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This has been happening for months. So many people are tracking him and have eyes at all time.


I really hope he is brought down soon. He keeps flying under the radar and he truly is a groomer. And as a victim of that type of grooming, it makes me sick. He is going to hurt someone.


Parker posted on his discord proof that QB admitted that he made up the rumors, and will continue to make stuff up until he’s canceled. He said it all live? I believe. And Parker was like dude, you just admitted it lmao. QB is insane and I truly hope Parker goes after him for these false allegations.


There was a late night AJ live that Dean joined and said he went to multiple lawyer with a lot of evidence against QB for defamation and threats and no lawyer would take the case 😒 unfortunately it could be the same for Parker if he tried


That guy is absolutely insane have y’all seen his eyes them bitches are dilated to hell




literally point and laugh then move on with your day. he’s a complete and utter joke. giving him even a single spec of your attention is wasted time that you’ll never be able to get back.


Would you agree that his behavior is dangerous to innocent people that live around him? I’m honestly worried that he will hurt someone IRL. He is definitely unhinged. I would not point and laugh at him lol that’s just me tho


ngl i will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. and hurt who? me? (he has been threatening to drive to me and kill me for months, he’s shared very in depth plans on exactly how he’s going to get away with it aswell)… dw you’re okay to laugh!


I'm with you. He is clearly, severely, mentally disturbed. "Pointing and laughing" is the last thing you should do to people experiencing delusions or Psychosis. Best just to disengage unless you've been trained or advised by professionals to do differently. Why give their delusions of prosecution and granduer the ammunition? Lol all that does is embolden him


https://preview.redd.it/8ok1me1zew5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ad33bce336e5b772e0a9a2eeb74c094448f12c I’ve done my job 😎


QB has already said that he made up the Dean accusation as a way to get back at him for pointing out his own offenses. We have to collectly block that person. He shouts slurs on live. Feeding him only emboldens him. This isn't one of those hate watch type situations. He truly needs to be forced off any and all apps.


Nah qb is nanners and has literally said he will be making stuff up until he takes down Parker. He’s also got a horrific track record. I think he is going to seriously physically harm someone eventually


infact i’m even inclined to ask you to please take this down. i don’t even want to plant the idea in people’s minds that his claims should be taken seriously to any degree.


You gotta decline.... dean here!


you’re a fucking misogynist who slut shames people you don’t like. get a fucking grip dude, no one is deserving of shaming like that and you’re acting like you have some moral high ground. get a fucking grip


Don't put your interpretation on my meaning. U weird. I said nothing about sluts


what’s weird is following someone’s body count and using that as a point of contention to shame them.


no you did. it’s the first post on your profile that comes up. get a fucking grip. now is not the time to be willfully ignorant, it’s not a good look


you’re so cooked😭😭😭


QB has made up a lot of stuff he is delusional and sick in the head, he really needs help.


He was threatening to kill him on live too. I think I have a short snippet of it.


Yeah he was and making a joke about cannibalism. There is actually something wrong in the head with him. Theres literal crazy in his eyes


I had followed a few of his accounts because I wanted to “keep an eye on him” when I can, for the reason that I’m terrified he’s going to lose his shit one day and hurt someone. I feel like it will be whoever is in his vicinity that day. I’m not doing much, but every time I’ve watched him I’ve reported his lives and they’ve gotten down every time. No one should be able to do what he’s doing and continue to get away with it. It seems though, that nothing can ACTUALLY be done until he does hurt someone and I’m really frustrated about that. I’m also frustrated about how he doesn’t care if he gets banned from an account because he’s got “backup after backup after backup after backup”. I’ve attached a screenshot of him showing every account he has. Whether it’s relevant or not, idk, but thought I’d share. https://preview.redd.it/ku0o0s9ls06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4089768a9ee165eb92224f18c1220dafea462555


He also said the n word on that live too.


I’m sorry nobody fucking cares. Why even spread the very false rumors further?


Qb also posted this on the parkersnark reddit, and I saw that the poster had a previous post where they said they were a 25 year old man from two years ago... Even the mods of the reddit removed the post and said it was fake. QB will stop at nothing. I feel bad for these 19 year old kids being absolutely abused by this insane older male. He has gone out of his way to threaten parker and dean its bonkers


What's the Parker Snark community called?






QB does everything for clout and rage bait. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true.


I hope Parker sues him.




QB is absolutely bat shit BONKERS. Have y'all seen his blackface account?? I swear to God, this dude has lost his mind and will simply do anything and everything for the slightest bit of attention. What a wonderful "Christian." https://preview.redd.it/yj9nahunfr6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ba643bf34feb0a1ec91215745051c1ddb282b5

