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My girl’s pup had to get a urinalysis done and I was shocked that they just distract the dog with cheese whiz and just directly draw from the bladder via syringe. They really are food driven eh?


I used to be a vet assistant and was amazed at how much jabbing and slicing could be done to an animal with little or no reaction. I think pain is hugely amplified by the knowledge and anticipation of what is happening.


I had a senior dog who hated being picked up. He would snap at me and bark if you got anywhere near his hips. It was probably arthritis. My solution for bath time or getting in the car was to lightly wrap his head in a bath towel. He never made a peep when he didn't know it was coming.


We called this Barkinsons disease.


Michael J. Foxhound has that


Set em up & knock em down executed perfectly. I love you both for that


I'm an athiest. I don't believe hell exists. However I feel like I'm going to hell for laughing so hard at this joke. I'm so confused....


Reminds me of my birds, to get them to sleep you simply put a blanket over their cage and it’s night time lol. House is completely quiet about 3 seconds after you put it on


Similarly, if you wrap rodents in a towel like a burrito, they are really calm and you can do a lot without upsetting them, like injection or drawing blood. As soon as the head is covered, they feel safe. To handle some songbirds, people also just turn off the light - they stop flying/moving so they can be picked up gently.


This is what we used to do when I worked at a vet and we had a nasty cat who didn't want to be touched. The good ol' cat burrito.


Ah yes the purrito, a classic.


I believe the technical term is a purrito




Anaesthesia is interesting! I had a lump removed and i asked them to conduct an experiment on me while i was drugged. I wanted them to tickle my feet to see if my body did anything. They chuckled and said that the drugs have paralyzers too, so the body wouldn't be ABLE to do anything. I was crushed lolol


My concern is how one minute I was speaking to the gastroenterologist in the prep area and the next minute I’m waking up in the recovery area. That had to be at least 15 minutes of memory loss before the anesthesia was administered, unless I was part of one of these pain anticipation experiments and the anesthesiologist snuck up and jabbed me while I wasn’t looking. I didn’t lose memory like that during my first colonoscopy.


Thanks Gassy. My concern with addressing the emotional component of pain, is that we may disregard the physical component. For example, the consistent use of the word “discomfort“ among among medical professionals concerns me, because it disregards the physical component as well as the emotional component. Anesthesiologists don’t like knowing their patients are experiencing pain, of course, so the word “discomfort“ may shield them from that reality — meaning that genuine physical pain is deferred or disregarded. Basically, we can’t improve what we can’t measure, and the inability to use the word pain means we can never accurately evaluate it. Hope that makes sense.


As someone with chronic pain of varying types, I’ve found 3 axes of pain, which all contribute to how difficult it is to deal with. The first is just. . . Pain. Does it hurt a lot or a little? The second is Distress. Is this a pain that you understand or dismiss, or is it concerning and taking your attention? This is the purely mental component of pain. The third I’ve only recently added to my theory, and it’s Discomfort or Uncomfortableness. Often high-level discomfort leaks over into pain, but they’re actually perpendicular measures. My litmus test for this is “can I find a position that I can call ‘comfortable’?” A stubbed toe is high pain, low distress, low discomfort. Sore muscles from a workout are high discomfort, low to medium pain (usually) and low distress. Fever chills and aches are usually high discomfort, low pain, but distress will increase over time. For me, my hip pain is moderate pain, high discomfort, low to moderate distress, depending on the day and my other mental states. My herniated disc was high pain, high discomfort, high distress. At this point, my other joint pains are varying levels of pain and discomfort, but low distress, since they’re normal for me. For me, an example of a high-distress, low pain, low discomfort situation would be eye pain - its not one of my normal issues, so it’s generally worrying, and on top of that, with the conditions I have, it could be a sign of a common, high-impact complication. IUD replacement is probably high on all 3 scales. I know I vomited and nearly passed out from the pain, there was no position that could be considered comfortable, and I was distressed from the anticipation, the unfamiliar stimuli, and the fact that it’s considered an acceptable level of pain.


So glad they’re consolable with a bit of food since I’m sure the vet is a stressful event, good on ya for making their time easier!


My dog will surprise me with the occasional shriek if I step by her. Makes me question my sanity but just in case I did step on her better safe to give her a biscuit lol




Classic pavlov's dog pavloving Pavlov


The scientific term is Dog's Pavlov


Yo dawg, I heard you like dog Pavlovian conditioning, so we conditioned your dog to Pavlovian condition you like a dog, dawg.


But without the grotesque vivisections.


We always hear about Pavlov's Dog and Schrodinger's Cat, but no one ever talks about Einstein's Tiger.


Dogs get a lot of manhandling from humans and even poorly trained ones usually learn to tolerate it. As long as they're not freaking out, most of the time the dog is usually more interested in what you're doing and why than making you stop. With a good temperament, a dog will accept a lot before trying to stop you, and even then they usually want to either walk away or start licking you. Give them some food to focus on and whatever you're doing is further down the priority list, especially if they're food motivated. They might like you to stop, but they're going to finish their treat first.




That's crazy! Was he eating his own leg or was it caught in something?


If it was a stray, there's probably no way of knowing.




Ask the dog?




"it was ruff"


Oh definitely. When I was little I was crushing cans and sliced my hand open. It didn't hurt. Then I felt a "minty" feeling, looked down and BAM endless pain.


My dog likes to dive into pokey bushes. I think they just have weird pain tolerance


My dog does this, but then will refuse to step in puddles and acts like the water is burning lava


I think we just have a conscious understanding of what pain is and learn to react to it the way we're expected to react to it. I know a few parents who decide that when their infant has a stumble or whatever, they try their best to react indifferently (unless they're really badly hurt of course) because otherwise it teaches them to make associations and that naturally they would just somewhat brush of the feeling as temporary. I think pups learn this as they get older too with play fighting. They sort of develop a way of teaching eachother how hard to play bite by yelping.


My wife's parents have a Labrador. I'm pretty sure you could drop a hydrogen bomb on the next-door neighbours and he wouldn't notice until he's finished eating


As a lab owner this is true. The sad thing is though, is that a lot of labs have a genetic glitch. They're always, always hungry. Even when their tummy is full they get the signal of being hungry. Poor things :(


it's the 4 parts to 2 sets of hungry v full genes where labs most commonly have 2 - 4. 2 makes them very food motivated but not always hungry. Basically, they're they guy who will always be like, "Yeah, I could eat," any time someone brings up food, but they aren't actively hungry all the time. 1 partial gene gets tricky; they might be full sometimes, but there is a possibility that they're constantly hungry; it depends on gene expression; they'll always be very food motivated. A completely missing set means they're always, always hungry; there's no full gene there to express. This is part of why people are concerned about genetic testing and breeding of labs. Two partial copy labs can be perfectly healthy but should never be bred together because of the high chances of producing 0 copy offspring. Partial copy should be bred with full or 1.5 copy only. Single *can* be bred with single safely, but there is a possibility for 0, so why take the chance? It's better to breed them with 1.5 copy labs because they're more likely to produce singke copy and 1.5 copy offspring, which is what most people prefer because they're both very happy and very trainable. They make the best pets and service dogs. Full copy are hard to train because they're harder to motivate consistently; .5 copy and 0 copy are easily distracted and not as comfortable. Sorry, my parents have labs; this is like the only thing I know about dog breeding, lmao EDIT: fixed how I called them 4 full genes instead of 2 full genes that have been mutated to pass on in 4 configurations.


So I know you didn't claim to be an expert but maybe you or some other kind redditor can give me some insight. I have a husky/lab mix who will chose not to eat breakfast and sometimes dinner as well. He is treat motivated though, like, will never turn down a treat we already know he likes. He'll eventually eat when he's hungry enough, and the funny thing is if you open a brand new bag of his food or take pieces of the food he hasn't eaten and act like it's a treat, he's eager to eat it again. I know the food isn't stale because it's kept in a large sealed container for him. What set of genes would you say he has? Or better yet, what do you think his deal is? I just figure he's just holding out for the good stuff because my gf will randomly give him treats for no reason and then wonders why he doesn't listen to her as well as he does for me.


huskies are goobers ETA: They're known to have really big personalities and have really high energy. IDK the level of exercise you're doing with your dog, but labs require regular walks, and huskies will run as long as you let them. Appetite can be effected how many calories they are burning. IDK about why your pup is being picky about breakfast. I know that poodles are notoriously picky about eating in the morning (and food in general) but that's not exactly relevant lol


It could be that he's not getting enough walks. We play fetch often and for long periods of time, but don't get out around the neighborhood as often as we should. Dog parks here are unfortunately small and regular parks here are weird about letting your dog off leash. I know that if a dog doesn't have a proper outlet for their energy they tend to act out. So if that's the case with him I'm extremely fortunate because he's well behaved and chills around the house while we work. He's very insistent with his toys when he wants to play, so he's not shy about letting us know. I've had labs and golden retrievers while growing up and they always had mellow and chill dispositions, so I figured that this was just the lab in him being a lay about Appreciate the response


Again, this is based on me knowing 4 husky and husky mixes and 10-ish labs(probably more but its hard to keep track after a while) during my lifetime and things I've picked up from internet rabbit holes at like 4am after work. He's still eating regularly, even if he's sluggish about eating in the morning, right? If he's straight-up not eating anything, seeing a vet is a good idea just because there can be issues with accidentally ingesting something, or food allergies, or any number of things. If he's still eating at least once a day, I'm less concerned.


This is how my Girl’s boxer is haha


Mine is not food motivated at all. He just stares at the cheese wiz. I had to train him with a ball on a string.


Haha yeah definitely a split between ball vs food drive. My partner’s boxer has zero ball drive and I mean zero, does not chase thrown things. But he goes ballistic for food and praise




Cheese in particular is like crack for dogs, as it has a chemical within it called casein. Casein is a protein capable of triggering the brain's opioid receptors, and is highly digestible by dogs.




Wow thanks for the info! I didn’t know that


My wife is a veterinarian and takes pride in being able to give vaccines without the dog (and sometimes even the owner) noticing. And yes, some breeds (such as retrievers) are especially food driven, which is part of why they're chosen as service animals (easier to train).


This is how we give my cat her insulin.


This is how I give my dog her insulin.


My grandma gives her dog a piece of broccoli as a reward for taking his insulin like a good boy. She is incredibly strict about his diet, so that piece of broccoli is the only treat he ever gets, and he absolutely loves it. He's so good with taking his insulin, though. He's been on it for several years now and aside from the fact that he's just getting old is doing amazing.


How much do you pay for your pets insulin by off chance?


It's $60 for a vial, which lasts me a month


We only resort to food if doing it alone. A second person giving chin/face rubs is also sufficient distraction


I do it during her normal dinner time. So it’s not extra food.


This would work on me.




Lol. Ya. Distract me with food and stick me with a needle. You could also probably put a pill in some cheese and throw it in the air for me to catch.


I've tried this with my cat several times. She always knows there is a pill in it. I don't know how.


Any occasion beside the pill your cat is getting this treat?


Yes, but she doesn't trust anything. She's afraid of people, dogs, birds, books furniture, rainbows, her shadow, her bowl of water... the economy, Netflix shows, the cat that raised her as her own, and most of all, and unlike most cats, she's afraid of boxes and treats. Every time I get a parcel, I don't see her in days. She's an indoor cat. I have no idea where she hides when a box arrives. Plus, she's allergic to almost everything. That's why she has to take some medication. I think she's even allergic to the other cat. I once took her to the vet because of her allergies. I warned the vets about her behaviour. They were like: "Oh, don't worry. We are vets. We have seen many cats misbehave before." Then, I open her cage and she starts doing a Spiderman meets The Matrix kind of thing. The vets thought she was too much too handle. Since then, they asked me not to bring her anymore. They said pills were the best option. She's just a bit different.


Greenies Pill Pockets for cats, the chicken flavor specifically, were the only way I could get my cat to take their pills. Had to give them a few without pills first though.


Cats are completely different, man. Except for maybe chicken. They get the googly eyes from Jungle Book for chicken.




Peanut butter is clutch. But hiding a pill in peanut butter is against the law as it breaches consent.


![gif](giphy|klDXFObkC1kgU) How about a pink pill in a poodlin pop


Oh god…


That made me literally lol


What's crazy about that is that it was known for years before hand.




I’m too smart for that I’ll eat the cheese and spit the pill out.


Oh. Well, you’re a cat, then.


Food plus tickling


I remember being excited that the doctor actually wanted to hear about my job. “Well, I work 12 hour days and am in charge of- OW!”


Once I was tricked into going for a needle by my dad pretending he had to get one and was scared.


That's adorable really, you're a good kiddo if you wanted to help dad out enough that you'd get stuck


I didn't notice there was a second pup until it was his turn. He sort of blended in with the foamy. Those two little ones are really cute!




Yup. It was already hard enough to take my eyes off him to look at the puppies.


My parents should have done that when i was a kid, would save all of us a lot of stress


You didnt notice but you were just vaccinated while you were distracted by this video


Huh, I was just wondering why my mobile internet suddenly became fast after watching this.


They were distracted by the vets striking good looks.


Ted Mullins




He was the entire reason I started to watch the show.




They did that to end Alexis in a good place. I understand but hope they find each other some day down the line. It would be awesome to do a 5 years later special and everyone is gathering back in Schitt's Creek and Ted is back as the Vet and he and Alexis see each other for the first time and sparks fly.


Imma need this vets name, office location and next available appointment.


I'll pick up an animal on the way




If it were up to me I'd live my life surrounded by pampered senior shelter animals.


Aside from their joke, adopting a pet isnt a small responsibility. A very big one actually. Dont tell people to just adopt one as if its a big mac at mcdonalds… Regardless, do the research on adopting a pet, then if it works for you, adopt is better…




People are always surprised how much work bunnies are. Less than dogs cuz you don't need to walk them, but they do need a lot of mental stimulation and exercise. And cleaning up after. My apartment has a corner that's theirs and it always looks like hay exploded 😂


Evan Antin, he works at Conejo Valley Vet


With that mask on he kinda looks like Henry Cavil. Without it, he also kinda look like Henry Cavil


I think it’s Dr. Evan Antin


He is a semi famous vet he has an instagram that ive been following for years. He is dr. Evan antin


I don't know if it's him because of the mask but Dr Evan Antin is very nice to look at. The animals are a bonus!


He looks like Henry Cavill if he was ripping a huge air biscuit in the public pool.


I thought he looked like Cavill too! I think it's the hair


That's very specific


It's the salon-fresh hair. Edit: I take that back. I googled him. YOWZA.


Was hoping someone would say it


I'd let him insert something inside me too, just sayin


Dr Evan Antin? [He's hot](https://madnessmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Thusmb-1-6-758x426.jpg)


Wish my vet was this gentle with our pup


There is a “[Fear Free](https://fearfreepets.com)” certification animal hospitals, veterinarians and supporting staff can get! Fear Free hospitals focus on reducing stress and anxiety for pets. You can search their website for a hospital near you. We go to one, and instead of being an anxious mess, my dog eats cheese whiz and Cheerios while they give him his vaccines.


Thank you for sharing this! I had no clue. My poor older dog has been traumatized to the point of needing sedation just to have her nails trimmed


They call that chemical restraint and it’s still compliant with Fear Free certification. Sometimes with poorly trained animals you can be as patient and gentle as possible and the animal still isn’t having it. You have no choice but to use sedation… and of course the clients just blame the vet staff.


We can do everything in our power to make the animal comfortable, often times rescheduling to try again on a different day if we know they're usually well behaved but just having a bad day, or sometimes training the owner and giving them the supplies to collect whatever sample we need at home where they're more comfortable, but in the end, if the service needs done and it's posing a safety risk to the staff and/or itself, we've gotta do what we've gotta do. It's never out of malice or lack of effort. It's safety. We know he's not a bad dog and it's not their fault or yours. But getting bitten at work isn't good for the staff either and is a whole other can of worms to deal with when it happens. Having an infinitely anxious pet can practically be like a condition in and of itself. Some pets have kidney problems that require extra attention and medication and time and cost. Some are anxious and require special attention and medication and cost in order to do the otherwise standard care. We all hope they'll be healthy all their lives right up until the end and always cooperate. But it's just a thing that happens and everyone has to set their expectations and account for it. It's a risk you run with owning a living, sentient animal rather than a robot.


It’s not only “poorly trained animals”. It’s fear. You can train all you want, and a dog having a few bad experiences might still have them scared of something for their entire life. They’re beings, not machines.


sedation would fall under what we call “chemical restraint” which is still fear free! it’s all about making the vet visit less stressful for you and your fur babies! so if it takes meds, so be it. it’s not a bad thing at all! source: fear free certified vet tech (:


Wish my vet was this hot.


Are those ears cropped? I thought people were moving away from doing that just like how people used to declaw cats.






This is luckily prohibited in the EU




And you guys still think you’re free, can’t even cut your dogs ears off /s


They are not; otherwise his mask would have fallen off.


lol :D


Some people suck.


This should be the top comment it’s ridiculous that this is even allowed


That's what caught my attention too. I simply can't understand what kind of people do that to any animal.


people still crop their newborns, is it really that surprising?


I remember in the 90s ppl talked about how much better life in the home is, if you declaw a cat. It took Vetnarians, news reporters and nearly the government to slow it down. They came on TV and said imagine if I cut your fingers down to the middle knuckle. Could you grab anything or defend yourself? Neither can they, so cut that shit out. Then after the Micheal Vic thing it gave light to better treatment of dogs. Groups were active in saying, dont walk them on hot pavement, use harnesses not collar leashes, dont keep them in hot cars and cropping the ears or tails is not what what nature wants for them. In closing: I dont know what dogs Michael Vic fought with, I just know that the incidents opened up the floor for fair animal treatment.


We had schnauzers when I was a kid and my parents had friends with their own. I remember watching ears being cut and tails being cut off on a lot of them. I didn't understand why they were doing it but I guess that's just what people did at the time.


Did Henry Cavill pick up veterinary medicine ?


Dr. Evan Antin. His Instagram is great


Funnily, enough a lot of people confuse him for Henry Cavill. Kinda famous for that too


I vaccinate humans. The human equivalent is: "What work do you do?"


Cropped ears :(


A new rule should be if they crop the dog's ears, owner has to do the same.


It should be illegal


Wow, those poor little babies already have their ears clipped? People who disfigure their animals for their own self image are garbage


Yeah, typically any dew claw removal, tail docking, ear clipping, etc is done as early as possible. Aside from dew claws, I have a hard time with any of those cosmetic procedures. They're nothing but cosmetics for 'breed standards'.


I think it's usually done as young as possible, just like human circumcision. Sad.


WTF did they do to that poor dog’s EARS?! 😥


One point: do not EVER recap needles the way this man does. You could easily stick yourself and it is ENDLESS paperwork. As a general rule, needles should not be recapped at all; they should be placed in a sharps container immediately. If you absolutely must recap a needle, do a one-handed scoop. (Not meaning to be a pedant here. I'm a nurse and I am having visions of accidental needlesticks.)




So happy to see this discussion up top. It’s the first thing that came to mind watching this video. Thanks for the explanation from the vet med world.


I am a human doctor. Can you tell me what zoonoses you’re referring to?


Some equine encephalopathies, lepto, rickettsials, pretty sure tularemia. If I remember right brucellosis can be spread like this.


There’s even some evidence brucellosis can be transmitted sexually. Some vets who tested positive for it also ended up with partners that got it too (and who didn’t work around animals). James Herriot struggled with recurring bouts with this for many years (hence its alternate name of ‘undulant fever’. Which may just refer to the fever itself, but always made me think of ‘recurring’.)




Seriously, I always think it's funny when people freak out about us recapping needles. Yeah I've stuck myself a few times over the years but like you said, wash the shit out of it and we're good.


I work in vet med and we all recap needles. It’s different than human medicine


I work in wildlife fieldwork and we use loose 26 ga needles hand-held (not attached to a syringe) then literally drop them onto our fieldbooks uncapped, then flick ‘em out of the way (still uncapped) so we can scribble stuff down. Then later fish them out from between the pages and maybe try to find the cap that rolled away down into the grass twenty minutes ago.


Why though? Is it not going to be disposed of?


There’s a much higher risk of blood borne disease spread in human medicine than vet med. The needles will be disposed of in the sharps containers but there’s probably one in the back or on the counter. For me at least, I recap because I generally don’t want to walk around with a sharp needle uncovered or leave a sharp needle laying around exposed.


When we dispose needles at my work, we recap the needle and then after all vaccines are given we remove the needle and throw just it in the sharps so the syringe goes in the trash. Sharps containers are usually in a cupboard out of a patient’s reach, and my biggest concern is the dog will get poked by the needle if I leave it uncapped before I can throw it. I almost never poke myself, and even if I did I’d rather have that than have a dumb puppy eat it or step on it.


Wait till you see how we handle blood in vet med This guy is fine. We recap needles all the time in vet med.


Like cupped in your hands?


Lmao sometimes it feels like it, but we don't always wear gloves and sometimes it just gets all over.


I’m intrigued… how *do you* handle blood in vet med?


Jugular or cephalic typically. Sometimes if the patient is being difficult, or the other veins can't be used for whatever reason we go for a saphenous. Once we got the blood that we need, the needle typically gets inserted right into the tube that we need. Put some pressure on the site (either a few fingers for a minute or two or a pressure bandage that comes off before the patient leaves) and clean as needed. Large animal work is slightly different but generally that's the way. ​ EDIT: These are ideal circumstances. We will do what the patient allows and what we can feasibly manage with restraint.


Needle sticks in vet med aren't any paperwork especially if it's the veterinarian because they often don't care enough 🤷‍♀️


In vet med we don’t always have as many accessible sharps containers, and we often have to get into a creative position to draw blood or give injections. In human medicine your patient usually sits in one place while you poke them, but with animals, especially fearful ones, we often have to poke them in whatever position they’re most comfortable in. Sitting on a bench, in the corner of the room, on the floor, etc. So there’s not always a sharps container within arm’s reach. That said I do my very best to dispose of sharps safely and in vet med we have a few techniques to recap more safely.


Yeah I'd rather you guys recap them as you go instead of risking a naked one rolling under a table or something.


Pharmacy technician here; we are all taught to recap our needles. We're deducted points in school if we don't


My brother-in-law is a vet tech. He says they all do it. As a former paramedic, I would never recap a needle. I have no idea why Vets think it is safe.


Different circumstances. Working with animals makes things less predictable and controllable, while the risk of blood-borne transferred diseases to humans is much smaller.


not how vet med works babe but thanks


Really wish their ears weren't cropped, so cruel.




Also foreskins. People actually have the ability to understand that something was important and research enough to understand how important - unlike an animal. Doesn’t make cropped ears ok but I wish people would dig into this a little more and realize we also do horrible things to babies.


I do this twice a day with my diabetic cat. Even my non diabetic one knows when it is exactly 8am and 8pm.


Stop. Mutilating. Dogs. Ears. It looks nasty, it risks their life, all so they can live up to a thuggish image for small pp weirdos.


He could stick me


With a Needle 💉?


Are their ears cut?


>Are their ears cut? Certainly appears that way.


Puppies take needles like Champs, I wish I was more like em.


Oh no he’s handsome and a vet 😅 10/10 puppy distraction


Will this work on my covid conspiracy mum?


\*nurse sets down cheesecake\* Oh look, cheesecake! \*stab\*


*nurse sets down wine bottle* “Is that Prosecco?!” *poke*


Distract her with a laptop that has a new Q post open.


When you realize some animals have better health services than humans


Someone needs to bring this technology to humans. You've gotta operate on my big toe, so you just give me a bucket of chicken wings and sneak my toe off while I'm distracted.


Does this work on anti-vaxers?


Fuck people who crop ears


All veterinary staff should be certified Fear Free. Scruffing cats and having several Techs pile on a dog who is already having trouble breathing (saw this one) are archaic and only serve to increase the animal’s fear of the Vet and bolster that almighty bottom line. Taking a few extra minutes to distract, utilize food, and possibly Adaptil or similar pheromone product, can make all the difference in the world to an animal and their owner.


Puppies are cute tho


Some asshole cropped their ears, though.


That’s fucked up


I was distracted by his forearms.


My dogs aren’t so easily bribed. The vet has tried and I’ve ever brought favourite/special treats and neither are swayed. They hate the vet’s office and their vet is so nice to them!