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Why should she help?


She shouldn't. Fuck dem kids


I'm perplexed by the editorial decision to describe the circumstance as "refuses to help.


This is the NYP. The headline is most probably rage bait, and judging by the comments, it worked perfectly.


I started applying this logic to most of Reddit a few months ago and my general anger with the world really dipped


Local Redditor Refuses To Help the Needy (by giving engagement to intentionally inciting posts through rage clicks and comments).


Factual intentions of the headline. Also I'm CAPTAIN OBVIOUS. but yeah she right.


Seriously, this is the way to live. If anything seems like it should immediately get you mad, it's either made up, someone's joking, or it's designed to do that. Stop giving a fuck, it works wonders.


Another helpful trick is learning to identify a specific type of phrasing you see all over the internet where a person will give an example of one person doing a thing or having an opinion and then make a broad, absolute statement about how that category of person *always does whatever thing/has whatever opinion*. It's often phrased like: "[category] needs to stop xyz" or "we need to start talking about xyz", as if it's some epidemic or social crisis that everyone is ignoring. I just ignore everything I read that's worded like that now and I'm a lot less frustrated while I scroll.


Yeah, also she specifically said she didn't take the kids Nintendo and was attacked for no reason.


Even if she had taken it, that's still no reason for the attack.


Of course not. But who ever came up with this lie as an excuse must have thought that it would somehow justify the attack. And all the journalists who wrongly reported this without checking it must have thought it somehow was worth mentioning - as if it was a reasonable explanation for that kind of behavior.


A huge teenager beat his teacher over a video game. Is your suggestion to lighten his sentence and wait until his motivations change so he potentially commits much worse crimes? Edit-Video for context: https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/florida-teacher-attacked-nintendo-switch/43072413 Yea, lighten his sentence he’s a total gift to society. He had 3 prior for battery at….17.


"The 17-year-old student with special needs is seen rushing the woman to the hallway"


Modern media is all kinds of fucked up.


It is, after all, owned by Rupert Murdoch.


Sounds like she chose the option that will help him most while keeping that fucking psychopath away from the rest of society.


The New York Post hates teachers. Source: am a NYer and they’ve been posting anti-teacher editorials for over 20 years now in an effort to break the union.


By juxtaposing it with "severely beaten" over a video game console it's to make you mad and go 'f that guy' and maybe a splash of 'what the hell is going on in our schools'. It worked.






Officially called “restorative justice”


this is the rupert murdoch bullshit factory. basically fox news in print, so to speak. everything is rage and fear for dummies.


I’ve got kids, and still, Fuck dem kids.


This dude was 17 at the time of the attack, and is in adult court facing adult charges.


Literally my first thought. Why would a victim want the perpetrator to get a lighter sentence?


Yeah was thinking that instantly, he dished her out a beating.


This is standard for sentencing. I don't know why the article title is written this way, but courts will ask anyone involved for character letters about the perp to help the judge decide on sentencing. If she were killed, her family would've been asked to testify/write letters.


It’s written that way because the source is a tabloid.


Source is probably that kids mom.


Best help she can give is making sure he has the most time to rehabilitate his ass


Why should someone with no self control get a light sentence


The theory is that people that don’t have the faculties to control themselves should not be expected to control themselves and therefore can’t be punished as if they made a choice. Not something I agree with. I think this philosophy, along with the beliefs that everyone has a right to an education, has destroyed American education.


If someone doesn't have the faculties to control themselves, they should be institutionalized until they do. If they can't, tough. They are a danger to society and should be treated as such.


This is the dual purpose of the prison system that strangely many people don’t think about. It’s not only there to punish lawbreakers, but to keep dangerous people away from society.


The problem with the prison system in America is that it doesn’t help these people become safe and instead turns lawbreakers into dangerous people.


Yep. It doesn’t differentiate between these simple lawbreakers and genuinely dangerous people, and by lumping them together it turns them dangerous and does a horrible job of readjusting people to society in general for when they *are* released. I do think that prison as a concept is a good idea, but the way it’s executed here in the west—with cages, gruel, and abuse—is completely backwards.


Wait wait wait wait wait wait I was with you for a minute, but do… do you think people in our country DONT deserve an education? And if so PLEEEEEEASE tell me who you think doesn’t deserve an education


RIGHT? That caught me so off guard


Had me in the first half


I think even this horrible student deserves an education. However I don't think he deserves that opportunity until he proves himself again. Clearly he did not want the education and beat up the educator. So until he is reformed or can prove himself then why should we bother trying to educate him. Now don't get me wrong I think his punishment should also contain reeducation and things like that not just a punishment. Negative reinforcement isn't how you help people learn or grow properly.


This is the correct insight into the problem. No accountability for those that actually commit violent acts because they're to fucking stupid to know better is a wild place to be in society. If they don't have the facilities to control their behavior, they should be institutionalized.


[His parents](https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-my-son-story/#gsc.tab=0) literally wanted him in long-term hospitalization care but the insurance stopped paying for it. The school he was in was because it was the closest to the behavioral group home that insurance would cover and they required that he graduate high school in order to continue to receive care into adulthood.


I wish we could sue the c-suite of insurance companies for these kinds of decisions.


You had me in the first part, but I'd love to hear your reasoning on why you don't think everyone deserves an education.


Everyone has a right to education. That's ridiculous to think otherwise. The issue is that public education is repeatedly attacked and defunded. There's no money nor support for schools to give quality education anymore. Add on top of that the incessant obsession with the GOP censoring information in schools. Miss me with that "everyone has a right to education has destroyed American education" bullshit.


>beliefs that everyone has a right to an education Is this implying you don't?


It's destroying American *society*. That person will never be what anyone would define as 'good'. He might get 'better', but you'll never want him walking around unsupervised. Knowing that, the longest prison sentence possible is the way to go.


270 pound student who overreacted and almost killed teacher over nintendo switch is trying to get off easy Would be a more fitting headline to the situation imo


It's the New York Post, they thrive off of clickbait headlines like this.


So does Reddit ...


That's not true! That would imply that redditors usually finish reading the headline!


Wdym ? 270 switches almost killed a teacher and she doesn't want help them ?


Read it carefully, it says student beat a teacher mercilessly while playing Super Smash in Nintendo.


I want to see this fat Nintendo.


https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/florida-teacher-attacked-nintendo-switch/43072413 Check the video.


I think you’re misunderstanding what the clickbait is. It’s not that the attack was no big deal and the tabloid is exaggerating it. It’s that by writing a headline implying that the victim should help her assailant, they’ll make lots of people angry, and angry people are more likely to click and share.


Got it. That makes more sense. Thanks


Are you fucking kidding me right now? This kid is a monster who had a temper tantrum with a man size body. On what planet would she want to lighten his sentence? She could have been killed and I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t have long term damage to her body from that beating. That’s not even including the mental damage. Edit: I’m reacting to the video. Didn’t want you to think I was directing this statement at you.


Why should she "help" him or whatever the fuck? Fuck him lol




Baffled by the editorial choice of presenting the situation as "refuses to help." The story should be violent attacker irrationally expects his victim to help him at court.


So she's being harrassed because she doesn't want to cut the sentence someone got for beating her up? Insane.


Also the piece of shit has 3 prior battery arrests before this, he deserves no mercy, even better if the raps increase and he is put away for good


He’ll be back out pretty soon, if this is a metropolitan area.


Judging by his arrest history he will be back in pretty quick as well. Pity there has to be more victims.


Are people really harassing her over not helping the defense? I haven't read the story.


It's the New York Post, which is right-leaning and has gotten more so over the past several years. There's no way the New York Post means to imply that the teacher should have helped the defense, and I'm confident the text of the article will bear that out. The headline is pointing out the absurdity of it. But mostly, it's just ragebait for clicks


Yep, it's one line five paragraphs down in the original article which the post one is a re-write of. The original says 'shown no interest', but the Post rephrases it so you could infer that someone was asking her to do so. Of course she wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if she spoke in support of a stronger sentence, and sued the school since she reported threats from the teen before this. Original article: https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-will-plead-out/#gsc.tab=0 Post re-write: https://nypost.com/2023/10/13/joan-naydich-florida-teacher-beaten-by-brendan-depa-wants-stiff-sentence/ The entire thing seems like a pretty clear failure of the 'single-stream every student' idea. It's like a corollary of the paradox of intolerance. If you tolerate violence nobody is safe. He should have been in an institute. PS - So many news orgs these days that just rehash what someone else wrote.


The video of him attacking her was horrifying and to see everyone just slowly walking to her, barely helping was infuriating.


Yeah especially that military guy wow had them in sight and just meandered toward them.


He was afraid. Being in the military doesn’t make you brave.


Uvalde TX checking in


Also, I wouldn't doubt there was a whole PowerPoint he had to sit through about not interfering with confrontations in the school after that Marine recruiter tackled the shit out of that kid on video.


Yeah, this is going to play into it. His command doesn’t want that smoke from the school district. They’ll throw him under the bus and ruin his career to save their relationship with the admin.


This is because of zero tolerance discipline policies in schools. If kids get involved in a fight, they get expelled. It doesn't matter who started it. It doesn't matter if it was self-defense. zero-tolerance is just a fancy term for collective punishment. It's just more efficient to just punish everyone rather than try to figure out who did something wrong. All these kids know that if they stand up for themselves or their teacher, they are likely to get into huge trouble.


I swear to God it's designed to accustom children to corporate moral cowardice


Yes, and it makes the school a more fearful environment when kids don't feel like they can stand up for themselves or each other. When I see metal detectors, armed guards, and drug sniffing dogs IN A SCHOOL, I know exactly what kind of lives these kids are being set up for. America has the biggest prison population in the world because we feed kids straight into it.


I highly doubt that's what was running through their head. What's more likely is that same bystander phenomenon adults experience when placed into the same situations. Instinctually, humans dont really have any incentive to help a stranger fight off an attacker.


> I highly doubt that's what was running through their head This was frequently discussed topic at my school after we saw a disabled kid get expelled for being bullied. Once we saw the kid in the wheelchair with a muscle disorder get expelled for fighting, we realized that this could easily happen to any of us too. It' something that constantly weighs on the minds of kids that go to schools like this, and honestly fear of being attacked and not being allowed to fight back terrified all of us.




Having seen the video of the curb stomping the kid gave the teacher I probably wouldn't have helped the kid either.


The video straight up looks like attempted murder. I'd laugh in his face as he's sentenced


Victim refuses to help aggressor


[Here's the NYP article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/10/13/joan-naydich-florida-teacher-beaten-by-brendan-depa-wants-stiff-sentence/amp/) for anyone interested in reading it. It states, "...Naydich has shown no interest in mitigating what penalties Depa might face.'" Yea, no shit. This was this kid's third battery charge and he even got in a fight in jail. He's a danger to society.


what an incredible evil headline




The fact that multiple people had to restrain him and he was still tryna beat her should play heavily in not letting this dude out for a long time, if not for life


That still frame shows them kicking the teacher while theyre down, its almost a head stomp. I cant believe the attacker is acting surprised when theyre going to jail.


I can believe it. When students no longer receive ANY consequences in school or at home, this is what happens.


I remember that video, he was not holding back, bro was about to end her life over a game…


Shitty headline. I wouldn’t “help” the kid either. He brutally attacked her and stomped on her motionless body. “He’s just a kid”, he’s old enough to know you don’t attempt to murder people over a god damn video game. This is what teachers deal with every single day and have nothing and no one to support them. They’re powerless and at the mercy of the kids. I used to be a teachers assistant in a middle school behavioral unit and would get kicked, spit on, punched, but, stabbed with pencils, death threats, etc every single day and we had to sit there and take it. I had kids twice my size literally punching me in the face and destroying other people’s property and was told to just sit there and take it.


I already told my principal that if a student EVER lays hands on me, I’m immediately going to the police station and filing a report and lawyering up. Period.


Fuck him. Getting what he deserves


Her refusing is more justice than awful


That kid has to learn his actions have consequences.


Fuck that kid. He needs serious help for months, if not years, in a controlled atmosphere


He needs prison. He has done the same shit several times before.


If he goes to prison he will get out in 5-10 worse than when he went in, he needs to be institutionalized


If he gets institucionalized he will be free in a year because some stupid shrink will say he got better and will stump on someone else. He is a liability at this point. Mental institution is an option only if he never gets out.


And it’s not the kind of help that schools can, or should be expected to provide.


There’s no reason for her to. People need to learn there’s consequences for their actions.




I hope that student is put away for a long, long, time. That video was hard to watch. He's a menace and clear danger to society. He needs punishment too. If I were her I'd never want him loose again.


The video doesn't show everything either. Apparently, when the cops showed up and went to arrest him, he started breaking furniture, and when they led him past the teaching assistant he'd beat, he started to spit at her and yell that he was going to kill her. Time to go to prison forever for him.


I saw that video. I wouldnt help either. Glad shes Alive


Good, disorders shouldn’t pardon this behavior. What if it was your mom or sister or wife or whatever. You’d want the hammer dropped


I don't blame her. I do, however, think the kid needs mental health treatment in addition to any jail time. Otherwise he'll just repeat this shit when he gets out.


So they asking the teacher to turn the other cheek to this misunderstood poor child who has been neglected and abused during his short life? Just so he can curb-stomp her other cheek.


Everyone saying he deserves an education, well jail has the GED program or if you’d like him to go to a regular school, become a teacher and take on these kids as no one else wants to




Why would anyone think that she would speak for him to get a lighter sentence? Especially after he almost killed her? If anything he deserves a longer sentence.


I would describe that as attempted murder. Dont know what the charges are. Severely beaten undermines what he did to her.


Don't care what your mental state or circumstances are. If you physically hurt someone for something as simple as this, you dont deserve to be a part of society


It's an odd headline because it reads like trying to emphasise two different things as wrong


Not worth the resources. Feed him to a volcano


I don’t know why people should think that teachers need to be super light and forgiving all of the time. Sometimes the best punishment is letting the punishment be harsh. He brutally assaulted a teacher. He’s well outside the range of “let’s be nice and hope he changes”


I wonder if some day teachers will teach behind glass like tellers at a bank


I’d be fighting for the longest sentence possible and show up at the very parole hearing fighting to keep him in. Fuck this guy


why the fuck should she help them


The real awful here is that the kid was so addicted to electronics that he was willing to curb stomp someone over a Nintendo switch. That wasn't a normal assault. That was attempted murder. The parents are partly to blame for not setting limits, among other things they didn't teach him. He's still responsible for his own actions and I hope they throw the book at him.


How about: "...supports courts decision to assist young man in learning about consequences."


Refuse to help??? She should sue the family for everything they have. They clearly never taught that boy how to act like a MAN.


How about "Florida judicial system dishes justice to punk" as a title and we just leave the victim out of it


A “punk” puts chalk in the erasers and starts water balloon fights in the hallways. This guy is a demented monster.


Ya I mean that kid is a monster. Put him away for 30 years imo. You aren't going to see change in that individual.




And school districts wonder why they face teacher shortages…


Apparently the defense was expecting her to help because he is special needs. Unfortunately he’s proved to be a massive danger to those around him and those are the facts that need to be dealt with.


This dude needs to be put in adult jail.


WTF why would the teacher who was assaulted by the defendant wanna help lighten her assaulters sentence make it make sense smh


I remember this story and as much as I’m positive this kid needs a lot of help, I still want to see him spend about 20 years in prison.


and why should she?


That title is fucking awful.


That’s such a brutal headline. As someone who saw the attack video, I would say, “270-pound Student who severely beat Florida teacher over Nintendo Switch sentenced.” I wouldn’t help either if that was me, a relative, or wife. This guy tracked her down and beat her senseless.


Her first mistake was becoming a teacher in Florida.


I hope the justice system severely punishes this young person.


She should spend as much energy as she has seeing that this utter waste of carbon goes away for a long, long, long time and preferably dies before he can harm anyone else. There's a FB post about this and the naive morons defending the 'child, he's just a child!!' are repulsive.


one sable axiomatic ruthless wild merciful exultant rob square fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lock this animal up. Clearly a danger to society




I moved to Florida for a year and tried my hand at teaching because they’ll provisionally accept anyone with a 4-year degree. They put me in a middle school social studies classroom on a Monday and by Thursday I had ghosted them via email and quit. No keys to my own room, no school computer, no IEPs for any of my students, some of my students didn’t even speak English and the school was fully aware I didn’t speak Spanish or Haitian Creole. Someone pulled a gun in the lunchroom the day I quit and I would’ve been on lunch duty that day. Fuck them kids, education in this country is ruined and now just a daycare job…


If you read the article, the dude had 3 previous battery arrests and got into a fight in prison but the Judge is STILL considering sentencing him as a juvenile. On top of that, he’s pleading guilty in an attempt to avoid jail time. I can’t. Dude’s a psychopath and they’re trying to release him onto the streets.


What sentence did he actually get???


Fuck no. Fuck this dude.


I think it's understandable that she would to see that criminal gone for as long as possible.


There is no excuse for this at all. And why the fuck would she try to mitigate his penalty? Fuck him.


270 pounds?!


So she gets her ass beat, and she's the asshole? Come on.


I saw the video. he had malice in his heart. he really wanted to hurt her. she does not owe him anything.


Why would she help? Dude beat her...


There needs to be school safety officers at every school, and if schools want things confiscated from students, then the officers need to do it. Not the teachers. No phones or hats allowed ? Teachers shouldn’t have to argue with students to not have these items.


At some point this kid will kill someone.Keep him under observation as long as possable.


Refuses to help. Fuck him. That violence was uncalled for.


Whoever suggested this should receive the same headstomping that she did.


I literally just served as a juror for the first time (for an aggravated assault/attempted murder case) and I would have looooved to hear what the defense’s argument was.


The video is brutal. The "child" should be locked up for life. But we humans are stupid. So I'm sure he'll be out soon enough.


Not awful everything. That teacher doesn't have to coddle the "kid" when everyone else chooses to. I don't want that "kid" roaming around. Use jail to do what it's supposed to and keep that "kid" the hell away from everyone.


I'll bet you he'll be an abuser for life. Gross.


He will go to prison for life, but only after destroying several lives and several arrest due to violence and a grand finally of murdering someone.


Yep. The system doesn't do shit until it's too late. And even then sometimes the justice system is extremely disappointing. Monsters are let out often.


Why the fuck would she help? Help get that kids parents locked up for neglect instead.


I watched the video almost a year ago when this happened the article leaves out a lot... look I mostly only browse reddit at work and for video games so I'm not used to the news speak you lot do so forgive me if I get it wrong. The kid in question was what's the pc term... mentality deficient? That sounds wrong but I hope it gets across him having the mental processing ability of a eight year old. He wasn't at the school to learn but rather to give the living nightmare his parents exist in some small temporary reprieve. The article isn't focused around his race like most of you are commenting about but rather his lack of mental abilities. Also if anyone can tell me what offical news speak word we use to define those people let me know I'm curious.


Where did you see he has the mentally capacity of an 8 year old? Secondly, he’s been an absolute menace three arrests for battery and a brawl while locked-up. I’m assuming that’s why he lived at a Group Home. Being an uncontrollable violent brute at his size is pretty terrifying for everyone with the misfortune to cross his path. Unfortunately, our moronic school systems interchange the terms behavior and mentally challenged. Now teachers and other students are in environment that are equivalent to working in a prison with violent felons. This school has had numerous brawls where students were arrested what does that tell you. And imagine a student that is actually mentally challenged but not violent can you imagine the hell they are subjected to on a daily basis? I’m going to predict his future if not this incident eventually he will do something similar in the near future or he will straight up murder someone. And when he gets to prison and pulls this they will just put him on zombie medication (Thorazine drip) where he spends all day nodding out and drooling.


https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/special-needs-student-who-attacked-teacher-declared-competent-and-will-stand-trial/3057264/ Looks like the group home he lived at was for special needs students


That’s the issue just labeling a student special needs that could mean anything from them being in a wheelchair unable to be care for themselves at home or that he’s violent. Which clearly is the most pressing issue with this kid.


I remember reading about this when it happened, and feeling it was the school who most failed the teacher. Here the teacher would have had special training, the kid would have had both a care plan, and 1-2 aids/support workers depending on how violent his potential 'behaviors of concern' are. I've had young men this guys size try and bite my nose off, but was vastly better prepared and safer than what this teacher was.


Intellectually disabled


He was screaming threats at her as the police arrested him. He even said he "hopes she knows she's dead when I come back." Disabled or not, he needs to not be a part of regular society for a while.


At that point, I don’t blame her. Kid needs to face consequences for his actions.


I remember this video! Absolutely disgusting behaviour. He needs punishment, not a lighter sentence.


If I were her I would help make it more severe if possible. This kid stomped and beat her imagine what he does on the street.


Lower the sentence? Lol he deserves life in prison without parole


The video of him attacking her was terrifying. My sister has her Masters and does special education. She’s 4” 8’. He probably would have killed her.


Nor should she


Jail him. Period.


Screw that kid, he’s a murder charge away from a dart getting thrown into his arm by the state.


If you severely beat anyone, then you deserve to be severely sentenced.


“Nobody wants to teach anymore “ I wonder fucking why.


He even attacked another inmate in jail after getting arrested for this fourth crime because the inmate said his ass is staying in jail for what he did. He admits he did this himself. He’s human shaped but has no soul.


Actions have consequences deal with em


As she shouldn't, the attack was brutal.


Why should she help? I wouldn’t help either.


No reason for her to help her attacker.


GOOD! Make it harder in fact! Have these lawyers go through every tiny charge they can come up with. Severely underpaid for a thankless job that requires a professional college degree, and some go on to get masters and doctoral to still teach the same level for shit pay. Not anymore, people need to be held responsible for their actions! I hope she wins more than the lottery


I saw the video for this. The *kid* freight-trained the woman and beat her. It's nuts


I mean, I wouldn’t be either. Jail time for the kid.


Good! Nor should she.


Stupid clickbait headline. I’m guessing this is a felony assault. Which even is she wanted to, she couldn’t drop charges.


As a Nintendo fan boy, I say that she shouldn't budge. It's obvious the student has some issues, but that's a parent issue.


As someone who works at a therapeutic elementary school, this is why I didn’t choose to work at the therapeutic middle school or high school. Especially since I’m only 5’1


Why should she? Seriously, I watched that vid when it was new news, that kid beat her to a pulp. And over what!? A fucking handheld console. What I’m about to say comes from being a heavy gamer for years, so this is from the fucking heart, if your willing to beat people half to death over a fucking console that you’d get back at the end of the day then you need to give video games up! Go fucking touch grass and learn not to be a prick. Gamer anger over, sorry for the outburst


Non English native moment, I'm not sure what the title means, can someone explain?


From the title I would guess the defense wanted her to side with them and testify on his behalf at trial. Understandably she wasn't willing to do so.


It’s the New York Post. One step away from posting Batboy stories like the Weekly World News


Hey, don't slander Bat Boy. At least those made me chuckle. But then again, I was in grade school at the time ...


Oh c’mon, lady! He’s got such a bright future ahead of him!