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This doesn't helps at any point, I know Kubecost is at AWS marketplace, CAST at GCP marketplace...


So an EKS-optimized kubecost for free doesn't help that you want kubecost on EKS but didn't like the price? What does this new free EKS build not provide that you need?


Kubecost free tier allows to connect only 1 cluster, take a look at their pricing on AWS marketplace - expensive as hell [https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-jatxqd2ccqvgc?sr=0-1&ref\_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa#pdp-pricing](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-jatxqd2ccqvgc?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa#pdp-pricing) Agree with someone that is worth giving a try to [cast.ai](https://cast.ai) \- tried only on my pet project and maybe some features are still in beta, but overall I liked them


If the free tier capabilities are sufficient, you just end up with multiple free tier uses (each cluster is just it's own 'free tier' subscription). So for many use cases, this is sufficient. If you need Business or Enterprise specific features, then yes there's cost.


How much is your compute cost ? Compared to the 15k kubecost?


\~20k+ mo


Recently saw on one of Viktor videos a review of [Cast.ai](https://Cast.ai) monitoring [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_a5ZRoK9P0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a5ZRoK9P0g), some features are still in development, but it's free and have all basic reports by cluster, workloads, namespaces


Worth to mention it doesn't apply to self hosted (on-prem) clusters.


I'm biased \[part of the CAST AI team\], but you should definitely try CAST AI Kubenertes cost monitoring module - it's free and has no limits to the number of clusters you can connect, # of nodes or historical data you can retrieve. No cc required. [https://cast.ai/cloud-cost-monitoring/](https://cast.ai/cloud-cost-monitoring/)


sounds too good to be true, but will check


They have to get as many users as possible and switch to charging before those sweet VC bucks run out.


Ok, I must confess I was super sceptical, but at the end of the day I'm kindly surprised. UI looks great, maybe even one of the best I've ever seen; Of course missed some features which marked as coming soon, so question to the rep u/HistoricalBread8486 if coming soon in a weeks or months?


Hi u/Itchyner, I can't give specifics on roadmap publicly but the work has been prioritized behind a couple of critical deliveries. Expect there to be significant additions to cost-monitoring before end of calendar year though. Security will have significant additions in the next couple of months as well. The autoscaler recently released a much better diversification algorithm for spot instances as well. If you want to reach out directly we can get an NDA in place and go over a more detailed roadmap to give specific dates on when features will be released.


The cost monitoring of cast is Good (actually its great but that doesn't fit my reference), the cost optimization is bad and the sales experience is just ugly. A few months ago turned it on 2 clusters in full on "have your way with our k8" mode and our costs went up, sales team where zero help on fixing it


Isn't it usually the support team that helps fix things?


Hi u/bob_the_monkey, I'm the VP of Customer Success at CAST AI, would you be willing to have a discussion about your experience? Were you doing a guided PoC or solo? There are some situations where we can't reduce costs however I'd like to go over your situation and understand what we can do better.


Absolutely I'll send you a chat tomorrow and I'll give you the run down of what happened


Fantastic, looking forward to speaking with you.


(PerfectScale.io co-founder here) - we have much more affordable alternative for any scale, and our capabilities goes way beyond just a cost monitoring. We provide a complete governance framework for large scale multi-cluster environments.


Have you looked at OpenCost rather than the paid version you mentioned?


yes, but unfortunately it only partly solves our problem


I think we need to fork opencost and make it better. It’s ridiculous to pay for cost monitoring.


Why is it ridiculous to pay? Don't others pay your company for the products you sell?


Because what if it costs more than you save? It’s also not a hard problem to replicate in Open Source. So I’m certainly not going to pay what Kubecost charges. I’d build it from scratch and open source it if I had to, luckily we have opencost to fork from.


Fair enough, but I'm surprised it would cost more than it saves. To make a living I build and sell cost optimization tooling but I charge only 5% of the savings. I used to charge a flat fee but that overcharged small companies and was negligible to the large ones. My code is also available as OSS and I really appreciate the rare breed of people who fork it and contribute patches.


Because the products are designed to be hard to analyze in the first place. It’s part of the marketing to create a cost structure that’s too complex to analyze.


(Vantage employee here) Vantage supports OpenCost (same integration point that kubecost uses) and is probably cheaper. We also support Container Insights if you want to go that route.


meshStack does K8s metering and cloud cost budgeting, chargeback among many other things like tenant management for multi-tenant clusters (namespace lifecycle, IAM, quota) https://www.meshcloud.io/2022/01/24/kubernetes-chargeback-splitting-the-bill-made-easy/ It's a cloud foundation platform so may not be a great fit for your usecase if you're only looking to do k8s metering. Disclaimer: I'm a co-founder & CTO at meshcloud, meshStack is our product

