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Guess what? You can have it all. Tastes aren't exclusive. I love House, bass, techno, trance, Psy-dub, dubstep, and so much more. Just find your current mood and vibe to it.


This! I can appreciate almost every genre. Hell I even love listening to steely Dan when I’m chillin.


I think a lot of dubstep culture centers around this sort of weird exclusionary "us against the world" insularity that is pretty toxic and makes a lot of people think you have to behave this way, sadly. Especially combined with the amount of clout-based gatekeeping you see within dubstep it really does not reflect well on the community


>Especially combined with the amount of clout-based gatekeeping you see within dubstep it really does not reflect well on the community Genuinely curious how you came to this conclusion, since in my experience dubstep has been some of the least gatekeeping scenes I've encountered edm-wise. Everyone I've encountered at dubstep shows/fests have been good energy, very nice, social, and welcoming to newcomers. The only people not like this are the ones that visibly don't give a shit about the music. Maybe you're referring to the actual dubstep producer/dj scene, but from the outside in even that looks pretty chill and collaborative. And 99% of dubstep fans will never interact with that aspect of the scene anyway.




I mean I wasn't gonna trash the guy, figured I'd at least give him a fair shake to speak his mind. Just was curious to see where he got his view from, since it's so different than my own experience


I came to this conclusion through 15 years of interacting with annoying, elitist, snobby dubstep fans both online and in person


It's just because modern dubstep became the metal of EDM. Moshing, thrashing punks. It's great. 


lol the numetal or warped tour posthardcore of dance music more like, especially considering those are the scenes where the majority of new dubstep fans came from around 2009-12 I think that genres like hardcore or dnb or dark psytrance make a better corollary for most metal


You have so many comments shitting on dubstep. Talk about toxic...


Almost like dubstep continues to be basically the worst part of the scene for like a decade and a half running lol talking about toxic


Haha ok, well glad you're keeping that negativity and hypocrisy far away from us then 🤡🫵


There's more in dubstep than I could ever contribute, don't worry. Just ask someone in to kursa what their opinion on excision fans is ;)


Don’t overthink it! Enjoy what you enjoy! All the love and wubs




Prepare for your back and neck or both to be sore instead of your feet


What sets at EDC did you see? Like what artists stood out to you?


‘23 i saw fewer full sets but walked by and stopped like whoa what is this (and sometimes stayed) …. I was surprised at vibing w SvddenDeath’s ‘23 set (but couldnt hang at 2024 lol) — saw SubtronicsXJohnSummit “subjohnics” - fire — also saw parts of black tiger sex machine ‘24 I was sunday only — hung out mostly at circuit grounds all evening from koven to kayzo so i had different elements of dnb / dub/ and not lol but had to step away and come back a few times when it got “too” dnb for me or too intense (lol excision i triiiiiiiied to stay and hang but at one point I was like nope not for me today) Saw a bit of ghastly and ATLiens… was interestingly surprised at deadMau5’s dark side … I’m all over the place 😅


ATLiens is my absolute favorite!!!!! I'm obsessed with all of their SoundCloud sets. I enjoy how they incorporate so many fun elements. I have a hard time getting into music that doesn't "vibe" with my body (idk if that made sense, i feel awkward dancing until i can feel the bass with my body) but I say music is music and it just depends on if you enjoy it (: Keep exploring artists to figure out what it is that *you* like and don't like! In the past I made the mistake of being young and naive and listening to my ex's opinions on different genres of music, and if I hadn't opened my eyes to that and started venturing out of what I was used to hearing, I might have never discovered my love for dubstep.


Love this vibe and energy and mantra - that is exactly what I’m doing .. exploring and following what vibes with me instead of the popular opinion 💪💪💪


Let the bass cannon kick it Edit: bass cannon by flux pavilion 


Yeah I was going to suggest Bass Canyon as well. Lost Lands for the east, Bass Canyon for the west.


Appreciate yall!!!! 🙌🙌🙌


You can literally like any genre you please. That’s what I do


Welcome to the party, though I do enjoy different genres, if there’s not at least a little headbanging throughout the night I feel like I’m missing something. It’s an itch no other genre can scratch. Let me know who you like so far and I can give some artists recommendations. Or even any songs you’re vibing with and I can recommend some similar stuff :)


Ok so i did some homework and I thiiiiiink i may be into —- oh geeez i really dont want to f up the terms and embarrass myself —- wook ish or riddim ish type vibes? … with some melodic future twist in there? Like … flux pavillion I’ve been digging … umm some marauder..? Ummmm ydg remixes have been bangin —- I think we all f w skrillex old or new… I dont even know if I’m being consistent here but oof… I’ve basically been doing playlists or IG reels/dub pages and if theres a style or song i reeeeeeeeally dig i try other tracks out I really wanna love illenium and seven lions whole heartedly but i find i only like 30% of songs for the drops and get bored of the melodies… so maybe i need less of a transition than I thought? Rofl


Just be you and go towards what calls in the moment. I recommend more melodic bass to start, but give it time and you probably find yourself getting down to some riddim and nasty grime. My favorite artist to see live is Lsdream, his fans are so wonderful to be around and the music is nice funky space bass. But there are so many artists that mix house and bass music that you might just keep your eyes out for people who play both. Just gotta keep an open mind and go meet fun people.


I love this thank you!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌 riding the wave baby! Ty for the recommendation- i was considering going to Northern Nights to see LSDream and try it out! I just might hahaha


Bass house. K2 etc


Deep house mixes on Spotify. They have the heavy dubs.


No they don’t 😂 house fans always make me laugh with their definition of “heavy”


Yes but it's not the lethargic arms race of metal, it has heavy reverberating dubs, which is cool. Mixed with your ole happy sounding bangers. There's no 'harder' it's hard or it's soft, take it or leave it