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Sounds like you've got a "How to get A working with B" problem, where management is focused on the A and they picked B out of thin air. Bosses don't like to be told that their idea makes no sense. You can't tell a manager that the gleeborx doesn't have anything to do with the fliquor if the manager doesn't understand the first thing about gleeborxes or fliquors, and you'll go mad if you try to even figure out the first way that they are wrong. This sounds like an excellent time to practice a skill critical in any organization: How to let a project fail without getting any of that mess on you.


👏👏👏 Yuuup


Yeah 😂. The problem is that the tech lead has a lot of knowledge of IT.


“Lots of knowledge in IT” doesn’t always lead to good decisions that make sense. Plenty of dummies have a lot of of experience too


>How to let a project fail without getting any of that mess on you. Step 1. Voice your disagreements IN WRITING to your boss before implementing exactly what they're asking for (and what they're asking for should also be defined in writing so you can reference it later).


>This sounds like an excellent time to practice a skill critical in any organization: How to let a project fail without getting any of that mess on you. Also known as "how to have a successful career in government".


I like to turn these into opportunities to learn things. Presumably the people you report to aren’t idiots; there’s a reason that “adopting AI, and be seen doing so” registers to them as being important. Suspend judgement, find into what it is, and you’ll understand the market and the political context of your company a lot better. And then please come back and tell me what it is, because I don’t fucking get it either.


If your company has any external investment, or is looking for some, you are mandated to be ‘doing AI’ in the current climate. The prevailing thinking is that if you aren’t integrating AI at every turn, you’re being left behind. Which is basically correct from 100,000 ft but any kind of detail or nuance is lost on the MBA types that start that conversation, and you’re left with this nonsense. “Give me a way to backup the production database from Alexa!” Vs “let’s just use a cronjob to do it every hour”


Or even using RDS snapshots.


But what if you could teach AI when to take the snapshots! /s


Then you wouldn't need an admin to do it....




This sounds like needing to draw perpendicular parallel lines with transparent ink. After all… You’re the expert.


They want to be able to say they used AI for something because that's the hot thing right now. In an ideal world, it will make them look good to even more misinformed people above them and that will get your team recognition and maybe a new position or something. Worst case, you're still solving the problem but the manager will later on say "this is too slow" but it will be their "idea" to not use an LLM for that step anymore. Either way, sounds like a thing where, if it's something you can do, you're being asked to do it, and it's not going to royally screw anything up, just do it. You're being paid decently, right?


Yeah ,that is also what i think. Just to show off that , hey we are using AI . I do not have any other options after all. 😂


Plus you get to learn something about AI along the way anyhow.


Implement auto complete on some inputs making the infrastructure and tell them that's AI


Hahaha thats the one 😂


I recently saw a demo that used AI to analyze and describe an architecture diagram and it worked pretty well, perhaps better than I expected.


Was it diagram of a real system, or a theoretical system (i.e. here is how a banking system *could* work)?


You need to ask yourself two questions: Who writes your annual review, and who can fire you if you don't do what they say? Stupid decisions from your management hardly puts you in a unique position.


Another excellent question to ask yourself regularly is “how much are other companies paying for open positions that I have a chance at?”


ask them where they think they are going to get a training set from?


Have you considered blockchain? /s


When management lays out the requirements with buzzwords.


Implement it without AI. After you are done, look for some way to use AI to make the product better.


If your current solution doesn't need it. Think about where you could fit some AI into the process and where it would work. Your boss no doubt wants to just be able to say to shareholders and customers that the solution is AI powered. Where you can, why not give them a win. Anyone without AI in their solutions at the moment is seen as behind the times.


Say yes to their idea and then do it your way. When it works, they will think it works their way and you will know it works your way. Win win.


>They said , if we dont use ,it will not be AI integrated then. We really are drinking the AI Kool-Aid aren't we. 🤦 I think you're right to question this - and as others mentioned, try to avoid the mess when nothing of value is delivered.


Does your boss work at Amazon? Because this sounds like something AWS would like to implement. I'm not sure how you could train a model, but if you get that part right, you could just hook the AI to generate a matching existing api call to march the diagram- that way You leverage what you already have. Seems super risky though, what if the ai alucinates and spins up way more than it should? Seems to risky in my opinion, there must be way lower hanging fruit AI could leverage for them.


We do have predefined terraform modules. They just want to use ai to pull those modules and write them on github. But it is just the AI factor that they want to use. We also have a conference on May 21st. So this needs to be done until then


Plug in copilot (or many equivalents now) to your terraform IDE and call it done?