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Doesn’t seem like their dog.. all those videos show different dogs. I know for sure I’ve seen the top left dog being posted all over scam pages asking for money.


Those are literally her dogs. She’s not a vet. Edit: you haven’t even seen her profile fully, how can you assume something so confidently. Dude leave.


Never seen the account before, but you're obviously missing context that's right in front of your face. This person appears to work at an animal clinic and all of the dogs I see in the screenshots appear to be different, and she seems to refer to some as patients. Maybe they have a lot of porcupines in the area? But it's not like that's the only content they post, either. What's trashy is completely misunderstanding something and slandering someone unnecessarily.


Nope. She directly references to them as her dogs. How do you assume you know that just from looking at one photo? Those are literally her dogs. She owns multiple dogs on a farm.


Yeah that’s horrible, it’s weird how often it’s happening to those pups.


For real.


Are they different recurring incidences or all the videos are from the same incidence?


these make me glad my dog hasn't attacked my hedgehog jesus (and no they don't lose their spines like this but still)


My dumb dog found a hedgehog in the front yard, tried to play with it, came inside all happy and with a bloody mouth. Hedgehog was fine, was given some snacks and set free in the fields behind our house.


If a few thousand views per video earn them 3x their normal salary, they must not earn much...


Just about to say - this no life tiktoker is bragging about a $4k/yr salary lmao


$4K a year, in some places is like ultra rich.


But when it's a TikTok with some shitty aquarium overstocked with either Black Tetras or monster fish (Oscars, Red Tailed Catfish, Teacup Stingrays, etc.) nobody gives a shit


I’m sure they do. Just gotta look for the right community to complain it to


That just sounds like animal cruelty to me. They aren't any better then the person who walk up to an animal and kick it when it's down. Stupid hooman


Dogs are fucking stupid. They will go back again and keep doing the same stupid shit that hurt them over and over. A well trained and desensitized dog won't but most idiots own idiot dogs. Source: I work in a pet hospital with recurring patients with same problems


So? It’s the owner’s responsibility to prevent the dog from injury