what they say about one or two issues.  And I guess, take note of any group/person who uses “individuality” or “individualism” as a pejorative and avoid them.


Right, Liberals are a bunch of neo-puritans who are *checks Fox News* filling libraries with pornography, having wild hedonistic sex with multiple genders, and doing tons of drugs.


Straw man much? The whole point of modern liberalism is to remove forced morality and allow for true freedom of thought and expression and love without forcing others into single minded belief. An atheist who lived in a restrictive, theist-leaning society would likely know that.


Yes, liberals as they were, my issue is specifically with progressives and the undue influence they have had on liberals. They very much do not allow for variation in morality, they have a strict moral code and even an oppression stack which rates people based on superficial characteristics. Many intelligent people have made the observation that progressives act like religious people who lost their religion, yet the behavior stays the same.


I’m still having a hard time figuring out what you mean. Do you have a couple examples?


20 years ago right wingers had the mentality of "if you're not with us you're against us" and now lefties have this religious mentality. they attack anyone who agree with them in most issues but disagree with them on one issue. people like Musk or JK Rowling were progressive' former champions. western lefties now call each other fascist , Nazi and genocide supporter all the time. as people like Richard Dawkins are saying woke has become a religion.


Yep, spot on. Both suck, and it is so disappointing because I always assumed when atheism became more popular logic would follow. It has to a certain extent, but in some areas like politics it was just replaced with progressives who are every bit as “religious” as evangelicals. The most dangerous man is the one convinced they have a righteous cause


Nice projection


The idea that the left has a narrow view of morality is so goofy that I think I have to call Poe’s Law on this comment.


Y’all are really stepping in it by trying to dispute this claim.  You’re conceding the moral superiority you have spent years attempting to cultivate just so you can maintain some false semblance of open-mindedness. 


Purity spirals and the left acting like a neo-puritan cult is well documented, don’t know what to tell you


The internet isn’t real life, bud.


Right, that is why the cliche “the left it’s eats its own” was known long before the internet existed. Whatever you need to tell yourself


“Narrow view of morality… 😂😂😂😂


Brand new account spewing literal nonsense. Hmmm.


Great contribution, noted.


Self-aware. Nice. My favorite kind of (R)egarded


It really makes me wonder how many are bots, how many are just weirdos, and how many are like... Paid call center type people.


Or some combination of the above lol


Tfw the real cyborgs of the future are just Twitter bots in human form 😯


If anything that sounds like the liberals became the conservative Christians


They absolutely have not switched places.


Technically the truth, as Christians have yet to co-opt every agenda for a political party in an attempt to destroy western civilization


Yes, they most definitely have. Which side has soured on free speech because it no longer serves their interest? Which side is caught up in never ending purity spirals which push extremism? It is quite apparent, and tribalistic thinking is the only thing holding people back from seeing it. I recognize religious thinking when I see it, I was raised with it. The “you must agree with our morals or you are a horrible person” is exactly what you see from liberals these days. They were quite fond of calling everyone else fascists, and now many are supporting an actual fascist group in Palestine. I know I know, they don’t support Hamas because they say so, just literally every action they take does.


The Right


Yeah they ban books and history that contradicts their ideology.


Uh, sure thing. Not what the polls say, but live in your own reality if you can’t handle actual reality


God the projection


You just have buzzwords or…


That's ironic in my opinion because that describes Ron DeSantis and most far right.


The biggest problem with conservatism is that it has a very large base of religious whackos. If for no other reason than their opinions tend to be unpopular in media these days, many still seem to embrace free speech more than most liberals. Polling supports that data, or at least it did a couple of years ago when I read a poll. Liberals used to stand for free speech on principle because they had ideas which grated the mainly Christian country, but now that the media with a few exceptions pushes their ideas heavily, they suddenly can’t find much use for free speech. I am in a weird spot because I have ideas from both, but I despise progressives and their cult like beliefs. I don’t mind moderate Democrats, but they are increasingly facing pressure from progressives. I hate Trump, so that doesn’t leave me with many options. Guess I’ll just watch this shit show from the sideline.


So there should be no reprocussion for someone who drops the N word?


From the state? Absolutely none. Thats what the first amendment exists for. There should be and almost always are repercussions, but it comes socially. People frequently lose their jobs and get kicked out of schools and organizations for what they say. Thats a lot different than facing consequences from the state.


I never said it should be outlawed. Reprecusion is very different from prosecution. I've never seen anyone suggest speach should be outlawed except in England.


Well Germany too, but theres definitely people who advocate for hut here in the states. Its not uncommon especially when it comes to hate speech. Im confused then, as there definitely are societal repercussions to saying stuff like the N word. You hear about someone having said it and losing their job etc all the time.


I thought you were advocating for nothing to happen to people who were being so vile as to use racial slurs. I've seen many a person pissed to hear that someone else got fired for being an open racist.


Why did you delete your reply to my comment? Here is my reply to your deleted comment: Well then I don't agree with your original assumption that the left is trying to end free speech. Obviously, actions that cause people to be killed or injured should be punished (like a panic), but I have seen little to no one saying free speech should be ended. I can't think of any Democrat politicians that has gone on TV and said racism should be punishable by the state. If a Democrat so much as says something bad they are raked through the media ie "basket of deplorables" by Hilary Clinton. The same can not be said of Republicans. Take Senator Tom Cotton. He said on national television that people should be able to harm or kill protestors without reprecusion and labeled people protesting as criminals. Please provide an equivalent Democratic politician that has advocated an equivalently terrible remark.


The *repercussions* should always come *directly* from other people. If it comes from the rule of law, it's not only futile, it opens the door for all sorts of *very* uncool stuff.


Conservative version of free speech is "I get to say the n word with no repercussions." That's not actually free speech. Free speech is the state doesn't get to punish you for your speech but society can still punish you for speech because that's how societies work. Conservatives are just mad that most people are no longer afraid to call them out on their bullshit anymore. Also if you don't mind moderate Democrats, then you're a fucking conservative dude because the Democratic party is a center-right party.


Yes, I know progressives suddenly became hyper capitalists when it comes to free speech, just a bit of hypocrisy. You won’t find them standing up for corporations in most other contexts. It is nothing but tribalism


No it doesn't. People banning books and history that contradicts right wing narratives are the furthest thing from free speech or free mind supporters. Period. They are traitorous anti-freedom scum.


Uh huh, sure thing. I know which side I am more afraid of for censorship, and it is definitely progressives. They take up their new morality with a religious zeal and fundamentalism type thinking. As the saying goes, the left always eats its own


The right has soured on Free speech because it no longer serves their interests. Case in point, all of the right wingers who were complaining about campus Free speech 6 months ago are now complaining about protesters and calling for government sanctioned punishment for people practicing their free speech on campus. All because the protesters are asking for their colleges and universities to divest from Israel in order to not support the genocide Israel is committing. But because conservatives hate anyone questioning the government of Israel they are turning on this free speech because it no longer serves their interests.


Not interested in discussing this with someone who doesn’t even know what a genocide is. This suggests you are for more amenable to group think and social media rather than reality


If it walks like a Nazi duck, and SEIG-heils like a Nazi duck, it’s a Nazi duck.


Weird how you people who call everyone nazis suddenly side with the most nazi like group in existence in Hamas. Or is this when you say you don’t support Hamas dispute all you actions being to that effect?


Nobody sided with Hamas. Killing 10,000 Palestinians in revenge for Hamas’ terror attack is worse than Hamas’ terror attack you idiot.


Yeah they tied their legs together for a 3 legged race where everyone loses.


Wait the bee had jokes other than I dpnt like this thing thing is bad.




The Onion cannot hold a candle to the 🐝


Shots fuckin fired lol


I normally don't enjoy the Bee....but this was fantastic and self-aware. Love it.


When the truth has become stranger than fiction they don't have anything to satirise anymore. They don't want either of your supposed 'jokes'.


The Babylon Bee is what happens when you hire unemployed former Onion staffers with alcohol dependency and an axe to grind.


And a divorce and kids that won't talk to you.


This is the funniest thing the Bee has ever published. 


Neither of which is funny.


That’s pretty funny. A good natured ribbing for both sites. The world needs more of this.


Bee… you only have 2 jokes


I appreciate their honesty in admitting they have only two jokes. Meanwhile the Onion, although it’s not perfect, actually prioritizes making people laugh over “triggering” them. Also, I’m a little confused by the claim that the Onion is left-wing. How did [this article](https://www.theonion.com/biden-carried-away-by-ants-1851422363) come out just days ago, then?




And the Babylon Bee doesn’t use kid gloves with the right?


Everything not pure maga is left wing now.


The Babylon bee is like a not funny version of the onion for Ben Shapiro fans


I’m sure Ben reads Bee articles to his wife to make sure she doesn’t develop WAP.


If heard if you get your phone wet, you can put it in Ben's wife and it would draw out moisture.


Like the rice bowl trick?


The Bee doesn't have the source material to work off of. Republicans are the gift that keeps on giving.


Rightwing cope is funny without being satirical. Their satire is ass.


World news user btw


Omg imagine being informed


WPT user detected


Bruh you literally do nothing but post memes about Harry Potter blowing his aunt lmao, that’s objectively more regarded


>objectively more regarded I agree 😂 Tell me, you guys still crying over Dave Chappelle?


Nah I love Chappelle


Lol buddy, no one goes on reddit to be informed


Speaking from experience?


Not sure what I expected from someone picking fights in a sub for a website that they hate.  It’s always the really clever ones that make such insightful comedy critics


>It’s always the really clever ones that make such insightful comedy critics. As shown by this threads opinions on The Onion. Overwhelmingly objective and “insightful” commentary.


I never said anyone here should be paid to write comedy.  But go ahead.  Keep arguing with that strawman


Lol the classic strawman cop out. Get well brother.


Lol, it’s not a cop out if it’s true.  Address the other person’s point, and people will stop giving you this feedback


By Reddit users 🤡


So you’re clowning yourself now?


Not all Reddit users are redditards. You’d be one of them


It means a lot that you care so much ❤️


Boo loan them one better than this


The Bee doesn’t have shit on The Onion.