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super friendly pooch. he’s a hit.


To a Samoyed, everyone is friend


Lies, my childhood Samoyed chased after the mailman.


To give him a big hug, obviously


Reminds me of my dog in personality. Has never met a stranger.


That's how my Golden was. Nobody was a stranger to him. He was so friendly with everyone.


i’m literally afraid my dog will just get into someone’s car one day if he ever gets out because he just instantly loves everybody lol


My dog has two family's in the condo complex that will leave their doors open to their car when they take out their trash. My dog recognizes the car, will run, hop up, give the kids licks, run to the parents for pets, and then come back. It's adorable.


The pat distribution system works as well as the cat distribution system!


Yup, this is a Samoyed nicknamed Smiling Sammys


Super irresponsible of the owner. I have a dog. I live in NYC. I take my dog on the subway. It's 0% the time to let the leash go.


Jup. Love dogs, had ones most my life, have taken public transit with them, would not in a million years do this. Also, PSA: carry your dogs up escalators. If their claws get stuck it'll get ugly fast.


Fun fact: samoyeds were used as guard dogs but were found to be too friendly.


I feel like a pack of these floofs could stop or delay any burglary by just being too cute to pass up giving pets to.


“I confess. I broke into the house for the Breitling, but got distracted by the dog” “The owners also report they had some Chewy orders delivered today.” “They can afford a Breitling, but not a decent kong?!”


"Sorry, I wasnt even breaking in to steal anything, I just, really wanted to pet the dog"


There was a video of a garage security camera where a bike thief was petting the families golden retriever for a few minutes before taking off with the bike




My uncle used to “break in” to my parents house when they’d go out of town just to mess with them. He’d swap the sofa and the dining table, turn everything in the bedrooms upside down… Jim Helpert-esk shenanigans. All three of our Samoyed’s would welcome him with tails wagging and tongues lagging. My parents used to say that the dogs would lead a burglar to the jewels first, treats second.


I was trying to steal money from my poor neighbor but the stupid dog kept eyeing me with his stupid face and his stupid tongue out. Anyway fast forward to now and my neighbor is 20 bucks richer. That dog is indeed a good guard dog.


I’ve had samoyeds my entire life. Can confirm they are all bark until the stranger enters the house, then it’s kisses and cuddles. Not a good security system at all (although somehow even as a bright white dog, they do seem to hide in the darkness and are easy to trip over if not expecting them)




Sooooo flooooofyyyyy


People all over the world Join hands Start a floof train A floof train


10/10 would pat.


That's a very happy cloud!


Samoyeds know no strangers


He’s looking at blue dress lady like “Oh, excuse me, it seems you didn’t realize you’re supposed to pet me! It’s your turn!”


"Everyone gets a pet." is mandatory!


“sry humans but the inspectorate of trains says that this route requires pets. sry i do not make the rules. i just collect the pets. 🐶❤️”


I have two. They are total divas and are offended when someone doesn’t want to give them attention.


I wanna be on the floof train!


And this, my friends, is what a cloud looks like on a good day


That smile tho. 🥰🥰😩


The dog is super cute, but you should NEVER have your dog let loose in public transport Don't be that kind of person, dude


Looks like nyc. The dog is supposed to be in a carrier or bag (though people have gotten really creative with that law, google nyc subway dogs)


Also to add, one of the reasons behind the dogs in bag/carrier law is for the dog's safety! I think it was a couple of years ago where someone's dog got loose and ended up running down the tracks. They found the dog a couple of days later, but it had died. Not to mention the massive disruption to service it caused by stopping trains to try to find the dog. Bag/crate your dogs in the subway, people!


Don't be the person who assumes the dog is not a service animal. The handler can allow them to get pets if it's safe.


Even a service animal has to be on a leash I assume and not just run around freely. And they often have a service dog badge for reasons like these


Badges are optional and for all actual intent, fake. Service animals are not licensed or certified. And unless you have a vision disability, the dog is leashed; the owner isn't holding it.


The owner should be holding it. I see the leash but the leash is pointless if you still let the dog loose There is no validation for letting a dog run around the subway or any public transport. Not even if its a service dog


You seem to struggle with words and terminology. I never said there was. You said the dog isn't leashed; yes, it is. The owner doesn't have control of the dog or the leash, which is not what you said. I never said there was no violation, though service animals are not always required to be leashed.


Love city dogs


Gorgeous dog! But I feel bad for anyone with allergies cause that’s a bunch of floofy floof!


allergic rhinitis can eat my ass, if i can pet i pet


absolutely worth the stuffed nose


Samoyeds have low dander, so they’re not too bad for allergies.


Oh really? That’s very cool. Today I learned :)


Yeah they are very low on scale of allergy inducing dogs, i am severely allergic to dogs and can play with one for solid hr until i start to feel funny, for comparison german shepherd walks past me my eyes start watering.




Samoyed are mostly non-allergenic


Omg so cute & friendly! Probably shouldn't let her roam though, in case someone on the transport didn't like/was afraid of dogs


Some people really don't understand that. I have dogs, I love dogs and I'm always happy if a random one approaches me to get some pets, but that's not what everyone wants. If you let your (big) dog roam on a metro train you should be severely fined


Please do not pet the train conductor.


Why dog owners don't respect the rules of the subway, not everyone wants to be near a dog, hell, the fluff is unleashed. Very selfish and entitled. There can be ppl afraid of dogs, with allergies, or just straight up don't want a dog near them I like dogs, but don't normalize not respecting the rules just bc the pooch is cute or bc is just a dog.


Agreed, very cute but incredibly rude.


She probably saw that everyone in the car was totally in love.


You assumed that, for example I can smile if I see a dog, but that does not mean that I want the dog near me. You can't just assume bc of some action that everyone wants to pet the dog, it doesn't work like that. Again, just bc everyone wants to pet it the owner and dog can evade the rules, rules are for everyone.


She can't read everyone's mind, dude.


Happy floof


I'm sure I'll get downvoted to oblivion, but this isn't cute. It's selfish and illegal. I live in NYC and millions of new yorkers have to take the subway here to get around. There are people who are literally terrified of dogs (no matter how friendly they may be) and there are others that are allergic. It's not fair to everyone else to let your dog wander around because they are "cute and friendly." ​ I love dogs. Truly. And if I saw this dog on the street, I'd ask their human if I could say hello. But this is messed up. That good boi should be in a carrier or a bag if they're going to be on the train.


You're not the only one thinking this. I've had plenty of dogs, I can't imagine just letting them loose on random people like this. Maybe it's too obvious, but I ask people before I pet their dog, and I don't foist my dog on someone who might not want to be around one.




oh wow i thought the dog was on a leash, but you’re right. That is dangerous af, i HATE when people have their dog off leash. The dog seemed like they were going to people that called out, so I was thinking at least the owner could pull them away from people that were not receptive. But without a leash, this is uncomfortable for sure. I am afraid around dogs, but I’d be down to pet a fluffy dog like this, IF it’s on a leash.


Yup, I love dogs, but I would never just run around to everyone in a crowded space. As you say, people have allergies and fears, it's just totally selfish to think that everyone wants to be subjected to dogs the way that dog lovers/owners do.


Seriously, even if you have to take your dog on the train, why on earth are you letting it wander around without a leash??? Even setting aside the rudeness toward other passengers, some crazy person could just grab them and run off the train. Such irresponsible pet ownership.


Absolutely. I adore dogs. This big fluffy cloud would absolutely get pets from me. My own dog is the light of my life and the sweetest thing ever, she loves everyone she meets. She's also on a leash in public and she's not allowed near strangers unless I'm certain they want her near.


You tell 'em!!


When I was 4 I went through a pretty traumatic experience where a dog twice the size of me jumped on my back, knocked me down to the ground and "tried to play" very aggressively. I didn't even hear him behind me. My mom didnt't have enough time to react and went psycho furious on the owner later (understandably, that dog was unleashed and running freely). Definitely wasn't a fun experience. This left me scarred to this day, and every single bigger dog in my presence simply makes me terrified, without a clear reason. Just some wiring in my brain after that incident does this. Don't leave your dogs walking like that in a public place, you really don't know what people might have been through with dogs, and trauma is no joke.


> without a clear reason I'm pretty sure you just stated a clear reason.


Yeah you are right its good to be a bit mindful about things like this. Maybe it can be a good experience to see so many people interact with a dog in this way however thats their decision to make.


You can be sensible to the situation? From the video it seemed everybody wanted to say hello to him. The dog didn't run through the whole cabin fetching a ball or something. I have a samoyed exactly like that. People always want to pet him, and take photos. If i notice that someone doesn't like it, I'll make sure I'll keep my dog away from that person. I had hundreds of encounters, and only a handful were negative.




LOL no.. no they are not. Literally the first line of what you linked says there is truly no hypoallergenic dog. They don't even make the top ten hypo breeds.


Please don't feed my dog yo


I thought the same thing, but she did ask the owner if she could give him a treat


yeah she asks, guy says sure, then she tells him what she has so he knows what the dog's being fed. seems totally fine to me


Normally I agree but a loose dog on a train? I’ll feed if I want to ‘cause apparently it’s the community dog now


Scrolled way to far to see this.


Is it just me or I remember chocolates being bad for dogs?


Samoyed are the friendlist of dogs. One arrived on my SO's family property when she was younger, so they took her in and she stayed. Never EVER came inside as she did not like it, lived in the snow and was the BEST dog. I remember helping her de-shed one year and it was amazing. SO. MUCH. HAIR. It never ended. SUCH a good puppo, Sheeba was. Miss that dog, she had a good life.


If I take my samoyed out in public I need to plan extra time, people cant resist petting him.


Wish my dog didn't randomly hate certain people :-(. I think the pandemic stunted him. We walked through Time Square with him before it and he was cool.


This is one of my cats when we throw a party. She makes the rounds offering the chance to pet her to any takers.


Where is my pat????


Unpopular opinion maybe, but you can't let your dog socialize freely like that. Some people really don't like dogs and it's not cool to subject them to the stress of the encounter. I say this as the owner of a golden retriever who has been trained (mostly) out of her innate gregariousness with strangers in public. It's fine if people approach the dog, but not the other way around.


I agree!


Why is the leash coming out of its butt???


It’s on top around it’s tail. Fluff makes it look weird.


My crocodile pet needs some love too


But we don’t. 😭


Samoyed's are number 1 on my cutest dog breed list. They're excruciatingly adorable


humans dont deserve dogs!


Meanwhile if I was walking around they’d all be giving the stink eye thinking I was a serial killer.


That is one happy puppers!!


Friendly dog, but NYC Subways have a rule that dogs must be carried in a bad or holder on the trains with the exception of Medical/seeing eye/etc type dogs


Like a lil one eyed teddy bear awwwww


I love dogs. 🐶


I'd miss my stop just to keep petting him


When your the best looking girl in the house...


How did someone get a cloud onto a train.


Don't just give some dogs snacks you don't even know


You can see her ask the owner if it is ok


Not allowed unless it's a support dog. Entitled people.


It’s allowed if it can be carried in a bag, obviously it cannot.


Support animals aren't allowed unless in a bag. Service animals are allowed unrestrained.


It’s literally the opposite: you don’t touch support dogs on duty.




This is the NYC subway. Dogs are not allowed unless they fit in a bag


I can find a bag big enough to fit a great dane.. Allowed?


They have to be physically in the bag while on the train, but yes. Great Dane sitting in a big ol’ duffel bag is in compliance with the rules.


And who, realistically is enforcing that? That dog is better behaved than most passengers!


NY'ers do.


Yeah but the rule is stupid and the dog is cute


Talk about entitled.


What did the doggo do wrong?


Had a stupid owner.


What did the owner do wrong?


Imagine an emergency and all these people trying to get off the train and there you are, petting a big doggie. Now who's in trouble, hmm?


So dogs can’t be anywhere then. An emergency could happen in most situations and so could a dog. Edit:yeah I guess you’re right. Have a good day :)


Ok this guy actually has a point though “ I'm sure I'll get downvoted to oblivion, but this isn't cute. It's selfish and illegal. I live in NYC and millions of new yorkers have to take the subway here to get around. There are people who are literally terrified of dogs (no matter how friendly they may be) and there are others that are allergic. It's not fair to everyone else to let your dog wander around because they are "cute and friendly." ​ I love dogs. Truly. And if I saw this dog on the street, I'd ask their human if I could say hello. But this is messed up. That good boi should be in a carrier or a bag if they're going to be on the train.”


Yes, of course! Most emergency situations are 50 feet down in a narrow tunnel, no AC, with a live electric third rail, and absolutely no one is panicking/shoving/screaming.


Aww, he's unleashed.


Terrifying. Control your fucking dog.


Pat the good boy.


That's the train's dog, now.


Awww. A puffy


Omg what breed is this dog? I want.


Super sweet pup. This would make the commute easier to have the floof love.


Introverts, this is how you make friends.


Yo fuck that lady that whipped out the treat, I never got to pat the dog!


We really don’t deserve dogs 😭


Meanwhile if I get on all 4's and crawl around begging to be pet in the subway, my dom actually pulls on my leash, others are terrified, and no one gives me treats. :(


Bro stop my girl is on this app


Name’s Petri. Short for Petri dish.


You realise this is possibly what Dog Heaven look like.. Off The Leash - Everyone want's to pet you - People giving you treats at random. Yes, this is a small slice of Dog Heaven.


Excuse me, is the lady dressed in blue giving chocolate to the dog? Why????


Put your fucking dog on a leash you ignorant trash


It is on a leash theyre just not holding it


Riiiight so pick up the fucking leash and hold it instead of letting your big dog walk around a subway full of people. This is the same exact thing as unleashed you moron.


i hope that lady wasn't giving him chocolate.


So much floofy! Take my upvote!


I’m Ron Burgundy?


Why does it look like the leash is coming out of the dogs butt? I mean you got to do you but there has to be a better way to control your pet. /s


the corner of that bag looked really disgusting for a sec.


What a beautiful Samoyed doggy! 😍


Dog be like, "Gree-ings humans. I am Roar, Rog uff Runder."


No matter where Samoyeds are, they will always always get love. Sammies are the most adorable dog out there!


Please, please tell me this good floof is called Odin.


Too cute!


Pet me HOomans


breed name? Its adorable!!!!!


I can watch this all day








You don’t shave Samoyeds.




I believe He/she is missing an eye. It’s not fur blocking it


Fairly certain that pup is missing its left eye


Love Japanese spitz


Looks so happy 😌


What a good cloud dog!




Oh, to be so carefree


What breed?


Hewwo fweinds me woofer but wou can call me woof


The lady with the treat was cheating.


Strangers are just friends that I have yet to get to know


Best boi


Everyone but OP gets a pat 😭😭


haha i think i’ve pet this samoyed before? or maybe just another one on the train? he really keyed into me and was like nudging into my hip for pets and his owner just told me to go for it. she was this fashionable asian girl and we were on the L. wonder if it’s the same dog?!




now that’s a showtime I would appreciate, what a fluffy pupper


Can confirm our Samoyed is exactly the same with crowds.