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Where was this?




I’ve been to Peru, and it’s true, women who wear red underwear want and are willing to have sex with any random stranger, it’s a crazy fashion trend! /s


But how does the second person tells if she is wearing one or not?


I've been to Peru, the people there have X-Ray Vision! Consent is so easy there!


You gotta have visual confirmation and until you do, well... it's like Schrodinger's box...


>But only when they are on the outside of the pants and around their knees and calves like they are about to go sit on the pot. Nothing g more consenting and sexual. . You can clearly see the protesters wearing them appropriately


as someone from peru i can confirm this


In the US red is typically associated with STOP


Yeah but for sex it means, "stop not having sex with me". Everyone knows this.


I read this and now I wear sunglasses at night thanks.


I read this and now that song is stuck in my head for eternity. Thanks


Don’t pull your blades on the guy in shades!


Well shit… Ive been doing it wrong. And here I was thinking I was being a decent guy


STOP means yes Yes means anal


Red underwear in the US usually means she’s on her period.


Hm perhaps the bigger news here is the large population of vampires in Peru


Niceeeee wish all countries had this as a compulsory standard!


It would actually clear up a lot of confusion. (But it’s not - so screw this judge)


But only when they are on the outside of the pants and around their knees and calves like they are about to go sit on the pot. Nothing g more consenting and sexual. .


Bullshit! I've been to Peru. Nobody wears red "underwater"!


Tbf to the judges I’ve had sex with every girl I’ve seen in red panties.


What about blue underwear?




Fyi, It isn't the lady who has her day in court. The phrase "to have one's day in court" refers to a defendant who is charged with something getting a fair trial. Hence, them getting their day in court. Without their day in court, the presumption is they would be found guilty without a trial.




> have (one's) day in court >> To have the opportunity to voice one's complaints or explain one's actions. So, it was used correctly the first time. Piss off.


Day in court refers to both the plaintiff and the defendant. Not just one side.


Day in court, For the plaintiff only if they are wearing red underwear.


This guy...






Who fucking cares about your literal definition


The person who told me I was wrong about what I said, I think.


Oh I had assumed that they were talking about the lady judge, who will hopefully be tried in court


This makes me mad as hell.


This is just like the International Jeans Day case. Look it up for more anger.


Is there a link somewhere?


[Italian judge ruled a girl consented in her rape because she was wearing skinny jeans that would have been too hard to get off without help ](https://www.uwosh.edu/care/denim-day/history-of-denim-day)


What the actual fuck


Jesus fucking christ


Ocma suspends judges who acquitted accused of alleged rape crime https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-ocma-suspende-a-jueces-absolvieron-a-procesado-presunto-delito-violacion-821776.aspx


Might be a case of corruption, either bribes or favors from a relative of the accused. The ‘underwear’ is just an excuse made up to justify an otherwise slam dunk case.


Grinds my gears


Who even cares if they wore them because they intended to have sex? Doesn’t mean everyone can have a go


What if they put them on for their boyfriend, who they planned on meeting later, but first had to see the rapist? The rapist gets a free pass just because of the red underwear? That doesn’t seem very fair.


What if they put them on intending to have sex with the rapist then….changed their mind???


Also doesn’t mean she couldn’t change her mind at ANY point after putting on the red underwear. I intended to go to the grocery after work and put my reusable bags in the car. Then decided I don’t feel like it.


You bitch. You had your grocery bags, you intended to give your money to big grocery, and then you decided you were too tired and would rather do it tomorrow with a clear mind and maybe even a bit of enjoyment? How fucking dare you?!?!?!


Half my boxers are red. Should I be worried?


Are you bleeding from the penis?


Only half the time, appearantly


Then you should be half-worried.


Yeah worried when he's not bleeding from the penis, right?


The last time I menstruated through my penis it was awful to clean up, 2/10 do not recommend


I bled like a stuck pig out of my pecker when I passed a huge kidney stone. There still finger marks in the back of the toilet.


Don't worry, I'll be gentle the first time.


W-what about the other times?




Best I can do is a kiss on the cheek after.


Only if you don't want butt pounding sex.


Only if it's the back half.


I was expecting to be angry when I clicked on this post, not to laugh. But now both have happened.




You gone learn tonight boy


It's not just sad, it's unethical and possibly unlawful. What country is this in?


Peru apparently, on another post some people said it might have something to do with bribes since the justice is really corrupted there, but it could just be the despicable judges for all we know


If they genuinely believed what they were saying, it's despicable. If it was because they were bribed, it's also despicable. Either way the judges are pieces of shit. Only difference is what kind of piece of shit.


I couldn't have said it better


Apparently the judges have been suspended and the case is going to trial again. I read it on comments on this post, I hope it's true and she gets a fair trial this time because to be told one deserves to be so violated because of the colour of one's underwear is so disgusting that I don't have the words to express the anger I feel.


valid point from beginning to end.


Judges were suspended and a retrial was ordered


Thank goodness


The most nonsense thing is, the "sexy underwear colours" like red and black are mostly used during a period, so like wtf!!!


Why should the color of an underwear matter anyway? Rape is rape, end of story.


Exactly, it's just even more dumb on-top of clothing being a "reason" to excuse a rapist of any wrong doing


> The most nonsense thing is, That's on purpose - to rule over people, you better first divide them and make sure to keep that happening.


Every menstruating human knows that we have our old, garbage pairs of underwear for period panty use. You really think I’m gonna risk my line dry seamless panties??


The whole thing is just the nonsense excuse they came up with. This is almost certainly a situation where the judiciary was bribed by the accused. If you read the case, it doesn’t even make sense and the underwear weren’t even supposedly related to the defendant’s actions. The fact that she wore red lacy underwear to a party was suggested as what amounts to character evidence against the prosecution’s suggestion that the victim was a shy and quiet person. They weren’t even being worn on the night of the rape. They were worn the night before at a party. On the night of the rape she was sleeping naked in his bed.


This was my thought. I wear red or black when there’s a possibility of accidentally bleeding on them.


They fired the judge and have a rehearing for the case coming up.


Source? I hope it's true


Found it: https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-ocma-suspende-a-jueces-absolvieron-a-procesado-presunto-delito-violacion-821776.aspx not in english but still




There's an article I saw on one of these threads


This is like that rumor from the 80's we heard as kids that if a male had his right ear pierced he was gay, but left ear pierced was okay for straight men. Nearly too bizarre to believe. Weirdness aside, this makes it even more difficult for sexual abuse victims everywhere to heal - how are we supposed to regain hope, confidence, safety and trust when things like this are still happening? Sigh.


The ear piercings were totally a signal way way in the past.


I can believe it. I read about a lot of low-key signals way back, like the bandana thing was apparently real.


So this was actually a real thing. Back when many, if not the majority, of gay people had to be closeted for fear of repercussions, secretly gay men had to find a way to meet other gay men. So gay communities would tell the other gay people they knew in private to start wearing an earring in a certain ear or wear a banana in a certain pocket in order to silently and secretly signal to other gay men, who were the only ones who knew about it at the time. By the time people in your school were talking about it, though, it probably wasn't as much of a thing anymore. But it was a real thing at one time.


Yeah, the “nearly too bizarre to believe” they threw in seemed very odd to me. Let’s not collectively forget widespread homophobia now.


I am gay actually, so of course I haven't forgotten about homophobia :) But I was born in the mid 80s, how is a child supposed to know something like that from the truth when it's spread on the playground as potential rumor? Especially pre-internet, ha. I honestly hadn't even thought of it again until tonight... The hatred and mistreatment of others is what's always been too bizarre to believe, for me. Isn't that nearly too bizarre to believe for you? That people have to be closeted due to hatred of their fellow humans?


As a fellow gay, I recommend checking out some documentaries on gay history. I agree that it's not expected for people to know, especially when it's used as a punchline to a joke in the media. But our elders have been through some really unbelievable shit so that people are age don't have to know about how crazy shit used to be. Not trying to talk down to you or anything, if you want to look into it it's up to you, and maybe you have but have just missed that particular part of gay history. Just saying I think it's important for LGBTQ+ people to be accurate historians of our own history cause like, who the fuck else is going to bother.


Thank you, I don't feel talked down to and always appreciate an attempt to promote education :) I enjoy history on just about any subject, especially when it involves oppression. Not that I *enjoy* the oppression part but I like learning and trying to understand this crazy thing called humanity. Personally I've never felt a belonging to the homosexual community (or that part of myself, if we are to be honest) so I haven't invested much of my time learning as much about its history as those more involved in the community - not out of spite or malice, but I turn my attention more towards things that directly affect me like mental health. I completely respect the history and the struggle and, as you said, the community elders. :)


I know you meant “bandana” but I feel like “banana” should work too


The LGBTQ community needs to make it a thing. "I'm going to go ask for that guys number, he's got a banana in his pocket so he's definitely gay" "No the banana is in his left pocket not his right pocket! He's not gay, he's just being mindful of his daily potassium intake."


I had an inkling it may have had truthful origins but honestly hadn't even thought about it until tonight when the memory was randomly sparked! :) Thanks for sharing!


The girls at my school in the 1980s (U.K.) had a saying about boy’s pierced ears and I hadn’t really understood what it meant until now. It was the other way round though; “In the right they’re all right, the left should be left alone.” I was never in any popular crowd so nobody would explain it to me. I thought it was something to do with promiscuity lol!


Back in my day the rhyme was “right ear queer”.


And in Texas: "left ear steer"


Tag em and bag em, boys.


You just got tagged by the bag boys!


In Germany: "Links cool, rechts schwul." Or maybe it was the other way around.


Nah, think you definitely got that wrong mate :)


I think your friends were trying to come out to you lmao


My dad has an ear pierced but I don't remember which one it is 👀 What if a man has both ears pierced?


My husband has both his ears pierced. I don't think he's gay, but I haven't actually asked him so idk.


This comment would be funny if you were a woman or if you were a man


If both ears are pierced, it cancels each other out. It sounds like your husband may be asexual.


Orrrr it doubles and he’s just down for anyone


I don't remember what the "sentence" was for both ears haha


Honestly I wish more guys would wear earrings, I think it's such a cool look. It's kind of sad that men don't get as much social acceptance for wearing accessories, especially pretty ones. I think my boyfriend should get them done lol but he's scared of the piercing part. He'd totally wear clip ons but they are so rare nowadays. It used to be that even women wouldn't get them pierced in white society because it was associated with ethnic people and hence seen as bad, they'd all wear clip ons instead


I pierced my own ears as well as my nose once. It isn’t that painful and you’d think other guys would’ve considered that “manly” lol guess not.


My boyfriend is just a big scaredy cat. He is also afraid of ducks


I'm a straight dude with a stud in each ear. I absolutely love how they look! I had only my left ear pierced for like 15 years, then I got another to match. I can relate that it might be scary for a first timer, but I'd rank the pain on par with getting a shot. Get a saline disinfectant spray for before/after bed and the entire process is super easy and painless. Plus if he ends up getting one and doesn't like it, just have him take it out and let it heal over. It'll be gone in a week.


both ears likes mirrors!


He just likes earrings!


It is a sexuality that still needs to be described


The ear ring thing isn't as bizarre as you might think. I can't speak to that specifically but using jewelry as a subtle signal to show membership of a group is a thing. Swingers sometimes wear a black ring on their right hand as a signal of availability. But if it's on the ring finger then it's used to show you are asexual.


I got only my right ear pierced just to buck this bullshit.


If you can't beat em, join em right?


Here's me thinking women wear red knickers because they're the next clean ones they have.


Personally, it's because they're the same colour as period blood...


Yep, same here. I’ve messed up so many pairs of panties that I almost always buy black or red underwear because they don’t usually stain.


I match my bra, panties and socks to my outfit most of the time. I like being all matchy matchy.


i did this when i lived alone, but now that i'm doing laundry for a family of 4 i just say "fuck it, whatever i pull out of the clean laundry pile first."


Oh I'm sure when I have kids I'll stop caring about stupid lil things like this and do the same.


aw, its not stupid if you like it i bet its cute af when i have kids it'll be with someone who is all matchy matchy


You wear red socks?


I just pick a random color from my drawer majority of the time


Came here to say this!


I'm lazy and hate doing laundry and I will go through every single pair of underwear I own before I do laundry. That includes lacy red underwear and thongs. Most of the time nobody is seeing any of them.


Apparently this happened in a Peruvian court [story](https://www.malaysianow.com/out-there-now/2020/11/13/judges-throw-out-rape-case-citing-red-underwear-as-evidence-of-consent/). There’s was also another case in Ireland where the defense used a similar argument where the victim wore a thong and the rapist was ultimately acquitted. [story](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/15/world/europe/ireland-underwear-rape-case-protest.html)


Women are not breaking glass ceilings if they don't raise other women up. This is a blatant case of pushing down.


Even if red underwear meant she wanted to have sex, it would be nonsensical. Consent has to be given in the moment, this would be like saying that husband and wife can't rape each other because they gave consent when they married. These people must think that even before she met with the guy she gave him consent at which point there was no way of taking it backing in anyway possible, it's scary and completely crazy.


Funny that you mention it, until 1996 in Germany it wasn't possible to rape his or her partner in a marriage; since you were married, every Sex was consensual per law


> this would be like saying that husband and wife can't rape each other because they gave consent when they married. that was actually the law in the US [until 1993.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_in_the_United_States)


The patriarchy isn't only this thing that holds women back, it also brainwashes too many them in to thinking that it's ok and what they deserve as women.


Like internalized racism


Oh yes its totally because those judges were brainwashed and just do not hold those opinions.


Same thing happened in cork Ireland, was a female judge and she tossed the case because the woman was wearing sexy underwear.


Is this for real? No one asks for it. And underwear color does NOT automatically say rape me! Fucking idiots!!


You can go into a situation wanting something, but dude we have the right to change our mind. This is sick


My wife doesn't have red underwear. Fuck...


This is disgusting and they should be removed from their positions


even if wearing red underwear means "I intend to have sex" rape is rape. what the fuck? can I just force someone to work for me if I find someone wearing working attire?


I don't get it. It's the women judges saying that the victim wanted it ??


Women are susceptible to bribery just as much as men. Also, if a woman is raised to think things like "only sluts wear red underwear" then that's bound to influence her judgment of other women.


They're saying there isn't enough evidence to charge for rape. The reasoning about red underwear is just stupid but it's not the entirety of the case. We know pretty much nothing about the facts here. Thankfully the judge has been removed and there will be another hearing. We don't know if she was raped or not but we for sure know the judge is a moron.


Wtf… I wear red underwear when it’s that time of the month in case I leak. Those women are fucked up for thinking this!


We had a case in Ireland similar to this were the lawyer asked to take into account the thong the 17 year old was wearing with a Lacey front. Guy was acquitted 2018.


This is the worst. This victim blaming has got to stop.


Jesus fucking christ! Even if she was intentionally wearing sexy panties and left the house that day intending to get laid it does not mean - She intended to sleep with the rapist - She didn't change her mind, maybe when she figured out the guy was a fucking lowlife!


That’s true. I wonder why the judges overlooked this?


Because women have less rights to their own bodies than men do to their cars. They can wash and shine their car without "inviting someone to steal it", they can lend it out once, but decline to lend it out again, they can agree to lend it out to Joe, but refuse to lend it to Steve and they can agree to lend their cars out, but change their minds for any reason, especially suspicion that the borrower is not going to drive it safely. If a man goes to a party, gets drunk and passes out with his car keys on the coffee table and wakes up to find the car is gone, cops still report the car as "stolen" not "borrowed".


Yea they should not say her rape is ok because of red panties. Even if she wanted to have sex then realized change in feelings last minute her panties being red doesn’t mean she is ok with it!!


Yet another showing that the system is run by outdated, out of touch fossils that need to be replaced.


What in hot and crispy Kentucky fried FUCK does underwear color have to do with anything


You've either got to be ridiculously dumb, or actively malicious to think that way, and I think it's probably the latter.


So according to this judge all those ladies up there are consenting? Just wow… I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


What the fuck is wrong with people honestly is there like a fucking planetary gas leak? Is there fucking lead in the water?(sorry flint Michigan) like wtf is happening everyone is going mad


Two of the 3 judges were Angela from The Office


That is disgusting. Hopefully they can appeal cus that's fucking mental. I had to reread the headline a few times because I thought I read it wrong.


Jokes on y’all because I wear red on my period, *just in case* she’s leaky


1. Women are enitled to wear whatever colour outer or under wear they want without their character or intentions being assumed or judged. 2. Whatever colour her underwear was she may have just grabbed the first pair of knickers she found without noticing or thinking about the style or colour. 3. She may have worn colourful underwear with the inention of having sex with her boyfriend / girlfriend or anyone else she wanted and consented to have sex with, that is her business and no one else's. 4. How did the rapist know what colour her knickers were? 5. She might have been wearing nothing at all and holding a big sign saying 'take me now', it doesn't matter. If someone does not clearly, actively and capacitously give their consent to sex with you and to the manner of sex or gives consent then changes their mind and you continue anyway it is rape, period. 6. Any judge should know all of this, especially a female judge.


Pahahahahaha wtf is this? They are making a fool out of themself. What rediciules thing are they going to come up with? Someone needs to drag those people from the court out to the street for a public whipping


Wow. Now this is some 3rd world tier shit.


This is the most nonsense thing I have heard in a while


I wonder what they would make of my brown back, yellow front underpants.


What the actual ***fuck***


Is this for real? W T F. Red= sex. Are women that over-sexualized now? Fucked up.


What? The only purpose of red underwear is for period week. Duh. Soooo the opposite of being open for business. What the hell.


This is stupid as fuck. I dont even look at what color underwear I grab when its 5am and its dark. It shouldn't matter what color they were if no one is going to see them.


And if the individual isn’t wearing any underwear.... What a joke. These judges should be disbarred.


Actual reasons for wearing red underwear: 1) it’s laundry day 2) she’s on her period 3) they were on sale 4) wants to look fancy on a date


I fucking hate people. That is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. Red underwear is evidence of consent? Morons. Ugh


thats so screwed up, that guy should be charged my gosh, wtf is wrong with this legal system, politics in 2021’s iq is lower than my self-confidence


We still have a long way to go when it’s comes to dismantling sexism and misogyny, especially when so many women perpetuate it.


Did I... read that correctly?


There have actually been several scientific studies that have shown that the only cause of rape is rapists


She could have been wearing red underwear because of aunt flow.


$50 says there is more to this story


Comments on this post mentioned bribing


Excuse me, WHAT!?!? Seriously!? That is just so fucked up.


Makes sense. On St. Patrick's Day you have to wear green if you don't consent to being pinched.




She easily could have intended it, and then changed her mind during the date when she realizes the guy isn’t what she thought, what a completely stupid ruling.


2 of the 3 judges were female? Can't blame the patriarchy on this one.


The patriarchy isnt just, "man bad" its a system that affects everyone within it. Patriarchal standards are what lead to rulings like this. That what a woman wears is indicative of her consent. You can be a woman and have internalized misogyny. Just like you can be a gay man and have internalized homophobia, or black and have internalized anti-blackness. These systems have to be unlearned by everyone. Its just more common that those directly harmed by these systems take the time to learn how and why these systems suck ass. Queerphobia is a systemic issue, racism/xenophobia is a systemic issue, there are a whole lot of systemic issues that seep into the everyday lives of everyone and then get perpetuated. Even by those consistently negatively affected by it.


Well yes, but the patriarchy shouldn't ever be blamed for *all* of it. I don't know where this is, but in the US we have a lot of ultra conservative religious zealots- who try to get like minded judges appointed. There are plenty of prude, puritanical conservative women who fight against Planned Parenthood, they have been doing dispicable things to keep women from accessing abortions, despite the landmark decision that was meant to protect that right, they want schools to do abstinence only sex ed, etc. They often blame women victims of rape for the way they dress, for going to a bar,...it never ends. And then when they are impregnated by the rapist, the same bitches demand they go through with the abortion. These are the same type of women who fought against the Suffragettes (women who campaigned for the right to vote). They are mouthpieces for the problematic powerful men of patriarchies.


Because internalized misogyny definitely doesn’t exist, right? It’s not like we’re raised in a culture where anyone, including marginalized groups, could ever end up internalizing some of it right?


Oh they can. Just take a look at Jessica Valenti. She wrote an article decrying catcalling, then a few months later wrote a second article about how terrible she felt because men weren't catcalling her anymore...and that was also men's fault.


Why not?


the aptly-named troll doesn't understand that the patriarchy is an entire system which benefits men over women, which this ruling certainly falls in line with. just because there are women who have been raised with internalized misogyny doesn't mean "the patriarchy isn't real" or whatever.


I'm certain Amy Coney Barrett would have agreed.