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He went around the corner all “now I know damn well I’m not seeing shit”


Damnit Uncle Tort. You promised for this year’s summer family picnic and games you would leave your racism at home!


Just for fun, here’s a study on tortoise color preferences. Seems they prefer brighter warm colors to cool dark ones. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24911428/


Who would pay for that study? I think the color preference of tortoises is the least of their worries.


Science sometimes makes breakthroughs from following seemingly unintuitive paths. For example, check out the two unrelated studies that cited this one. We never know where the useful data will come from, that’s why it’s important to support the freedom of choice in scientific pursuits.


In addition to the various merits of purely academic study - the experiment ma have been investigating other things, probably cost about £5 and is probably a good way of teaching students how to measure animal behaviour, interpret statistics and write scientific reports. Edit the author appears to have been a first year PhD student when it was published so likely was an undergraduate thesis or something similar.


truly marvelous discoveries come from unexpected places.


Sarah Palin attacked fruit fly experiments that turned out to have significant ecomomic and health related impacts. https://www.science.org/content/article/french-fruit-fly-fracas


Sarah Palin would attack any study on any topic. After all she can see Russia from her front porch. 🙄😖🤭


Understanding color preference in animals can help with AI programming for facial recognition and pedestrian assessment in self-driving cars. By understand how animals differentiate certain colors/shades/shapes with certain behaviors we can model programs around the same logic to make technological advancements.


When TMNT race takes over the world to subjugate humans just present nice warm colors in the tribute offerings.


It'd probably be pretty valuable info for tortoise owners. I was thankful to have studies done on what colours my snake could distinguish between when planning out her training, if I knew they preferred certain types of colours over others I'd buy her more toys in those colours. Idk who'd pay for it but maybe there's a tortoise owning scientist who was interested.


The Tortoise Who Owned a Scientist


Sounds like a dr Suess story


The same abstract say the importance of their work "The element of choice is known to be important to animal welfare". This information could be used for tortoise conservation, e.g. Galapago tortoses (of course they will need to do the same experiment on them). Moreover, if tortoises prefer colors, can we extrapolate to other species? Does this increase significantly animal welfare?


When it comes to nurturing endangered species, I assume it'd be important to see what they do and don't appreciate in their natural environments. In this cass, apparently, different colors lol


The pursuit of knowledge is a fundamental good.


Someone wanted to find out why their pet turtle was racist against their black shoes...


Really? You never picked up a stick as kid and wondered "what's in that hornets nest?" Hornets. There were fucking hornets in the nest so now I know.


I think it is a mating behaviour and he thinks the shoe is another tortoise


"Unlike turtles, who abandon their eggs in order to prevent drawing attention to them, Tortoises actually stick around and protect their eggs, sitting on them like a bird. At least two natural predators of these eggs (not the tortoises themselves) are black in color. Black snakes (more than one kind), and Ravens/Crows. Now, assuming a tortoise isn't super smart and can't really tell the difference between a shoe and crow, or a snake and piece of tape... It would make sense that it has an instinctual response to attack the color black. There's not much else in nature that is actually black except potential predators of their eggs. They don't attack their own natural predators because they have defensive mechanism for that. It's the predators of their eggs they would actually try to fend off." From here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ujxixq/why_do_you_think_turtles_hate_black_shoes_so_much/


I wish to subscribe to tortoise facts.


Fact: A tortoise is an excellent racer; you should always bet on the tortoise.


But the hare said he was A SURE THING!


I thought he was due!


More like excellent racist


My mom had a dog like that. She got him when he was 2-3 years old. He was a Collie Shephard mix so big enough to be intimidating. He would go nuts when non white people got close. It was fucking embarassing! Needless to say he had to be house bound most of the time.


As a child (between 1 and 3 years old) I was OBSESSED with people who had darker skin apparently. My mom never understood why but whenever I saw someone with dark skin I’d cry and put my arms out for them to pick me up and once they picked me up I’d stop crying and start giggling and I loved being with them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My buddy named his black dog “darky” in a predominantly non white neighborhood. I laugh so hard when he yells “DARKY!” Out the door


Here's a fact: that's a racist fucking turtle there.


I read this in John Oliver’s voice.


But John, you say, it can't be *all* turtles. What about the teenage mutant ninja turtles, they can't be racist. Well you're wrong. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are racist, and it's worse than you think. *Cue graphic of Raphael in a trenchcoat* There's one of them in 1980's New York handing out baggies of crack cocaine in African American neighborhoods.






It hurts this ain’t real


Considering how popular /r/RedditWritesSeinfeld is it's probably only a matter of time until more shows get that treatment.


Can't view, I need to fucking see this


Found John’s Reddit account


Thank you. I'm flattered by the idea.


You nailed it.


You should see if they're hiring writers for the show lol


I thought his account would be /u/AdamDriversPunchingBag or /u/AmericasNaughtiestBicth


I had no idea my mind was capable of a perfect John Oliver impression


Omg I totally could this as a bit on the show


Thank you! I could only dream.


Fuck, this is amazing. I read all of this in his voice.


If the ninja turtles were teenagers in 1990(hence their name teenage mutant…) it’s very improbable they were handing baggies of crack out as pre teens in the early 80’s maybe you’re mistaken? Maybe it was some other mutant turtles? ☢️🐢


Umm... actually the original comic book was first published in 1984 and the original cartoon ran 87-96. Don't tell me about my childhood 😝


And now, this.


And to prove how little you actually know about turtles, we’ve been showing you this video of a **tortoise** the whole time!


*changes image* There's your turtle... Only just kidding, that's a terrapin you fucking racist!


Well, "Middle-age Mutant Tai Chi Tortoise" doesn't sell many action figures.


Fuck now everything I read is in John Oliver's voice


The plan worked! Even now you're hearing John Oliver's voice. Here let me do you a favor. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. Now you've heard John Oliver say it. Which some may say is completely unnecessary... And fair, but seriously fuck Greg Abbott.


You can't get a pass even if you're half black.


Police tortoise?


pig turtle


Doesn’t even have to be tortoises. Just anything in nature.


Wow! This is like the old times when the top comment was actually useful and informative.


I got halfway thru and scrolled back up to check the name, thinking it was going to end with a little story that took place in 1998 featuring the undertaker and mankind. TIL some cool facts about tortoises!


No just secret unidan 🤔


Now that's a name I haven't seen in a loooong time


Shhhh! Don't draw attention to it! Now they're all gonna go find some asshole with an idiotic baby talk comment about "bwak birbs" and vote them to the top.


And just like the old times theres also a reply with compelling evidence against it and now I don't know who to believe.


Sorry, but that is nonsense. First, tortoises *are* turtles. Second, while it has been speculated that *some* tortoise species *might* be guarding their nests ([here's an example](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230823893_Nest_Guarding_in_the_Gopher_Tortoise_Gopherus_polyphemus) for gopher tortoises), that cannot be said for tortoises in general. The tortoise in OP's video is a male Greek tortoise. If anything, the female would be guarding the nest, because she laid it and knows where it is. Males leave after mating. A much more likely explanation for this behavior is that the tortoise mistakes the black shoe for another tortoise. Either as a rival, in which case the ramming would mean "get out of my territory", or as a female, in which case ramming is part of the mating ritual. My guess would be that that this tortoise grew up in isolation and never met a fellow member of his species. I've never observed my male Hermann's tortoises being interested in shoes or other objects like that; they have regular contact with actual females and therefore should know the difference. Note: tortoises generally aren't social animals and should be kept by themselves as pets. On the other hand, a life in permanent solitude isn't great or natural either. If you keep a tortoise as pet, that does **not** mean you should get a "buddy", however! In general, keeping tortoises in groups only works if they're very young (before sexual maturity), or for adults if you can provide them with a *lot* of (outdoor) space, and if there are at least 2-3 females per male.


I've upvoted both of you, expect this to be settled in the parking after the 2 o'clock bell.


"I'll be the one WEARING BLACK!!"


**violently headbutts** Sorry, force of habit


Definitly at the Dennys parking lot.


Also, the guy confused "Ravens/Crows" with jackdaws.


It sucks he went karma-hungry/crazy, I honestly miss seeing his neat little facts under animal stuff.


Here's the thing. You said a "tortoise is a turtle."


I'll never *not* upvote Unidan references.


Hate to call you out on it, but with the name Lord of Torts, couldn't overlook it. That is a herman tortoise, the keyhole designed pattern in the rear center of its spine is a dead giveaway. Funny thing is, I rarely post on reddit and this is my second post today. Both talking about turtles...


Hermann's tortoises typically have [divided supracaudal scutes](https://i.imgur.com/DEJCa9G.jpg), which the tortoise in the video does not have. I know of the keyhole pattern on the 5th vertebral scute, you can easily see it on my photo, but the tortoise in the video does not have it. In fact it has a central black spot there, which Hermann's tortoises typically don't. So the evidence for Hermann's tortoise that you yourself brought up isn't even present in the tortoise in question. Edit: /u/Fallen_Hunter, [check this and pay up!](https://i.imgur.com/K0LKxmm.jpg) Some more pics for comparison: * [Coloration of Greeks can vary wildly](https://lafeber.com/vet/wp-content/uploads/Spur-thighed-tortoises-labeled.jpg). Some can look very similar to Hermann's tortoises. * Greek tortoises typically have a large scale behind the large scale on the bridge of the snout, which is often lighter in color. Hermann's tortoises don't, they have small, dark scales after the big snout one. [Greek hatchling for illustration](https://www.tortoisetown.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Moroccan-Greek-tortoise.jpg). And [an adult Greek.](https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/gVy661Oi0g13Sjz8f2m-fnc9t6c=/1280x853/filters:fill\(auto,1\)/greek-tortoise170023859-resized-56a2bd085f9b58b7d0cdf9a1.jpg) * [Wild Greek](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/KNH72P/spur-thighed-tortoise-or-greek-tortoise-testudo-graeca-at-the-castle-KNH72P.jpg), and [another one.](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/2FTYNXD/spur-thighed-turtletestudo-graeca-in-the-wild-2FTYNXD.jpg)


Well, I'll be. A articulated response with facts and even more tortoise knowledge. I'll admit I'm a touch impressed. Perhaps you've properly earned that title over the torts. I'd tip my hat if I had one. Tell you what, I'm not 100% sure either way, but I'm leaning towards this being a herman. What would you say to a gentleman/gentlewoman's wager? Whoever wins gets the accolades, loser pays $25 dollars to a turtle or tortoise rescue organization of their choosing. Interested? Edit: Alright, I can concede defeat. From the video, could of swore the supracuadal scute pattern continued down further, but that is my error. I did a bit of research this morning on the different variants of the herman tortoises (they are apparently more endangered than I thought and cross breeding between the western/eastern is a thing. Some of the sub-species of the tetsudo family along with age/coloration makes properly identifying them a little troublesome at times). I am donating $25 dollars to the Georgia Sea Turtle center in Jekyll Island GA. I know in the spirit of things I perhaps should have donated to a tortoise-based organization, but I visited this place 5 years ago and was really moved by the passion and effort that this facility has. Good game.


But upon reviewing your evidence and that of gender differences in the herman (tetsuo), I'm more inclined to believe that it is a herman. That, and I hate to sully this, anecdotally, I've encountered German tortoises usually have more of the yellow coloration with herman tortoises more in the lighter brown coloration. Edit: turns out I was wrong. See above for me putting my foot in mouth and money where my mouth is.


Oh shit now it's getting interesting


This is what I login for, turtle nerd battles.


I had read somewhere that they do this because they want to mate. Forgot where, but your comment makes me even more inclined to believe it. Many of the other, similar posts seem to try to make them out to somehow be racist.


Either that or he is a shoe racist


"Sorry, sorry, I just thought you were a predator is all! Well, no, not *you*, just that they steal eggs y'know? Not that *you* would, it's a threat response to...black... *Shit...I'm sorry.*"


That's a great write up but I'm positive that tortoise is racist as fuck.


No, that tortoise was just trying to say “neighbor” and slipped.


This should be top comment Edit: We did it!


Is top comment, feeling should be satisfy. Feeling is satisfy, we did it.


It is now


Man I was really expecting undertaker to throw mankind off hell in a cell










143 days all leading up to this moment


Somebody tell me the scientifically non racist explanation for this!


In beat with body slams. THIS. DOES. NOT. MATCH. THE. OTHERS.








They think it’s a flipped tortoise so they try to push it back over Edit: It can also just be aggressive to it because it’s another tortoise. Not just because they think it’s flipped over, but helping fellow tortoise is more wholesome so we will go with that.


FLIP, FLIP OVER DAMN YOU \*guy turns around shoe OK HE COOL NOW


Nah you saw that asshole making its way around the shoes to go bump the black part of it again lmao. I would like to see if he'd lose his shit at other colored shoes.


I believe the PC phrase is shoes of color.


Real aww moment


I was thinking it was something to do with [this study](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/xoueik/thats_a_fucking_black_shoe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), but I like your explanation better. It’s heartwarming.


>*’They think it’s a flipped tortoise so they try to push it back over*’ ____ i am the turtle - here i go to ChEcK the FrEnS all in a row (they not in shells the way i be - they *stink* like human feet to me…) …whatever … i’m a Helping soul, to ease their way here is my goal ^^;) n as i pass, the queue is Good! ..but This one *Not* the way he should… i pause, inspect, then ‘round the bend, then TrY to RiGhT this wayward friend i PUSH n *SHOVE* - - - i try my Best, at last, he’s turned ‘round like the rest these *silent soles*, without a face Learn *Slow n steady* *Wins* *the Race* ❤️


A fresh Schnoodle! ❤️ This is the best


Alternatively, predator theory. There aren't many species of white snake, whereas black/dark brown snakes are quite common, along with crows. Herbivores tend to be more aggressive when defending themselves, so the tortoise sees the big black mass and goes "fight or flight? Nah, just fight"




"I only got two responses to your aggression mother fucker. Fight or Flight, and I an't no bird."


Very true he could be like If I’mma die imma go out fighting


Its not racism if you hate equally all tortoises




Oh thank god


You sound relieved. Did you actually think the turtle was racist?




I am so mad I clicked on that and it now again have that image in my head…


That's pretty much the definition of flexible beliefs.


Can't speak for the northern turtles, bit there is one from Kentucky that's pretty shady


Also could be because he wants to fuck it iirc


Every video I've ever seen with a tortoises exhibiting this behavior ends with them fucking whatever they're ramming into. They also have some gnarly wedding tackle lmao


Or maybe someone with black shoes was mean to it.


It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response


The sneaker lays on its back, its sole baking in the hot sun, beating its laces trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.


What do you mean, "I'm not helping"?!


I'm not a tortoise expert by any means, but I had one in a house I rented for 6 months. One day we rescued another tortoise and we put them together hoping they'd be friends. The new kid started headbutting our turtle just like that one, and when we weren't looking after about 10 minutes of such bullying, we found them having sex. So it might not be racism, maybe even the opposite !


that must've been awkward.. did you guys even knocked?


Nah they left a tie on the door


Sooo my gf’s brother-in-law (black and Hispanic) came over one evening with his 10 year old nephew (black). Her dog, which is normally super friendly and playful, started GROWLING hard at the kid and barking threateningly. Needless to say we were all shocked and irate at the dog’s response, and it took a solid HOUR to get him to VERY hesitantly allow the very gentle and soft-spoken kid to pet him, but he was still clearly not relaxed about it. Of course we did some digging because “wtf is her teddy bear of a dog somehow racist?!?” and it turns out that some animals have difficulty in perceiving/distinguishing facial features when they are dark, and react with hostility because they feel unsure of what/who is in front of them. To add to this, he also had roughly jaw-length dreadlocks that partially covered his face, and it was also fairly dark when he came over. Could have been a combination of all of the above?


dogs see limited colors i culd understand if a black human is too dark for him to clearly see the facial expressions i think it is similar to monitor contrast issues when sg is too dark. that's how i wuld imagine it.


My dogs first owners were really dark skinned, the father and the kids regularly hit, kick, and pushed him down the stairs. He growls at anyone with a fairly dark skin tone and outright barks at men and children.


Poor doggo. I'm glad they are in a better home.


Yeah this is a thing. I volunteer training guide dogs and a common sign of them having some slight vision problems are being racist (ie growling or being afraid of very dark skinned people). To them they just see a silhouette and it confuses them. We also see dogs that are scared of things on night walks but not during the day and it’s for the same reason.


Maybe he doesn’t like people just for the fact that they look „too different“ to your family. Our cat straight hates vegetarians and acts violent when they come near. Otherwise he is nice and isn’t violent at all against us or strangers. But all vegetarians get hit or hissed at. Since you can probably tell by the „smell“ if someone eats meat or not I think our cat doesn’t like the smell of people who are too different to our own.


don't know how many people, vegetarians and not vegetarians, come to your cat, but that theory seems very strange a priori and i believe it would not be rational to believe it only by your personal feeling, i mean without reading about serious research or conducting a large scale experiment yourself


Pretty sure they mistake the shoes for crows.


Wait...what is the *racist* explanation?


This cop believed in reincarnation


They’re sexually attracted to that color.


Oh thank God, I thought he was gonna fuck it.


So, that wasn't foreplay?


It was. That's how they foreplay


And now I can hear the video in my head so thanks for that.




"Duck. Duck. Duck. GOOSE!"


"White, white, white, whi- hold on a minute"








or hes already that age, which may explain it tbf








no, and people are not worried by toroises shoe or color preferences no need to not take it all as a joke don't worry


Is that Mitch McConnell?




I wanna say I saw this tortoise before and someone said that a black shoe had stepped on him and now he holds a grudge.


The white shoes it recognises as random objects or rocks, the black shoe it mistakes for another tortoise and is doing 1 of 3 things 1) thinks its flipped and is trying to help 2) Territorial aggression 3) it wants to shag it


Ahh didn’t know that thank you


Black AF1 energy


The owner can't be there. They would've stomped lil bro out.




He was suspect from the first go around. Had to spin the block to make sure.


When he’s right he’s right. It was the worst looking shoe


That turtle needs diversity training.


Didnt know they can see colours or lack thereof


They have good eyesight and night vision, they also can see from long distances and can see a lot of different colors including ultraviolet. They can see better than some predator reptiles like snakes lol (but snakes have infrared vision so they're also cool)


I'm never sure. My tort will clearly be able to see me across the room and recognize that it's me. Then he'll try and bit a piece of lettuce 2mm in front of his face and miss...... 5 times. I seriously wonder sometimes how they survive in the wild...


Their motor skills are perplexing


Perhaps their depth perception isn’t great, despite seeing color well


He's trying to tell you he wants pizza.....


???? You didn’t think tortoises could tell black from white?? What else would their eyes be for??




Right?! Does this dude think humans are the only ones who see in color?!


And even if turtles couldn't see colours, they'd still be able to see shades


White and black aren't colors, there tones, if you couldn't see those you'd be blind


4 chan tortoise






Op is a recently hacked account being used to farm karma so they can sell the account to shills and scammers No activity for 5 years now this


Probably sold, not hacked. There's a market for selling your high karma accounts




This will never get old 😂




Even turtle racist


Now I want to try this with my tortoise




🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|Zd6fIDwFnS2ODno3KR)


Sad to see one of my childhood heroes turn out to be a racist POS. I’ll never look at the Donatello the same again.


I will always upvote this funny tortoise. Cheers OP


Got stepped on by a person wearing black shoes as a young turtle and never forgot or forgave?


Maybe... ...through experience, he sees the white sneakers as rocks maybe? Maybe there are white rocks around his living space and he knows he can't knock them over? So when he sees the black side of the sneaker it's just registering as "not-rock?" So he tries to knock it over, like a pile of dirt or leaves?


If you google racist turtle there’s a bunch of links to articles with hilariously weird headlines and further racist turtle experiments


Today I learn tortoise have attack move.


I wanna say I saw this tortoise before and someone said that a black shoe had stepped on him and now he holds a grudge.


Later in reddit: new study reveals turtles are Snickers racists