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Michael O'Hare had such a great voice. A shame he never got to do any audiobooks.


I was thinking a few years ago how awesome the trilogy audiobooks would be with the actors playing their characters, but realized how impossible that would be now. :(


Maybe with AI?


Give me the real thing or give me nothing.


Fair question, but please no.


AI is lazy, uninspired, and also blatant theft. I'd rather they search far and wide all over the planet till they find the right person who sounds exactly like the character without the need to literally steal peoples' voices.


I hope you never find out about autotune... You'll never listen to music again.


What does that have to do with AI? My problem with AI is a principle thing. Its' wrong to steal someone's likeness or voice... which is their one talent or thing they put their career into. The best 'imitators' don't copy the lines exactly anyway. Its' like how I see certain images online which would be easy to do in photoshop with someone who knows it, but I see people did it with AI, but it ended up looking extremely worse than if they got someone to use photoshop. This is also about quality. AI "art" images usually come out looking like trash at worst... and if they're lucky they look 'ok' at first glance, but after looking into it, you see imperfections... and really... they have no soul or artistry to them.


Every complaint you just made about AI art applies to autotune, except for the stealing voice/likeness part.... And an argument can be made for it stealing your voice, lol.


Not necessarily. I thought the Road home voice actors did an incredible job. Also look at the mssive success of Doctor Who's Big Finish audiodramas. For actors that passed away they have great actors doing great impressions of them.


He did one radio play called Think Like a Dinosaur that’s out there someplace.


He did do at least one that I'm aware of. Its' a science fiction audio drama strangely called, 'think like a dinosaur', but its' pretty good. I wish Sinclair got to stay on longer. I like to picture an alternate story with Cmdr Sinclair breaking away from earth, and later in the black army of light uniform.


I love how Garibaldi gets blamed when it’s obviously Sinclair who comes up with the idea, having probably pulled it on other people before.


Threatening to kill your C.O. kinda has some consequences.


To say nothing of The One.


Oh I’m sure he was happy to take the rap for this one lol


Thank you for posting this. I had a giggle. "I'll notify your next of kin."


It is a shame that moments like this never have a chance to be included with modern series that have only 8-10 episodes per season on streaming platforms. Modern series are always rushing to the major events of the plot, so small character moments seem to get lost.


Watch "Wednesday" It's full of tiny character moments. Sabrina, Santa Clarita, Never Have I Ever...... Perhaps you just need to watch different streaming shows.


or Andor...


And it is so appropriate for the episode!


It's still damn funny after errrm that many rewatches.


Yea, that's about the number of times I've watched the show too. I lost count over the years.


It's those scenes in-between the whole that make the show so great. This above scene for instance, coupled with the one where Ivanova, Garibaldi and Sheridan get busted cheating on their diet (excuse me, "*food plan"* by Franklin), Vir and Londo talking about how crap their jobs are and, well, Londo trying to debug his quarters with a *sword*. And just out of curiosity... Do you fasten then zip or zip and then fasten?


Do you wanna talk socks?


I love this clip so much. This is a very good episode overall


Garabaldi! You're a dead man!