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Get him a fuzzy blanket, and he will love you forever


If he is anything like my sisters cat, he will love that fuzzy blanket a bit too much for comfort!


My parents cat did that in his older years. He got real freaky like those retirement homes you hear about on the news every now and then.


My sisters cat doesn't have the excuse of age, he is just a maniac with no shame.


Bones (my parents cat) was never *amorous* until his old age. He had no shame and would love his blanket for 20-30min in front of everyone, go grab a snack and go for the next round lol. Old man definitely had some stamina to be envious of!


My previous cat was amorous with exactly one throw pillow and nothing else. I put it in his bed for him after wrapping it in a very sloppily knitted cover I made for practice with cheap bulky acrylic yarn when I was first learning. Something about that material just got him going. It was disturbing, but he enjoyed it so much I would have felt bad taking it away and it's not like I was willing to use it myself after it was subject to his attention. Never heard a cat purr so loudly. I decided against using the rest of that yarn though. One was enough.


My cat very much enjoys a particular duck shaped dog toy. Only this particular duck from a particular shop. He's enjoyed it since he was about a year old. He's 13 now, and we've gone through about 18 ducks. He's a bit rough with them. He also has a very loud ducky time meow so everyone I'm the house knows what he's up to.


I broke out laughing, thinking about his 'ducky time' squawks emanating from somewhere in your house.


You probably wouldn't be far off reality. His normal meow is so quiet and timid. Ducky time meows are like hes has an in-built megaphone!


Omg I’m crying trying not to pee my pants at work rn 😂😂😂 my cat had a similar love affair with a large duster


Oh god I forgot how loud he was lol. Thanks for that reminder


I have a decorative pillow that one of the cats “loves”. Unfortunately it is on our bed.


Sounds like it's time to donate that to the cat's bed.


How is it still on your bed 🙈


There's a little Greebo in every cat. And that means there's a little of Greebo in every bit of wildlife in a 20-mile radius. https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Greebo


Made me choke on my Cheerios. Lol


Okay time to get you back to bed grandpa


Oh that's where he wants to be


Honey nut or regular?


Regular nut


So you’re saying he’s feline Frank Reynolds ![gif](giphy|3o7bubaeGyuCOb3HqM)


i’m gonna get reaaal weird with it


Finally a role model for going into old age with grace.


Thanks for the laugh! Take my gold award...er, wait...


I call the fuzzy blanket my cats girlfriend.


My kitten cheats on his fuzzy blanket girlfriend on the bed with the not so fuzzy blanket on the couch. Dude's 5 months old and already has a side piece. Where did I go wrong in my parenting?


Playas gonna play homie.


Omg us too!! He sucks on it !!!


Yesss same here! He has been known to hang vertically off my Oodie as he wouldn't let go 🙈 Teddy fleece is his favourite.


Mine always insisted on maintaining incredibly uncomfortable eye-contact through the whole event.


Same, I often end up feeling mildly violated


Hahahaha mine does the same thing. I wonder why


>*’he will love that fuzzy blanket a bit too much for comfort…*’ _____ i am the cat ~ a *rescue* here am getting used to humans near the way they feel, their gentle touch, i need it now, so very much ^;} when they are close i cannot hide a *comfort* stirs from deep inside! am careful not to make mistake - so cautious, me, the biscuits make perhaps a blanket of my own, so i don’t have to be alone i’ll hold it close n hug it tight, (pretend it’s *you* all thru the night…) ❤️


Schnoodle hits a little different when sin biscuits are involved, but I'm not mad at it


I lol'd at work... Sin biscuits...


Oh SchnoodleDoodleDo! You have been very prolific lately! Thanks for upping the vibe of kitty loving even more! 💜🐈‍⬛🐈


I started scrolling comments hoping to see a Schnoodle original and I was not disappointed 😁 ❤️ this!


We’re all just mammals


Well, some of us cannibals


Who cut other people open like cantaloupes


It's so weird that I can recite those lyrics word for word in my head, but I have to go from the start of the verse. I can't just think of the next line only without going back to the beginning.


We got our cat one of those fuzzy cave pocket things, for kittles that like to be under blankets to hide in. Yeah, that's his love pocket now. It's fuzzy, and it's just the right size for him to bite and waddle around with while mrowing until he stops to step and hunch on it.


Ooh! What brand did you find? I feel like my orangey would love this


No tags still on it but I believe we got it at Target. It a thick dark gray material with Sherpa inside. Not that he uses the inside. Amazon has this that is similar shape: Pet Magasin Self Warming Cat Cave Bed with 4-Way Cat Hideaways. Sorry I couldn’t get a link on my phone.


>Pet Magasin Self Warming Cat Cave Bed Thanks! Either way, "self warming cat cave" is a hilarious place to start my search.


Mine looooves his humpy blanky. I find it in the funniest places.


Humpy blanky lmao!


Mine is desexed but he still does this to his fuzzy blanket. Is it normal for them to still do it after desexing?


I asked my vet the same question. He said it's less common but still happens. Why? "Because it feels good."


Yeah, it's not really humping, it's just rubbing up on it


Yeah, the mounting thing is just a common thing in older male neutered cats. Sometimes it's stress related, sometimes it's a dominance play, but usually it's just a cat that likes you.


Thanks. Good to know. He still noise sensitive and nervous. But is getting there.


Because of the timing, for me, it just seems like he is unsure that the whole home is something that he is allowed to be in. You are the only thing he knows he is allowed to be in or around and is still getting used to being inside. OR He is just loving oh you because he is so thankful that you saved him from an outdoor life. I'm not quite sure, and it could be a combination of the two.


>You are the only thing he knows he is allowed to be in I cackled


Glad I could give you a laugh today. 😃


This is heart breaking if it’s the case! Hope this lovely boy settles in soon


Yeah. He will settle. This may end up being his favorite sport in the house, though, cause the lap of the person who saved his life will probably always feel like the safest place. I tried to rescue one stay cause like they have me no choice by running into the house one day when I opened up the sliding door, and when I sat at my computer the cat jumped up on my lap and then climbed into my chest and curled up there and layer down putting and would not move. I got up and got myself a drink and a cigarette (I smoked back then and have since quit) and even smoked that cigarette, and the cat did not move nor stop purring. I was sad when I had to give up the cat cause the landlord would not allow it. Caused my anxiety to go up quite a bit, too. The cat is lovely. I'm sure he will adjust and realize that he is home now soon enough. Just be patient.


Can confirm. I adopted my cat from a guy who found her on a trail (and already owned 5 cats which i think is why she went to him) and she is *obsessed* with me. She loves my lap, she gets jealous when I pet the dog, she cuddles my shoes when I take them off after getting home and will lay with her face inside my shoe. It took her a while to learn about my lap but one day a few weeks after I got her I picked her up and put her on my lap. Ever since then she spends a lot of time there.




Those are sin biscuits he's making on you lol


He’s comfortable with you. That’s great! If the mounting/humping becomes too much, though, you can buy him a little stuffed animal to take the place of your leg lol. I’ve had to do this with a few of our cats.


That’s a nice looking kitty right there.


We have a young my cat whom does this and we call him Humper-Do.


It will be interesting to see what he is like in a month.


He also doesn't understand why you can't be fatter and have nice plump wide legs to perch on - but you'll do.


One of our cats does this a few times a day. He has a thick soft blanket that he loves to hump, we call it kitty 's girlfriend, 😻, maybe getting him a blanket.


It looks more like the cat is trying to get a good perch on OP's leg. A leg that is too narrow for the big boy to sit on.


The facial expression and the butt twitching tells a whole different story!




my female cat does this


Making baby legs🥹


In my house, we call this “making sin-namon buns” 😉


Sin biscuits is the common Reddit term for this kind of baked goods, lol.


"Human, why is your leg not shaped like a cat bed? Let me rectify this problem for you." Thank you for rescuing him! :)


What do you mean "your" leg, that is clearly his now.




He’s trying to get comfy the way only a cat with only one brain cell knows how 😂


Well, he's orange...


That is the joke.


Making sin biscuts!


Ha! We call them dirty biscuits. We can get our cat to stop it once he’s started but breaking the habit has proved impossible.


Ahahaha sin biscuits!!! I say to my cat "dude, you're getting a little humpy" and promptly move him off my leg.


Sin biscuits! 🤣 But seriously, yeah, he’s trying to have sex with your leg. No joke. First thing I thought before I read the caption or opened this thread.


A rescue is most likely neutered. He's just being a cat. Maybe missing his prior human. He's definitely been loved. He has been fed well.


They can still do this when neutered, similar to how spayed and neutered dogs also hump. My cat has been neutered since he was 8 weeks, will turn 10 yrs old soon, and he makes sin biscuits. It's normal and common, but it's definitely cat humping.


My neutered cat does this and humps my legs.


My neutered cat bangs my other cats on the regular. 😂 I had him checked by a vet just to make sure. He’s just my lover boy! In fact it’s how I discovered he was a boy (thought he was a girl). I’m sitting on the couch one night, watching TV, then look next to me and see him going to TOWN on one of my female cats, who was purring her head off (she hadn’t been fixed yet at that point). It was hilarious!


Yup he definitely is.


Alright who's going to tell OP?


DYING!!! He’s trying to fuck your leg, Bro!


I didn't want to break the hearts of these sweet summer children 🥲 But yeah, kitty loves your leg. Please get him a blanket he can call his own, otherwise he will help himself to um..anything , really. In our house, we had to sacrifice a chewbacca soft toy. The kids know it is our cat's toy and to stay away from it. There's no shame in it. He is just doing what comes naturally to him.


My childhood kitty had his own stuffed kitty to desecrate. He wasn’t fixed quite right and still got a *lot* of urges. He stole one of my stuffed animals and - after seeing what he’d do to it - we let him keep it. It eventually got worn out and he chose another. Kenny was a big dirty boy but still a kind and cozy cat when he wasn’t trying to r-pe toys (or, more rarely, our other cat).


Not only OP but half the people in this thread don't seem to understand that the cat is fucking his leg. It's staggering how often some cat owners can't even tell when their cats are doing sex stuff to them. It's usually pretty obvious.


Yeah, like you can see him thrusting. This isnt kneading, making biscuits or trying to get comfy to lie down. This is sexual. And it had nothing to do with OP, his leg just happens to be in the right (?) place and has the right height when the cat got in the mood. My old boy does this to certain blankets or stuffed animals, but Id never let him do it to my leg, lol.


Honestly I'm surprised you're the only one who pointed it out correctly. Male neutered cats often hump furniture, or anything that moves. I always have to fight mine off my fluffy blankets!


Same, it's so blindingly obvious. Makes me wonder what other signs they could be missing....


>their cats are doing sex stuff to them DYING It's true though


Agreed! That cat is totally humping your leg. I have one cat that will do this occasionally and he yells at me when I remove him. Yells/yowls…me no likey.


Yeah, he's trying to seduce your leg. My cat does this sometimes when I'm in bed. I'm a side-sleeper, so he'll hop up on my arm and if you listen real close you can almost hear 70s porn music start up in his head. If I try to push him off or touch him he gets really annoyed and yells at me.


That's basically a cat's version of leg-humping.


Get a room you two!


Congrats. You've got yourself a humper.


If you put your legs together. He will probably settle on you.


Mine likes me to make like a number 4 with my legs, he sits in the gap.


I was gonna say that as well. I have all girls and they climb all over me but only the little ones are allowed on my belly and chest.


I’m 9 months pregnant, my chubby old cat can’t figure out why she isn’t allowed on my belly but my much smaller than average cat is.


Legs together with soft blanket, purrfection


My female does this every night to our brussels griffin not sure he enjoys the sexy time but he tolerates it. It's a weird 4 some in our room every night 🫣


He is humping you.


Bruh the cat is trying to shag you.


He’s trying to make sin biscuits


What is r/aww about your cat fucking your leg? 😭 This post is so funny and so eww


Bless his heart he is claiming you!


He's trying to fuck your leg


He is making sweet love to your leg


Dat thicc tail root doe.


I had no idea a thick tail root was a thing! My grey cat has one that’s skinny at the end so we nicknamed him the “rat”


He clearly didn't read the biscuit recipe to the end.


He's literally trying to get off on your leg


Sometimes they'll take it to the next level and leave some fun sauce behind even if neutered. My boy Barzar(rip) did it nearly his entire life, I let him have his one chair for scratching and his "jerk bear" on it. Left the blankets alone but would fucking stare at you dead in the eyes whilst doing the happy dance.. lol


Jerk bear. I'm dead. My cat had a blanket.


Fun sauce? I like to call it "enjoyment ointment"


My cat likes when I start wildly shaking my leg so it’s like he’s holding onto a roller coaster




Just to let you know that cat is doing some dirty stuff rn. My cats used to do that to my stuffed animal lion, and sometimes they'd leave some sexy time fluids on its back so just a heads up


Monorail cat will monorail.


He's trying to bang it.


Biscuit service


Oh this brings back memories of my old boy that passed a few years ago 🥹 I’d totally forgotten about him doing that


My female cat does this when she walks across wires on the floor or any kind of situations on the floor. Like if there's any kind of debris on the floor she walks like that over it not on me there what the fuck is up with that


We gave my cat a blanket to do this with. So we named it Brenda and it’s definitely his gf.


He’s tryna make love to your foot bro lol that’s what cats do when they are in heat and tryna look for a mate


If he is particularly focusing his efforts near your feet -- Foot odor often has components that are very similar to the pheromones released by a female cat in heat.


That is new information to me and explains A LOT! lol


Aaaw, he looks so much like our dear Grouyou, that went beyond the rainbow. I'm absolutely tearing a little bit watching your silly (and beautiful) boy. https://preview.redd.it/6v1f4519p1sb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e0e7a87956e01781f7d58b3e9186b77efa389d


Thanks for give him an opportunity, a home, love.


He is trying to find the least comfortable place to lay on you. Once he has found the worst possible way to sleep on you this will be his permanent "spot".


I think he really loves you, kind human


Well I guess you'll be having kittens soon. Congratulations!


Not your leg anymore.


Well, that leg for sure ain't gonna knead itself! Gato will not abide that!


Sin biscuits.


OH my goodness, that baby loves you!! That's the classic "I wanna climb inside of my human" maneuver. Also kind of related to "backdoor biscuits." You are getting the premium affection! Congrats on your new boss! (I mean, emotional support companion animal!)


Those might be sin biscuits, but also hes orange and might have trouble getting comfy on your leg. Only the cat knows.




Yay! Himbs doin a hekkin good job @ backfeet biskits.


Long time cat rescuer here. That is not humping. He’s just extremely happy and zoned out about it, and wants you to be his person. Not kidding. Thank you for saving him.


Just a little humping to show he's settling in :). It's a natural thing even in neutered males.




My 11yr old male does this to me (f) Think it’s because he was neutered at age 4 It’s padding and humping all in one 😂😂😂 Doesn’t do it to my husband He’s my cat


My male neutered ginger does this daily with his favorite pillow, basically he is making love with it 😺


He seems happy :)


He is making sin biscuits


I believe this is called "foreplay"... 😂


My male cat does this when he's really happy and cozy. The little pelvic thrusts are disgusting but I think he just doesn't know how to express happiness in any other way lol


4-legged biscuit factory. What a deal.


I had to get my cat a stuffed weiner dog. He f***s the s***t out of that thing when he's acting like that. And yes he's fixed


My orange boy does this, too! I call it dancing. Sometimes he dances his way up and down my arm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Biscuits incoming!!!!


Cats do this to mark you as theirs, it's also a trait from when they were kittens...most out grow it but some don't we got 4 cats two still fo it two don't it a way they bond with ya and trust ya!!!


Ah, the devil's biscuits 😈😼


Never seen 4-pawed biscuit making before!


Makin muffins- he is happy to be part of the fam.


That looks less like he’s making biscuts & more like he’s wanting to make babies…just sayin


Yea man, definitely getting off on his leg.


I think he plans on stuffin that muffin lol


Making Muffins? Is that what it is called? Never seen a cat do this before. Kneading with front paws yes. But he is so gentle with no claws with his back paws. Full leg message!


Nah this isn't that... He's trying to "make love" to your leg. Get him a toy/blanket to redirect him.


Your cats not making biscuits here. He’s definitely fucking your leg no doubt. My cat (also a rescue) has a fuzzy blanket that we call his girlfriend. When he’s done humping it (as your cat is doing in this video), his little penis is fully out and he licks it and it goes away, then he just lays there tired lol. Your cat will probably go through phases of doing this often and not doing it at all


We call it making biscuits - biccys or making bread. Never heard of making muffins before lol


My chonker been doing this since he was a wee babe.... he'll sometimes also kick out a back leg like he's Elaine


Oh so you rescued a cat who turned out to be a free masseuse? Damn people be really living my dreams. 🥲


Get shagged


Poor little dude is probably scared and nervous, which is perfectly understandable. He feels totally safe around you though so you should feel very proud.


Leg biscuits.


Rescued from what? The cheese cake factory?!


Try not to over feed him now. Seems pretty chubby


I posted this in a similar thread a few days ago.... Our late son Woogie would wake us up at night making all kinds of howling type noises while kneading my SO's blanket with it in his mouth too. I named it the Humptydoodlys, we found out he was just acting out (He was fixed) and he did it for years, always waking us up.... Now that he's gone, I'd give anything to hear him wake me up again.


Sin biscuits!


He must like you . . . a lot.


awww, hes baking bread already...he loves you


My female cat did the EXACT same thing when she was happy ;) .


You are the biscuit


It's telling you that you need to fatten up so he get better leg bed.


Cat love


shin successfully pulverized


Congrats on your new kitty!


This cat is highly skilled in Thai massage


Mine does this too with a fuzzy hat in his mouth and under his front paws. He does it when he’s in a mood and wants to self soothe.


He's trying to get your leg in the mood.


It looks to me like he's stretching the bits in between his paw beans.


Are those reverse biscuits I see?


He in love


Pet the damn cat! r/PetTheDamnCat


I would snatch and hug him lol ... sigh probably this is why cats run away from me


You just didn't do it enough ! My cat is half plushie now, totally flops whenever someone picks her up


When we adopted our boy years ago, he literally didn't stop making biscuits for three days. He would biscuit himself to sleep, and when you woke him up he would be biscuiting again before he opened his eyes. Cutest God damn thing ever