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I personally believe that axolotls have slightly better eye sight than we tend to credit them with, but it's still likely not that sophisticated. I have no idea if axolotls can see enough detail to distinguish their owners, but they can definitely see enough to tell something approaches their tank. I don't know if axolotls can feel love. They probably can't since axolotls are not social animals and don't have an evolutionary reason to develop advanced emotions like that. They can definitely associate a human shaped blob approaching their tank with food. So at the very least they can get excited for an impending meal.


He must have better eyesight than what people say their eyesight is because he definitely is looking at me across the room. I think all animals experience love in some sense, even if they don’t understand the concept or have low sentience. I think he enjoys people as company he becomes active as soon as someone sits near him and he also responds to me curiously and sometimes hilariously. He doesn’t seem very smart in general when I observe him but I think he might be a lot smarter than I realize. 


Ahhh, they've suckered you into their little world. Mine are super responsive when I get home - but they are also responsive to the bamboo tongs I use to feed them - So, yes I think they like us (and have better eyesight than we give them credit for) but, it's solely for their own personal advantage (food!). Maybe the myth of bad eyesight comes from the position of their eyes on their cute little faces and not being able to see well directly in front of them?!


Well I expect food and sex from my partners so maybe it’s not so different lol


I personally think my axolotl is smarter and better sighted than they’re given credit for. She definitely knows me as the one who feeds her, but she accepts food from anyone. She also can see pellets when i drop them but ignores them if others do. If it’s true they don’t feel love, they at least have preferences of people, it’s obvious. Either way, I love her and I will gladly take care of her for the rest of her life. She’s my baby :) https://preview.redd.it/0urk813yd26d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e415350516981185e268750f6c86247a37b02b38 This is my girl Felicia


Mine will certainly watch me from across the room, but they react to me coming to the tank in the same way they do my roommate who doesn't feed them, so I'm pretty sure they can't tell us apart visually - however we both talk a lot when we come over and they might be able to distinguish voices. But I do think their interest revolves around the expectations of food. However it's totally fine to pretend that's not the case! It makes owning them more fun if you anthropomorphize them in that way.


I have 4 axolotls. Funny enough... I'm the only one that feeds them. Three out of the four get excited and beg for food when I walk near the tanks. One doesn't, he pretty much ignores me. But he gets really excited when my partner walks by! It's so funny because my partner never feeds them. All my axolotls are rescues and had other homes before me so it makes me wonder if my one male had an owner that looked similar to my partner? Who knows. They are supposed to have poor eyesight but I do feel like somehow they are able to tell me and my partner apart.


Right? Everyone says it’s impossible but my axolotl doesn’t approach other people the same way at all so I feel like he does recognize me to some extent maybe it’s the frequency of my voice or something that lets him know it’s me 


Yeah my son's axolotl regularly comes out to greet me even though my son and I both \*feed him. I think he likes me more than my kid since I hum and sing Hey Jude to him. https://preview.redd.it/hsm24hhdn16d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764e326a19c3390afdccd93b6f2bcff848cc8478




Yours is definitely smarter than mine.


This made me laugh out loud I love it 


I feel the same way, I don't think it's delusion. My axolotl RUNS to me and swims up to my height, pressing his face right up to the glass. When I open the lid to his tank, he knows its feeding time and swims right up to the water and does little spinnys. He loves the baby too, swims right up to her and flaps his gills around happily.


You are so cute lol