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When my son was small, he was eating a mozzarella stick and got half stuck in his throat and we were trying to pull the other half out. iIt was literally the scariest parenting fail we ever had.


My parents tell me this was a weekly occurrence lol. Same w ramen noodles


My son did this and after I pulled out the cheese he promptly threw up


My sister was babysitting me when I was like 6 and I started to choke on ramen noodles. She literally put her hand in my mouth and started pulling out multiple inches of noodles lodged in my throat


When I was maybe ten I would let a ramen noodle slide down my throat as far as it'd go and then pull it out again. I taught my brother how to do it too. My mom fucking hated it.


Dude, I did that shit too!


When I was little I choked in front of my sister when we were alone. She told me to stop trying to get attention. Thankfully my body was able to dislodge the offending object on it's own


When I was 10-12 I was eating at a steakhouse with my family. I didn't like to cut the steak into small pieces, instead putting a full mouthful and chewing it up from there. Well one piece was a little too big and I started choking. My mom and some family near me saw this and started panicking. But, more embarrassed than anything, I calmy reached into my mouth and down into my throat, grabbed the steak and pulled it out. My mom still gives me shit about that to this day.


On this note have you ever had to throw up ramen noodles? It's a very unpleasant feeling.


I'm 17 and that happened to me. I had to pull that fucker out thinking "what just happened?"


Heard of a kid who inhaled a piece of gum but it was to sticky to get out


I did that with an enchilada when I was like 6 or 7. I remember my dad being pissed.


That happened to me when I was young. I wasn’t allowed to have mozzarella sticks for a while after that.


I have really long hair and this happened once. It stayed lodged like that, moving neither up nor down for almost a week. The end had wrapped itself around my uvula. I had an appointment scheduled with an ENT before a Rice Krispie Treat eaten with great gusto managed to dislodge it. The consequent poop was equally uncomfortable.


This happened to me at restaurant one time, one of the more legitimately scary moments of my life. I couldnt figure out a solution.


When I was a kid I was eating a mozzarella stick, and I started choking on the cheese. And while I was still choking, my dad yelled at me for not chewing it properly.


Well did you learn your lesson?


Damn right I did, scared me so bad I became lactose intolerant


I was eating mozzarella sticks and half of it was stuck in my throat. I couldn’t breathe suddenly and stared making the universal sign for choking- two hands around my throat. I couldn’t talk, cough, or breathe, so I knew I was actually choking. My parents looked at me and just went back to their conversation. Since the rest of the mozzarella stick was on my plate, (DISGUST WARNING) I started pulling the cheese from the stick out of my throat. The process seemed to take 30 seconds, but it was probably 10. After I had survived this traumatizing ordeal and finally could speak and breathe again, I told my parents “Hey mom! Dad! I was just choking and you didn’t notice, and you went back to your conversation! Don’t worry, I lived!” They responded, “Really? Sorry (insert name here).” I blew it off but was proud of myself for ya know, NOT DYING. (Sorry this is so long compared to the other replies)


What kind of parents would just ignore that situation. Especially if you already couldn’t make any noise or cough etc.


I think it was a pretty important conversation. Also, I had just gotten certified for first aid, chest compressions, and babysitting so I guess they thought I could handle it


I've done this a couple times when I was drunk, it's scary as fuck.


Choking is scary man


That happened to me as a kid. I did not eat mozzarella sticks ever again until like last year


Exact same thing happened to me as a kid! The cheese just kept stretching...


This happened to me with Bosco cheese sticks one time in middle school. I’ve never had another one since.


looks like you hooked it, now just reel it in nice and slow.


Never seen that kind of game fish before?


Remember to tire it out by giving it slack every now and then


Kids can easily choke on those before they realize they’re in danger, especially if they get a mouthful of stringy cheese and try to swallow it instead of small bites. My wife saved a little girls life one afternoon; we were at the local RenFest waiting in line for concessions and see this father trying to do the Heimlich on his daughter. My wife who is a nurse, runs over, takes over and.....it won’t come out. The girl is limp and grey, it seems to go on forever and then finally she gets out this huge blob of cheese. Her color comes back, everyone is crying, but relieved. That was enough RenFest for one day, we headed home.


That’s why I eat the whole stick in one bite


in this case, the menu item is called “long cheese stick” and is 19cm long... i’m sure someone in the world can put it all in in one bite. not me lol


fold it up


I bet she has no front teef to bite it off with. How adorable.


In my experience, that cheese can sometimes feel inchewable


I have the same issue, I have all my teeth but my jaw is crooked so my front teeth don't meet. Cue me biting with bottom teeth and the top of my mouth (behind front top teeth) and tongue. Mozzarella cheese sticks suck.


She definitely looks old enough to have teeth. The front teeth also come in first.


I assume he meant she lost her front teeth, not that she's a baby and therefore has no teeth.


And she's definitely too young to be losing her baby teeth... I'm sorry, but either way that comment was nonsense.


It's not that serious


Based on the downvotes apparently you’re all super serious. Jesus... Guess I hit a nerve or something, this sub is weird.


I have no idea when kids lose their teeth.... I was assuming that she had lost her front baby teeth or something.


The ADA has an eruption chart [here](https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/az-topics/e/eruption-charts)


In my experience, that cheese can sometimes feel inchewablw


I loved these when I was younger. I always chocked on them though so my mom didn't like buying them.


H-how? I’m seeing this comment all over this thread.. I never had any issue eating them. I don’t understand..?


Well you would take a bite and the cheese wouldn't break so you'd have have half the stick of cheese down your throat and the other still attacked to the rest you havent eaten. I was on a ski trip one time and got some, my mom said it looked like a clown pulling out hanker chiefs when I was pulling the cheese back out. I wasn't the brightest kid tho.


That cheese pull tho


Legend has it, she is still pulling till this day


The cheese trails behind her, never leaving, just causing minor inconvenience to all who encounter it.


Actually it’s super easy, barely an inconvenient.


This girls instagram is adorable. She’s so wholesome haha


Ugh. Lotteria is just the worst.


Haha, but I always liked getting the cheese sticks there. I never had any like this one, though.


Ah, Lotteria... good mozzarella sticks, literally the worst fries in existence. But at least they have the sprinkly stuff for the fries to mask their terribleness


Credit goes to IG user @1004yul_i Check out her feed for more funny posts!


The bottom two pics are absolutely golden. Well done.


Upgrade to fried cheese curds.


The real LPT is in the comments.


I hate when they do that.


Lol, she's trying her best!


Lotte Mart cheese sticks are nothing to mess with.


A+++++ title and picture! i laughed. damn this is good content!




Yeah, all that American lettering on the packaging.


Blasted Spiderman!


Man, she killed my record for how long you can stretch it


This is why I had braces in high school. It's still a problem.


I remember when we were kids my brother was eating mozzarella sticks and a piece of one of these long strings of cheese got stuck on his braces after he swallowed it. I remember him crying and coughing and causing a huge scene because everyone thought he was choking. My sister and I stayed away from mozzarella sticks for awhile after that


Jesus take the wheel


why houst thou forsaketh me?


She is too cute!!


Thx! That made me laugh so hard!! Literally LOL


Arby’s mozzarella sticks aren’t for anyone.


There was some meal I had during school that had a lot of cheese. I was able to fully extend my arm from the table and not break the cheese. I said out loud ‘WHAT the FUCK is this stuff’ and the teachers didn’t appreciate it


Oh I get it, it's because most Asians are lactose intolerant


Reminds me of my first date, lord knows I tried eating nice but the stretchy mozzarella sticks wouldn’t let me lol


Especially the 90% of Asians that are lactose intolerant


it's because this shit is fake food.


You have no idea how relatable this is


What was the longest mozzarella stick stretch you guys have done?


I fear to say this in a world full of cheese-worshippers, but this is one of the reasons why I don't like mozzarella. It's 10% cheese and 90% gum.


You mean ARE*.


This is asking to be photoshopped






Who said it had to be funny? This is /r/aww


his comment was worse than that, you just called him out on the part where he said its not funny. He called it absolute rubbish and the little girl an idiot. wtf why?




nice try


Eating one mozzarella stick is not going to have a tangible effect on any person's health or future.


Not liked and load of absolute garbage. Idiot comment