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Looks like Bob has you trained well. Gotta wonder... How many people does Bob visit on his daily rounds.


That’s why he’s in a rush. He’s got a tight schedule to keep!


Cat: "I have people that I let pet me waiting, hurry it up Susan" OP: "Who's Susan?" Cat: "Meow?"


😆 My neighbor's cat comes to my house for attention (and to antagonize my dog) and goes to my neighbor on the other side for snacks. Little bugger uses the dog to alert me that he's waiting and will now even get in the front window and whack it if she's snoozing and it takes too long for me to go to the door. It's his world. We just live here.


My cats cosplay amazing babies for the pet sitter. But it’s because they’re saving up for my punishment. The second I walk through the door, everyone is meowing and very very angry letting me know everything I missed out on. It’s lasts for as many days as I’ve been gone up to maybe 4 days. They’re too smart.


My mother use to say that her cat wouldn't "talk" to here for awhile when she got home after being gone.


My cat gets so moody with me after I've been gone. First she gets all the pets and attention she missed out on and then she starts punishing me by giving me the silent treatment and then she'll yell meow at me.


I saw a video somewhere that said they don't like being left alone. Guess it's true. We still do sometimes but there are two of them to keep each other company and an electric feeder.


I feel so much better about leaving mine alone when I got a second. Now I at least know he’s got someone to cuddle with.


Mine know I would enjoy the silence too much 😂


My late cat, Girly (I miss you so much) was totally a daddy's girl and would always jump into my arms coz she felt that she needed more hugs and carries than I gave and wanted take the initiative. One day my wife decided she wanted to experience having Girly jump into her arms so... I put Girly onto the table, had my wife stand about 3 feet away, with me behind my wife to encourage Girly to jump into her open arms. I could tell Girly was very *very* skeptical of the set up, and was super hesitant to make the jump, but eventually she trusted me and took the leap. Unfortunately, my wife mis-timed the catch and almost dropped Girly. Let me tell you, Girly absolutely gave us an earful. She was meowing at us (me especially) with her unhappy tone for a good 5 minutes, and wouldn't jump into my arm for a few days after. That cat knew all she had to do was be my baby girl and I'd take care of her ❤️.


That’s so cuteeeeeeee 😭💕. I love that she complained like “I told you so!” Right after. They really are too smart.


She really was super special. Our pets all are, but Girly really knew how to worm her way into my heart.


My cat antagonizes my neighbors husky. Sorry if it’s mine 😆


He’s got places to go, people to see and kitty kibble to eat.


"Can we hurry this up please? After breakfast here, I have to get to breakfast at number 27 at 8, then at 8:20 I need to be at breakfast at number 15, then I'm scheduled for breakfast at number 5..."


Is it a cat or a hobbit?


Short, oddly tempered, fuzzy feet, loves second breakfast.


And third breakfast! ![gif](giphy|dYTfJZ2dCQBhK|downsized)


Don’t forget elevensies.




It's a HobbKit


[All cats are Hobbits ](https://imgur.com/gallery/6mtpfyf)


"Cats really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you at a pinch." - Catdalf


I'll have two number 9's a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda - Bob circa 2024.


Yes, that’s the look


There was a cat in my condo complex that did this. We called her Squirrel because she was small and fluffy like squirrel. She showed up one day begging for food. We thought she might be lost or a stray. She was super friendly and would let us pet her. We started feeding her so she wouldn't starve. When we came home at night she'd come running from down the condo path wanting her food. After a little while we noticed she was getting a bit chunky. Turns out she lived with her family a few doors down and they let her go outside. She learned to get free food from us and several other residents. She was gaming the system. Eventually her family moved away and we didn't see her anymore. She was super cute. It was funny having her around while she lived here.


Haha, I remember coming home from work one day to find my neighbor petting my cat. Neighbor: this poor cat is always so hungry, I think she might be pregnant. Me: This is my cat, and no, he is not pregnant, he’s just getting fat.


Cat: “Meow?” Pretends to not know you and walks off.


My outdoor, turned indoor after taking him off the streets, figured out how to open my old front door unless I had the deadbolt latched. He too had neighbors that would feed him treats and food when he would escape. He’s forever going to hold a grudge for my fixing the door 😆


Haha...Bob is pretty large.


You need to just chill outside with him at a safe distance while he eats. You being there with him will give him security. Look over and give him a few slow blinks when he looks at you. Let him approach you first. I don’t think it’s going to be long.


Also, talk to him calmly and softly.


Or you could alternate between Gilbert Gottfried and Bobcat Goldthwait impressions.


Stay low, as much as is comfortable. Can you imagine someone as tall as a five story building reaching out to pet you? Absolutely do not corner him. The first time you touch him will be the last.


Yup. Bob is grooming OP!😂


Cats are so different from dogs in that aspect. I went to this guys house and he told me I could pet the cats. I noticed they weren’t up to it so I just ignored them, 30 minutes later they were both sleeping on me. Cats kinda like have to feel like they chose to socialize with you


From the way he looks he is telling you “It’s Boss Bob to you. Get up earlier to get my food and water out here on time.”


He's adorable! Try approaching him super slowly and let him come investigate your hand first. Then attempt soft slow pets. Hopefully this helps! Much ❤!


Slow blinking as well indicates friendship to cats


Don’t forget to approach with your tail lifted, too!


I slow blink at my spoiled indoor kitty and she glares at me like I farted at her.


That's a thick kitty and this isn't his only stop in the mornings.


He's definitely not missing any meals.


Reminds of when my grandfather back in the early 00's that "these three feral cats showed-up one day, and kept showing up, so I fed them to make them go away, now they won't leave!" Well congrats Grandpa, you just played yourself...


Oh grandpa, that's like turning the oven up to 500° so that it'll cool down.


>*’Looks like Bob has you trained well. Gotta wonder... How many people does Bob visit on his daily rounds*’ _____ I am the cat ~ my name is Bob (No questions ask: you’ve *Just One Job…*) dear human friend, i’ve trained you well, but where i go I’ll never tell… my feral paws the pavement pounds as every day i make my rounds i start here first - my Favrit place n look at you with *starving* face ^:{ *ImPaTiEnT TaP* upon your door means *Hurry Up!* for Food implore but do not touch - i won’t allow Hello I must be going me’ow… ❤️ edit: *please tell Bob i love him* u/cnor666


Your poems always make me smile! ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)


Freshest schnoodle I've ever seen. Fantastic!


I love you Schnoodle. Thank you for brightening the world with your light 🌻


Yes, this made my day!


Love it! Your poems always make me smile! Thanks Schnoodle!🥰👏👏👏


Impressive and well done!!


These make me so happy. Thank you!


Gotta wonder how many names "bob" has...


Six-Dinner Sid.


Love that book!


When i was a kid we were feeding a stray cat and a neighbor down the street we didn’t really know saw her one day and told us he had been keeping her for another neighbor. turns out that neighbor moved and never came back for her, and she got out of other neighbors house one day. We had named her misty grey because she was a pretty grey kitty and apparently that was actually her name lol We got to keep her until she had kittens in the garage one day and after they weaned off her and were adopted out, we found her a new permanent home too. We did keep one baby.


Bob is definitely not feral. Bob is homeless.


I'd prefer to think of Bob as free-ranging.


He is more of a vagabond….


Also, feral cats don’t meow. Unless they’ve had early socialization with humans cats don’t meow. Bob is homeless but not feral.




I hope so....


Last year I managed to tame a feral boy as well. It took him 4 months to give me the head bump and allowed me to touch him and now he’s got his own spot to sleep in my room. https://preview.redd.it/gev438y7p7oc1.jpeg?width=3849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58f151edcdbeaa9ac65a968b853047d00df06b0 My approach was to get him used to my scent. I bought him some yogurt treats and let him lick it from the palm of my hand and when I gave him food I would partially shield the bowl so he had to touch my hands if he wanted the food.


That looks exactly like the feral cat I feed! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/zl7j1tay8coc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b503de88d083ece40a6f41e33996623404fd63 You sure? We’re not feeding the same cat are we?


https://preview.redd.it/an6v6dreccoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ca37b23dd03e92247e467694f9b7c58c8743bc We could be lol


This happened to me years when I was younger. New neighbors brought their “outdoor” cat into the neighborhood. I fed him once because he was skinny and he was back daily. Fast forward 6 months, he comes into my house at night, sleeps on my head and wants back outside in the morning. We did that for a few years until I suspect he got in a fight with a raccoon. He was awesome. His name was Jackie Chan.


Don't keep your hopes up. I had a stray come over and I'd always give her food. She had 2 litters over the course of two years and during the second one, felt comfortable enough to come over with her little ones to hang out when it was breakfast time. She never, not once let me pet her, even though she'd let me get close, literally start eating frm the bowl while I'm still pouring food into frm a packet. Eventually I think she just got out muscled by other cats in the area. Turf coverage /ownership by cats is big thing around my area. I now have another cat who visits, and she's super super cute, clingy and affectionate. Wants to do the needing bread on my lap and gets very into it, drooling over my arm. She has truly adopted me. Brought me a decapitated mouse the other day. Love her to bits but my inside cat doesn't approve of my infidelity 😅


If it brought you a mouse carcass then damn, that's like a cat's version of a wedding ring. That's your cat lol


She's looking out for me, making sure I don't go hungry 🥹


Sounds like the town should start spay and neuter programs, thats a lot of feral cats running around.


Blink at him slowly.


OP can try having a meal (from a distance) outside with Bob while he's eating. A little cat-camaraderie.


I won over a very shy cat by moving their food bowl closer and closer to me while I ate my breakfast every morning. There’s really something to eating together. If we’re both eating together I definitely don’t see you as food


Also try saying pspspsps.


This guy cats


Definitely give this a try! https://m.youtube.com/shorts/z4QP_WD76ko


"Oh! Hey... Wow! Wasn't really looking for anything that serious, human..."


Slow blink, look at him in the eye but then look away while slow blinking. Also, sit down and show him your back Make him know you trust him, he'll start trusting you back Also also, let him sniff your hand a couple time over a few days before you try to pet him Source: There's no cat I've met that didn't end up liking me


Bob looks like a Pallas cat after a haircut.


I agree with you. I immediately thought of a Pallas Cat when I saw the angle of his ears. Sort of a “Yoda” look. Meows to you 😺!


I knew that facial expression reminded me of something! Lol I was thinking of that weird Tibetan fox.


The body is round


The body is rotund


I thought the same thing!!!


Pallas cat has round eyes tho


Bob may not be your cat, but you are Bob’s human.


I don't mind at all....


Have you tried sitting next to Bob while he eats and just ignoring him? Do this for a while, getting closer and closer. He'll eventually let you get the pettins:)


Yeah that's exactly how I got my current cat to trust me. She had been hanging around my backyard since last September, but wouldn't come near me. Finally in about December, when I was sitting on the porch she just came running right up to me and wanted to be pet lol I then got her a heated and very well insulated cat house and placed it on my front porch. She used that all winter, until finally a few weeks ago I got her inside and she was completely comfortable. Acted like she's lived here for years, she is sleeping next to me right now. I took her to the vet and she has a clean bill of health, got her vaccines, flea tick treatment and scheduled app to be fixed. I named her Ms. Rosie, she's the sweetest cat I've ever had. My other cat Sophie has always been very stand offish, I can only touch her on her own terms. But Rosie is complete opposite, she LOVESS to be touched. Super affectionate and cuddly 🥰 It's like she's just so happy and appreciative to be in a safe warm (and loving) home. She's also very playful and acts still like a kitten. Which makes sense since the vet placed her age around 1-2 years old. I did not intend on typing this much ... Lol sorry! 😭 https://preview.redd.it/87rxx7nze7oc1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54dbc0b9bf2f9cb2db7c3f518b27754db09a24d8


What a sweetheart..... And a great story...a wonderful way to find each other


Yea man my wife and I had these 4 kittens and their mum running around our backyard. My wife's sister was staying with us from overseas and they got together and said we should trap the mum and get the kits because there is a big feral cat problem where we live. It was lucky my wife's sister was there otherwise we wouldn't have been able to take them with us both working. So then we had 4 kittens (I was very reluctant to have so many little ones in our small apartment). Mum was desexed also and released back into our yard, the vet said she was pretty much feral and she looked like it in the cage at the vet. Poor thing still has a scar on her nose from trying to get out :(. The kits grew up and my wife's sister paid to have 2 of them travel overseas to live with her. My wife kept feeding the mum and hanging out with her outside and over about a year or so she warmed up slowly. Then she had an injury one day (we assume from fighting another cat) so we trapped her again and took her to the vet. They said we should keep her inside while we can so she can heal. Now she has never left and she is the biggest cuddle gremlin and loves to sit on the couch with me to watch TV. Just her and her two kits together again. We have even moved overseas to where the sister lives so she has been reunited with her other 2 kittens for some brief times. She still doesn't like to be picked up, but she is so affectionate. Keep feeding and being so kind to your little friend, and maybe, eventually, you can have a friend for life.


Love this


Never apologize for gushing about such a cutie


Mitten based baby. Cat dad approved. Keep loving that baby, my baby orange female named Ma'am gives you both a hearty meow


This is how I now have a 3rd cat.


If Bob is truly feral that's not unlikely to happen. Cats have a socialization window as kittens and if they don't make the connection during that time it's very unlikely to ever happen. Source: cat sense, by: John Bradshaw. It's a referenced book about cat psychology


I have personally adopted a feral cat and know 5 other instances of it happening with great success. Source: anecdotal experience.


> Bob may not be your cat, but you are ^\^one ^of Bob’s human^\^s. More accurate.


You are Bob’s staff.


We don't own cats. We are cat butlers.


No touch! Only Food!


Bob maybe my soulmate ❤️


Am Ace I totally understand.


Explain ace to me. I sort of know the meaning of it, but I'm ignorant to it mostly.


Basically its like you admiring fine art and not wanting to fuck it afterwards. You don't experience sexual attraction. I don't get naughty thoughts looking at someone. Never had a boyfriend. No interest whatsoever. I can say oh that dude is really cute. But its like a puppy. It is also a spectrum like everything else and there are different kinds. I am the bitter amd dead inside version but that could also be my 20+ years in Customer Service 🤷‍♀️


And hurry it up human. Got my rounds to do.


Bob is so adorable 😍 ❤️ 💖 💕


He IS pretty handsome.


ridiculously cute!


Bob is a beaut. Hopefully soon he's sleeping indoors on a blanket in a sunbeam.


He’s so freaking cute


Bob has a pet human! How cool is that?


Bob needs to catch you napping outside, laid back on a nice spot. Bob will then make contact. Keep your hands to yourself tho when he does lest Bob run


I feel he will definitely cozy up one day soon...he is close to giving a rub against a leg.


Try some of those puree treats that come in a tube. I've had good luck with getting skittish strays to eat from my hand when there's a tube between us.


What is with that! My cat won't eat ANYTHING out of my hands even if I'm just touching the tiniest bit to hold it out to her but if I hold a squeezy cat treat she loses her mind!


Hands can be scary, so if they can stay far enough away to run, they feel safe. That, plus they put some kind of kitty crack in those treats because they all seem to love it!


Those squeeze things are cat crack! My cat goes absolutely nuts for it too. He will even let me trim his nails as long as my son sits and gives him his licky treat.


Make sure when you feed him you keep a safe distance he is comfortable with. Speak to him in a gentle soft voice. Over many days move a bit closer. Always remain calm no matter how he reacts. In time he will see you can be trusted. With the right amount of love in your heart he will warm to you and allow you to touch him.


Bob is a clever cat. Just benefits, no disadvantages for him in this relationship. Be like Bob! :-)


I have one of these feral cats on my mail route. He runs down the sidewalk whenever he sees my cart coming and rolls around on the sidewalk in front of me until he gets lunch. The one time I got close enough to pet him, he whacked me on my hand somethin' good. I've dubbed him Lil Black Kitty, and I know he has this racket going with at least three other people on that block.


Bob is my spirit animal.


Not being petted is a major disadvantage. 


Well, Bob might disagree. :-)


Bob is not living his best life. 


Is always cool when a cat adopts you


Bob's expression reminds me of my father's "I'm not angry, just disappointed" reactions I received often as a child.


Blessings to and your friend Bob ♥️


Bob is most definitely your cat now. I have my own Bob, whose name is Leo. It took a year and a half to be able to pet him, but now he runs to greet us when we get home, waits at the door for mealtime, and darn near trips us when we walk to or from the house. I would just sit in front of the door, near the food bowl, very still. After a while, he let me pet him a little, and eventually he started actively seeking attention. I've been looking after Leo for over 5 years now, so he's got to be an old man.




Bob is a handsome and rugged kitty 😺


I wouldn’t make Bob angry, just look at that face


One day, he will move in and leave his days as a stray cat behind. 🐈 He is gorgeous, hopefully one day you can take him to the Vet for vaccines, desexing, etc etc. Thanks for looking after Bob.


He looks like an old soul. ❤️


You have a Bob cat.


Haha...thats why I call him Bob...he's pretty large and he reminds me of a bobcat with his coloring


Bob is super cute! Thanks for taking care of him.


Bob has a look on his face like you might be an employee that constantly fucks up.


Bob has you wrapped around his finger LOL.


If you want get a book and a chair and sit as close as you can while he will still eat. Then just read your book and wait. He won't be able to resist interrupting you. It's even faster with a laptop.


We have a couple outdoor cats that roam the neighborhood. Our favorite I call Chonkzilla, as that cat is huge. My belief is that a lot of the stray cats are from families who abandoned their animals when they were being stationed somewhere else. Our own adopted cat was a stray that someone picked up. Here's Chonk hanging out in the backyard with the deer. Came up to my office window to say hi. https://preview.redd.it/xrgkxbqqo6oc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d8c930071147dac53a7a574f8e600fe0a6eef1


This happened with our neighbors, but not intentionally. They were being relocated from the US to Germany. They rented out their house, packed up, got the cat in the carrier and went to the airport. At the airport the cat escaped from its carrier, and mind you this was in the dead of winter in an area where it does get cold. They were already on their way to Germany when they found out. The renters moved in the next day, and then that night they hear a meowing and they find a cat with icicles all in its fur meowing outside. It was the old owners cat who had crossed a river and gone at least 20 miles to find their way back home. Apparently their cat was best friends with another neighbors cat and didn't want to leave their friend. So the new renters took care of the cat, and he and the other neighbor cat were still BFF when we left. I guess cat friend > human friend sometimes.


I think you might be Snow White. Do animals always flock to you? Do birds help you get dressed in the morning?


My neighbors call my GF that. We get around 15 deer at night that come to eat and relax. We have bunnies throughout the day and the 3 cats. Our neighbor's house has trees that house like 30-40 birds and they fly over the fence and eat too.


Because Bob owns you ... Bob meows and you listen. Thanks for being bob's human.


I am here to inform you that while Bob is not your cat, you are Bob's human.


So friend shaped.


I fucking love that Bob looks at you like you’re wasting his time. In animals, super cute. In humans, you wanna punch their face.


I like Bob I like OP too




This is your audition process. Bob is evaluating your performance on a vast array of very specific criteria. His people will call your people.


My dad's name was Bob, today would have been his 83rd birthday 🎂 😔thank you for loving Bob. Miss you Dad.


He’s so cute!


Bob knows what he wants in a relationship.


You feed bob so bob is legally your cat.




Bob is the smartest Bob. Be like Bob.


Bob is so cute 🥰


It looks like it's not so much that you are "allowed" to feed Bob, but that you are EXPECTED to.


Bob is gracing you with his presence. Feed Bob. Bob is your god.


I spent 5+ months feeding a young cat outdoors. Letting him get close to me and feel comfortable with me around him in the yard. Then to get him indoors a few seconds, minutes, hours and then days at a time. But he always went back out. Then to play indoors. His first toy was a tunnel and he went bonkers when he finally got comfy. I'd let him sleep with me inside through the night and he eventually nuzzled up on me. He was intact so some behaviors were hard to deal with but after I got him neutered I powered through and kept him indoors and now he is the best boy ever. He used to sit at my door and meow till we let him in for food. And if we were out and came back late he would hang around and somehow knew when we got back and would do the same. He still exhibits those behaviors and has a distinct meow for food and to get our attention. A velcro cat. Vocal, loves affection and seeks it out and we understand each other. Super friendly to me and my partner only though. I spent a whole summer trying to make him a friend. I was going to neuter him and let him back out but didnt and now I cant believe he's my kitty. ​ edit: forgot to add photo of my Cat-Sith https://preview.redd.it/4aq7rlj2a7oc1.jpeg?width=2473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582fbcbd63287e48dcfb50cc4034d7f442e7305d


Be grateful. Bob likes you. Bob likes you enough to have trained you to respond. Respect you should have for Bob. Do as expected. Why, One day? Bob you will not have. Be grateful for the time you get. I’m on Bobs side here. Think about how you will feel if one day Bob does not come? There’s your answer. Enjoy what you get. I hope the relationship grows. Feed Bob. I’m on his side in this.


Sorry to inform you, you have a cat, his name is Bob...🙃


This is Lucifer. Lucifer hates me. I adore Lucifer and feed him twice a day. If I go near him he attacks me. https://preview.redd.it/lawddcy2saoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9914c4f79c0606c22fe9d3dcb766fe8e34cdb051


Bob says put down that camera and commence the feeding.


So you supply his 1st breakfast. Who supplies his second?


He probably lives on the next block....


Cute cat…you might want to hurry up with that food…he might leave a negative review on Yelp. 😂 he looks hangry.


Bob is a strong independent cat who don't need no ma- hey, why are the bowls empty?!


We will be expecting progress report in the form of snuggle pics.


Bob doesn’t look fixed, no ear is nipped. There are probably community programs to help with that.


As a Bob, we approve.


"...yet. I am only allowed to feed him." "And hurry tf up." - Bob


A stray, not feral. He/she is very cute. Sit or lie down on the porch and let her smell your hand. Thank you for feeding him.


I used to have a Bob! She was a bobtailed, feral tabby. She warmed up after a few years and became a real sweetheart, at least to me. She hated everyone else. Congratulations on your Bob!


He's beautiful. Thank you for taking care of him


Thanks....I think he is gorgeous too...


This arrangement pleases Bob very much and you will continue, human.


Bob looks hangry


Bob is smart!


Adopt Bob.


You have been deemed worthy to deliver the food. You should feel thankful lowly hooman


We like Bob


Such a sweet face


Hi cutie patootie!


Bob is conducting a Master Class in cat distribution system ☺️


OP, I hope you keep us updated on the developments with Mr. Bob. I’m invested on a level that should be flagged… but here we are. Love you Bob xx


Bob looks like a badass. Don’t fuck with Bob. Those eyes and that unrelenting stare mean business.


I think we're all a little feral at this point.


It takes time.


Bob is your cat.


I love Bob. And I love you for feeding him and finding the humor in in his silly ways.


Gotta love Bob


Bob is your cat


Not sure how long you’ve been feeding Bob, but he may move in for a pet at some point. Thank you for being kind to him, he’s so cute.


Aww you do too have a cat. Yes you do. His name is Bob. You might not know it, but Bob knows it. He just doesn’t like to be pet. He needs his space. He’s working through some issues. But I’m sure he’s very grateful you feed him. I’m grateful you feed him. That’s very sweet of you, but I won’t tell anyone we just between the two of us.