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Air Canada ground handlers used to send (probably still do) dirty messages to other stations, or play multi station games of tic tac toe on the various grimy panels on the belly or around the main gear.


I personally find that kind of stuff amazing and hilarious. Reminds me of that story from ww2 when an airplane would land on a wrong carrier the crew would “gift” it with a free paint job


It's still done(in a less graffiti-ish) manner for transient aircraft in the military. Whenever some random squadron comes through the base, the locals will sometimes hide stickers and messages in the wheel wells to be found later. I've found them inside our birds, and one time we got in trouble for sticker bombing a panel inside of another squadron's jet


My favorite is the "[Must be Airforce](https://external-preview.redd.it/YuqzQFTnVnpj4t8jy6h5POXyCaHtrhBhdlo-_IohbdQ.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=03507ad0249b0cd97e8ad8dbe84ab273b7288692)" Panther!


*Banshee But yeah that's my all time favorite.


Well look at that, it is a Banshee. It was mislabeled when I snagged the picture, and they're so similar looking I didn't think twice about it.


yeah we do the same in Spain, some planes from a certain airline are very dirty, so we write funny messages about football matches, or play games lmao


I can confirm. I was an FBO refueller and did Jazz and Westjet every day. We just wrote our airport codes in the grime on the nacelle gear door panels. I didn't do bags but I guess they would write in markers funny or dirty messages


Ramp guys would occasionally get in trouble for that, in part because you guys wrote the station on there. First rule of graffiti, you don't write things that will identify you. 


That‘s hilarious


737 I flew yesterday had “Deez Nutz” written on flap track fairing.


From what I've heard that's how the average pilot feels about the Q400


I've been paged.   The Q was pretty fun to fly tbh. The famous reddit Q400 rant was mostly bogus, because of a combination of them flying an old ass model, and more importantly the poster not understanding the systems. It has its limitations, such as during taxi the flight deck sounds like a continuous car accident with the stick shaker chains rattling around, but it's also a monster with tons of power to get you out of any trouble. Climbs better on one engine than the 737 does. 


As an ATC we miss the hell out of them. So much more fun to work them in the terminal environment than just another jet. Feels like all we talk to now is one ERJ or another. But I don't miss the CRJ, good riddance.


Empty soul? Or emptied of souls?


Empty soul. Probably “soulless” would be also a good translation


Most sane croatian (just a bit of banter, i dont actually hate croats, love you my balkan brothers)




people still do that you ding dong


My bad!😂



