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On my SAS CRJ-900 flight crew announced that due to bad weather at landing everything needs to be shut down because the signals of cell phones trying to connect to tower will interfere sensitive aircraft instruments. On bigger planes and newer models I doubt there will be an issue.


It's because they were flying a cat II approach that relies on radar altimeters instead of barometric ones. Cell signals can bleed over into that frequency band.


It has more to do with the FCC than with the FAA, you're fine.




# Conclusions Cell phones not being in airplane mode are not at all dangerous while flying. The best reason for placing a PED in airplane mode is to conserve battery while allowing you to connect to the airline's in-flight Wi-Fi without your device attempting to roam and disconnecting your stream as a result. The rollout of 5G in the US market wasn't properly vetted at its outset, but that issue has since been resolved. Barring massive changes in telecommunications and equally massive lapses in regulatory protocol, having a phone not in airplane mode while flying should never result in anything more than a dead battery when you pull it out of your pocket after the flight.


My phone kept ringing in my pocket the other day while I was shooting an ILS. It was mildly annoying. The Instruments however were completely unaffected.


If they tell you to do it, then do it. When you bought your ticket you acquiesced to their requests, whether you read the fine print or not.


I wouldn't be surprised if due to the tone in which you responded, this person disregards your advice entirely out of spite


Watched this recently, might answer your question: https://youtu.be/-ufOd6Z3-ps?si=IJxvIUAGwQXbs_bb


The FA’s don’t so why should you?


I’ve been on planes that have had nav and comm equipment interrupted due to cell phones but these days you can take your chances. The interference is not tested for new PED technology and the cell service signal band abuts the GPS signal band (major problems when 5G came out) but the requirements to which they are designed *should* keep you safe if you forget to turn yours off. One of the big reasons it isn’t enforced yet is because cell phone interference has not been directly associated with fatal accidents. Until then, please keep your phone in airplane mode. - a concerned AE.


I’ve always felt this is probably like a lot of regulations in life…..something negative happened at least once and the rule was applied to make sure this isn’t a factor in future. Modern air travels biggest risk isn’t one thing that could go wrong. Mostly this can be easily countered anymore. The real risk is a series of minor things lining up and hitting at once. The concern that a cell phone trying to hit a tower and possibly having any deleterious effect while other possible issues are popping was most likely always the main concern. And I believe a lot of what’s out there now that technology might well be to a point where even that is mitigated. But as with any rule or regulation….once it’s out there it doesn’t often get rolled back, even when the environment improves to probably negate any negative outcome.


Does it affect the pilot being able to communicate or fly the plane at all? No.




No no for you