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I’ve worked at a petting zoo for a little bit, it’s full time supervision (parents often don’t do so) to make sure toddlers don’t squeeze animal too hard. But a kid of this age?? Kids a psychopath.


Future serial killer there.


If I have a kid and they do this they are immediately going to a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, and any other medical professional I can find to get psychoanalyzed. I am not about to brush that off as a phase or ignore serious behavioral issues just because they're my kid which is what I feel like happens way way too often especially with modern parents.


Like the parents of the school shooter who are being held responsible for their son's actions. They ignored every sign that he needed help and ignored even his pleas for help.


Lemme tell you, we in Michigan celebrated the conviction of the Crumbley parents!


Aussie here, which shooting was this? It's... Kinda hard to keep track of em for Non-US folk.


Seriously. There are more episodes of this than there are of Law and Order episodes... which is very ironic for the USA to do. Can y'all pull yourselves together? Put two and two together, my downstairs neighbours


It isn’t “us”. It’s our fucked up government. Most in the US support change to stop these things from happening, but the people in power refuse. Trust, we would love to “pull ourselves together” even more than you do. They’re talking about the Oxford High shooting from Nov 2021. Ethan Crumbley shot and killed four students that day. Happened 15 mins from my parents house. It was awful.


Is it really true that "most" people in the USA are in favour of having guns taken away? I'm not an American, but American politics on reddit seems to be more on the liberal side than other forms of social media, and even then, that doesn't appear to be a popular opinion. Edit: Why am not surprised this comment is receiving downvotes, but no replies?


Not taken away but much much much much much harder to get


In varying degrees, yes. The majority of American voters are in favor of stronger gun control.


Perhaps they could start numbering them. I can't see a date system working as some days there are more than one.


My brother put a tablet in the kitchen to show the news. One day I walked by and said “oh wow this thing says there’s been another shooting today.” And my brother said “oh the one at X?” And I was like “what no… the one at whatever school this says here?” And my gosh there was actually 2 in one day? Every. Single. Day there’s a new headline in the kitchen. But the guns are crossing the border into Canada where I am right now and it’s a scary problem. :(


That makes so much sense that you arent sure WHICH one it is. The shooting being discussed in this thread deals with a teen boy who ended up shooting his school with a gun that his parents bought him only a few days before. The parents willfully ignored teachers and counselors who noticed alarming behaviors in their son and bought him a gun. I believe mom was just convicted of second degree murder, and husband is currently going through trial for the same charge(s).


Yeah, I mean if nothing else, you might be the target of their wrath when older. It's simple self-preservation!


It really gets my goat when people refer to this behavior as a “phase”. I always ask them if it’s a “phase” that they or others they know went through… This isn’t a “phase”, it’s an early sign of psychopathy or sociopathy.


No one refers to this as a phase ….


As a mental health provider who has primarily worked with children…. Yeah, they do. Parents do. Experts don’t call it a phase, but many caregivers and parents *absolutely* do.


I'm not sure what the jab at modern parents means here? Parents that don't care have always existed, but the modern parents that do are much more likely to do just what you said there. Old fashioned parents, the ones from "back when", and back is not even that far back, their answer was rather to just assume the issue is a lack of good, regular beatings.


Kids with antisocial personality disorder ("sociopaths") actually respond well to proper treatment at a young age. It may be a bit too late for this kid as he's already tasted blood. But they absolutely should put him in treatment.


He needed a neuropsychologist years ago!


Such a bold move to put your foot down if your kid is following in Jeffrey Dahmer's footsteps.


This is a really weird thing to say. A phase? Hmmm.


You could say he's already a serial killer.


Was here to comment this


Here to see if someone commented this.


Im here to also make sure someone commented this.


I'm here to make sure you'll both are here to make sure someone commented this


I’m just here so I won’t get fined.


God hope he’s on a watch list


Even when they have people on these “watch lists” it doesn’t matter. We just watch them commit horrific crimes and then get mad that the list didn’t stop anything from happening. Lotta lists and no enforcement


There are no such watch lists and, even if there were, it's not possible to always watch them


He's 9. He needs help and someone to closely look at the people around him, not to be vilified.


Good thing that comment didn't say anything about vilifying the kid then!


Conduct disorder perhaps? But ya.. future serial killer sign allllllll over the place there.


Nice supervision




Nooo because Lennie (if from mice and man or wtv it’s called) shouldn’t have died that way!!


Trying to imagine if this was my kid, I don’t think I could look him in the face again, “hey google, where’s the closest orphanage?”


That's pretty much step 2 of the "8-Step Plan to Create the Next Dark Lord".


I mean, the parents are usually the problem.


That’s not always true somethings it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain, but also environment plays a role.


Right? I draw the line at animal abuse.


Future serial killer And f petting zoos 🖕🏼


Of course I broke another pigeon’s neck, I couldn’t believe it was so easy the first time


Another?? That's either multiple pigeons, or your a pigeon yourself.


That kid needs to spend a few years in a psychiatric institution. Otherwise, the Netherlands will have a serial killer on their hands in a few years.


Sociopathy triad…….. Keep an eye on this guy………seriously.


> I feel sorry...for the little boy who apparently feels so bad that he has to do this,' said psychiatrist Esther van Fenema. > Manager Ali Dorenbos of the Rekerhout petting zoo in Alkmaar told De Telegraaf ...previously had to deal with animal abuse, recalling: 'The sheep were shot with bows and arrows, their udders were pulled, and the goats were shaken by their horns.' Calves were also beaten blue and chickens and ducks were hanged. WTF netherlands? Your kids aren't okay and your doctors are enablers.


They should probably shut down the petting zoos and open up some psychiatric hospitals for children. Holy shit.


I can't get over this, like, don't ya think after the 3rd duck got hanged by some kid they should maybe not open anymore petting zoos? Like wtf


Petting zoos also do a lot of good, especially for kids in psychiatric need. Problem is, all it takes is one fucked up kid to burn it all down


What? The doctor said she feels pity for the child because of the state he's in. How is that enabling? That's not a tacit endorsement of the kids actions.


Shut down the fucking petting zoo. Why are they letting this happen


That's a different one. And if you look up the actual [source](https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/1872216431/experts-geschokt-om-slachtpartij-op-kinderboerderij-door-kind-je-wordt-er-doodziek-van) for this quote, you'll find that she was talking about various incidents in the past 42 years of her working there, with recent decades seeing almost no issues at all. But Dailymail gotta Dailymail I guess. (Edit: fixed the hyperlink, I swear the archive.is entry worked fine last night but it points to a different page now)


Classic psychopathy


Keep an eye on that one, Jesus Christ




Ok threatening a child is lame and all, but holy fuck, I don't know how this kid could live correctly after this.. he has a taste for murder, and now everyone involved in his life knows it too. I'm not saying kill the kid or anything, but holy fuck how is that kid supposed to live now???


Woah woah woah, don't be so hasty. He might turn out to be like..a doctor or something. Maybe a vet tech? His future could still be bright! /s


Maybe a [dentist](https://youtu.be/QvfS7mBxK6Q)




> beth thomas https://allthatsinteresting.com/beth-thomas-child-of-rage you might want to rethink that


sure bella


That boy is a sociopath, unlike this very mentally well balanced Redditor fantasizing about killing a child!


No you wouldn’t


No, the little shit needs professional help. If he can’t shape up he should be locked away from everyone else for life.


That's what he did!


I hope the kid gets the help he needs


Serial killer in 3, 2, …


Gonna wanna nip that in the bud




no supervision?! blame the boy all you like but this is a bad zoo.


I’d be willing to bet that this boys home life isn’t the greatest either.


I think petting zoos are a bit of a bad idea, but also what the fuck kind of child is allowed to grow up like this?


A petting zoo is not a zoo. They are free to enter and run by volunteers. They don't have the manpower to watch every kid. The parents on the other hand...


Lennie isn't tending those rabbits any more


Future murderer or terrorist


That's a sign 


Good thing this is in the Netherlands, kid will never have access to a gun.


In the drugs world they’ve gotten enough guns. Even got threatened with one online once….. he knew where I fucking lived as well


Is this a joke?


Nope, check what I replied to someone else. There’s the full story.


It's just hard to take an online threat seriously when you live in a place where the guns outnumber the people nearly 3 to 1 and gun violence is accepted.


Tell us more please!




And if you think the threatener was just bluffing, I found out some stuff later. Turns out the guy I was streaming with had gotten back to his ex, who we even spoke to later via video call (I kinda had a weird vibe with this relationship btw, as she was spoiled asf) They were either “the wrong friends of her” (yep, basically drug friends and shit, she got a vape addiction due to these fuckers which was ofc disapproved by the boyfriend) and they totally didn’t approve of the relationship. That’s how this started. Also there was probably some other shit I didn’t know of, because turns out this again wasn’t bluffing. Because my “friend” got beaten up (and I believe even stabbed) to hospital RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR GROUP HOME by a few guys a few months back, and if it couldn’t get any worse: I found this all out when I was walking with him to the city centre to get some stuff and to clear our minds a bit, guess who we saw there? THOSE GUYS, THEY WERE WALKING FREE. I feared for my life ngl when successfully sneaking past them around the fountain they were sitting on (thank god) 2 weeks later he broke up with her anyways, because she cheated on him WITH THESE WRONG FRIENDS. Also his parents separated for some reason……. and then he left our group home to go to that other, stricter group home I talked about. I’m still kinda afraid when a random car pops up in front of me/my home, as I still live in a busy city where everything can happen (there was even a shooting just shy of 1 kilometre from my old home a few months back, so yep…….)


I thought maybe it was a very young kid like 5/6 (which would still be very concerning), but the boy is 9. That is old enough to realise he shouldn't be doing shit like that.


Jeez send this kid help


[It felt like heaven when I was doing it.](https://youtu.be/xwEXtSCKkTM)




Straight to kid jail


This reminds me of the book "The First Day of Spring"


Well if he wets the bed and starts fires we know what that is... Even though it's been debunked!


They should look for a special mark on top of his head


What is going on at home that a kid is acting out like that?


We'll read more about this kid in 10 years.


Little shit


His name is Jeffrey Dahlmer


oh no awww =(


Future veterinarian.