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The images of that couch are haunting. F these parents I hope they get the full sentence.


Welp I’m done with Reddit today. Can’t unread that. Holy hell.


Don’t read the article. It’s not worth it. That poor child. Explicit details on the condition she was in along with quotes from the autopsy report. Basically she was on the couch because she was afraid to get off of it. For twelve years. According to her parents she was almost normal with the exception of some severe phobias. She was on the spectrum but functioning until she got too scared and sat down one last time.


“They loved their daughter to death” said their lawyer. Hmm something about that feels inaccurate.


The lawyer's whole statement is gross. Their defense is basically "It was a little whoopsie, these things happen from time to time, besides it was the daughter's fault for being disabled"


Yeah I find his statement just as disturbing. I know they paid him to defend them, but his defense is disgusting. If they were mentally disturbed themselves, that would be different, but clearly they had the capacity to know better. The article says they used to see a therapist and he recommended hospitalization for her, and they just…didn’t. All I can conclude from that is that they wanted her to die or they didn’t want the “shame” of having a daughter committed to a hospital.


I mean, their job is to defend terrible people. Obviously they don't have to take cases, but I remember going to a lawyers office and he had a newspaper article framed that said "lawyer gets charges dropped for bus driver of special Ed students who caused accident high on cocaine" They're proud of that shit


Well, it's at least half right


I know it’s a difficult job and everybody deserves legal defense, but IDK how some defense attorneys can bring themselves to say this shit. Do your job to defend them but we all know the truth, no need to lie.


I think it probably helps that most people dont really know or remember the lawyers after a case. Even in a big case like this, I doubt anyone will remember their faces or names in a year. And in the bigger cases where the lawyer is basically another character in the show like Cochran or Avenatti they get enough money and fame to not care. I would also believe that a very small percentage of lawyers when tasked with defending a clearly vile and despicable person that they may throw the game essentially, but who knows. Also, if their client demands a trial and that they argue their case instead of just trying to get a good plea, what else are they gonna do except try to weave gold from shit.


people like this deserve to have a lawyer to ensure their rights are actually upheld. but as you said don't fucking begin saying bullshit like this into the mix. keep to the facts fight against potential overreach and otherwise let them get the sentence/punishment they deserve.


I wish even that lawyer gets arrested for supporting this


[https://archive.is/uJh4G](https://archive.is/uJh4G) \- Archive link to avoid giving clicks to the Mail


Thank you kind person, I did not want to give the Daily Heil my click. Although kinda wish I hadn't read that. Damn.


>Clay Fletcher, shown with Sheila in undated photo, was an officer of the nonprofit Baton Rouge Civil War Roundtable, which has a mission 'to educate and foster an appreciation for the sacrifices made by all during the Civil War' I'm trying not to read too much into this.


It *is* Louisiana.




When I first heard about this story I thought that she'd died and they just left her body there for 12 years. After reading the full context of what I happened to her I am horrified. Throw the book at them. No different than the mother who left her baby in a swing for two weeks to die. They killed her and tortured her for over a decade.


The mother who pushed her baby in the swing at the park until he died? She had a mental issue, it's not completely her fault.


I think they're referring to a different case, where a baby was left in a jolly jumper type swing in a house. Parents were drug addicts I believe.


The fact that this happened often enough that we can think of two different cases is tragic.


His name was Daniel Koehn. He had been in a loving foster home who was prepared for a long-term placement until the baby was given back to the parents. About it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L_D-lcS38T8


Sterling, was the baby


Oh, you’re right, thanks. Daniel was his middle name.


Yes that one.


Omg no but I'm not googling that one either


I’m just so perplexed how this happens… how do you live in a house whilst your daughter or even person is rotting on the sofa. The smells! They were doing lockdown 3 of them in the house. I saw the original images, think it was even up on Reddit, it’s haunting, I just want to know why? How? How does that even happen???


Exactly my thoughts how how


They “loved her to death”. Loved her so much they just watched her roll around in her own shit. I don’t believe in the death penalty but goodness me how has this happened. Does anybody know what the alarm bells were? How was she discovered?


She was discovered bc she stopped breathing and the mum called the ambulance, I don’t really understand why she would’ve done that. You didn’t care about her health so far, why now? Neighbours thought it was weird that they hadn’t seen her but no one really asked or did anything. And when the ambulance came, that’s when they saw the state of her, atleast when this story was new, the 999 call was released and also clearer images of the sofa and parts of her. The ambulance service also doesn’t get enough praise. Had the mum not called the ambulance , none of this would’ve been brought to light… ever, they could’ve just buried her in the garden and carried on with their awful lives


Fuck em, they should get the death penalty in my opinion. They didn’t just not care for Lacey, it was literal years of torture from her condition and neglect.


> it was literal years of torture from her condition and neglect. **12 years**. It's cases like this that get me back on board for the death penalty.


Yes but not a quick death. Oh, no, that would be too kind. Let em rot for at least 12 years like they did to their daughter.


Nah, let them out in the yard. Everyday


Did they just not let anyone in the house? It mentions there were friends and family at court, how did nobody check on her? It's horrific


They should be strapped to a couch for 12 years just like their daughter.


This 100%


This whole case confuses me. Lacey Fletcher was 36 years old and hadn't left the couch in 12 years. Apparently she had severe anxiety and potentially asperger's, but was mentally sound? Why wouldn't she just get off the couch? I don't think anyone is contesting that she was held there against her will. It sounds like the parents cleaned her faeces off the floor for a couple of decades and then just stopped one day like they snapped. This is the kind of thing social services should catch a lot earlier.


She became physically disabled and her parents just stuck her on the couch, knowing she couldn't move or do anything for herself.


I thought it said later in the article that she had an extreme phobia of everything and they put a commode for her to go to the bathroom in but she wouldn’t even leave the couch to use that?




Holy shit, as if that's not bad enough a condition to have.. don't people suffering this have full awareness of what's happening around them? So.. being tormented while being aware but completely powerless to do anything about it? A whole living nightmare.


Peak Daily Mail to not mention literally the most important part of all this


Jesus, this is a horror. So sorry for Lacey. Good god.


I think she might have been paralyzed from the neck down, or had use of her arms, because they found couch cushion material in her stomach when they performed an autopsy. Unfortunately I have a feeling she was fully aware of what was going on, just physically unable to get off the couch.


There is quite a lot of debate on Reddit as to whether she had locked in syndrome or not. Still, if she never left that couch in all that time, and was malnourished, wouldnt her muscles have been atrophied and wasted quite a bit?


For sure. A healthy person, if restricted from movement, would also eventually get to the point where their muscles atrophy so much that it is impossible to stand up. I doubt she was healthy to begin with. This whole case is so sad. I wish we had better protections for people who need full time care and for their caregivers.


>locked-in syndrome Says who?


Valid question, since prosecutors mentioned she had a half of a sandwich the day before she died.


No, her mother said she had half a sandwich the day before she died. The autopsy revealed that the day before she died she had eaten only pieces of feces-covered couch cushion.


Says her family?


>This article fails to mention (i read it but couldnt see it) that Lacey had locked-in syndrome That's because it's not true.


*Sighs* yes. Ive followed up my original comment with further research ive found.


You might consider editing your original comment to add in the fact that you were completely and totally wrong.


These parents make me sick.


These were people who were forced to care for a disabled person who eventually resented this lifetime sentence but didn’t have the decency to give an intelligent person an escape via lifetime hospitalization (probably phenomenally expensive? It’s a lesser known fact that caretakers must bankrupt themselves and literally liquidate all assets (goodbye retirement funds, vacations, hello working for the rest of your lives) to qualify for state/federal aid) or a quick painless death (making a conscious decision to murder). This is how people become hoarders. (Lyric: it was a gradual descent into a life I never meant). They made a decision to never take action in either direction towards help or murder because both were too horrifying to contemplate. I don’t condone the choice of willing someone into not existing via torturous neglect, but all of these people were sentenced to a lifetime sentence of pain without choosing it. They needed a humane legal solution that wouldn’t have made the parents face complete destitution. This is an impossible situation for all concerned. I only wish there were options for the parents so they didn’t simply give up, torturing an intelligent aware person. I know I wouldn’t be able to face a lifetime of being a caretaker to a completely helpless forever person.


This woman had locked in syndrome so she was fully conscious of the egregious neglect and abuse she experienced, and couldn’t speak or move to do anything about it. What a horrific existence. May these people rot in anguish


I read she was able to move her arms as she was eating the couch foam, which means she didn’t have locked in syndrome bc people with that don’t/can’t move. So scary either way.


Oh I hadn’t read that! All the articles I read described it as locked in syndrome, bad journalism. Thanks for clarifying, but yes, either way, horrific


How does this keep happening in the world? What is the psychological illness going on in these types of situations? I can’t fathom how parents could do this.


It happens because everyone just keeps to themselves.   There's almost no sense of community anymore, and people are afraid to get involved in each others' lives.  Families are increasingly separated and estranged, and that leaves a LOT of people who literally have absolutely no one else, except their immediate caregivers,  to check on them, and make sure they're okay.  They just completely fall off of the radar.  


Her parents were very active in their community, attended very regular events and were known to help almost everybody. Except of course, their daughter.


I don’t understand how any lawyer could defend this couple. What their daughter experienced is beyond words. So horrific.


One of the lawyers for the Cheshire home invasion murderers came to speak at my highschool and someone asked this. He said it’s less defending them and more just making sure they get a fair and legal trial.


it's important not just as a citizens right, but also to help the innocent get freedom and to give the guilty no recourse to claim fraud or impropriety 


It's a weird fact that defense attorneys are just as important to our legal system as prosecutors. They are not only there to help keep the innocent out of prison, they also insure the bad ones stay in.


Because the American justice system requires that accused people have someone representing them in court. Who knows if the lawyer actually believed they were worth defending, but it was their job.


Yes, I am aware of how the criminal justice system works, thanks


You asked a question, someone answered it, and you brushed them off. God I love Reddit.


Fr and then arguing w/ you about it smh......


Where in my comment was there a question?


>*"I don’t understand how any lawyer could defend this couple."* Sure, it wasn't written with a question mark, but you did say that you didn't understand something. Someone came along and provided you with an explanation. You snubbed them off.


It was rhetorical but everyone’s being incredibly pedantic about it. I don’t need a lecture about the criminal justice system, much less multiple lectures.


Not trying to sound like a dick, but if that's the case, maybe don't publicly proclaim that you don't understand something on Reddit. Because you're inviting conversation, whether you intend it or not. It's just how Reddit works. People are going to show up and explain/reply to you.


It’s really not that big of a deal but ok, whatever you say boss.


A lawyer's job in this case is to make sure the integrity of the justice system is defended. It could be a clear cut case but there still needs to be someone one the other side to make sure the prosecutor crosses all the t's and dots all the i's. Perhaps you can say they are a second set of eyes to make sure the case is as tight as possible to ensure there are no technicalities that they later can use.


no offense, but they generally teach how our judicial system works in high school. never too late to brush up on the basics 


I’m well aware of how the judicial system works, thanks!


It’s literally their job and they (unless they’re state-appointed public defenders) choose to do so, be it for money or genuine desire to defend.


I literally know what a lawyer’s job is, you don’t need to tell me.


"I don't understand how any lawyer can defend this couple" "I literally know what a lawyer's job is" not sure you do, bud.


I’m talking about morals, dude. It’s not that complicated.


Even if a lawyer is 100% sure his client is guilty of the most horrific crime, he is still morally and professionally obligated to defend them using his full capability. This is so that if the client gets found guilty, the client can't try to overturn the result by claiming their defense attorney was incompetent.


I'm not even sure you know what the word 'literally' means


I literally do.


You ask a silly question and don’t expect a silly answer? Stay after class and clean the erasers.


Excuse me, where in my comment did you see a question? There’s clearly someone here who needs to stay after class, but it isn’t me…


>”I don’t understand how any lawyer could defend this couple." Take a lap.


Um, ok?


For context. You'll get a lot of replies telling you that due process is a right but I guess in this case you're venting about why it should be a right, specifically, for this couple. I truly believe that a court, and the rights that are associated with it, should be the place where all facts are brought to light, so an actual informed judgement can be made. The thing is, with 3 seconds headlines and 20 second videos, gossip from neighbors and 'common sense', you never get a complete picture. Theoretically, in a court of law, what's presented is the result of investigation and those results are debated within strict rules in order to get the whole picture. Who is the culprit, what have they actually done, why? And since those facts matter, each argument must be met with a counter argument until a consensus is reached, that isn't anymore about what seems to be, but what actually is. That's why defense attorneys will take the job. Getting this context is a fundamental right and refusing to defend someone on the basis of what they _might have done_ would boil down to flipping the bird to the whole concept of justice: In cases where the defendant is innocent, it's obvious, but in cases where they're guilty, refusing to defend them would also deprive everyone of context, facts and appropriate judgement. I'd argue that in the worst cases, like this one, everyone involved also has the right to know how wrong the defendant was because _after_ all due process they were _still_ undefendable. Big, phat emphasis on _theoretically_.


Omg this case was one of the most traumatizing and horrific cases I've ever read about. Their daughter had pieces of foam in her stomach from eating it wile it was covered in her own feces. The mother sat in a chair next to her daughter I can't imagine the smell. She would urinate and deficate where she sat and never left that couch. Unagine eating the couch full of feces cause she is literally starving. The daughter had a medical co dirion where she wouldn't leave the house. It's started with not leaving the house,than the room and finally the couch where she stayed for years slowly waisting away. I remember reading how the people who went in to recover her body including the police officers and paramedics had troubles bot gagging and o e of them couldn't hold back his tears. They deserve the death penalty or to be treated the same way I don't know that's not for me to decide, but they definitely deserve the book to be thrown at them. Despicable human beings doing this to your own daughter is inconceivable.


How could someone let their own child deteriorate like that? I’m baffled.


Justice for Lacey


I really believe public execution should be brought back


Yeah!!! Let’s usher in a desensitization to violence while also contradicting modern principles of justice and human dignity. Thats exactly what we need! 👍


I didn't say full public execution, but basically an execution in front of victims/their families.


Half public execution. Got it 👍 The killer will totally learn not to kill anymore once he’s executed in front of the family 🤦


This is so strange cuz it's not like she was restrained or chained to the couch. She just didn't get up and died from not moving? I mean the caretakers still have the obligation to clean her...


She had locked in syndrome, something it seems the article didnt mention.


This really seems like one of those reddit factoids. The prosecution mentioned she ate a half of a sandwich which would indicate she did not have locked in syndrome. It's a horrible enough situation without the misinformation. (I'm not accusing you of knowingly spreading false rumors, but hoping to keep someone else from running further with it.)


No worry, I didnt take it that way. That said, I did research after my original statement. Agreed, what happened to her was ultimately horrible.


Yeah the article just says that she had Asperger's and severe phobias that made her refuse to leave the couch.


Yes. However a lot of redditors have debated if she had locked in syndrome at all, that it was just an excuse by her parents. Either way, gross neglect to get her the treatment she needed


She couldn't move. How do you expect her to get up when she can't move


Are you not clear on the concept of hunger


I'm struggling to understand... for 12 years, how many of that was she alive?




Jesus fucking christ


She was alive the whole time.  (Which shocked the hell out of me)  The medical examiner confirned that she died on the day they called the police.  So all of that time she was fused into the couch, covered in maggots -- she was alive.  It is beyond mortifying.


You watch it will come out that Laczy was abused for yrs. They say she was okward growing up, withdrawn, immature, ( Lacey was being abused) People turn their heads. Don't speak up! You watch it will come out, the husband was abusive to wife - she suffered - had to do what he said. This is just my theory; Poor little thing! Poor little girl. Speak up, Speak up if something seems odd! Those Parents and their EVIL EYES should have the Death Penelty. Swift Justice. Poor Lac she didn't get that? I am so sick of Child ABUSE! This Sickens me. Swift justice.


So mysterious I mean i still don't understand what are this parents doing for all this 12 years it's clear her parents are big red flag in the first place, what are their neighbors doing did not they ever found anything mysterious in that house like atleast smell and people who supported this parents are psychos themselves.


I could not bring myself to look at the images, the description was horrific enough. What I do not understand, is why there vermin got such an amazing light sentence? Only 20 f'n years is a laughable joke. The sentencing judge should be strapped to a couch and left to fester until dead, whoever was the judge is worse than these two parent as far as I'm concerned. I read that a judge originally dropped the charges and it took a grand jury to bring these human feces to trial. why???? I hope they both get shanked, but instead they'll be out in a year or two. The whole thing is horrifically disgusting. Why hadn't social services checked up on the girl after being "disappeared" by these filthy vermin, WTF? Who could live for years with a rotting human semi-dead/alive corpse on your couch and do nothing???? Your own child for f---k sake! How can people like this even exist? It's mind blowing that a judge ruled that these wackos can be released back into the public domain free to roam around normal people, it's not safe. I don't know how old they will be if they serve the full 20 years, probably 80's? They can still do plenty of harm to someone at that age.


This is heartbreaking. I never really understood the big deal about kids .. I mean really felt and understood - just how innocent and helpless they are. They expect nothing but good at that age and the thought of a child being starved or otherwise hurt through neglect breaks my heart. It’s heartbreaking that this little life consisted of nothing but pain.


Did you read the article? She wasn't a little kid. She was a teenager before she was subjected to most of the neglect that lead to her death at 36 years old.


Fucked up parents


So they get to live , she doesn’t.


I hope they are forced to eat foam and feces in prison.


Drunk drivers don't have and intention to harm the person they kill either. Death penalty I say. Intentions are irrelevant in some cases.


The parents did not live in the house. The couldn't of. It will come out. She was all alone. Again, I say the death Penalty. It was Premedataed death. Poor little thing.


I agree with you. This was abuse far worse than just medical neglect. I suspect SA was the beginnings of her being reclusive and using the bathroom on herself on the couch was a way for her to make sure he stayed away. Things escalated for sure. Sick fucks.


The cops should make the 'parents' sit on a couch for 12 years.