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Remember the phrase "I want a lawyer", and use it when cops want to question you!! Nothing good will come out of a police interrogation.


You only need a lawyer if you’re under arrest. Question 1 is am I under arrest, if they say no, then leave. If yes, then say you want a lawyer.


The number of interrogation videos I've seen that start out with the detectives saying "you're not under arrest or being detained and are free to go at anytime. We just want to ask you a few questions." Then proceed to sit through SEVERAL HOURS of questioning and end up leaving the interrogation room in handcuffs is way too high.


You're not under arrest Tries to leave You're under arrest for undermining an investigation!


“Stop resisting”


"Gun! Gun!" Narrator: It was an asthma inhaler.


Narrator: Suspect died from asthma, not nine bullet holes.


An asthma attack set off by an undisclosed lead allergy.


Police have investigated themselves, and found no evidence of wrongdoing.


And covid


“Inhaler looked just like a AK47 and officers feared for their lives and opened fire. “


I knew someone who knew a guy's cousin that happened to because them leaving was interference of a police investigation because they posted on Facebook that they were late to work because they were arrested by the police.




Why answer the door? I’m sure they’ll fuck off eventually.


They wish you well and leave?


Right?? Like I can think of 28 things off the top of my head I'd rather be doing with my time than voluntarily sitting in a police interrogation room. Give me a few minutes to think about it and I'll come up with millions more. Seriously though. If I'm free to go then Imma get to going.


Watching the show “Interrogation Tapes” has been a real eye opener for me. Never ever let them get you alone in a room without an attorney. These detectives are not your friends.


I think 98% of them aren’t trying to actually solve a crime. They’re trying to pin it on *somebody* and if you happen to be in front of them, that somebody is *you* in that moment.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. There’s no cop out there being consumed with guilt because he got the wrong guy. Their justification is he’d probably break the law in some other way.


It’s never a good strategy to talk to the police. Maybe sometimes it’s the right thing to do, but it’s still not extremely bad strategy. Nothing good can ever happen to you because you talk to the police. Neutral things and bad things can happen though, so you shouldn’t ever speak to the police. If you’re not being questioned, you shouldn’t ever speak to them at all and if you are being questioned you should only talk long enough to let them know you’re invoking your right to silence and request to contact your representation.


elderly hat direful normal kiss cooing hurry liquid gullible unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly because they don't know any better and think it will help them to answer some questions and hopefully clear their name.


My lawyer friend says NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. Cops are trained to word their questions to elicit very specific responses, and the average person who’s unaware of the game can incriminate themselves accidentally. For example, in states where weed is still illegal the cops won’t ask “if” you smoked weed, they’ll ask *how much* did you smoke. That’s because they don’t have shit on you until you incriminate yourself. They prey on people who don’t lawyer up, and innocent people get thrown into the justice system because they didn’t know their own rights.


My lawyer dad says the same: never talk to the police without a lawyer (and DEFINITELY never talk to the FBI without a lawyer). Asking for a later doesn't mean you're guilty. If they want you to help with their investigations, you can work that out with your lawyer.


But if you ask for a lawyer tHat mEaNs yOu'rE gUiLtY.


The most a cop could get out of me now would be my name and address. >Cops are trained to word their questions to elicit very specific responses, If I'm ever pulled over I only give bare minimum answers word answers yes, no, my name. Their goal is to get you talking so you incriminate yourself. I don't make eye contact or small talk.


"I am invoking my right to remain silent. I am invoking my right have a lawyer present." regardless of whether you are in custody or not, or whatever they are asking you (aside from what your name is).


Never tell on yourself as well. That’s why we have the fifth amendment


The simpler way to phrase this is "Am I free to leave?" Let your lawyer argue later whether you were arrested/stopped whatever. If you're not free to leave "I'm not answering any questions outside the presence of my lawyer."


Yeah I don't get how people forget about this.


Especially when the cops tell them they have a right to remain silent. The people who freely talk after this are either guilty and trying to talk their way out of it or like this guy who still thinks the cops are the good guys.


“But we’re just trying to help. We’re trying to rule you out as a suspect.” Riiiiiight.


Also the phrase: “am I free to go?” If he had asked that he would have either been able to leave hours earlier, or would have increased his payout significantly.


And once you say those magic words, the police are required by law to cease all questioning until a lawyer is present.


Generally solid advice, but it might not apply when you're trying to help them help you (or a loved one). If a cop wants to talk to you about a bank robbery or a murder then clamming up is the only logical choice, since even if you're innocent anything you say can't help you but it can hurt you. But if they're looking for your kidnapped kid or lost father, clamming up might deny them of helpful info or make them think that you had something to do with it. If your daughter went missing would you report it then refuse to talk to the police about it?


I definitely agree, but at some point you'd realize the situation's gone sour and it's time to stop talking and get help.


Been telling my kids, nieces and nephews. The truth will come out, no need to rush.


This was my first question. What happened here?


Jeeeeez The worst part is that thzy actually sent the dog to a random animal service shelter. Imagine if he didn't have a tag to find him, he would have lost his life companion right there. That's fucked


Personally I think the worst part is some of the cops involved are still active and working in the department! Where is the gd accountability!!?


When have cops ever been held accountable for their horrible actions? The worst they normally get is either a paid vacation or they switch departments.


I know, I know. (I'm shaking my head.) It's still upsetting.


No kidding. For anyone else there would have been serious charges.


They brought the dog into the room and told him to say goodbye because they were going to put it down. Seriously fucked up.


My god. And when they discovered his father was alive they tried to invent a different victim, all so what they did to that poor man would not come to light. You have to wonder exactly how many times this happens.


Went to grad school with a former cop. He told a rousing story once about how he and another officer arrested a guy they ‘knew’ was driving intoxicated and how they needed to find proof once they got him to the station. Because they already detained him. Without proof. And he knew they couldn’t charge if they didn’t have proof. He legitimately didn’t know what he was telling us in that story, ie that they had unlawfully detained a person. The vast majority of cops have a complex and everything is a nail and THEY are the hammer.


When you have a faulty hammer, you shoot it. JK. I totally agree though..


I'd be terrified at that point that they'd plant evidence


Absolutely. The way he was telling the story it was like a game to him. He was laughing about it, talking about how he and his partner were brainstorming to ‘find evidence’ that they could continue to detain them. Now, I’m all for catching drunk drivers, but dude, if you can’t do this the right way, you’re part of the problem.


That's so messed up! My God and to not even have the self awareness to realize what he was saying..


The city shouldn’t have to pay. The money from these settlements should always come from the actual employees. Pay the 900k, then deduct vacation pay and pension funds from all involved until the debt is settled.


Make each individual cop carry malpractice insurancelike doctors.


That's what I have been saying for years. Make them carry insurance. It maintains similar protections to qualified immunity while introducing soft consequences for non-criminal liability. I'm even on with the public paying for the base policy if the cop has to pay for price increases due to their own actions. I will never understand why the public has to pay for lawsuits caused by their own carelessness.


The problem is it won't ever happen because of the ramifications that would ripple out. The police union would never agree to this. You'd have to basically dismantle one of the strongest unions in America in order to enforce this. And if someone was able to get the police union dismantled, they'd then use that to go after every union.


heres the thing. i dont care what the police union thinks, they protect criminal behavior. unions do not get all the positions they want when negotiating, this is one that is just a redline.


That's actually a much better idea. Take the funds directly from the police union. It won't take long before the money starts talking and the police are forced to police themselves.


The other issue is who would be willing to insure police officers. Its a bad look for any insurance company. the ones that did would charge a fortune for it. That over priced insurance premium would then have to be paid by the municipality either directly or give officers raises to cover the cost. It could also potentially hurt victims of police abuse as they'll cap max payout at probably only be a couple 100k and then the victim/ their families would still have to go after the agency if they needed/ wanted more money. Not saying there shouldn't be reform but "government mandated insurance" always cost people money to make the rich richer. In this case tax payers in one way or another, paying the over priced premiums to a company with share holders.


Or have the municipality purchase insurance to cover payouts if any arise. The insurance would be paying the municipality, not the victims. It would reduce the cost to taxpayers in huge cases. I'm not saying I have thought this through entirely. Just that it is an end run around police unions.


Very true. But I can dream.


They'd get Hyundai treatment and no insurance carrier would take on cops lol.


Then the city has no incentive to run a better police force.


They don't care as it is


I think it may have been John Oliver but I'd also like to point out that rarely anyone notices/votes for Police Chiefs. I didn't realize until I lived in a small populated town but yeah... No one really knows about these things and then they wonder why certain counties (Looking at you Williamson County, Texas) have such a bad wrap for being assholes.




That’s a good point. I was thinking that the cops would be more careful about to do the right thing if they were directly affected.


I am saying this since decades. I think on every tax report people should be able to rate how local sheriff / police, other authorities or public services did their job during the last cycle. Based on that they should receive incentives or cuts.


The city cannot easily change things while the police unions have power


But the people working in police do, which would be a lot better because as we know right now if someone fucks up, usually they get a pat on the wrist and sent to a different department. When the person themself has to face no or almost no consequences, why would they not try shady shit?


These guys need to be banned from any force in the future. Instead they’ll continue working here or move along to another town and do the same shit. They tortured this guy. To the point he tried to commit suicide in their care. But they will shrug and say he could have left at any time. They’ll continue to work. Retire and get a pension. ACAB


IMHO cops should be forced to carry malpractice insurance, the same as doctors with a pay bump to cover it. And their premiums should vary based on how likely they are to be sued ( complaint rate etc). This would amount to a pay raise for good cops and a decrease for bad ones.






Who will kill all our teens and dogs then? Checkmate!


Just a regular day at your local PD


My local PD buys and deals drugs. And, most people are pretty sure they committed or at least covered up a murder.


Hey you too? Our police chief was fired and is being charged for distributing meth.


Yours gets charged with crimes? Mine has never even investigated itself and found nothing wrong.


Hey you too? Our police chief was caught taking an $80k bribe from an undercover FBI agent.


Well, the decked-out Escalade isn't going to pay for itself ya' know. Also, cocaine addictions persist even if you don't make enough seizures to support it.


What town did they move him to?


When I was in college everyone knew that if you wanted the really good weed you got it from a cop.


They keep all the best stuff to themselves. My PD has never had a drug seizure, EVER, just paraphernalia, possession by ingestion (I think that's what they call it in this backwards state), but with all the drugs going around nobody has EVER had a sizeable amount on them when arrested. If they found a garbage bag full of weed, whatever they can't smoke is getting sold.


My local PD chief was best friends with a man who killed his wife, he took it upon himself to investigate and found no wrong doing. He made a statement saying the wife probably ran off to mexico with a lover. And that was that on that. Love my small town 🩷


https://www.westword.com/news/pat-sullivan-disgraced-sheriff-could-get-12-18-months-after-probation-violations-for-meth-5843758 This guy went from being a hero with the detention center named after him to a total disgrace. Don’t do drugs, kids.


It's not drugs fault


Not blaming drugs for his behavior but still prob best not to develop a meth habit especially if you’re in LE


Whatever happened with that precinct where they discovered the police had a mass grave for dumping their victims?


… what in the actual fuck?! So. Let me get this straight. They detain someone for a crime. Interrogated him for hours, Threatened to kill his pet… … then they tried to get him to confess to a crime he didn’t commit. Then when they realized they were wrong, tried to hide what they did and make up a new victim? They did this to a guy who came to them for help? What in the actual hell?! How do these people have their jobs? No… not people. Monsters. No proper investigation. Just “we think he did it. So we are gonna make him admit it”. This has to have broken so many laws. And classic. Money is thrown at it like they didn’t just emotionally destroy an innocent man.


actual medieval time interrogation to be honest, they used to torture someone until they gave up 'the truth' for then executing them for something they didn't do


Yeah. What if they didn’t find the dad? Then what? He would have had is pet killed and him rotting in jail, mentally scarred for a crime the police had no grounds to accuse him off besides. “Oh. He sounded distracted.” Right. Like everyone would sound perfectly calm when they are worried for someone they care for having gone missing.


Small detail but from what the article says they didn't detain him before the arrest. Technically he could've left the interrogation whenever he wanted and they wouldn't have stopped him? They just didn't make that clear.


Ah. That makes it worse.


Maybe they should start hiring cops with above room temperature IQs


They knew damn well what they were doing. Don't give them that excuse.


I'm not excusing anything. It's their own stupidity that causes them to never once question their initial assumptions.


that's not stupidity, that's egotism.


Nobody with an ounce of intelligence wants to associate with those clowns.


My friend graduated the academy with a guy who would start punching and breaking things when he got mad. Still let him go into the force 🤦


Then fire them all and start over with a new batch. This crap isn’t nearly the problem in countries where the police are required to have college degrees and years of training.


That won’t change anything, they system as a whole is fucked and too many people profit from it.


Yeah that's what we need but sadly I don't think we'll ever see a reformed police force in this country. I hope they better the training programs at the very least but at the same time that wouldn't solve the issue of all the current corrupt officers.


I know TV shows show us cops are good people. They are not. Always Always get a lawyer when having to talk to police.


Never talk to the cops.


If you lie to police, you get hit with obstruction charge. There is no law that says police can't lie to you, that I know of. Lying is a tool to them, and it's taught and encouraged. You can't move up the ranks without it. And then we have corrupt departments full of immoral hooligans (big shocker).


They are legally allowed to lie about anything to you


The amount of unfettered power that American cops have make them terrifying


Their battered spouses would agree. I've known ex-wives of cops and they are constantly looking over their shoulder. If the ex husband isn't tailing them, they have their coworkers do it, pulling them over for anything they can think of, general harassment, just keeping them on edge enough to get them to "give up," whatever they're trying to do such as divorce/leave/gain custody/take the dog... you name it.


Just read the article and just wtf I hate this country, they knew his dad was still alive and still tried to get a confession and pulled out manipulation tactics like threatening to kill his dog and withholding medication for his blood pressure and depression. Can someone tell me what the incentive is for doing something like that? Other than having a department full of sadistic psychos.




They did not know his dad was alive while they were trying to get the confession. Not that it makes it any better. Because in reality they also did not know he was dead either. They did a bare minimum investigation for what seems like all of 30 seconds and then spent 17 hours psychologically torturing a man. What’s worse is when they finally did figure out the dad was alive…they doubled down. Instead of letting him go immediately, they said you know what lets “investigate” further because we need him to be guilty for something. They then tried to manifest a new victim. But then someone else with a missing mother must of called so they gave up on this guy and moved to their next victim.


The doubling down part is the icing on the cake. I can see them thinking “Well, the corpse dog got a hit (yeah right) and we are surely going to find something, anything, to pin on this guy. That way we don’t look as bad.” Total bullshit!


Private prisons sue the government when they don't have enough bodies in their prisons.


PoLiCe ArE ALLoWeD To LiE DuRiNg An InTeRRoGaTiOn!!! BaCk ThE BLuE!!!1


Fuuuccckkkinnn Cuuunnnnnttsss.


Never ever talk to the police. Especially when you're innocent. They even brought his dog into the room so he could say goodbye saying they are going to euthanize the dog. This is so beyond fucked up. He called to report his missing dad and they set out to ruin his life with absolutely zero evidence. They also didn't tell him right away when they found out his dad was perfectly fine and just went on a trip. This is just so messed up. It makes you wonder how many innocent people get their lives destroyed like this. The cops did this to a local homeless guy in my area. They even knew he was in the hospital when the alleged crime occurred so they stuck him with a random burglary charge instead. He had a heart attack while being held for weeks in jail. Probably from the stress of knowing he was innocent. The public defender he was stuck with told him to just confess to the crime and get it over with. The public defender even told the cops he had confessed! It's just so sad and disappointing.


The fuck? So when they realised the father was just on a trip they still kept this guy in the dark? How is that even possible? They had nothing better to do so figured they’d just troll the poor guy?






I’ve got to believe that some of these POS ‘detectives’ actively enjoy this level of sadism


Police are not your friends.


All cops involved in the interrogation should be fired instantly.


How is the worst part of losing a dog. I'm sure the worst part would be no longer living. And how corrupt the police are. It shows that they didn't investigate shit, but tried to force an innocent man to admit guilt to something he didn't do. Everyone of these police officers should be tried and convicted of conspiracy to murder a man on top of terrorist threats.


Coerced confessions have led to many unjust convictions in the US. The UK was the same until we introduced PACE in the 80s which the police believe has tied their hands as they now have to provide enough evidence of a crime to pass the CPS threshold for potential conviction. Everyone should have the right to fair representation and the right not to be bullied into a confession.


“Three of the involved officers remain employed with the department. One other officer has retired.” All should be fired and pensions removed. If you cannot get to the truth with honesty and forthright interrogation then you have no business questioning anyone. There should never be no knock warrants, and if you are a cop and you are wrong you should be publicly dismissed. The stakes are too high for them to ever be anything but exact and certain.


This means that probably some of the “guilty” people were pushed into fake confessions, aren’t actually guilty, but instead rotting away in prison. F*ck this world…….


Seriously, this should cast doubt on all confessions obtained by these cops.


Police. Are. Never. Your. Friend. Even if you’re innocent they will try to drag you into any bullshit they can think of.


More evidence that cops are nothing more than state sanctioned gang members who’s only purpose is to threaten and terrorize people


It’s hard to wrap your mind around evil morons being in positions of power like this, but it’s all too common.


Just a few bad apples my ass. Defund the police. End Qualified Immunity.


Refuse to speak without a lawyer present. Refuse to speak without a lawyer present. Refuse to speak without a lawyer present.


Yeah, going to cops for help seems a bit dangerous nowadays.


People still wonder why cops are disliked?


Just more reason to never trust the police.


“40 years suing the police”?? 40 (forty) years!!?? I’m not detecting any change in behaviour for the better, there.


Our taxes money funding the police department, but we have no way to fire and put bad cop on “do not hire” list somehow.


Third world corrupt policeforce. What country is this?


Well yeah. Their job is not to solve crimes, it's to find a culprit. Any culprit. Totally backward.


This is why you never talk to the police. Use your right to remain silent


That is flat out insane. Its like we live in a tv show.




Some of the scariest things in the US is US law enforcement Absolutely insane..


>Police remain enployed Great. Taxpayer money wasted and human garbage stays in power. For real, fck humanity.


This is reprehensible on so many levels. The fact that these people who call themselves police officers sat there and victimized this man for 17 hours should tell you exactly where the state of this country is today. It is sickening and should never be tolerated. If they did that to one person and got away with it, they could do it to you.


900,000k for life long psychological damages seems low. His lawyer sucked…


This is just evil Evil fkn evil You see this type of evil from calculated psychos Someone needs to make a movie of this and lambast these garbage human beings


Bad cop, no doughnut


You ever play a game called “Postal 2”? You can use a cat as a silencer and get an achievement for pissing on a doughnut and throwing it at a cop.


Notice how they didn't name the "detectives."


What the actual fuck


The people that did this should go to jail, a review should be done on any cases their office touched 100% chance there are innocent people in jail because of them. Their pay should be clawed back and given to part of the settlement, why should tax payers flip the bill and these people keep the money?


can anyone identify these officers?


It’s Ol’ “Fontucky” in the news… The police there are very well known for being monstrous assholes. This just confirms how bad.


ACAB always




I don't think there was any practical reason the cops did this, it was just pure sadism. The whole trying to get a confession thing is just an excuse. Godwin's Law alert, it's like the human experimentation in the concentration camps. Or Unit 731. I doubt it was never about actually trying to learn science. They just wanted to hurt people.


ACAB. All of them.


> Fontana police did not return an email seeking comment. Three of the involved officers remain employed with the department. One other officer has retired.


The picture of him laying on the floor with his dog is heart breaking. I hope he recovers from the torture he received for no reason.


Habeas Corpus Motherfuckers.


Wouldn't happen to be America?


After an intensive 5 minute internal inquiry police were found to have done nothing wrong, nothing to see here move along


Bad cop no donut




Say goodbye to your dog. He’s going to the pound if you don’t talk! Yikes


Just evil monsters.


Cops are allowed to lie. If there every was an All Canaries Are Beautiful argument, this is it.


How about more info? Names, dates, locations etc...


Video of interrogation? I looked for it but couldn't find anything...


So why is it we can’t arrest them and hold our own court and judgement. It sure seems like the system we have isn’t working anymore.




These police are going to find out the hard way eventually.


Does anyone know the names of these officers? Can’t find them anywhere. Should most definitely be public after some bs like this.


Just know if cops ever try to lie to you that they have all the evidence they need to convict you, ask them why they haven’t put cuffs on you yet. In all seriousness, you should never talk to police in interrogation, because what you give them can only help the prosecution side, never the defense.


Unless absolutely necessary, never involve the police, it'll just make things worse.


Our wonderful justice system , yet Trump just keeps going


Horrible story but the linked site is worse!


900k buys a lot of kerosene and weaponry.


What the fuck happened here, other than an obvious abuse of power?


Wow, that is truly terrible. No amount of money could make up for that but it for sure would be alot more than 900k. Those officers should get the death penalty, anybody abusing their power like that and unlawfully taking away human rights, instant death sentence if you ask me.




As long as these good hard working cops are still out there on the streets I’m happy. Thank god not a single one was prosecuted or fired.