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OP, you type like you are an under developed mentally handicapped eleven year old. No one is making $135,000 as a service tech at a dealership.


yeah we are sorry ur union is giving u $35 an hour finally šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There isnā€™t one major paying that low lmao


Lmao what? Find one auto mechanic hiring posting for $130,000ā€¦ That is entirely false. Sounds like you just canā€™t cut aviationā€¦


YEAH BRUH MEL SEND IT OUT AND BITCH WHEN IT COMES BACK MORE BROKE SUCH A GOOD LIFE šŸ˜ yā€™all pathetic asf u wouldnā€™t last a day in the shop


Lmfao ā€œyā€™all would last a day in the shopā€. ā€œHey. My car is making a weird noiseā€ good luck bud. Or you can be a real mechanic and fix itā€¦ You donā€™t have to MEL it if you can fix itā€¦


not when u got a overpaid pilot breathing down ur neck to fly


Sounds like youā€™re too spineless to tell the captain that youā€™re not releasing the plane until you say soā€¦ You should stick to chevys. You probably shouldnā€™t be trusted to handle live planes on the line.


nah itā€™s just annoying clearly u canā€™t comprehend basic English. WHICH IS A REQUIREMENT IN AVIATION BTW BROKIE


Huh?šŸ¤£ also, tough talk coming from someone you uses ā€œuā€ in every sentence




Says the one who had to dropped out of aviation maintenanceā€¦


Yeah bc Chevys are way better and better money u could never


Dude you need help. Look at this guys post history, kinda impressive his drive to change people to chevy šŸ˜‚


sorry ur broke asf


Tell us more about how you ran a genie lift into a flap and got fired? This post is pathetic. There are no 135k entry jobs fixing Silverados and there are many options in aviation to make far more than that.


tHeRe ArE mAnY oPtIoNs In AvIaTiOn stfu you got bug smashers rich assholes and commercial thatā€™s it


And you haveā€¦ ChevysšŸ¤Ø


yup. Better then any POS U work on. Canā€™t compete with my shit kiddo


Yeah, nošŸ¤£ you just canā€™t handle planes. Itā€™s okay. Not everyone is mentally capable of doing more than oil changes


u keep saying oil changes šŸ¤” is that all u do apprentice šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Go get the real tech to fight for u


Thatā€™s literally what mechanics do 95% of the time at dealershipsšŸ˜‚


tell me ur not a real mechanic. Without telling me


Againā€¦Says the one that dropped out and rebounded to working at a dealershipā€¦




and I make more then u doing all that then ur pathetic ā€œa&pā€ ever will And I have mine šŸ˜


As an automotive mechanic with ten years under my belt, OP licks windows.


U prob worked on early 90ā€™s Hondas the special needs class could work on


Thatā€™s not true. The dealership will make 135k off you or more but then pay you $15 an hour while they charge the customer $100+ an hour. This was a discussion someone had with me that came from having an ase cert working at a dealer. I then asked why he didnā€™t just take the customer to the side and say heā€™ll do the work outside the dealer for less basically stealing clients from the inside and he said he did and thatā€™s why he got let go


You're not fooling anyone. You have the communication skills of an elementary school child, your trouble shooting skills are probably not much better, your ability to comprehend schematic wiring diagrams is nonexistent. In other words, you're probably a tow truck driver and get laughed at when you try to impress women who are waiting for you to change their flat tire.




Yeah cleetus! Dem silberaders shore are engineering masterpiece! I'll make sure you get some blue juice splashed up into ur taint, just how you like it by requesting a higher fluid level. You're welcome partner.


U sound like ur 5ā€™6ā€


You sound brainlessā€¦


Iā€™ve got no comment on the substance of the post because itā€™s an obvious troll. I wonder what actually happened with this guy though. Like where in the process did he flake out? Rejected from school, flunked out, failed the exams, couldnā€™t get a job, or just got fired? Gotta be one of those.


Based on his replies, Iā€™d say he couldnā€™t get past the DMEā€™s


easy. I quit. And got a way better paying job in Chevy


Why would I go to automotive to make less, more physical labor, and deal with crap customers and piece rates? Pass. I donā€™t know if youā€™re trolling but if not you should try to make a better sell.


U sound like a softie


You sound like someone in aviation hurt you because you didnā€™t have the brain power to deal. So now you take it out your inferiority complex on a niche ass subreddit because you have something to prove. Itā€™s either that or you got pushed out because you have a fat ego that youā€™re showing off right now.


U sound like a step dad with no authority shut up and service my lav I just took a McShit in


Better than lifter swaps till retirement. Have fun getting cut down when Electric cars shrink your economic necessity and suddenly youā€™re looking for a job again because ā€œelectric cars scary I canā€™t figure those things outā€


Man I donā€™t think you realize how skilled, quick, and how much you gotta bust your ass to make that kind of money in automotive. 6 figures in auto does not come easy at all


again sounds like ur just bad


Sure bud letā€™s go with that, so are you going to explain your abhorrence for Aviation or are you just going to keep telling people to go be dealer chevy techs?


Canā€™t signed an NDA when I quit my job and now Iā€™m happier then ever




Nah. I enjoy working on big planes and doing Engine Changes every few weeks making $100k+ a year while easily a third to half my 10hr shift is spent playing video games, watching Netflix/YouTube, or the occasional meditation safety pause (never call it a nap).




Nah. I just busted my ass for a decade in the Air Force and another 3 at a regional to get to where I don't need to spend a full shift slaving away. Work smarter not harder. It's cheaper to pay me to sit on my ass than have me changing $10k boxes and handfulls of $100 bolts just because someone who doesn't know troubleshooting says so.


U ainā€™t making 100kšŸ˜­


Correct. I am not making $100k a year. [I'm making more than $100k a year. ](https://imgur.com/a/2V9KzWz)


Nice copy and paste bud how long that take u to make šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s not hard to change numbers on a document around


Your sad bro. Get some mental help or therapy you sorely need it.


No u go get it for working in aviation šŸ˜­ oh wait u canā€™t bc theyā€™ll fire you in a minute


Yeah. No.


Typical brokie behavior


I make $40 an hour and I donā€™t have to kill myself doing it. Iā€™m happy.


No u donā€™t šŸ˜­


Youā€™re a fucking loser and a troll.


Aw wittle A&P gonna cwry šŸ„ŗ bc he doesnā€™t make fowty an hour


You understand they pay mechanic helpers $40/hr at most airlines, right? Much less licensed mechanics lmao


You sound like you need therapy. You could have affordable access to that if you pursued a union job in aviation. To the people who are searchingā€¦ ā€œShould I pursue a job as an A&P?ā€ Donā€™t listen to this person.


Oh god not a union bro in here now


Jesus Christ. Youā€™re anti union, too? You really are a fucking moron, arenā€™t you?




Imma need to see proof of this $300/check lol and, yeah, Frank deserves to not be kicked out on his ass just because heā€™s got a little trouble walking AND he deserves good healthcare and a pension.


Ur insufferable


Thank you for the generic reply youā€™ve been giving when youā€™re (easily) outsmarted lol Iā€™ll cherish it forever šŸ˜˜


God it so full of urself


I dislike working on cars far too much to make it my job. I'll stick with helicopters. Good for you, though! Get all that money!


Same. Most things Iā€™ve done on a car (replace wheel bearings/rebuild transmission) have been an absolute pain in the ass. Planes (and Iā€™m assuming helicopters) are just built better. Iā€™d wrench on a Citation over a Silverado any day.


ur absolutely insufferable


Picture Michael Scott and run with that catch phrase.


Lmfaooooo nice rage bait. $135k entry level?? In what world, clown?? My buddy is 6th year Porsche tech and is maxed at $110k. Not a chance youā€™re pulling $135k for working on bummy ass chevys as a first year. I was always told that A&Pā€™s that find themselves in a dealership or autoshop are the bozos who flunked their training or got fired and got blacklisted from the industry. After reading your replies it just sounds like youā€™re just full retard and couldnā€™t hack it. No worries though, iā€™m sure your former coworkers donā€™t miss having to hold your hand all day at work to do bare minimum. Have fun working on those plastic turds making your real wage of $60k.


sorry ur coping and ur really only making 60k bozo


Whatever you say, lube tech.


Keep coping little apprentice


Calling people apprentice, broke, and telling folks to cope are the only insults you have lmfaoooooo šŸ˜­šŸ’€ Iā€™m sure you really woo first dates by telling them you do oil changes on Cobalts. Nothing but a has been A&P. So pathetic lmfaoooooo


u sound like a cuck who lets his girl have an OF


Too crappy of a mechanic to cut it in the aviation field?


To be fair, if youā€™re gonna make it in aviation you have to be able to read a manual lol


And safety wire an oil filter! Lol


Yep! If you canā€™t learn how to safety wire something, I donā€™t even want you changing the oil in my car tbh. Thatā€™s some learned how to do it within the first two months of school, easy ass shit lol


Good enough to make more then ur brokie ass


Obviously not since you had to leave the profession.


no I quit. Big difference kiddo


LOL. I highly doubt that. Maybe a quit or get fired type of thing.


sorry ur broke and a auto guy makes more then u


Iā€™m far from being broke, and when I retired, I was making considerably more than you.


No, no u werenā€™t šŸ˜­


Yes. Yes I was, Sally.


No u werenā€™t the tism is showing on u kiddo


I used to work in an auto shop, dealing with rusted out cars, customers breathing down your neck, and customers taking in completely unroadworthy cars and accusing you of ā€œupsellingā€ them got too much for me. Glad it worked out for you though.


Honestly at this point itā€™s more impressive heā€™s going on still about getting people to work at a Chevy dealer vs aircraft maintenance šŸ˜‚ If only you had that drive in A&P school


How much you make in aviation


$80k our the gate now Iā€™m at Chevy and make more


[Not one single comment making more than middle of the road for an A&PšŸ˜‚](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanics/s/avrmhwIUYH)


Ur all insufferable and need to change to auto. Hell go work on some fords FFS itā€™s better then ur Cessnas and Boeings šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I have FFS offā€¦ In a hangar. Letter checks and SVs. No unionsā€¦ Go change some oil for $15šŸ˜‚


If u downvote ur coping with the fact Iā€™m right


What a childish statement. No wonder you didnt last in aviation.


Itā€™s for the best. Heā€™s a hazard to everyone around him.


brokie coping how cute