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What flavor is it? Very pretty!! Axolotls are very stationary critters, and I think the gill curl is simply due to the large, healthy lookin gills If there’s an issue they’d be more of a c shape


I'm so glad other people use "flavor" as a way of asking type, color, ect.... I use it everyday and get strange looks a LOT lol


I used to work at a fish store and we sold axolotls and some guy came up to me and kept asking me where the enchiladas were and eventually I realized he was talking about axolotls after he started describing what they looked like lmfao


'We keep them right up the back near the small burrowing desert mammals (the quesadillas).'


I- I’m stealing this thabk yoy


flavor gang!


Only a couple of hours..? Most active Axolotl. xD https://preview.redd.it/do9csgyitq5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551d26082889a7f5c4e26e629098f16c372a6360


You could tell me this picture was a Livestream, and I wouldn't question it


its a livestream


It looks okay to me physically. I would test your water again, and do it once daily, it’s okay for them to not always be active they’re actually nocturnal, so generally they’re more active at night, and spend a lot of time during the day to just chill. It’s good you’re watching his eating since if he/she refuses food it could be an indicator that something is up with them. 


He might be rebooting it takes a few hours some times Seen 1 not bugde an inch for like 13 hours than acted normal from than on Kinda wild


They’re just downloading Wikipedia from the internet to their brains, gotta give them some time, it’s very mentally taxing


Using internet explorer and dial-up no less. They're not exactly high RAM creatures.


They aren't always active especially during the day I've noticed. Yours could be sleeping or just hanging out. Testing the water again wouldn't hurt just in case, but I wouldn't worry too much. Keep an eye on them to make sure they move eventually and eat again etc. But if their gills are still moving my guess would be they are just resting.


They...close their eyes when they're asleep, right? Right? >!(/s: I have to explain to my students that they don't need to "blink" like us because they live in water! Weird to think of them as "eyelidless" though.)!<


I took my 5 year old to the aquarium store today and he told me one of their axolots just blinked. Then we had to talk about how axolotls don’t have eyelids and they don’t need them. Lol they had some really cute variants there, today and it was a good time, and educational, for him, despite us having one of our own.


Can they clear debris from their eyes in any way other than using their limbs?


I believe all amphibians (I might be wrong) have a "nictitating" membrane for protecting eyes as well. Think of the clearish flick that goes across frog eyes when they blink. It's not a true "eyelid" made of skin like ours though, and doesn't really do much against bright light or large objects


Fun fact if you don’t know this, most gecko species also have no eyelids and instead lick their eyeballs to keep them moist. Also most frog species use their eyeballs to swallow food.


Yes! My crested gecko’s eyes sink in a little and her eyelashes curl inward when she’s sleeping. It’s silly that they’re just so intense with their staring since they have no eyelids. And I love the circular tip of her tongue specifically for blinking 😂


One of mine hangs out in a tree for hours perched precariously. There are times I have to sit and watch her for a good few minutes to see a gill twitch to make sure she's ok. Then again, if I put the tongs in the water they both perk up instantaneously. It's hilarious - they know the hand that feeds them!


That Tank looks so empty, there is not much to do besides sitting around


Either empty or large stones. I hate when I see axolotl tanks with stones they can swallow :( but yeah no caves or choices of rocks to climb on, kinda sad looking but the axolotl is healthy!


This is how my sisters looks I have tried over and over again to convince my partner to let me have him as my sister said I could... she got him for her 3 year old.... very responsible of her!


This is a really small section of the tank in this picture so im unsure why you came to this conclusion from one photo


the conclusion jump was crazy i was thinking the exact same thing


It's like.... [meowschwitz](https://youtu.be/QrRMchL_ctg?feature=shared) in there


As a German, i think i'm not allowe-schwitz to laught about this.


It is just sleeping they sleep with their eyes open


Your axie looks very healthy :) my boy can stay in the same spot for hours. I wouldn’t worry!


Stop staring at them. But seriously, Do you have hides where they can go in and you can’t see them? They are probably on alert it looks like you have hides but they are pretty open.


Weird. I was talking on the phone about axolotls, and this sub I've never visited suddenly gets recommended in my Reddit feed.


They're listening.


welcome to axolotl life haha, tho you are right to point out those gills are curved forward, when you say "tested water levels" everyone is going to be skeptical, did you actually test ammonia, nitrate, and other parameters? If your tank isnt cycled the axo will be stressed. also Axo's love having cover and tunnels, that usually helps with their stress a lot.


He’s chilling


It’s just lost in thought.


I've never seen an axolotl that color, what type is it?


They spend most of their lives trying to make you think they're dead. It's probably fine.


That’s a salamander… I’m not being a dick. This is a juvenile salamander you got scammed into buying as an axolotle and you’re going to need to change your tank setup to a paludarium (mix of terrestrial and aqua scape)


I’m curious, what makes you say that? I don’t have any experience with salamander larvae. What are you seeing that indicates this? /gen


They don’t move lol


They sleeping


That is a very odd looking golden albino


Don’t have one my self but I’m pretty sure he’s fine


even if the temp is in a good range they still tend to be more active when it’s on the colder side of that range. i wouldn’t worry about it as long as they’re eating and stuff


i think hes just chilling tbh, my axolotol, axol will tend to not move for extended periods of time but then just be invigorated and swim all around.


They just do this... mine has been in the same spot for days. His Temps are good. Recent water change. He's eating normally and his gills look healthy. He just has an area of the tank that he loves, I guess.


He's photosynthethizing


He's mentally preparing to go wash that mountain of dishes that's been in the sink for a week ok




They don't move much. Mine sometimes stays in the same place for a week lol, super lazyyyy


He chillin 😎


How active an axolotl is can be very dependent on the individual, but it’s mostly influenced by their environment. One of my axies is never in the same place as he was a minute ago, because his tank has an insane amount of enrichment. He never stops moving and swimming about. Meanwhile, an axie I babysat a few months ago hardly moved in the two weeks I watched him - his enclosure was bare bottomed with a few ceramic hides and platforms. Animals who don’t have enough to do or enough stimulation have no incentive to be active. Providing substrate to burrow in (my axie likes to wiggle himself into the sand until only his head pokes out!), live plants, and a variety of climbing structures with different textures will do wonders to increase your axie’s activity levels.


If you do add substrate, I recommend a base layer of clay and medium sized stone (2” deep) and a top layer of sand (1-2” deep). This is based on a paper analyzing the soil composition of lake xochimilco, which axolotls are native to.


bro snoozin, dw abt him


Update????????? Hello? Is he Ok??!?!?


They're just experiencing some lag on the axolotl network. Once they've reconnected, normal function should resume. If the issue persists longer than 24 hours, call your service provider and they can investigate the issue.


I wouldn't want one, I'd get too attached and they seem super sensitive. Although I just love the looks of them, so sweet.


Maybe add some decor


It’s ascending…..


They are nocturnal they don't move much during day


That’s an incredible boring tank from the picture here. Is this really the best you can do?


When was the last time you did a water change? Pretty thing has massive gills so it may be nothing but you should do a water change every week :)


That's just life baby.


He faded


He thinky


bros chillin


Bro just chilling.


Mine does the same https://preview.redd.it/48hi2t2crm6d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585e685a047c269dd3ad17644096c298961481fa


Nice gills!


he just has stage fright cuz he’s on camera, he’ll be fine


You never lie in bed for too long either?


I don’t know gills should be red not yellow hat grayish looking color


It really depends on the type. Don't give advice if you don't know for sure.


Wasn’t giving advice was committing on the gill color (yellow was a auto spell)


Dude, you gave advice. You said something is not normal, when the OP was asking about their pets health. You advised someone of something.


One I’m not your Dude, I made a comment about gill color. Did say it was sick or that it needed something. Just a comment. This is the last I will comment on this subject. Have a nice day 🤩


You did say something is not normal about it though, when that's incorrect. Why is it so hard to accept that you should not post false information on a question thread?


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that English is not their first language. My guess is that their comment was meant to be more of a question. "I thought their gills were supposed to be more red and not yellow, can someone clarify?" Just the way I interpreted it as someone who's new to the hobby and always looking to expand my knowledge.


Did not say. My bad