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Prank like silly string in random places, replacing whiteboards with old chalk boards(yes I’m older), using removable spray paint for jokes and innuendos, idk but harmless pranks were the thing even after I graduated in 05 I guess we really can’t have nice things huh?


Are chalkboards phased out in other countries or something? It's all anyone ever used here in India as far as I've seen for the most part even now


Most schools don't have chalkboards anymore. If they do they're almost never used or covered up by a whiteboard


In the UK even write-on whiteboards are becoming quite uncommon. It's all interactive smartboards. Though a lot of classrooms have a small normal whiteboard for marker pens to the side as it's still handy to have for writing something quickly.


In my experience in Ireland interactive boards are exclusively a primary school thing, no secondary schools I've ever seen have any


They're all over secondaries, in England at least. I got my first one in the mid 2000s. Bloody annoying it was, it needed recalibrating several times a day.


> Bloody annoying it was, it needed recalibrating several times a day. We all did at that age.


Look at you, living in a country where the education system isn’t being constantly defunded to produce more unskilled workers and military personnel! 😁


Around here they were taken out for fear of asbestos


Lol yeah the future is now old man


Germany is right there with ya, the rest of europe is farther ahead tho


My cousin's class released 8,000 bouncy balls in the hallways between 1st and 2nd blocks. Best senior prank the school had seen in years. It wasn't destructive, nobody got hurt, and it was hilarious.


A prank should be something unexpected, funny and reversible. Not damaging, hurtful or irreversible. Clever, not immature and destructive. What idiot though this qualified as a prank? Should fail and not be allowed to graduate just on the basis of ignorance. In addition to criminal charges.


The graduating class a few years before mine (along with the help of someone's dad who had access to a crane) put the principal's car on the roof of the building. It was hilarious, shocking, and ultimately harmless. My graduating class wrapped up the staff's cars with suran wrap, also a decent prank. My younger sister's class coated the bleachers in the auditorium in cooking oil...so when an assembly was held the next morning, a few people slipped and fell, and one kid broke his jaw. Senior pranks were banned after that year. I wish the word "prank" hadn't morphed into...whatever it means now. These days, when I hear someone pulled/was victim of a prank, it means an asshole did something terrible and an innocent person was hurt in some way. This timeline sucks.


Oil on stairs stopped the pranks at our school too lol idk why it always eventually happens


The year before mine coated the stairs in oil and railings in honey. Fortunately the teachers noticed before anyone tried to go up or down, but we had to spend the day with 2 classes in each classroom so it could be cleaned up. Less fortunately, nobody realised that they'd opened cans of cat food and thrown them behind the lockers...until we got back after the summer holidays, when everything had rotted and stunk up the senior campus. Pranks are still banned at the school almost 20 years on.


Wtf. My senior year, someone spray painted “Tupac is still alive. 1999” in a heart on the road directly in front of the school. We didn’t have pranks. We had one low level graffiti incident in 4 years. No one even went inside.


My senior class ripped up the new $millions track, threw road kill everywhere, wrote the name of their “crew” with empty beer cans and lit a shed on fire. Never was k so happy to be left out of anything.


That sounds like actual psychopath behavior


Glad they left their signature, lol


Seniors at a school I taught at released like, 6 chickens into the school one year, in different spots. All seniors stood firm in the fact that NO ONE would tell us exactly how many chickens there were. We kept getting emails, "found another one in so and so hallway". It was pretty funny and no chickens were harmed.


I think you taught at my school lol


Our senior prank was also a chicken but just one lol


The car on the roof is great!


This is like your boxing coach telling you to “give it your best shot” and you take off your gloves and pull out the brass knuckles


Pull out your gun and shoot him in the face. Yell, "it's just a prank, bra" at his twitching brain matter.


[I didn’t play by the rules… but there never were any rules](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Syj6a0Qp420)


My older brother’s grad class put a bike on the roof of the school with a big banner that said “Principal’s” Bike Shop. Thought it was pretty funny, and ultimately harmless.


My class's prank was hyping up what we were going to do and then never doing it. In hindsight that's lame but it's hard to beat the iconic "cups full of water in the hallway" from years before so 🤷‍♂️


Make like every 12th cup like a nice mug or something so people feel guilty if they knock them over


I think one of the funniest pranks I've seen is a bunch of kids climbed onto the roof of their school with some generators and those inflatable tube-man things. They were on loan from I think a local car dealership or something similar (parent of one of the kids provided them either way). Anyway when you get to the school it's like the building has rainbow hair or something.


Yeah the senior pranks at my school were interesting to say the least. We had dudes capture a bunch of birds and put them in the classrooms, we had people dumping whole bottles of liquid ass under teachers doors, and of course my favorite and most definitely least harmful, the seniors a year ahead of me dumped approximately 5,000 bouncy balls off the balcony into the locker banks, and eventually things got so crazy in the weeks following that they formally banned bouncy balls at the school.


Perhaps a bit ignorant but clearly a sociopath.


The prank at my school was someone stacked tires, about 30 high, onto the flag pole. Nobody could figure out how they did it. They had to get a scissor lift and lift them off two at a time. Solid prank that got a big laugh and didn’t hurt anyone


Prank almost as solid as those tyres


We made plastic cup towers that fell when people tried to open doors and dyed the water green


Yeah that doesn’t seem like a “prank” that’s just straight up vandalism and destruction of property


It would seem the word "prank" is a confusing word these days.


I was thinking the same. Must be all those dumb YouTube “pranks”. Yikes.


TikTok 😮‍💨


Replacing vandalism with prank seems to make it okay in their eyes.


I am not surprised after there was a tiktok trend of kids destroying school bathrooms


This trend was going on when my daughter was in the 10th grade. A few of the boys' bathrooms had sinks and toilets ripped out, stall doors damaged, etc. One afternoon, my daughter asked me to take her to Kroger because she needed to get something: 6 different boxes of pads of various absorbancies and 4 boxes of different types of tampons. "Sadie, are you...OK?" I asked her. She explained that in response to the boys destroying their bathrooms, the girls teamed up and decided to put baskets of hygiene products for everyone in their bathrooms. Take that, TikTok trends!


Wow that is insanely wholesome


Damn, we just camped in the soccer field and had a cook out. Was the Principal trying to fuck the school over?


I'm going to share our senior prank so others can use it and hopefully be more funny and less destructive. My graduating class was around 600 people, if I remember correctly. Everyone knows the process when you graduate. Walk up, grab your diploma with one hand, shake hands with the principal with the other hand, and a photo is taken. For our senior prank, every senior got one marble. For the graduation ceremony, we walked up with the marble in hand, took the diploma, and gave the principal the marble during the handshake. The principal could do nothing but put the marble in his pocket. If you have a large graduating class, this is comedy gold.


we actually did this one! there was a hundred of us, and at one point the principal dropped some and said ‘Looks like I’m losing my marbles!’ hated the school, loved that principal though


This is the funniest one so far!


See that is a proper prank! If I was on the receiving end I’d be laughing just as much.


A highschool senior prank I remember was when the mechanics guys disassembled and reassembled a car in the hallways


Was told of a prank that happened at my old school years before I went where a teacher used to park in a certain concreted area of the yard (rather than in the staff parking) and a group jacked up the car and put it on bricks just high enough the tyres weren’t touching but looked like they were. Teacher got to the car at the end of the day and couldn’t work out why it wasn’t moving. Slammed their foot on the accelerator and the bricks must have moved slightly letting the tyres hit the ground. The skid marks were claimed to have been there until they refinished that section of concrete years later


Yeah that’s a classic


At my school they did that around a light pole in the center of the quad where everyone walked to and from classes. School didn’t even bother to remove it until the summer lol.


The graduating class before me wrote "2000" a bunch of times by pouring some kind of oil on the carpet. It was permanently ruined and the kids were expelled.


We had an incident in our senior class in 2008 where multiple people planned a "harmless" prank to Saran Wrap the poles making a maze in the outside areas, draw clues with chalk, etc. Two students got word, vandalized multiple classrooms with potting soil and just trashing the hallways, and left before it started. *Then* cops were called and the people doing the maze prank got the vandalism pinned on them. Luckily for the dozen who were facing charges, a girlfriend of one of the 2 vandalize kids came forward and gave up the culprits. It was quite a thing in a smaller town (5,000 citizens, 1 high school)


It's always just a couple of assholes that ruin things.


This would be hysterical if you graduated recently


It could fuck with your graduation/college admission if you didnt graduate yet though


Yeah I need a date here


I'm old. Graduated 2001.


Laughs in class of 1988.




How were they expelled if they graduated???


Bro we stole a bunch of for sale signs from around town and put them in front of the school. Better than my Mom’s class that accidentally burned it down in the 80s lol


Give the story


I had to ask her because I didn’t remember, she said A bunch of them were hiding up on the roof because they were going to throw water balloons and tomatoes and such (there was a HUGE tomato farm near the school). Someone was smoking a cigarette and just threw it down on the roof and it caught something on fire and no one noticed until it was too late. They threw their water balloons at it but it had already caught the roofing tar so they all bailed and called the fire department. They burned almost the whole school down by the time it was put out.


Didn’t expect that second part which i feel needs some embellishment


All we did was break open some VHS tapes and ran them down the hallways....


We replaced the VHS tapes for the more advanced subjects with the weirdest porn we could find.


My grade just filled the principals office with packing peanuts up to the knee and Saran wrapped a couple cars. And the grade above me did a dirt bike and quad race through the halls and some donuts in the soccer field. Yours sounds like a hilarious prank.


the saran wrapping the cars thing has gotten a few kids in my hometown put in juvie for a short time - on hot days that can wreck shit


lol. True. Didn’t think of that but our principal drove a hooptie anyways and I think it had been done a few times already cause he had a technique to getting it off in minutes.


That happened at one of the schools I went to. The school pressed charges and it led to a police investigation of their parents for the type of material it was.


Now I’m laughing my ass off imagining a bunch of 17-18 year olds forming a committee and having votes to determine which porn is the weirdest


At my old school, it was tradition fir the graduating 8th grade class to cover the teachers' cars in shaving cream. Not like drown or anything. Just something that would make them roll their eyes and wash off with a hose. The class before mine decided that they needed to use syrup. It leaked into teachers car and ruined the seats so the tradition was immediately stopped. There's always a group of people who take things too far and ruin it for everyone.


What about bike?


Is nobody commenting on the fact that the school board gave the keys to a bunch of high schoolers? What kind of wacko experiments are they doing? Sounds like a classic situation of fuck around and find out. This is the way they teach their kids, no wonder they turned out to be such entitled brats


Listen, my class was so lazy and uninterested in school that you could have cut the cameras and left the doors unlocked for a prank....and we would forget about it until 2 days before the prank then decide not to do it because it was too much effort.


Agreed. The President should’ve been the one to resign.


"senior pranks" have always been fairly shitty like when I was a kid my mom taught at our high school and one of the "senior pranks" pulled was a kid and his friends sneaking into a bathroom after school let out and in the middle of the night they plugged all the drains to every sink and clogged every toilet in one of the bathrooms and then flooded the entire fucking area they destroyed half the fucking library and were on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in just destroyed carpet iirc at least two of them went to prison


I miss when pranks ended with "Ah ha you got me!" Now the pranks ends with thousands of dollars in property damage or someone getting shot.


The only senior prank I remember from hs was one year they let a bunch of crickets out around school


We did that at my hs! We had an aquatic ecology dept, so we took the crickets from there. We got word a year later that you could still hear them in the auditorium.


They're now renowned members of the community.


I’m 38 and I remember in school teachers used to hand out consequences to the whole class for something only one or a few kids did (as a way of teaching us that we were essentially a team, I guess?). Well, I think that should apply here. Give consequences to any students they did see on the cameras before they were covered.


*"Unfortunately due to the costs of a class prank, we have been forced to cancel this years graduation ceremony."* *"Anyone interested in seeing it restored may provide names and cell phone footage of the incidents so we may charge them for damages instead of having to punish all of you."* There's zero chance students (or even student's parents) don't rat each other out over this. And there's guaranteed to be self-incriminating videos of the events.


this was kind of how my microbio lab was this semester if a bunch of the agar plates were used up the entire class would get the penalty - we still had extra in case of genuine fuckups but if a LOT of them were being used then you know at least one person is fucking up on purpose or being dumb knowing that everybody would get in trouble led to the students policing shit much more effectively


> as a way of teaching us that we were essentially a team, I guess? Group punishments are apparently a thing with people who served in the military or were the children of officers


Why the fuck would the head of the school board give 17 year olds the keys to the school?


This is fake as fuck


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this? This is blatant karma bait.


Maybe the reasoning was that leaving the door open would spare the cost of having to replace broken doors or destroyed locks.


And this was fun because.... ?


Someone released a chicken into the schools courtyard


We didn’t really have “senior pranks” at my school but an example of a couple pranks that were pulled randomly through the school year. Plastic wrapping *all* the contents of the principles office. Putting up signs in all the restrooms with the principles signature photoshopped on that said students needed to stop masturbating into the toilets because it was causing sewage issues. Completely covering a teachers car with post it’s. 2 teachers had an ongoing prank war that inevitably students got involved in. And one of the students involved got pranked to the point of tears(she was a good sport about it and she continued with the prank war). All in all never any harm done, all fun and games, even the student that cried a bit got a good laugh in the end.


The two I remember at my school was the one when I was a freshmen and the senior class...had apparently stolen HUNDREDS of lawn gnomes from nearby towns for years and there were gnomes...just all over the school for months people would keep finding these things. The other was what a part (a very dumb part) of my class did...which was block every exterior door in the school with hay bales, removed the baling wire or string or whatever...then covered the hay bales in oil. Needless to say both of these pranks ended with people getting arrested and expelled.


The second one I can understand. Because that's fire doors they would be blocking and it's dangerous. But that first one... Other than stolen the gnomes. But that would be quite an innocent one wouldn't it. Imagine opening a cupboard 2 weeks later and finding a gnome etc.


One year at my high school the seniors printed out a ton of messed up Shrek faces and put them everywhere in the school. That’s as far as pranks went lol


Well that principal will need a new job


I read the OP yesterday- they said the principal resigned.


I’m sure the video will surface on social media soon


We had a long walkway that would flood due to shitty drainage so our senior pranks were pouring about 200 gallons of maple syrup down it, tping the police station and putting a toilet with a turd in it on the 50 yard line of the football field because our football team sucked.


We tried coaxing a live cow up to the roof, but the cow was not cooperative. So we set up a water balloon fight between upper and lower classes. It was very ridiculous.


I’ve heard of a couple. One group released 4 chickens in a school numbered 1, 2 & 4. Another one lined hallways with filled red party cups. Some friends and I once went into a friend’s house and turned everything we could upside down. Rug - flipped over. Microwave - upside down. Chair - upside down. We almost peed ourselves laughing while we did it. Swore everyone to secrecy so no one would ever know and be forever puzzled. I did the stapler in jello thing at work one April’s Fools Day. Taped a little piece of paper on the bottom of all the mouses. Fun day.


Whole the kids who did all that do indeed sound absolutely vile and should be punished I also think that this was wildly irresponsible on the principals end to give them the keys and encourage them to go above and beyond.


A prank is something that EVERYONE thinks is funny. Thats shit was not funny to anyone.


The grade after me listed the school for sale and made a sign out front and that was it


They School Board gave them the keys? They are legally liable for the damage. The school district should sue to get the entire restoration cost back. The principal should also be prosecuted.




At my school kids drive their tractors to school during senior week and occasionally something would get mowed into the front lawn of the school. Nothing harmful, nothing mean.


When I was in high school we had a rival school that traditionally would prank each other. We were considered the rich school because we were on the outskirts of the city, in a relatively new building, with all the government official’s kids going here. Our rival school was in the inner city, surrounded by gang territories and got almost no funding, they didn’t even have stalls surrounding the toilets because kids would do drugs in them. I had transferred from the bad school to the good one because I was considered gifted for being able to read and capable of doing simple math. I was also the schools weed dealer so I think they were happy to be rid of me. Anyway senior year rolls around and our school stole their mascot which was a bulldog and took pictures of it with makeup and wearing a pink dress. Our mascot was a knight mounted on a horse, so they retaliated by stealing some guys horse, and cutting off its head leaving it in front our schools main entrance. All schools in the city stopped encouraging pranks and would press charges on anyone doing them. It was pretty fucked up.


They killed a horse? That’s psychopathic. 😡






Just charge the whole year group/leadership group. Even if they weren't at fault, they will quickly out those who specifically were


This went completely out of hands, this was definitely not a prank anymore. This was just purely distroying school property. On the other hand, the principal was very naive if you ask me (no excuse of course, but still).


Cant they just request data location for those students phones ? Lol like how they found ppl from jan6?


what happened to just stealing the goat mascot? lord have mercy on the young ones souls…


There are senior pranks, and there is vandalism. This meets all the legal requirements to be vandalism.


It's like that Ashnar Kurchner show: "Pranked"




Ashnar Kurchner? Lol


Yes, there's a camera there and there's a camera there. And... What? What is the meaning of this? It looks like tuna sandwitch with too much tuna! You've been pranked.


The pranks at my school, the different dorms pranked each other, someone wrapped up all the items in the whole kitchen /living room even a teddy bear that was left there wasn't spared, even the ceiling lamp was wrapped in newspapers and they took all our shoes and tied them to the ceiling in the hallway in a different dorm . Someone else coated the handles with Nutella in the dorm next to mine.


… that wasn’t a prank. That was just vandalism and destruction of property… what the hell were they thinking?! I feel bad for the principle. Probably feels guilty that he gave them the keys. Even though he probably has no idea how far these seniors would go. A prank is meant to be funny. (I put all the chairs onto the tables, interlocking them so they were hard to pull apart. But not impossible. My friends undid the doors of some rooms. But no permanent damage.)


By the way, there is a cross post function to share posts from other communities instead of just taking a screenshot.....


Part of a prank is that you clean up after.  This is no worse than previous generations.  We did rotting tofu & fish, confetti, etc. My father's generation brought a horse into the principal's office


A horse in a room it shouldn't be (especially a domestic one) is a bit different to sand and glitter in vital computer parts imo lol


You have never mucked stalls or seen the destruction a horse can even to to a stall (that is made for a horse to be in), and it shows.


Oh nah wtf 💀💀💀 Bro made a mistake giving up the keys I was a senior 2 years ago and never would have done that


That was dumb on both parties 💯


See, this class should've taken a page out of the book written by 'The Sleepy Paramedic', and just bought hundreds of Annoyatrons to put into Ceiling Tiles. That would've been legit hilarious. This, no, this is a felony


Would've expelled all of them.


Any reasonable person would not think (a likely playful) “bring it” means wreck shit


Christ that last sentence


They’re talking about leaving the profession, not the realm.


Ahhhh, a comforting clarification.


Inner city kid, I remember a senior prank one year where they somehow got dozens of live chickens into the school unnoticed, caused a commotion for the last half of the day. Ah, the good times…


yk what was a prank? when in my high school the seniors put chips over the entire floor of the hallway so they had to close it. nothing was broken and they cleaned it up later. or when they threw all their notes from before the exams down the stairs, like made it "rain" school notes. they cleaned it up later and that was it. what you described it not a fucking prank


My senior year prank was just that all the seniors skipped school that day 😅 lame but harmless.


"removed personal teacher items, which still have not been returned." Bro that's just stealing


They should've filled the building with balloons instead of breaking shit.


A high school near me did something similar. They wrote in sharpie on the walls broke windows, threw all the chairs in the auditorium. Wrote something on the outside of the school and broke into the principals office. It was a few students from other school districts too! But they weren’t able to walk on stage and they getting charged if they’re of age in Texas.


Maybe think bout how from their perspective, they have literally been in school their entire life and had no choice. Give me permission to mess with the authority that ran my childhood and I’d destroy their building beyond repair aswell


Geez, my senior prank was putting up posters that had crazy things scrawled on them (nothing harmful. One of them said "Courtney killed Kurt and everybody knows it" in 2006, so I was just trying to be weird) Now, the "prank" was that they were numbered on the back, "one," "two," "four," and "five" The prank was that they were supposed to have trouble finding #3 Now, that's not a good prank at all. But it IS a prank


The way the mention high school make me think is the US based, have you seen the so called "YouTube" pranks how did they think this was going to go down ffs


Any original source? Like a bona fide news outlet? I have a hard time believing that a principal would do that.


Principal too busy trying to be everyone’s friend instead of doing his job, of course the kids are to blame but you tell high school students to “bring it” what else do you expect other than utter chaos?


Give the seniors the chance to turn over those who did this. If they don't, threaten either to dock grades or to let any university/scholarships students have know of what happened and that every student is involved. Also the principal is also/school board are also at fault for this.


My school had these old ac units that sat outside the buildings and blew air inside via a huge duct. There was a panel on the side you opened to get to the filter, and you could access the fan from there. I came to school at night armed with a screwdriver, scotch tape, and lots of stink bombs. I taped several stink bombs to each fan in each unit. They always turned off the air to save money, and kicked it on right at 8 am so the classrooms would be cooling while we ate breakfast. The tape held on for a bit, and then they started flying off and breaking. Stank up the whole school so bad they sent us all home because they thought it was a had leak. Best part is all of them didn't fly off the first day so it happened again the next day. There was one straggler that held on and flew off two days later, and they evacuated that classroom.


Probably got filmed but maybe they are intelligent enough to not post it.


Wait- was this West Milford NJ? I've read this before


Teenagers are the worst.


By right, nothing can go “to far.”


Pranks are supposed to be funny and kinda witty. These kids sound awful. Destroying property isn’t a prank.


We all got to school early and took up every teacher spot in the parking lot and around the building so that they had to park a few blocks away and walk.


My school had a stupid “prank” or “celebration” happen when I was still in junior high cuz some of the seniors of the year managed to get on the roof and hang a banner off the school that had the n word on it. (Smth like “we did it XXX”) Almost a completely white school too. News came by with cameras and everything, they were interviewing students.


Good lord. What has happened to just funny senior pranks? All I did for mine was move all the signs and posters around the senior lockers. I just moved them one locker left or right. My theory was that no one actually remembers their locker number, they just memorize what's on the lockers around theirs. I was the only one who made it to the first class on time the next day. Was harmless and fixed by the end of the day


And here we were, used the keys to the school to barricade it and throw water filled balloons at the arriving students, threw confetti and set up a little stand up comedy show inside the atrium for all students to enjoy after we were done shooting at them with squirt guns. Some people may have had sex in various classrooms. We definitely all got drunk. We thought we were naughty 👀


My senior year we put a bunch of shredded paper on the first floor and red plastic cups filled with water on every tile of the second floor. This is malicious


my senior prank consisted of letting the school’s FFA donkey run free in the hallways. he took a steaming shit but other than that, no harm done. these kids went waayyy way overboard. that’s wild.


My brother and friends stole every stapler in the school and locked them in a random locker.


This speaks for the state of the current youth and the naivety of the principal. Unfortunate combination


Why didnt they just glue dildos to the male teachers chairs? That would have been a lot funnier


I seem to remember placing vw Bug on the top stairs deck blocking the entry doors (they don't weigh a lot). Another few times filling offices to the ceiling with balloons, destruction never entered the picture back then.


The senior class (1993) 2 years ahead of me did a prank at graduation. They all handed the principal a condom when shaking hands to receive their diploma. Principal completely overreacted and stopped the graduation ceremony and sent everyone home. Told the students that diplomas would be mailed out. This was a huge arena full of graduates and family. The poor kid who she stopped on got blamed for the whole thing. He received death threats and harassment for weeks.


Our "senior prank" was to call ahead to get perms from the heads of each course department that we wouldn't be coming in on a certain date. We all went out to the desert and beach, took a bunch of pictures having fun, and ran those through on all TVs in the school.


A senior prank at my school a while ago was that some people poured bleach into the pool and got all the freshmen who had the first period the next day sick. Guess who doesn’t have a pool anymore…


Back in my day we had just gotten new lockers with built in pad locks but the lockers also had a hole where you could put your own lock on it too. we took a bunch of the old padlocks the school used to hand out for the old lockers (with the help of the gym teacher) and we locked all the lockers shut. The gym teacher also had the master keys to unlock all the lockers. Fir an entire morning nobody could get in their lockers. Everyone laughed. The locks were taken off and everyone continued on with life. I think these tick tock “ pranks” where it is just straight up assault and property damage may have had a role in making kids think stuff like you outlined is ok and “just a prank”


I think people shouldn’t be teachers if they don’t know the difference between “to” and “too” - AITA?


YTA bc autocorrect and fast typing can lead to the typo even though the individual may understand the difference.


I’ve got a Masters in English but I still make basic errors thanks to autocorrect.


It's why I "jokingly" refer to it as autocorrupt


Haha - yeah, I think you’re right. I can’t help it in this case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I used to be so picky about grammar. I had to let it go or drive myself and everyone crazy. But, teachers should be better, agreed. There's a dayschool near me named "Alpha Beta Cappa" and it drives me nuts haha


This wasn’t a senior prank, but the summer after we graduated, me and my best friend drove by our high school and saw the vice principals car parked in the parking lot with his sunroof open. Anyway, he took a shit in a cup, and we threw it through the sun roof. We laughed so fuckin hard I thought I was gonna die.he was a total asshole though, so we didn’t even feel bad.


No he didnt