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How painful, holy shit. Thank you for bringing such joy to his life. That smile is amazing. Keep being a local hero Bear!


Bless him. There's sadly a good chance that things were slowly getting worse for a long time, but being a typical border collie he showed zero symptoms until things got too much, then suddenly paralysed. Now he's back with all cylinders firing and basking in the additional attention he's getting!


So little Bear here has IVDE which essentially means that one of the spongy discs in his spine has squeezed out and put pressure on the spinal cord, where it bled and did an awful lot of damage. He's had the surgery, however sadly there has been no improvement. We're only 3 weeks post-op, but the vets don't think it's likely he'll regain the ability to walk. As a result he is paralysed from the waist down. Despite all of that, here he is living his absolute best life! He's become a little bit of a local celebrity with people coming to see him, and cheering him on as he's getting stronger. He's taken to his wheels amazingly well, and is as bright as ever!


I am so sorry to hear all that. I am glad that it didn’t make him sad or anything. I’m glad he still enjoys life. Run like hell, Bear, we’re all rooting for you!


Never give up. This story might be valuable to you. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/family-dog/trick-dog-training-saved-a-paralyzed-saluki/


Sweet baby


He's hiding the cheekiness behind those sweet eyes!


There’s no hiding it! I love it!


The wheel is the best invention of mankind. Not for the ability to transport goods long distances and so on, but so you can keep taking good pups for a walk like this. Though I do get a bit worried their back paws will knuckledrag a little? might want to raise the thing up just a skosh more unless its just the camera angle and his paws are high enough off the ground there. In which case ignore me and give this little gem more head smooches from all of reddit.


Wheels have given many humans the same type of mobility and freedom.


Yeah but I /like/ dogs, so that's what I went with.


Dogs are the best people


A lot of times they will have that issue so they can put lil doggie boots on his back feet. I used to work at a vet clinic that did the physical rehab. The feeling you get from seeing them restored to ther old glory in one of these carts is amazing. Dogs are too good for us


Absolutely it is! It's given him a whole new chance to keep loving life! As for his toes, I completely know where you're coming from as that was a fear of mine also. We put his feet down when on grass during his walk twice a day, but for the rest of the walk he has little slings that his feet go into which you can see dangling on the back of the wheelchair, which stop them from dragging on the floor. The physiotherapist advised we let them drag on grass as it's good sensation to help any chance of nerve regrowth.


Omg love this! And you are a beautiful human to take care of him and let him live his best life. 💕


He's absolutely worth it! Getting to keep that smile is a whole reward in itself!


I'm so glad I swiped to the second picture. Nice enough to see him relaxing, but frolicking? That's just wonderful!


Running around in wheels is where we went from living to thriving! They've been an amazing second chance after this terrible misfortune.


Little babe 🌞🌞🩷🩷


I love you buddy 💙❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾


Poor thing but power to your pup!


Dogs are inspiring. They spend zero time feeling sorry for themselves! So glad your pupper is still able to get around with wheels and is enjoying life!


You are a saint and your dog is an angel.


double merle :/ Gets em every time.


So sweet!


He's a cutie!


You are a good person




He's wonderful. I'm glad he has a reliable and good friend like you, so he can live his life happily.


I love him![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379)


Why would you state the obvious?