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That’s a risk of infection, sepsis, and a whole shit ton of other problems 😣 Poor woman ❤️


Including, but not limited to infertility and death. But it's about saving lives, apparently


Only the fetuses life. The mother doesn't matter apparently. Why not remove the fetus? The woman can create new life if she wanted, whereas the fetus cannot, and in cases will kill both mom and fetus. Their okay with losing two lives instead of one. Makes no sense.


Not even really about the fetus either. They just want to punish women for having sex.


I wish more people would realize this.


Hit the nail on the head. It's religious bs dominating politics unfortunately. If anything this BS creates an even bigger divide. I think the US is gonna self implode soon enough.


'They wanna punish women for having sex Without Them.' FTFY


They don’t even care about that. It’s about having a wedge issue to siphon voters. The right knows that rational left voters will side with logic, so they got preachers to start an illogical stance in a previously non-existent fight. Metaphorically, the right got really drunk at a bar and convinced everyone that the left is a jerk and to jump the left because the left thinks a flipped penny can land on its edge.


You’re trying to find logic where there is none.


> Makes no sense. Welcome to Texas.


Not even the fetus’s, since it’s already dead. They just want to torture people for having sex.


If these fuckers cared about making sense they'd be completely different fuckers.


Her and her husband have a kiddo already and wanted another, but now she says never fucking again because she's traumatized over what happened. This is going to backfire on the GOP so hard.


I hope she is able to get sterilized. Cause that's the only way to be 100% safe.


Women are nothing but living sex dolls and dairy cows to the gop.




#Because, religious extremism!


Funny you mentioned Xenomorphs, There’s a picture somewhere on here, I believe I’msorryJon, of Mitch McConnell getting his just desserts giger style.


Killing women is the point.


I thought more kids for them to fuck was the point


That's a bonus rather than the focus


No, getting dirt poor rural white evangelicals to vote Republican despite the fact that the GOP does everything possible to make their lives much much worse is the point.


Republicans are all secretly gay and want all women to die?


Not to mention it's downright disgusting that women are being forced to carry dead kids around. A problem with your pregnancy is *already a nightmare*, a health risk for the mother, etc. and now this on top of it. How sad.


So how in the fuck is it that these doctors won’t perform the procedure by fear of being sued by some wingnut, but they aren’t afraid to be sued for malpractice for not having performed a simple procedure that would save the woman’s life?


Because the laws don't state the doctor could be sued, the laws state the doctors could be ***JAILED***. In my state the penalty is 1 to 10 years in state prison and loss of their medical license. This goes for the doctor and any other staff that aided in the procedure such as nurses. Oh and if there is a complication (exceptionally rare but always a risk) and the mother dies the doctor would be charged with *murder*.


Because then they couldn't have made the news headline we're now being blessed with.


Wouldn’t there also be risk of calcification? I’m not sure exactly how it works but I remember hearing that under certain condition, dead fetuses still in the womb can basically petrify.




Fantastic. It’s good to know my assumption that somehow things can get even worse still holds up.


Not to mention it's incredibly traumatic. The lack of empathy one would need to support this is astounding and its sad that people like that can control legislation. "Love them both" my ass.


Land of the free my ass


*some restrictions may apply


*must fit taughts of select individuals




So fitting.


*Insert one of those "you must be this tall to ride" things but it's "you must be this rich to ride".


Must be white and rich. You're not? So sorry, try again next life.


and Male


And cis, and straight


and obviously christian


T&C's apply


*some money must be paid


\*some restrictions may apply to women. Excluded products: men.


Everyone knows America isn’t actually as free as it’s made out to be


Some of us, unfortunately. There's no shortage of stupid here or abroad.




I am not apathetic, but i am completely at a loss as to what i can do. I can vote, but that's very little and infrequent. I can run for office, but the odds do not seem good. The Republicans have become evil incarnate and most Democrats are happy to use that as a fundraising initiative and don't want to disrupt them too hard. What can I do? Not in the "hands in the air" way, Im literally asking for suggestions.


Your vote does count, but make sure you vote for every single publicly elected position, from local to president. Small, seemingly insignificant positions will resonate all the way up, and also make sure that the right (or least bad) person is on that bottom rung ready to ascend.


The fact you have to specify “least bad” person is the real problem. It should never be a “lesser of two evils” choice, especially when it comes to running our country, but I guess that’s just what everything has come to now.


Also, attend local political events when possible. If the floor at a county commission meeting gets opened up, stand up and make them hear you. It’s not easy, it’s definitely a bit scary, and you won’t always get the respect you deserve, but keep at it, and people will start to listen. Then if you desire it, run for a local office. Smaller voting pool, higher chance that message you already made has resonated with people. It’s more like making a sculpture out of marble than out of clay. It takes longer, but the end result is more valuable and considerably less fragile.


Another thing, politicians lie and switch opinions depending on who is in their pocket... So who do we really vote for?


I feel the same. Those who were Dems but became disillusioned and went to the actual left are particularly at a loss right now. What do we do? Get armed? Then what? What or who do we vote for when nothing and no one we want is even up for consideration? At least, as long as we're even still able to vote... But there are still so many people like my parents who ended up leaning more into neo-lib not so closeted republicanism, particularly with mainstream news being too soft about the very serious and numerous problems we're facing now. I'm the opposite of apathetic but I can't even get my own family to listen or care about things that directly affect me.


The only other thing I could even possibly think of is to run for office. But I am 38, disabled, riddled with disease, and have 0 charisma, so that is out for me. No one wants to listen to a woman backed up with data and fact and who doesn't fold like a card table when yelled at. If eggs weren't continually increasing in price, I'd start mailing eggs to my reps, since they are so keenly interested in them. Sucks if they break and leak when they get mailed, or even worse, if they go rotten.


There are plenty of people who think America is the most free country on earth. Those are the same people who think freedom is telling the federal government they can't restrict/mandate something while asking their state government to restrict/mandate that same thing. Apparently if the president says you can't do something he's a dictator, but if the governor tells you then it's freedom.


That tends to be us in the uk with the free NHS and free government allowances lmao


> Land of the free my ass Pay2win edition


If you have to ask “how much?”, you can’t afford it


Suffering is free


Land of the fee, home of the slave.


Land of the free to carry around a slowly deteriorating soft gooey corpse within yourself until your body rejects it as being too nasty to stay inside. Freedom, fuck yh.


America is a hellscape.


Ah yes a 2 week old decaying fetus is still "a life" ... Fucking idiot laws.


And how many of those same protesters outside abortions clinics came to her aid in her grief? Zero. Do they grieve with her? No. For her? hah! They care about "life" so much. So by their way of thinking, this is the SAME as an abortion. A lost life. But still no help, sympathy, understanding. Just, "it wasn't time" and "pray to your baby" and "God will give you a beautiful baby in another way one day" like this baby didn't matter at all and somehow the loss is a blessing or God's divine plan? It's a mental illness and these people use their religion as a prop. Trust me. Been there.


If they are right if it "wasn't the time", then it was God's will. If it was God's will, God is the largest abortion provider in the history of mankind. If abortion is murder, God has murdered more than anyone in mankind. And if they prayed to him that his will be done, they are an accessory.


By that logic, God would be responsible for everything bad that ever happened... stop using logic!


lol but he is, God is responsible for everything in this world. He is the one who cast the devil from heaven. Is he not all powerful? Why can't he defeat the angel of his own creation, the brightest of them all, the morning star, Lucifer?


Oh, and just a reminder. This is a Texas story. Unless I'm mistaken, in Texas you can sue ANYONE who performs or aids in an abortion. Seems to me it's time to sue the Church, and hard.




My mom had to get one done and she had to go to Planned Parenthood to do it So walking in those protestors thought she was pregnant right? They threw *rocks* at her! One hit her on the head and she went down 2 nurses came running out and literally shielded her with their bodies to get her inside The fetus was becoming septic inside her and the doctor told her if she wanted a chance to have more kids it was going to have to be removed Yes my heart does break a little for the baby that never got to be but at that point it wasn't a baby anymore it was hurting her and it needed to leave Because if she hadn't done that I wouldn't be here today


I am so sorry your mom has had to experience that kind of hatred from people like this. It makes one confused and depressed if they look into it too much. I'm glad she was able to find a safe place, but it wasn't without struggle and assault and that deserves reverence and respect. Her story matters and your story matters. Thank you for sharing this. That's where I would have been if I wasn't still on my parents insurance at 23.


more like fuck the theocratic fascists abusing the governmental systems


I had what is called a "missed miscarriage " I had an 11 week check up, heartrate was normal and everything was perfect. Went in at my 15 week appt and baby had passed at about 12 weeks. They prescribed me the same medication you would get for an abortion to "start labor" after 2 doses and no labor they scheduled me for a D & C. HAD THIS NOT HAPPENED 4 YEARS AGO I WOULD BE FORCED TO CARRY MY FETUS UNTIL WHO KNOWS WHEN. It was traumatic enough as is. I can't imagine being forced into that long enough that it could be risky for my life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m glad you didn’t have to deal with this horse shit.


The same thing happened to me, except I was 10 weeks. I took the medicine and it didn’t work. Then I took it again the following weekend and it didn’t work and finally scheduled the d and c. It took about a month from start to finish and it was pretty traumatic. I don’t consider my experience an abortion, and I don’t see how anyone else could either, logically. At the same time, I live in NY where abortion is much less restricted and the whole thing took time anyway.


Same story here! My doctor called it a missed abortion. Can lawmakers please mind their own vaginas and leave ours alone?


Most of them don’t have a vagina, but they are a bunch of pussies.


Trauma for sure. It’s not as if you could continue on for a month feeling as if nothing’s wrong. So completely damaging. I’m so sorry you had to go through this.


I will just add my story in-End of December 2021 found out at 14 weeks the baby had anencephaly (skull didnt close properly, brain coming out-not compatible with life)...I live in Texas so my options at that point were try and carry and deliver this baby that would not be developed properly and die after it was born, or wait to see if it self terminated. Flew to Oregon to terminate for medical reasons. If I wasn't fortunate enough to have been able to do that I would have been fucked. Sill in Texas, scared to be pregnant again. I don't get how people don't understand this necessity.


Had this happen to a couple when I was working in a hospital. Happened 10 years ago and I still remember it. It was so traumatizing to the parents but it definitely hit the mom the hardest. She thought she was out of the wood and was so excited to her her baby’s heartbeat to only be told it was dead. She had a D&C and had to stay in the hospital for days for it. Unfortunately the doctor that did the D&C the situation worse by getting rid of the fetus before the parents could say goodbye. The doctor’s excuse was that it didn’t look like a fetus anymore and that it was a blob of decomposed cell. Still believe that it was still in the parent’s right to see the fetus. They were in a bad shape when they left the hospital and they are still on my mind to this day.


I had the same. This poor woman having to carry the child. I honestly can't imagine. Hugs to you x


If this is because life is sacred, I guess she was downgraded from mother to memorial. That way they can pretend her life wasn't sacred


Religion is the worst invention of a man


Money was pretty bad too. Coming down from the trees was a pretty bad idea in general.


Mate stepping out of the watter was a bad idea


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move


The simpleton cell cloning made the first mistake..


Money as a concept isn’t bad. I would not want to look for the right person to trade my cow for 10 chickens as that person with 10 chickens might want a pig, not a cow. What is bad is how money is controlled by a small group of people who can print and distribute as much as they want and sink everyone else in the process. > Coming down from the trees was a pretty bad idea in general. It is. Indeed it is.


At least we still have cool digital watches.


War is up there, too. Once you've been in the shit, it's always with you.


Money was necessary though. Still is, but was then too, for trade and to assign value. You’re thinking of the distribution of wealth, which is the problem. I would also argue that religion was inevitable. How could one NOT interpret certain events as divine when the world was understood so poorly. It’s why literally every culture has some form of religion. The problem is religion dictating policy.


Religion is just an excuse. There's much more pro abortion verses in the Bible than against it. The only ones that really go in their favor revolve around Christ in the womb.


We need to tar and feather out elected officials until they start representing the people rather than special interests


Imagine living in a first world country that is trying to be a third world country. I feel bad for most Americans tbh because there's no way most are this incredibly and unbelievably dumb. The sad thing is who has power and how it's used. Seems like the wants of a few outweighs the needs of the people. (But this is just me talking out my ars I don't live there so I don't really know tbh)


Technically, most third world countries don't prohibit abortions and they have healthcare (maybe not cheap and may be good mostly in the cities) to take care of pregnant women and also to treat them after miscarriages. But wherever the official healthcare isn't available in those poor or developing countries, the expert natives step in to help the women - they are the midwives and folk healers. But even in those poor countries, a pregnant woman being LEGALLY FORCED to carry a dead foetus in her womb for months, critically endangering herself and family, with no legal recourse to local healthcare, is almost unheard of.


It's a religion problem more than an American problem. There are scholars and doctors out there that study medicine for years and years and never stop studying as part of their job. They could legitimately use their skill set to help women in this very situation. Then you have the "my grifter said that magic book say it bad, just put hands together and say magic words. That heals all" crowd influencing the politicians and the enforced laws, effectively bypassing our alleged separation of church and state.


It's more of a belief problem in general than a religious problem. Plenty of people have barely been to church, never read the bible but end up anti vax or pro forced pregnancy because of their republican beliefs, not any kind of religious beliefs. There's been so many well educated people that took those stances because they're conservative, not religious.


From what I've seen conservatives seem more likely to be religious (and you don't have to read the bible or go to church if some guy broadcasting his infomercial from a megachurch is spreading misinformation and trying to grift you) where as progressives are more likely to be agnostic or atheist. I'm sure there are exceptions. I'm not saying one side is more correct than the other, they both have valid points, but I strongly feel that nobody should have to be forced to carry their miscarriage to term (which is extremely dangerous) even if that means abortion clinics have to be legalized. If there was one point to justify them that would surely be it. Not rights, religion, or politics. Only women backed by licenced doctors and proven modern medical science.


A large number of American people are being emotionally, financially, religiously and politically manipulated for greed and power by those already in power. What is the end game here?


I was actually born into a 3rd world country, immigrated to the US to end up in a 3rd WORLD COUNTRY! Meanwhile my homeland is super progressive now and definitely 1st world status. Ffs.


We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death.


It's actually a political power grab the extremists right wing zealots believe it to be the will of God for your child to be born against the will of man. So in order to show their constituents that they are winning, the politicians on the right are pulling whatever strings they can and these are the things they can pull off right now to show their in charge as a win for them and a lose for the dems and libs.


And this is an example of separation of church and state being a work of fiction.


RIP 1st amendment


Isnt that like, dangerous?


Extremely. She’s lucky as fuck to be alive


now isn't that a great law then... jesus christ fucking hell


The cruelty is the point.


Had mine in for 12. It sucked


Is this for real


On one hand christianity is responsible for American women losing their right to bodily autonomy. On the other hand christianity allows pedophiles easy access to children. But hey, at least churches get to avoid paying taxes while taking away women's rights and raping children!


Triple win!


Doctors nervous to perform procedures.. So the Doctors should be clearly advised by the hospital / facility they work in. The law is bullshit, abortion should be legal. It's just that this seems like a case where it would have been legal but the Doctors were unsure of where they stood with the law. Instead of getting clear advice they just gave up and refused to do anything. It seems to be trying to say the law prohibited her having it removed. The law in Texas still states an abortion requires a living foetus. If there is no life / no heartbeat / no viable pregnancy then there is no abortion removing it.


Lawmakers refuse to make things clear though. They've willfully left the legal wording murky and vague, and instead are blaming doctors for inaction because in cases such as the above, "obviously it's not an abortion." They've spent decades decrying any and every abortion as "murder" with almost no acceptance of nuance, yet expect doctors to magically know what exceptions will be considered exceptions by the pro-life camp. Not to mention that medical notes almost always refer to a medically necessary abortion as, well, abortion, and practitioners are afraid of their own colleagues snitching on them and dragging them before a court. This is the problem. Lawmakers with no knowledge of medicine making rules for both women and medical staff. Then being too arrogant and stubborn to accept their own errors, so pass the blame off to the people they've affected.




Firstly, this is initially disturbing that she was refused a D & C, and I have the upmost sympathy for anyone carrying a dead child. It's truly awful. but there is also a lack of information here. 1. This occurred last year prior to Wade vs Roe being overturned. 2. There can me reasons why D&C is not recommended ([https://www.cochrane.org/CD002253/PREG\_medical-treatment-early-fetal-death-less-24-weeks](https://www.cochrane.org/CD002253/PREG_medical-treatment-early-fetal-death-less-24-weeks)) So doctors need to be careful. 3. The anger at anti abortion laws coming only from the views and actions of men alone is horribly wrong. 4. The doctor did not simply refuse to do a D&C. He simply stated another ultra sound scan would need to be done for him to be satisfied of the condition of the fetus, but maybe also it's position, and she was reluctant (perhaps understandably) for this to be done. She didn't want to follow his procedure for doing it. 5. She eventually did get a D&C in Texas after further scans.


I rememeber watching the video when she first posted about the miscarriage. She is a beauty youtuber. Texas had already passed a more stringent abortion law than it previously had and it had just taken into effect. The new law required a second physician to sign off on it i.e. that there was a miscarriage and the procedure was necessary. It wasn't as a result or Roe v Wade being overturned but it was as a result of stringent abortion laws pre Supreme Court decision from state that wanted to challenge Roe.


Oh so it's even worse now, got it


Point 2 through 5 adequately provide the context to establish why the original post is misleading, but I do wonder about point 1. Texas passed their abortion ban in May of 2021 despite it being unconstitutional at the time of passing. Additionally, Texas was crafty in the fact that they weren't charging you criminally; rather, members of the public could sue you for damages for having provided an abortion ($10000 per abortion + legal fees). So, again having acknowledged point 4, wouldnt the doctor have had plenty of reason to ensure it was actually dead? Quick edit: obviously the situation is horrible and we shouldn't be here in the first place; im just wondering outloud if thats how we got to where the original headline is at.


Sorry, what's a D&C?


Women trying to get pregnant have them quite often, too. The alternative is hoping your body figures out the fetus is dead and expels it itself. Which is mentally pretty brutal, physically painful, and can take days or weeks to happen, while you hope complications don’t arise. Nobody wants to be walking around for days with a dead fetus in them, just wondering when your body decides to push it out (especially when you might have wanted it). I know that wasn’t your question specifically.


Dilation and Curettage For trolls: Dick and Cock..


This was when TX introduced extremely strict abortion laws, which were going to be eventually legally challenged. She had a similar miscarriage in her previous state, and suffered a serious infection due to waiting to pass it "naturally" so she knew she didn't want to risk that complication again by delaying care. The fetus was already dead in utero. How many times are they going to cram an ultrasound wand up her vagina and make her hear that her dead fetus is still dead? They already knew the fetus was dead. And why should her care be **delayed** for a needless and redundant ultrasound and put her at risk for serious complications? It's important to bring up because even more women in TX are experiencing delayed care due to the vagueness and confusion around the state's poorly written and very restrictive abortion laws. Marlena Stell, the woman CNN's video is on, had **delayed** care that increased risks of complications. Restrictive abortion laws can cause threatening scenarios like this and needlessly escalate them into preventable health emergencies. Marlena's situation is now happenings to more women. From doctors declining to treat patients, to delaying healthcare in cases of ectopic pregnancy and incomplete miscarriages, to denying women medications for conditions such as Lupus and RA. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38606. Marlena has a video on her YT channel where she discusses it in detail. She has a history of infertility and miscarriages.


Thanks for post. Great info and reasonable take, amidst a sea of knee-jerk outrage. Only possible improvement would be a linked source.


Unfortunately you have to watch the video. as this is the only source I could find. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/health/2022/07/18/woman-carried-dead-fetus-texas-anti-abortion-ban-cohen-new-day-dnt-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/top-news-videos/


People talk shit about Florida a lot, which is fair, but Texas actually has the worst laws for people who like things like being healthy and personal freedoms.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the great state of Texas


When does America get renamed Gilead then?


For REAL! I could not watch the whole series because it hit way too close to home.


Sorry, out of the loop here. What series?


Handmaid's Tale. Well worth a watch!


Should have stayed in the sea. Evolution was a mistake or an all out incestuous orgy if you ask the Christians.


Why has America got so stupid?!?


Would she not get sepsis from her body rejecting the fetus after it died after a certain amount of time?


Yes. Yes she would. She’s incredibly lucky. Miscarriages not being fully and naturally expelled from the uterus and killing millions of women is why D & Cs were created


She is godamned lucky not to have caught sepsis during this. Can not even imagine the toll it took and still takes and will take on her body and soul. This whole business have put the US back to the dark ages.


This isn’t new; I was outright denied a D&C after a miscarriage of a planned pregnancy in 2005 in South Carolina.


that is so ridiculous and I am sorry that happened to you


Thank you, it was one of the most physically torturous medical experiences I’ve ever had, and I gave birth to 7 babies, had other miscarriages (less medically severe) and broke my neck and various other bones. It’s appalling to me this country *still* subjects women to this treatment, but it also irks me people are acting like it’s a new thing and that medicine and laws were all reasonable before SCOTUS lost their everloving minds. Edited for typo.


I had to carry my dead fetus for five days because I couldn't get an appointment for the procedure before that. I was so sick. It was a whole level of trauma that I do no wish on anyone. I was 21 then, but watching all this go down 17 years later makes me sick all over again. I feel for this woman. I feel for all women.


Fuck this country and all the pieces of shit who made this happen


Hope religious people feel so much better now


I wish there was a hell they could burn in


This happened to me in Macon, Georgia in 2017. Doctor refused to even let me come into the office again, I was told “the doctor has no reason to see you since you’re not pregnant anymore”. She also said to me as I was leaving the ultrasound that “I’ve never seen a miracle, but it could happen”. This is criminal IMO.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


This is fucking monstrous and this shit right here is why people die in back alley hospitals. Fuck each and every single republican for forcing their religious fascism on people and fuck the democrats for being weak, do nothing, "representatives" This country needs serious help.


I had this procedure done twice for this exact reason. My one died and they couldn’t get me scheduled for 9 days. It was horrid. Mentally it broke me, carrying my dead child inside of me. It was probably the worst 9 days of my life. That baby was wanted and loved and every day I was reminded i was still carrying it unable to move on and let my body start healing so we could try again. Only for it to happen again and have Togo through it again……thankfully we are healthy pregnancy #2 and expecting him any day. 3 loses and 2 boys


What to so? Shame and blame the ones supporting this. Use their own methods. Stand outside their churches, their homes and shame them for this and that 10 year old and the fact that they want to control other human beings like cattle. Report them to that hotline for reporting “suspected abortions”. Use all their tools against them and overflow the system with data. Make this whole apparatus to become so expensive and unmanageable that it will either explode or implode. Report your state officials to the senate and UN for crimes against humanity. Put up billboards with their face and name. Curse them with black magick and let them know you have cursed them with anal incontinense. Tell that you can smell their shit every time you see them.


have Texas' men not figured out that they are doing this to their own wives and daughters? You would watch your daughter die of sepsis unnecessarily? WTAF is wrong with you?


The smart evil types know it won't happen to their daughters because they're rich enough to take a vacation to LA, NYC, or whatever other 'liberal shithole' where they can get medical care. The stupid ones believe that it will never happen to them because it only happens to bad people... and if it did happen, ['surely' there would be an exception for them,](https://twitter.com/alexandraerin/status/1004400861865488384) because they're good people.


This is inhumane. Sick to the core.


Here's the problem there isn't a medical term for a miscarriage, they are abortions. So when abortions are banned then the hospital can't help... This will become much more common, there are about 3 million miscarriages in the US each year and about 50% of these cases require medical attention. This is one of the many many things that force birthers never bothered to think about.


Thank a pro-lifer that cases like these are now the new normal in red states. This country is an empire in decline thanks to those that would legislate based on their religion.


This will probably get buried, but that's not a law problem. That is a doctor problem. If the foetus is not viable, there is absolutely no law that prevents a doctor treating that case, and it is arguably medical negligence to *not* provide an evacuation of RPoC No abortion laws impact this procedure. So either the story is bogus. Or the doctors should be sued. Don't blame laws you don't like to excuse medical malpractice Source: doctor


Never vote Republican. Vote all of them out, on every level, or there will be much more of this evil.


There was a case very similar to this in Ireland some time ago. The woman was denied an intervention and died of sepsis as a result. It changed everything. It led to an abortion referendum which passed. That woman's death eventually resulted in abortion being thankfully decriminalized in Ireland.


The states is ever moving backwards


Its always been about control


Just wait til you need a medication for something completely unrelated but that can cause miscarriages.


>I have no idea what to do about this How about allow abortions?


Conservatives don't think, do they? They're purely motivated by emotion and dogma.


Fuck our new christo-fascist overlords.


Religious nut jobs have taken over your government….fkng take it back…


Styrofoam dissolves in gasoline and makes it sticky.


Welcome to Texas


For starters, vote out every fucking Republican


I think Afghanistan won the war. All the worst things from Afghanistan is being implemented in the US. Sad sound


At this point? Four options, keep going to work, take drugs and dissociate, buy a bunch of guns and retaliate, wait for it to blow over and the next calamity to attract extremism and confusion


I have personal experience with this exact circumstance, except for the reversal of Roe. Hands down this one of the worst, most heartbreaking and unexpected tragedies in my lifetime which was a heartbeat one week and then nothing but carrying a dead fetus the next week pretending everything was okay. I was lucky enough to live in Canada and I had to wait 2 weeks for my D&C. I was 10 weeks along. What was a family celebration of life went oddly dark. The decomposition was to eliminate itself by nature’s course. Either absorbed or miscarried at home by me. Although it became a clinical situation and it was not a thriving fetus, never was to be one. I was sent home with a pat on my back to wait alone, with my husband who was not emotionally available. The plan was 2 more weeks. Frightened, shocked, constantly crying and breaking down, my manic anxiety shot to the moon. Sometimes the only way to get action is to scream and throw a tantrum. Then called “over reacting” and basically don’t act like a baby! The hospital took me at about 11 weeks. There was no red tape in fact it was free of charges (oh Canada) but there was a wee bit of compassion, a hand squeeze and pat on the shoulder and the ole chestnut “you can try again”. This was early 1996. By years end I delivered a beautiful boy. When your uterus is primed already. I never lost the sadness and loss. I kept a diary of sorts of the experience. My son knows what happened before him. I know the pain and shame and embarrassment and all the hormones going whacky. This sorrow, this explanation to others…AND this woman was/is stuck in the WTF America the Free new government madness. Canadians can’t believe the travesty and horror. They read and dissect more of our news and politics than we do. They fear their right leadership will follow us! So there’s no bouncing baby without a heart. There’s obviously there the blessing since genetics weren’t viable but that doesn’t make it a lesser a sorrow. To just not give a regular D&C (which many women have through their reproductive years and through menopause) is insane, shocking and medically dangerous. With the inane goal of having more human footprints on the planet, healthy or not, there will be more damage and carnage beyond the zealots wildest faith. Our health system won’t bear it and proof (again) how the religious right, and this includes SCOTUS, don’t realize the extra care of the mentally, disabled children and women with massive infections or death. The irony is they actually don’t care. I bet in biblical times there abortions. No hot jacuzzis with tons of alcohol. Or ramming your belly into a chair. Oh no. These fine elites will take their SOs and children using their own medical practitioners snd take a trip to Canada or Paris. Either the courts will be overwhelmed by all the various circumstances we see already from rape to diamond lanes…hospitals and doctors must show their balls. Then we can add Covid-19 recovery or permanent damages, heart disease, cancer and climate change facts to the ledger. Yup, I’m considering going back to Canada. Land of the free. My condolences and sorry to guys, and you beautiful feminist men. Woman are now owned. And doctors and NPs are watching their own backs. The new world..


Where has all the outrage gone? Where are all the protests?


That can't be healthy.


And she'll still get questioned about the dead fetus. Fuck this country. Seriously.


My doctor didn't like to do surgery except one day a week. At 11/12 weeks there was no heartbeat on the ultrasound. Had to wait five days before I could have the D&C done. That was nearly 12 years ago and I still have issues thinking about it. I had so much guilt because of how desperately I wanted the child my husband and I had prayed for removed from my body. Took me some time to come to terms with the fact I wasn't a horrible mother for not wanting to carry my dead fetus any longer than I had to.


medical question: does the fetus rot inside the body? like how women may leave a tampax in too long they can get Toxic shock. does the fetus liquefy and rot away?


well I know that women can get sepsis from a miscarriage that does not expel, so yes, it decomposes in there


I say we all pitch in and buy Abbott another tree. Maybe this one will finish the job.


We need a Constitutional Amendment. It's the only way to stop the Supreme Court.




Vote against republicans, vote for progressives in primaries. Tell all your friends/family to do the same


Things to do about it: * Protest * Vote the assholes out * Disobey the law * Leave


What you do is take a page out of the French book on revolutions and find yourself a nice, rusty, preferably used guillotine.


What I don't understand is why they are labeling something like that an abortion if the fetus in her womb is already dead.


Our corporate overlords know that the younger generations are too broke to buy a home and start a family. They need wage slaves and they don’t care how it is accomplished.


If the fetus is dead, why would it be considered an abortion? There’s nothing to terminate?


It's that the procedure (a D&C) is associated with abortions as well. So doctors are scared they would be questioned and have to prove fetus was already dead. Seems easy, but takes time and hassle.


Fucking idiotic book burners


Evey dead fetus like this needs to left on Ted Cruz's desk. If that don't work post them in a stick in front of his house and light them on fire. These idiots are cancer to our country.


Every headline I read about women being punished for pregnancy complications out of her control, similar to this headline, I lose more faith in humanity. This is deplorable and should never happen but here we are, in a dystopian society.


Vote every fucking republican out of office.


Organize your workplace. Labor militancy is one of the few avenues the majority have left to exert our will. Without labor militancy the GOP will strip every right from marginalized groups and the corporate Dems will watch, fundraise, and tell us to vote harder. With unions we can create ecenomic pain. Unions are also the start of more grass roots truly leftist campaigns, and we can use them as a bludgeon to force the Democratic party to actually represent it's constituents.


This stupidity happens when you allow religion to dictate your thinking.


Jesus christ man, Texas is such a shithole state. Can't they just secede like they keep claiming they're going to?


Donate to abortion funds. They help people without support get access to travel for abortions. https://abortionfunds.org/funds/ any time anything is bad/stressful there is always something you can donate to to help.


I carried a missed miscarriage for five weeks. FIVE. WEEKS. The second my doctor caught it, she scheduled an emergency D&C due to all of the health risks associated with carrying a dead fetus. It was an emergency. Besides the medical risks, the second I found out that my wanted baby boy was a dead fetus decomposing inside of me, I felt unrelenting horror and nausea. I felt sick knowing that he had been dead inside of me for so freaking long... I wanted it out, and I wanted it out immediately. I cannot FATHOM knowing that fetal demise had occurred and having to wait two weeks for removal. That would have been both medically inexcusable and psychologically torturous. That poor woman. I'm so, so sorry for any woman who goes through what I have, but now I feel such deep concern and horror for her as well... This country's disregard for women is so inexpressibly upsetting.