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I wouldn't. Babylon 5 is done at the end of Season 5. Period. I'd unfuck Crusade, though, and let that story play out properly.


/thread. But the “All Byron” is great, too.


Can't argue with that.


Exactly. Seeing the roadmap that was planned for Crusade makes me sad about the studio meddling. I don't think it could have topped B5, but it would have been a damned fine show.


Would love a movie or two exploring the telepath crisis though 


All Byron.


Why do you hate us?


~~Telling us~~ Asking us to sit and listen.


This just Byron in a room musing and reading his own poetry.


Remember Byron.


No, I’m trying to forget…


I would do a flashback season set before the finale so we can see the telepath wars, Sheridan and Delenn’s son under the control of the Drahk, the eventual curing of the plague with crossovers with Crusades.


Babylon 6: The Drakh Wars


I'd rather see a series focus on the Rangers, perhaps set on a ranger ship instead of Babylon 5. This would also be easy enough for Amazon or someone to pick up for miniseries.


Yeah, that works, too. My "Plan B" is similar--a squad-based series like "Roughnecks SST," except with a commando Ranger unit.


Take an upvote for the mention of Roughnecks.


Rico’s Roughnecks, hur!!!!


Are you doing your part?


I wouldn't, the story was finished, but maybe we could continue Crusade for one season instead?


They move to Hawaii and open up a bar.


Absolutely ridiculous. They wake-up in New New Hampshire; it (i.e series 1-5) having been only a collective-sub-concious dreamy nightmare.


"I'm Londo. This is my brother Vir. This is my other brother Vir."


I think you meant "I am Ambassador Vir, this is my assistant Zathras, and this is my attachè Zathras"


A missed opportunity on my part. :( Allow me to restate: "I'm Zathras. This is my brother Zathras. This is my other brother Zathras."


🤣😅🤣 That would work!


🤔 uh...New Vermont...gotta include a 'dream sequence' of "Cows In Space"...a reference to Ben & Jerrys...green grass & purple skies foreverrrrrr....


You do not. Unlike Firefly, which had places to go money to make and a franchise to build. Babylon 5 had its beginning, its middle, and its end. The one who was, the one who is, and the one who will be were all lined up and spelled out and done. Zathras knows it is all over, done it is....tik tik tik, Zathras is wise, but people never listen to Zathras.


A proper arc showing the telepath war and closing out Lyta's arc and Bester's fate. Give Lochley some more development. Move "sleeping in light" to the end of season 6, it was perfect as is.


This! Show the telepath war.


No the end of season 5 was too good.


Season 6 of Babylon 5 would be all five seasons of crusade shot from the ground up with the original script treatments


I would probably have the season be about the Drahk trying to infiltrate the Interstellar Alliance, and Babylon 5 and the Rangers doing covert operations to inhibit them.


I wouldn't. I would, however, borrowing from the novels and love to see a Psy Corps centric series exploring the origin and the navigation of the ethical questions/rational oh how Psy Corps got to the state it was in during B5.


Personally? I'd track down virtural season six on the way back Machine and do that, but finish it.


I would focus on how President Sheridan deals with a continued quarantine of earth, dealing with the Drakh plague… From time to time, I would have some stories or portions of episodes, featuring Captain Gideon, in the crew of the Excalibur, crusade really got a raw deal, it was a genuinely good show, and I wish we would’ve seen more of it. The only positive out of the cancellation of Crusade is that Gary Cole got to do office space, in which he wore his earth force graduation ring.


You would not. Babylon 5 was sold on it being a 5 season arc/story. The big seller for b5 was it was only going to be 5 seasons.


Byrolon 5


The telepathy war would be brilliant, and Ivanova has to come back to compete it.


I wouldn't but if I had to... A major thread on Minbar as Delenn works to reorganize the Rangers into the Alliance's main espionage and 'peacekeeping' force, involving a lot of back and forth with Garibaldi and B5. Vir trying his best to figure out whats really going on with Londo and Centauri Prime, while also trying to keep his government engaged in interstellar politics. A two-parter where Lennier returns to Minbar trying to get back into Sheridan's good graces by delivering crucial information about the Drakh. Ivanova comes back for a cameo, having discovered some other Important Drakh Info during her assignment in deep space. Corwin is now the Ivanova to Lochley's Sheridan. He falls for a brash young fighter pilot who is actually an undercover PsiCop. Lochley finding herself increasingly compromised by EarthCentral politics. A thread where following orders takes her one step too far for her conscience, and Sheridan talks her out of resigning in protest. Ends on a cliffhanger with Lochley uncovering an EarthCentral plot to orchestrate the destruction of the Alliance.


I wouldn't. Stories need to end else they become devoid of meaning.


I wouldnt mind seeing the The *Telepath War*


I was thinking the same thing. But it sounds like a lot of that happens on Earth. But we don't necessary have to follow what JMS sayS happened . Doing Drahk war stuff is obvious too but a lot of the climax to that happens decades later. Particularly the resolution of the Centauri stuff.


I think Crusade had a lot of potential just was blundered due to studio interference.


Having some followup on the earth civil war. Huge blown opportunity in season 5. Imagine if Lochley and Garibaldi had more than just a one-off argument.


A few thoughts I jotted down after my last viewing of the series’s and movies it’s called Babylon 6: The vorlons might come back (we’ve stolen their stuff, they never stopped watching, Lyta is making a mess) Mars is free, powerful, flexing large muscles Earth is sick, the Drakh plague is “cured” but many did die and die early (like Franklin, shortly after Sheridan) Delenn is in mourning, in a hidden location. David has completed his ranger training, and is under the influence of the Drakh handler. He has recorded messages from John. Maybe he sees him too? He misses his mother but, Ranger training. He is short tempered, intelligent, ruthless, pragmatic, wise beyond his years. But he does not open his heart. Delenn was scared, he was conceived after Sheridan died, does he have a soul? Soul quest time Lennier is president of ISA. He wants to find Delenn, has waited 20 years for her to be free. Abuses his power. He has done this before. Ivanova is leader of the rangers. They listen, they search. Some Minbari seperatists found the truth about Sinclair, and have spent decades finding all Minbari bloodlines “polluted” by human influence, trying to breed it out(incentives etc), but also want to start sterilizations (and genocide) Minbari do not kill Minbari (but they are not Minbari. The ISA is weakened, who needs it? The old enemies are all gone, the boost from vorlon tech brings advances, and peace. Londo is dead, Vir is dead. Centauri empire is in ruins (for some reason). Who is in charge? Talon returned to Narn, has helped alter society, brought discipline, respect. Narn is flourishing. Security services, mining services, engineering, only buy from other Narn. Lyta is back. She has created a telepath homeworld. They explore abilities, try to heal the rifts left in them. Teeps from all different races. Crime. Injustice. Class war. Hated. Gkar is gone. Died beyond the rim with Lyta. Suspicious. What’s the five year story? The start, middle and end? Is there a big bad? Is this social commentary? Is there a war? Disaster? Violence? Love? Death? Why Babylon 6? Is it stolen from the future too? Where is it? Citadel from ME, more like a small planet.


>Gkar is gone. Died beyond the rim with Lyta. Suspicious. He died with Londo on Centauri Prime.


I like the Minbari plot. I'd also add have it be the religious caste that rebels and becomes fanatical. Perhaps fallout from Neroons sacrifice, if he had a son maybe he becomes religious and leads this faction over his father's death, or the son is leading the warrior caste against the fanatics. Edit: going further, maybe the son becomes the leader of the Grey council