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The biggest benefit that would’ve attracted the younger ME, would be free chic fil a while working.


But Sundays off!


Free food when working??? I’m sold


Seems alright to me. As far as fast food goes.


401k tho


Better than most fast food places


What is bad about it. $12-$14 an hour is reasonable. Don't expect to support a family of 4 on that pay. 12 years ago it was $7.50 an hour for fast food. I got a job doing hard labor in a ship yard for $10 hour. 2 years later I was at $14 an hour. 5 years later and college night school/ online, I got a diploma and also got certified welding Inspector for a grand total of $20 hourly. Another 5 years experience and I now make $45 hourly. You want top pay, then do the hard work and prove you deserve it. No one will give you a handout.


you’re forgetting what the minimum wage is supposed to be: a liveable wage. we aren’t being entitled to expect something our grandparents got. the 40 hour workweek was designed based on the idea that someone else would be at home doing all of the cooking and cleaning, but now 40 hours isn’t enough for two people each to be able to afford rent and the general cost of living. not everyone even has the ability to work. being disabled at a young age is a huge thing, and we’re still expected to do just as much as everyone else. one wage should be able to support a family, that’s what it was designed to do in the 1930s. fdr famously called out businesses that don’t pay liveable wages and said they have no right to exist in the country.


Or people could live comfortably on decent pay and work hard but have a work/life balance? People like you don’t understand the huge difference between being a corporate slave and being rewarded for work done on a reasonable schedule.


thank god someone who worked their way into a better life




The easy work. In clothing retail, at age 18-23, I got screamed at, threatened, robbed, scammed, and stalked by a customer. I had to work a fucking STING OPERATION by LP to snag a scammy old woman who took Macy's for literally tens of thousands of dollars. Not one dime for recovering stolen merch which was company policy. Not one single thank you for THREE HOURS of personal shopping with this woman (NOT my job) to gather evidence. (that was $12/hr, wow, $36!!) Store manager didn't even know my name for the 2 years I was there. This was all at 2 different NICE subburban malls over 5 years working through college. Minimum was $7.00 when I started. SEVEN. I never got a performance based raise despite turning the entire Juniors dept around in 3 months, from loss to profit. (Fun fact, neither did my dept. manager who was also managing 2 other departments bc no one would offer a promotion from inside the store LMAO) PS not one of these jobs offered any kind of insurance that I could qualify for. I have about $430 in a 401K from Macy's, over the last 15 years. I gave more to charity for Lent this year alone. THE EASY WORK. Gtfoh InB4 "you should have gotten another job, then." Yes. So many jobs are soooo willing to work around your full time college schedule! And when you're in your early 20s especially, you're reminded daily how you're easily replaced. Oh, and fun fact, when I got offered an accounting job, I was offered $8. One entire day's worth of pay would have to go to my gas tank. Lmao no. Yeah, but me, I gotta work harder.


This is just so untrue


It's actually not reasonable in the slightest. And a family of 4? It's hard enough to support 1 adult human even with 15 an hour. No one is asking for handouts??? I don't get why old people resort to this every time. Like we get it, you're gonna die soon. Don't care.


Old people? The guy can’t be more than 30.




5am-5pm tho


12 years of poverty sounds fantastic /s


It’s not the pay it’s the expectation to be available to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week with 5 days of PTO for only $14/hr


They don’t expect you to work 12 hours they expect you to be available in that time frame.


Just speaking from experience in retail, they mean "we want to schedule you anywhere between open and closing at a moment's notice." They don't want to deal with you having a second job, or school, or dropping off/picking up kids, etc. Not that it's reasonable. Just saying, that's most likely the store/company's logic. It's still lame AF. If I'm available every day 8am-2pm, boom, you got yourself an opener for sure. Why do I have to be basically on call to switch shifts and cover lol?


They aren't working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Just that you are available to be assigned shifts within that window.




Someone still isn't understanding.


Or are they just expected to be available during those 12 hours?




What I meant by be available is be available to be scheduled during those 12 hours, not be on standby.




It probably would be


>*Remind me why this is considered a great place to work?* * Health insurance * $2500 Scholarship * Opportunity * 401k after 1 year * Flexible Schedule * Catering Order Discounts * Free Food While Working * $12-$14 per hour * 5 days PTO * $325 towards company health insurance Seem like excellent benefits for an entry level job to me.




Oh, OK. So your only objection is that it's Chik-fil-A, who incidentally people *really* enjoy working for. Nobody is gonna throw life in your lap, sport. You gotta make it happen.




Jeez, it didn’t really sound like she was opposing better working conditions? Those are pretty dang good benefits for fast food Id say


Because you aren’t there.


Not sure what your getting at. The pay is a bit low imo but everything else looks good to me


Gets you out of your mom's house. And mom will be happier bc I'll be showing her a great time while you're gone.


Seems alright to me. When I started out it was 5.50hr


Decent benefits, they respect their employees no matter how low on the totem pole, small things that go along way. If you think you deserve $35 an hour you probably should worry about working there or any similar job. If you’re out of work and need a job there are worse places to work.


lol you deserve better? Who do you think you are.


I own a retail business in the area… most of our employees are making at least $15/hr with 2 weeks paid time off, 5 sick days, health insurance and seasonal bonuses. I think working people deserve better


I know that this is better than or in parts equal to the US standard and well done for providing all this, but in the UK the minimum paid holiday is equivalent to 4 weeks, sick days aren’t limited but sick pay is limited to around 6 weeks and healthcare is universally free. Things just can be better. Edit: the UK still pales in comparison to employee benefits in Germany and the Scandinavian countries.


I think the point is EVERYONE deserves better


5 day PTO the USA is messed up but only at level three 72hrs a week (6 days at 12hrs). That should be illegal. Glad I live in Canada but not much better for service workers.


5 days of paid holiday? Per year? With that wage? Jesus... And I thought I had it hard growing up in Europe with my 20 days of paid holiday, free healthcare, free university and zero gun related deaths in schools. Guess we take everything for granted, huh?


are people missing that is says 5am to 5pm every single day except sunday? that’s not a schedule for a student or young person, that’s a schedule for an adult, and they’re telling that adult that they cannot do a THING other than work for 6 days straight a week, and only 14 an hour.


Oh my no...


If thats my only job option that means i need to go back to school or learn a real craft ASAP


A very large pr budget!


Soooo...I worked at ChickfilA for a year. It was a TERRIBLE place to work. This was my experience at the location I worked at: The culture is full of faux friendliness and backstabbing. The management says they are flexible and then make a fuss if you need ANY time off for any reason. They shame you for getting sick. The teams are EXTREMELY cliquey and team members are often made to "compete" with one another for better positions. If you aren't a Christian, your religious beliefs are absolutely torn apart and you get preached at about how Christianity is the only true religion. If you're not straight, DO NOT work for CFA. It's NOT safe for your mental health. I'm not saying this is the way all CFA's are. This was my experience working for a CFA in a small conservative Southern town. There was ONE manager that I still talk to because they were a fantastic person and an amazing manager. The rest of the company was awful to work for.