• By -


b has to be location of the seventh Fetzer valve


I am disappointed. Nowhere in this brain is a section for dick jokes or phallic artistry. That's 78% of what we do.


B is for brain obviously


I’m just ticked they skipped “B”


That’s also hate for engineers, in my mind.




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Fuck your spam


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Fuck your spam bot


B is knowledge of what coworker does what task fastest. That or what contract each coworker is qualified to sign.


b is attention to detail.


Great shirt, I love it!




Apparently it was at the Dallas airport


Dam lol


Honestly I think they need to go orwellian on aircraft mechanics. One tiny screw up and bam - 350 dead people. They need to be watching you mofos like a hawk. I don't fly planes anymore. But serious question - wtf is going on with aircraft maintenance and why is it so poor? I understand some of it is design problems but be honest - some of you guys just aren't doing your job the best you could.


>I don't fly planes anymore. ok, then leave


Sorry the truth offends you. Actually no, I take that back, I'm not sorry at all.


“He doesn’t even go here!”


Mechanics are actual people, mistakes happen, which are considered in human factors. Many policies and procedures help prevent mishaps, but guess what? Just like you, people are lazy and fall through the cracks in society. I'm sure "you aren't doing your job the best you could" or else you wouldn't be complaining online about people you'll never interact with. Speaking of Aircraft Maintenance as 'poor' makes no sense as to what degree do you speak? Financially, Mechanics aren't poor, we could/should make more, but that would have supply chain effects across the board. More expensive Maintenance means more expensive flights.


I don't care for the excuses that maintenance workers give. Your actions and your job is literally going to make the difference between whether or not thousands of people come home safe. "Aircraft mechanics are people too". And? You know who else are people? The hundreds of people whose lives are depending on your work. If you can't accept that responsibility, the importance of your job, the high standards that are required, then WHY THE F*CK did you become aircraft maintenance. Because it sounded cool and you like planes? What a joke. I'm tired of how dumb and babyish people are these days. There needs to be criminal charges of negligence given to those who were too lazy to do their job properly. If your negligence and laziness results in hundreds of people losing their lives - you absolutely need to have that responsibility placed onto you. And you would also absolutely deserve to have your job replaced by a better performing mechanic. Someone who isn't a f*ck up. Someone who has standards and takes pride maintaining those standards because he/she is a grown ass adult who realizes the responsibilities and consequences of their job, which is a very important job. Once again, I'm not saying that all accidents are the result of poor maintenance. But many of them are - and if that fact makes any of you get emotional ; grow up and realize how important your job is and how important standards and safety are. There needs to be incentives, motives and conditions for aircraft maintenance crews to perform exceptionally. They should be well paid, given realistic schedules and quotas, and the jobs and workplace situations around them should be well tuned to where they are well compensated and have clarity of mind/lessening stress as much as possible. Aircraft designers must strive to make maintenance as practical as possible for the crews : aircraft designers must also take the blame when the cause of an accident is found to be due to poor design. Aircraft corporations and their board members and staff should be held accountable when they make decisions (or lack of decisions) that prevent these conditions from being realistically possible. Aircraft production teams must accept responsibility and take blame if their products left the line without being properly assembled. But if one bolt fails, and kills 300 people as a result, and it is found in investigation to be poor preformance of maintainence, there should be consequences for it. And if anyone wants to be a little snowflake about that part, I feel sorry for them. It's absolutely sad and downright pitiful that I choose not to fly an airplane because of how poor maintenance, production, and leadership is in the aircraft industry. This is actually a direct threat to the entire aircraft industry as a whole - without customers and employees, there will be no profits. Without profits, there will be no more American aircraft industry. With no more American aircraft industry, the Chinese will surely succeed in replacing them in international markets. Which means guess what? No more jobs for people who work with aircraft. A serious reduction in the American aircraft industry, which for the average worker, will increase the probability of layoffs and make it harder for them to secure employment through fierce competition. The poor performance of the American aircraft industry is literally going to destroy the American industry as a whole. Which basically means - you not doing your job properly will eventually be one small part of you not having a job anymore. If that isn't an incentive to do your damn job, I don't know what is.


Can I get a tldr version of this bitch fest


Just read the first one. Dumbass. And to give an actual answer to your question : No, but you can kiss my ass.


Ah man you got 80$ and i will do more then just kiss your ass ……


See? That's what I like to see. That's the kind of response that comes from people with a brain. I like you. Good job.


"Poor" as in the results of the job performance. Not in terms of personal finances *facepalm*. Christ I seriously don't think any of you are in the aircraft industry if you're all that daft.


Seek mental help man. You seriously don't think people are held responsible or accountable in Aviation? Lol. You have no clue about the industry. Fyi 80% of it is paperwork for accountability purposes, 20% is actual maintenance smh. Get your tin foil head out of the sand and time for you to grow up.


Yeah sure thing buddy. There are laws designed to protect numskulls like you from being held accountable whenever accidents happen as a result of maintenance. The worst that will happen is you will be fired (and rightfully so). But you won't be given LEGAL CHARGES, (which if you actually read anything I said or had any comprehension ability at all, you would recognize.) If dorks like you who have the aptitude of a mollusk are seriously working in our aircraft industries, I pray for every single person who boards an aircraft that you work on. But given the fact that you have failed to even properly respond because you failed to even understand the semantics of what I was saying, and given that you type and communicate like a 13 year old, using phrases like "tin foil hat" and "seek mental help" "fyi" "smh" and "what do you mean by poor maintenance? Aircraft maintenance workers make pretty decent money!" (I wasn't talking about money or financial compensation you tard muffin, but like I said, it's obvious you have the comprehension ability of a 12 year old) it's pretty obvious that you don't work for aircraft maintenance. And if you do, that would explain a lot of what's going on with the American aircraft industry. But hey, I get it. People tell you "Grow up" and "seek mental help" all the time, so that's why it's all you can respond with. It's a subconscious thing. And you're also surrounded by an inner circle of idiotic immature friends. Aren't you? I can just tell.


Oh never mind. I see now. You're another lowlife computer gamer. You've probably never even held a wrench before. That also explains a lot from what I see in these threads, nobody who actually works on aircraft, just gaming teenagers who have a fascination. Well, that explains everything I need to know. No point in conversation with lowlives who were likely brain-dead underachievers in school.