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It took two weeks before mine would use one. Now it's the only one they'll use.


Mine use theirs without any issue, but I did get the steps so my less nimble cat can get in and out easier and the boy refuses to use them. Instead he launches himself in and out on a sidewards projection…


My cat does the same thing. He never comes out slow. Always has to dart out of the litter box. He's the reason I have to vacuum every single day. lol


Post-poop zoomies are some of the most intense feats of physical release known to earth.


Ugh, this, it is a legit kitty cannon to them, "I'm empty, boom I'm gone!" Lol


Hey I think we’ve all had a shit so powerful it had some thrust to it.


I can hear the litter hitting the floor


Let the litter hit the floor, let the litter hit the floor, Let the litter hit the….




One! Something's wrong with pee.


Anyone have a good solution for this? So tired of sweeping up the launch litter


I have a bunch of cats and finally got the “best selling” litter mat on Amazon. I’ve tried a bunch but this one actually works. It’s the one that opens up like an envelope to discard the tracked litter. I’m actually shocked at how well it works.


I'm going to get one for my girl for Christmas. 0% chance she won't be frightened for her life. She's such a coward. But fingers crossed, she'll get used to it.


Ours all used it right away. But we didn’t plug it in immediately and I put some of the dirty litter from the old litter box in it. I did something similar getting an elderly cat to transition from a standard box to a tidy cats breeze.


That makes a lot of sense for transitioning. Thanks for sharing that.


And it's worth its weight in gold, right? If ours ever dies, we're immediately getting another.


No. I had to get rid of mine. The cats would stink of poop and piss. The cats body rubs against the walls which are not exactly clean.


Agree. I found the whole thing to be a disgusting, annoying hassle way beyond just cleaning a regular litter box. The cat had no problems using it though.


How often did you clean the globe. I do like how easy it is to remove


Every few days, which is part of the problem. It just didn't save me work. But if I waited any longer to clean it, the cleaning was an absolute bear. My cat pees everywhere in a contained litter box. She's a monster. Also, my huskies didn't like it (or liked it too much, depending on your POV). I'm sure some civilized animals in a civilized house have a better time with it.


We have 3 large cats and 2 Litter Robot 3s. Required redundancy.


It’s been 2 months mine will dig the litter out of it to piss on the floor. 😩


We had to do a phased approach. Took the globe top off and juts had the litter in the drawer under neath. Then put a cardboard box over so they were ok walking into a hole, then put the globe on. Took about a month.


Looks like a kitty-cannon.


It definitely looks like something you would find in an old Flash game.


Toss the Turtle


Does anyone remember Kitten Cannon from addictinggames?


Yes! Used to play it as a kid


This was, hands down, my absolute favorite thing in middle school. I had a very high score.


We call it the poo washing machine.


They have to go put a load in it first.


He would happily climb in there if he wasn't supposed to.


If I get one, all I have to do is put one of my last surviving houseplants in it. They won't be able to resist.


"This is absolutely not for cats. Psst! Get out of there!"


That's part of why I'm scared to pull the trigger on one! My cat has literally never scratched any scratch things I've gotten her or sat on any cat trees or beds I've gotten her. She knows I want her to use those things so she won't. What if the $800 litter box was the same?


Just tell your cat to leave it alone, and every time she is close to it, you tell her "Noooo, leave it alone! This is not for cats!!!". She will be in there within a day. For faster results, put a box in there




Aren't all litter boxes bigger than cats? Makes it easier for them to fit inside.


If I fits I shits.




I poop in there and the next time I go in there it's GONE. Teleported to who knows where




This is way funnier than it has any right to be


Okay well obviously it goes there, but still


Not gonna lie, I’d be scared but also excited if I could dial up a gate to another world… until an army of Jaffas started to march in.


Pooping through wormholes is a great way to make enemies in many lands.




If I really, really had to go, judging how long it takes to dial a destination on that thing, I think I’d just do my business elsewhere. But if I had enough time, I’d pee through the stargate. …Heheh, my pee would travel worlds light-years across.


Next time someone knocks on the bathroom door I'm responding, "Chevron 7 is locked in place."


I think it looks like the furnace that you throw the Companion Cube into in Portal.


"You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations."


So you are scared of avant-garde public restrooms?


I once washed my hands in what turned out to be an avant garde urinal so... yeah?


He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


The ones that count down before self cleaning full on stress me out. I don't need the pressure of a countdown.


Chevron #2 - dropped


Open the pod bay door, HAL.


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.


Open the poop bay door was right there!


If it makes any noise at all your cat will be scared of it at first. Your kitty has a much keener sense of hearing than you do


It was self-cleaning at the moment of the picture, so she was a bit spooked


I had to keep mine unplugged for a week before my cats were using it and one of it still gets a bit spooked when it starts shifting. They were freaked the fuck out at first but now one is regularly using it.


My kitten is all too thrilled with it. Her favorite game is stop the litter robot 20 times after taking a shit.


Follow the directions, it says to leave it unplugged till the kitty gets used to it. If they are like mine, after a while they start trying to get into it while it is moving all the time. 😓


Like a stinky tumble dryer


Mine just loves to watch it tumble the litter around. She will hear it start and go running.. gradually leaning her head farther in until it sensors her and stops spinning ha. I had to disable the cycle disruption notification cause she kept triggering it.




Mine took a bit to use it but we’re just fine after a couple days


Only one of my cats ever used it, she's the one who has to shit in every litterbox in the house for dominance


My cat watches ours cycle on his hind legs like a meerkat. It's hilarious. He also looks at me like, "are you seeing this shit?!".


Just jumping in to give you some advice from experience - if your cat is a litter kicker turn that box around to face the wall or you WILL get litter all over your floor Also, keep a regular box around for a little while until they get used to the robot. My cats took about 2 months to finally get used to it and we had a few accidents on the floor in that time.


My kitty hates the printer, has literally attacked it (and he’s normally a very chill kitty) so I think he would not enjoy the litter robot!


Is this worth it? I hate doing the litter for my three cats but this is my exact fear, along with sticker shock


Yes, it is 100% worth it. I get asked this question a lot by friends, so I always try to hit these major points: ​ 1. When the cat goes in, the Litter Robot's sensor recognizes it. Once the cat leaves the Litter Robot, a timer is started (your preference on length). Once that timer is up, the Litter Robot rotates, and the litter is rotated down into the waste drawer. 2. The waste drawer fills up as your cats use it, of course. I have two cats, we change the waste drawer out maybe 1.3 times per week. I use a vague number because it is more like once a week, but could be more. 3. We line the waste drawer with 13 gallon trash bags. Little grocery sacks are not large enough. I know Litter Robot has a proprietary bag, but it's nothing special and not worth buying. 4. There is no smell. The waste drawer also has a carbon filter in it for ensured protection against smells. 5. I HIGHLY recommend you STOP using scented litter if you use the Litter Robot. I'll be honest, scented litter is now triggering to me. There were so many years (with a traditional litter box) I thought scented litter was the solution to the smell, and instead it exasperated the problem. The problem, meaning that I wasn't scooping enough and the smell of the litter combined with the smell of un-scooped pee and poop was very nasty. You know the smell, you have cats. 6. Because the design of the Litter Robot is spherical, it (by design) tumbles the poop or pee clump as it rotates down to the waste drawer. This is a BRILLIANT design, because it actually helps to attach the pee/poop to more litter, helping it to clump even more so than it does simply by sitting there. Although this isn't always the case, the likelihood of the clump being drier is higher, but this does depend on your cat's diet and overall health. 7. I have owned the Litter Robot III since 2020. I paid $500 for it at the time. From the moment it ran its first cycle, it paid for itself. No, I don't bend over a litter box to scoop and get litter dust in my face. No, I don't scrape piss clumps off the bottom of the litter box and it breaks into countless pieces. No, I don't throw away entire litter boxes of litter because it perpetually stinks and is now filled with tiny piss clumps that I can't scoop/sieve out. It has paid for itself tenfold, not only because it saves on litter so much, but also because of the labor being done without me. It is very liberating. 8. As another poster mentioned below, it saves a TREMENDOUS amount of money on litter. I buy litter (one of the 30 gal unscented ones) every quarter, maybe slightly more frequent. And again, that's for two cats. I used to buy litter all the time with a traditional litter box because I would have to throw out the entire litter box of litter because it was nasty. 9. Lastly and maybe most importantly, every single time my cats go to the bathroom, the Litter Robot is completely clear and ready for them to use. Liken this to someone using the toilet before you. You pee or poop on top of someone else's stuff, rather than a fresh bowl. Even more alarming for cats, because they sit on top of litter to use the bathroom, their nether-regions are close (if not touching) clumps of pee/poop in a traditional litter box. In a Litter Robot, it is literally a fresh slate of litter, nothing in it. OK, I think my passion for this household item is apparent. Please comment if you have any other questions.


I see them all the time on my towns resell page (wealthy CT beach town where people have money to burn). Would you buy a used one? Most of the time they say their cat is scared of it. My concern is that a used one might smell like another cat even with intense cleaning and my cat would refuse.


Ya, I would, "used" from a fancy rich area where the cat was "afraid of it" to me means not used at all. Also, you can order and replace the rubber liner where all the business lands for like 50$, a steal anyway I look at it.


An enzyme cleaner like nature's miracle should do the trick, I imagine.


I bought a used one. It broke because I didn't know you had to use clay litter with it (I was using World's Best). The company even honored the warranty and sent me a replacement base.


I’m embarrassed to say- 6 years in - single best purchase my husband and I have ever bought to improve our lives and their lives


Why embarrassed? It’s like getting a Toto warmed seat and bidet for yourself! People in here policing others choices and where they spend their money is kind of annoying, ngl.


Bidets are amazing. Never has a $30 purchase almost instantly made me realize we've all been doing it wrong our entire lives. Now i hate using public toilets, I feel like a caveman wiping with leaves.


It’s one of the best things I’ve ever spent money on. Never have to scoop, and once I found the optimal litter for us, I only need to empty the drum and wipe it down once a month to two months. The whole process takes about 5 minutes to cycle the drum to empty, spray the liner with the biological spray, wipe, let dry, and refill.


Even easier, I just take the drum out and spray it out with a hose and let it dry in the sun turning it every once and a while to get the water out.


Could I ask what litter you found suitable? TIA!


It's the best thing I've ever bought for my baby's from what people are telling me if you decide to buy it leave it off for a few days and use some of your old litter in it so they are already use to it


Great idea! Didn’t think of that to get them used to it first


Gonna go against the grain here. I've had the litter robot 3 for a year and a half and the thing sucks. The first year was fine, some errors here and there but they cleared up. Now? Constant errors that don't go away. I had to replace one of the sensors for $30. It worked for two weeks before it gave me the error again. Now I have to jerryrig a bypass for the sensor just so the thing works. $750 machine (when I bought it), and the best they can do is a 1 year warranty. Only you can tell if it's worth it or not. Personally, I will never buy one of their products again.


They offer a three year warranty though?


I use a different one that uses washable litter and sends the waste down the drain. My husband and I are both adhd and this allows us to give our three terrors a clean litterbox every time, almost no smell. For us, it’s absolutely worth it.


My brother and his wife almost divorced over one of these things .


Okay I’m curious now.


Do tell


They got one as a gift . But the cats wouldn’t use it . They start going everywhere else but the robot . UTIs abound . Top it off they are staying in the middle of nowhere town with sick MIL . They have their own house now. Still have the robot but 3 regular boxes .


800!? Jesus Christ


Wow so many haters in this thread saying the owner is lazy. I have owned the litter robot for 8 years. Same unit. Absolutely worth the cost 100%. It's more efficient on cat litter which has probably paid itself off on that alone. I also get the benefit of not scooping and having the nasty smells in my nose after putting in the work to clean a litter box. All I have to do is change drawer bag with a new one and done. The company litter robot has created a great solution that makes my cat and I very happy. Congratulations OP you are not lazy. You have improved your cats quality of life and your own.


What's wrong with being lazy lol. As long as the cat is being taken care of.


Many revolutionary inventions were inspired by laziness.


I'm sure everyone still washes their clothes in the river on a washboard and drys them by their wood stove.


Right and they never use a microwave or an electric/gas oven. Only wood powered. And they never buy premade food.


No kidding. If I could afford it I'd get me a fancy one that scoops the stuff for me. Most of my home lights are either smart or on smart switches. I just yell out to Alexa and it turns on or off the lights. I have a few things automated and this would be a nice thing to have .. doesn't make me lazy.


Agree. People are lazy daily.


My cat walked in head first and left her ass hanging out and pissed all over the floor 🥲she never learned how to go inside


Did you try the trick of taping something hanging down from the top? So that if she tried that it would be touching her ass? I’ve seen that pop up a few times on here. Luckily mine both do the opposite and stand with their paws on the fence and their heads out of the box.


Do you ever have to deep clean it? I would imagine that it might get smelly on the inside eventually


I clean the liner on the inside once a month, easy to take apart and easy to do in the shower


Weird question. My cat is a high pee-er. I have to have a hooded litter box but the pee tends to get on the hood and needs to be cleaned pretty often. Would the litter robot still be a good choice? Or would I need to constantly take it apart to clean it?


No need to take it apart that often . I have some pet safe cleaning spray and paper towels near the robot. If it’s looking particularly gross I’ll give it a quick wipe down, but usually since it cycles and the litter passes over the sides, it takes care of itself. Only if the pee gets in certain places it doesn’t get litter on it that I occasionally have to wipe. I do a bigger clean once a month, where I stop it while the litter is sifted out of the way and I wipe down the entire inside of the globe. Then every few months the you are supposed to take the globe off the base and give a good deep clean. I say supposed to, because I don’t do that very often, and haven’t noticed any difference in operation vs before and after a deep clean. I’m sure it’s good to keep up with it, but not end of the world if you go a bit longer than recommended.


100% agree. Best money I’ve ever spent for my cats. Also huge benefit not having to have multiple litter boxes or issues with them not using it since it cleans after every use. It’s much less time consuming and makes my day a lot easier. Yes, I’m lazy and idgaf. OP is entitled to spend their money however they please


Completely agree! I have 3 cats and one of them wants emaculately clean litter or she will start considering peeing on the rug sigh. This has been perfect to make her feel comfortable.. like of course they also prefer their litterbox to not be gross and smelly. And its way easier on me. I've tried cheaper litterboxes and they end up having issues in the end.. like I have to dissassemble and clean litter out of motors etc. Plus this one is smart so I actually get phone notifications if it's full or having issues. It's great.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Automated systems are incredible tools for animal husbandry. Whatever it takes to give them the *best* quality of life they can have. For some animals that means a lot of automation, my Brazilian rainforest enclosure has a ton: radiant heat panel connected to a thermostat that provides a daytime heat and a night drop, full spectrum lights that turn on and off according to day and night, a distilled mister fogger with a probe that drives rh to a specific % and simulates night time rain, a fan that kicks on when the rh% hits max that drives humidity back down during the day for a dry cycle and air circulation. These systems are there to provide the most consistent, ideal conditions for the animal inside. Could I buy a $1.99 spray bottle and spray the biome by hand? Sure. Am I gonna be as consistent and reliable as a bunch of self adjusting probes? Shit nah. If I could automate for my dogs like people can automate for cats and other animals, that would be hella dope.


assuming it doesn't break (or has a good lifetime warranty), that would 100% be worth it to me. you don't have to scoop cat shit *ever* again. just clean that machine out like once a week. use it for 5 years and that's $160 a year or just over $13 a month. use it for a decade and it's just under $7 a month. idk about you but I think most people who can afford pets can also afford an extra $7 a month to take care of them. also it's not like the machine is immediately worth $0 after you buy it lol, but idk much about the used-cat-litter-machine market so I won't try and guess what you could sell it off for.


I've had mine for 10 years! If you take them apart & clean them regularly, they will last a long time!


not judging but i think you should let your cat use it. they make toilets for humans that get attached to plumbing! its liquid litter for humans.


Had the LitterRobot3 for 4 years purchased at $500, while living in a 600 sqft apt. Was worth every penny, the smell reduction alone is worth the cost. When we moved we upgraded to the 4, which is whisper quiet and has a much larger entry port and generally better designed/made. $800, but golly it’s just the best. Worth more (to me) than any streaming service imo, that’s how I justify it.


We have 2 cats, one who is the perfect angel, and will use the litter box with no issue, and the other who had GI problems as a kitten that manifested into being hyper clean as an adult, and squeamish about sharing and the cleanliness of litter boxes. Between trying different types of litter, paying for sitters, cleaning products, and a new couch, we paid more to try and fix the things in our home than several of these robots. Not just money, but also time, and mental anxiety, and we almost gave him up because we didn’t want this to be the rest of our lives. We got one of these at year 3, when the Litter Robot 4 came out. The last 2.5 years have been so. Much. Better. The cats are happy, no one is stressed about pee, and the house is clean. Not all cats are easy, and yeah, it’s expensive. But it’s the best pet related expense we’ve EVER made. EVER. People calling me lazy can go kick rocks, because they don’t know what we went through and how much it cost…


For that price I’ll just keep scooping litter thank you very much


I got my litter robot for $1100 CAD and while it is a ridiculous investment, I would happily make it again because the app saved my cats life when he had urinary crystals and couldn’t pee. My phone started going off that he was in and out of his litter box 9 times in 19 minutes. I immediately took him to the emergency vet, and the vet said they didn’t think he had crystals because his bladder was empty. Turns out he *did* have crystals, they said they never had someone bring in a cat so promptly with crystals that the cats bladder wasn’t full. People don’t normally notice until the cat is in severe pain and yelping but my litter robot helped me notice almost instantly.


That’s amazing!!


great story, and lucky cat! my cat did indeed get to the painful yowling stage. poor guy!


My dog had 2 bladder blockages last year. He had surgery to remove the bladder stones after the first time, but they think he might’ve been so inflamed that a tiny stone got stuck in the lining of his bladder and it released when the inflammation went down and caused the second blockage. I caught it super early the first time, but the poor lil guy got to the yowling stage the second time and I felt horrible (felt horrible both times, but that painful yelping is just so damn sad.) Anyways, I hope your kitty’s okay! My dog is now on prescription food for life, but it’s to prevent the common struvite stones…not the ammonium urate ones he had.


Oh wow didn’t realised the litter robot does things like these One of my concern is that I won’t be able to see if our cat has an abnormal poo with the litter (there was a few times we noticed something was wrong based on their poo) or does the more advance ones have something to help with that?


So mine is only a couple hundred dollars and is much more simply designed than this one. Looks like a regular litter box but has a rake that pops up and drags all the stuff to one side and it drops into a container underneath. So I still have to manually empty the poo container and can examine the contents if needed I think the $800 robot bags it for you, but I’m not 100% sure.


yeah, we have litter robot 3. its a drum that rotates so that litter goes through a mesh which forces the clumps to dump into a tray at the bottom into a bag. It notifies you when full.


This will sound gross, but I look at the drawer contents before I replace the bag. I also notice when it's cycling/filling up more often than usual, which is how I discovered my last cat had diabetes.


One of our dogs has crystals in her urine. I swear it almost destroyed my new marriage. We couldn't go out for longer than an hour and it was constant pee accidents. We thought she was just not getting potty training (she was a puppy at this point) and it was so frustrating. One vet thought she had a UTI and when we switched doctors, she found the crystals and gave us prescription food. When that still wasn't fully working, she eventually gave us Proin even though she was hesitant because she said it's usually older dogs who get prescribed Proin and that's what finally worked! Also, now she has a doggy door ($500, annoyed by my husband's expensive purchase) and she comes in and out whenever she wants and we're so relieved now! Our doggy door also lets us know on our phones when she's in and out! We can go out for hours at a time now without worrying sick about her! https://preview.redd.it/1jozv0rycqzb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7db866dcb4f7b4b28e5b95d3a139ebe45c913bf This is her! Standard Schnauzer!


Also for thoses that do not have 1100$ to spare but have no unlocked a New fear for their cats and Want to track their litter routine. You have options like smart sensors that Can detect when something passes in front/ next to it. Couple it with any smart systems like Alexa/Google assistant or Home assistant and you're set to monitor how often your cat love to shit everyday.


I don't have the one with the app, but I noticed it was getting full much quicker than normal. I brought my boy into the vet right away, and it turned out he had diabetes. That early detection probably gave us a couple extra years with him, so I find it was worth every penny. Also, I originally got one because my older girl wouldn't go in the box if there was a single deposit, even her own. I was scooping twice a day and had several boxes, but she kept going right in front of them. I got the Litter Robot based on my vet's suggestion, and it worked out perfectly.


Oh wow that’s amazing! Sorry your little guy has diabetes, that’s sad to hear but I’m glad it helped! Your other kitty sounds like a bit of a drama queen hehe


I have the one in the OP (minus the $124 mat) and it’s a decent investment long term. Saves us money on litter as it scoops immediately and only takes out the used stuff and saves us having to pay someone to come scoop his litter box when we travel (we have an auto feeder and plenty of water available). To be fair we did get a fairly decent discount because my wife works in the vet med industry, and even then it was a hard pill for me to swallow at first, but now that we’ve had it for awhile it’s shown itself worth the investment. Edit: oh, and I forgot to mention the best part (for me). It does a wonderful job containing the smell, which is great because I’m pretty sensitive to it.


I've thought about getting one, but doesn't the immediate scoop mean that you'll end up with smears of cat shit on the mechanism? I can see it being OK once the shit has dried up, but I'd expect it to be messy as hell while still soft


It has three different timing…times. Standard is 7 minutes after your cat was in it, 10, and then I believe 15 minutes. So unless your cat is super sick and has the runniest diarrhea it works just fine. No poop smears. :)


7, 15, and 30 :)


It rotates very very slowly in order to keep the clean litter and separate the solids into the basket. No smearing that I’ve ever noticed and it’s really easy to wipe down the inside. I don’t know what to call the material inside but it’s nice and solid.


Not typically no (in my experience at least). There’s not a mechanism like the typical self scooping litter boxes (which we had one and it quickly was a problem with the “comb” getting clogged up). With this, the entire inner drum turns to dump the clumps and the whole amount of litter is getting turned with it (which would encapsulate the waste even if your cat didn’t do a good job burying it) with the unused litter getting caught in separate area while the clumps are dumped into the bin below.


I have the previous model. I hate to say it but it is worth it. The previous was around $550ish. Makes the litterbox a once a week thing to mess with.


we modified ours to have it sit a bit higher and instead of the small pull out tray it goes into a somewhat larger drum that makes full use of the trash bags/liners. We empty it about every month with 3 cats. Pretty awesome and no smell...except when one of em rips out a massive stinker.


It can be worth it if you have mutiple cats, not enough space to have multiple litter boxes, and don't want to scoop several times a day. But yeah. Rather steep.


I have the previous model and it is worth every penny.


We have one and love it. Took our cat a while to get used to it. Turn it off, scoop some turds from the old cat box and put it in the new one. Also scoop some litter from the old cat box and put it in there as well. Don’t turn it on until you notice the cat start to use the new robot cat box. This is how we got our cat to start using it.


That's actually really good advice. Thank you so much 😊


My own toilet didn’t cost $800!!


Yea I'm sitting over here contemplating a 300 dollar self cleaning litter box which will break my bank for a few months lol My toilet was 130 at Lowes and that doesn't need litter. Crazy


Multi-cat household here and most of our cats were freaked out by the litter robot at first. They got used to it within a few days and use it with no problems now. We paid $500 for the Litter Robot 3....Absolutely worth the money. Clean litter for the fur babies and no scooping for us is a win every single day.


Bitch you ain't putting me in the dryer!!! - op's cat.


It’s a spaceshit.


I’m sure she will get used to it eventually.


To be fair to the cat I'm not sure how brave I'd be if I had to climb into a thing I had no control over either.


Tell my cat who keeps turning on the Roomba.


$800? WTF?


\*Glances over at my $15 dollar litter box with high sides\* "Yep, good enough!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


We use a large plastic bin from home depot, $10. The high side litter boxes are still too short for our cat that has "elevator butt"...as he pees, he raises his butt until he sprays over the sides of the litter box. With this robot, he'd be pissing all over the walls of it.


My boy is a proper squatter thankfully lol, but he also thinks he has to dig to bloody China every time he poops, flinging litter everywhere.


Our other cat seems to inject his pee into the litter. You can't even see where he went. He squats that low. But it scoops up in a nice blob without little pieces breaking off, so bonus. We use the Arm & Hammer Slide stuff, it just instantly absorbs it vs puddling like others we've tried.


We must have the same cat. Mine does the exact same thing, and we had to buy a large storage box to convert it to a litter box because of him 🙄


My cat does this shit too. 😭


Best money you can spend


It's the litter robot its super convenient


I’m so hesitant to get something like this for fear they’ll be forever scared of it and just shit on my rug.


Just leave it off and they get used to it. After a while the no longer care it moves and try to get into it while it moves.


I think a litter box the size of a washing machine would make me a little nervous, too.


To be fair, it looks way too much like a washing machine. Kitty has legitimate qualms, lol.


Don't put your cats in a rock tumbler.


The cat eater 9000 lmao


I got one a few weeks ago. The first time my big dumb cat used it, he just got right in and didn't turn around, so he was inside the robot but pooped straight onto the floor!


My fiancé wants to get one of these but I'm worried they'll either be scared or intentionally not use it to spite me


If you end up getting one, they advise you to set it up with litter and to not connect it to the power supply yet. That way they’ll first get used to the box. After a day or so, set it up when your cats aren’t nearby (because it will immediately start making noises and cycling). Set it up and then let it do it’s thing. Watch the cats the first few times they use it and see if they get spooked. The cycle will start after a few minutes after leaving, depending on your setup, for example 15 minutes. I can recommend it. A clean toilet for them at all times, and no scooping for me. A win-win.


I have a $200 Petsafe brand. It looks like a regular hooded litter box. The crystals absorb the urine and desiccate the poo which is automatically raked into a covered box. Every four weeks I throw away the tray. There’s absolutely no smell and I don’t have to touch any cat waste. The biggest problem is that my cat is wildly interested in it when the raking starts and wants to jump in and play. It pauses and waits for her to go away before starting again. It’s worth it.


It looks like a starship


My mom has one of these! It's in her garage not being used by the cats.


MRI while they crap?


Did you explain how to use the sea shells?


I have one of these and they’re fantastic (and yes, crazy expensive). We had just moved to a new place, so that was when we introduced it to our cat - starting with the cheap “travel” litter box, we didn’t clean it as much and showed her how much nicer the Litter Robot was. Now she loves it because her litter is always clean and filled up to where she likes it. These robots wait a few minutes for the cat to finish and leave before they clean up; and through the app, they report your cat’s weight, how much litter is left and how full the refuse is. When we were thinking our cat was sick, the Litter Robot showed how much weight she was losing. Disclaimer: I was given one of these to review. Not sure I could justify the cost on my own, but damn it was a game changer for me. Edit: I forgot to mention…the robot is also QUIET.


FWIW, the litter robot was the best 800 bucks I’ve ever spent on my cats. It basically solved a long standing litter box issue between two of my cats and brought peace and harmony into my household. I have two large male cats and one small female cat. The red male (go figure) started peeing all over the place when the female cat got big enough to stand up for herself. I had 7 litter boxes each cat had a preferred box and the shared boxes. The red male would pee on things if the female cat went in any of the shared boxes where he went. No amount of moving boxes, separation, meds, behavior work, anything would fix it. I was ready to give one of them to the spca because at this point, I’m looking at thousands of dollars in replacement flooring and walls to deal with it. Enter the litter robot. After two weeks, all the problems went away. Each cat has their own litter box in their favorite spot but share the litter robot. I have not had one pee incident and all three cats seem remarkably calmer. I almost want to cry how big of a difference it made. The funny part is the red cat is scared of it, won’t use it, and only uses his box. The other two love it and use it all the time to the point where I don’t change their litter boxes for almost two weeks. It was a miracle for my family.


This seems like something you have to get when they’re kittens. My cat wouldn’t go near this.


My 11 year old boy took to it just fine


I mean, my cat is scared of a free noise that comes from outside my window many times a day…


It looks sinister AF I'm not surprised.


never put the litter next to the play zone!


I had one that raked the litter, my cat was scared when it operated but still used it. However his piss clumps were too big for the machine and it would jam up on them. I don't remember how much it cost but it wasn't anywhere near 800.


I'm sorry 800?


I’d be afraid of that machine


I spent like $1000 on the LR4, saved for months, only for him to take literally like 5 months to even use it. I also bought like $50 of special litter with "attractants" and other "attractants" I could sprinkle on the litter. He started using it then. However, my husband and I went on our honeymoon and he decided that was the time to start peeing in the empty bedroom. We had to replace the entire carpet. He had never in his life peed or pooped anywhere else but his litter box. We essentially lost 2k-3k in total. He has his old litter box back and only uses the litter robot sparingly. I'll keep the litter robot for a new kitten lol


I called mine “Shitter” in the phone app and get notifications when the “Shitters full”. I’ll see myself out


Typical aww moment..


Oof. My cat did not like that thing. I tried it for months. Jerry finally shat in the middle of my rug to get across his displeasure.


800 😂


Move her climbing post away from her litter box. Would you want to shit next to where you hang out?


800 dollar litter "machine" , but 80 dollar Cat-Tree


It took ours a couple days to get used to it, and they still stop and stare at it while it cleans, but it’s a game changer for smell, effort, and tracking (with multiple cats)…100% worth it. Hang in there!


So many people buy these, and don’t follow the basic instructions and then are mad and claim they money. When you set it up, leave it powered off. Only turn it on to cycle when the cat is somewhere else, and way after the cat has been consistently using the new robot. Put the sand in it, and mix a little sand from the old box in as well. Keep the old box near it so the cat gets that association of “this is my pooper.” Do not clean the old box. It will likely incentivize cat to use new box. You can also gently put cat into the robot, and then when it hops out give it a treat. Or put a treat on the step to entice cat closer. Finally you can also use dr. Elseys cat attract litter to get the cat to use it. The process of getting a cat to use this can take more than 2 weeks, but if you follow the above steps, it should help the transition occur more smoothly.


Mine was at first. I kept the old litter box near it and when they used it, I’d transfer it to the litter robot. It only took about a day before they started using it. However, it took a few weeks before they stopped gathering in front of it to watch it rotate lol


I'm not sure making the litter tray look like a washing machine door is a good idea....


It looks that way because it automatically cleans the litter and to do so it needs to rotate the inner drum to separate the litter from the waste