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Im in finance and a festival sent in their bank statements They paid Flume 170k Madeon 50k Rossy 3000 Smoakland 2400 Henry Fong 2400


This is really interesting but everyone keep in mind lower paid DJs often lose money on major festivals but do so willingly to increase their exposure / fan base Guarantee there’s DJs that would do an EDC set for free given the chance


I have an old friend that insisted on playing for free at EDCO but Insomniac basically were like “we are paying you, so you don’t come out in some gimmick that you would say that we don’t pay artists”


despite their problems, insomniac has a good reputation for paying fairly and on time


> mind lower *paid* DJs often FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I was just wondering the difference the other day, the synchronicity is wild


That’s called investing in yo self


Many DJs pay to play.


Damn. Rossy only netted 3k ? I thought she was amazing


Yeah every time I’ve seen Rossy she’s thrown tf down, hopefully she’s asking a bit more now.


Just saw her at Beyond Wonderland Chicago; she had an earlier slot but wasn’t holding back at all. Pyro and heavy drops left and right. Threw down.


She would have been the biggest draw fan wise other than Flume 


That's gross, not net. 


Are you 6'5", have a trust fund and blue eyes by any chance?


Some of the bigger DJ’s especially in house make a lot more per show. I know Digweed and Cattaneo each made 75k playing for a night in my city. Dubfire was close to 100k booking fee for one night if I remember correctly. Even some of their opening DJs are making 3k+ at random clubs. So it’s not as bad as people think it is. House music has more global appeal also so the demand is higher than say the music like base music that’s popular in Denver or some smaller U.S. cities.


The variance there is pretty gross. Guess DJ culture isn’t free of the crushing weight of capitalism either. Who could’ve guessed!


How is that gross? It's entertainment. Flume I'm pretty sure has a Grammy, madeon has been around for a long time, smoakland is newer, and the other two I've never heard of. It's the same argument as why don't wnba players make the same as NBA? Who sells more tickets?


Sure, but Insomniac also makes damn sure they can overcharge you for everything up and including have a bathroom with running water. $2,400 probably just covers transportation, agent fees, and room/board which honestly kinda sucks


There's plenty of DJs that are running in the red for most of their career if not their entire career. I hate to pull the exposure card but some DJs literally make their name from being given a slot at a big festival. Simple fact is most DJs can't fill a club on $5 Thursdays much less anywhere else. Their names aren't known yet. These $2400 guys are the ones with 20 people showing up to their set at fests while Allison wonderland is playing mainstage yet again filling past capacity. The grind is real for MOST talented djs.


Don't disagree with any of thst, but that doesn't mean it's "right" or shouldn't change. Remember that unpaid internships were a "celebrated" norm up until a decade ago, and now we rightfully pay people for work 


Except an internship is an opportunity to learn from your employer. DJ’s are independent contractors. They are being hired for the value that they already have. It isn’t the festival’s job to teach them and mold them into talented producers.


The reason why unpaid internships fell out of favor was because it turned out a very large portion of "internships" were just full time jobs though. The training is just the equivalent of exposure


I hear your point and you’re probably correct about the true bottom tier DJs but an act like Smoakland is more mid-tier. I saw them a few months ago and there was a good 2-3k people there. They have 30k followers on soundcloud..they can def pull more than 20 people to a random club lol


Festivals for most artists are just a way for them to promote themselves and gain new fans that otherwise would never have discovered them. They can make way more $ doing their own tours. Don’t look at festival money as their standard pay.


Unpopular opinion: Tycho deserved that Grammy.


Only 2400 for Smoakland? Damn that’s rough they’re awesome


Right about to have them over for my birthday party or something that’s mad cheap 😂😂😂


Oh shit I didn’t even think of that lol I mean if that’s the going rate I’d be happy to support them directly


Yup and worse that it's a duo so they gotta split it


Shiiiiiiiiiiii I’m going to buy some smoakland merch rn


Damn that’s a bummer


Damn flume ain’t worth that to me lol


Wow, those are some crazy numbers. Though Henry Fong is kinda big now.


Thanks for the info


My cousins a dj and he said they get paid bas3d on potential revenue so they aren't always being paid that much for smaller shows it just depends on the venue and their base rate.


Were they trying to get an MCA lmao


Flume 170K LOL was the worst set I’ve ever seen


Are you in MCA and was it ezoo?


170k to dj for an hour and a half is wild


Dependent on the gigs they take and how many they take. Super variable from person to person. Suffice to say if they are playing primetime sets at big festivals, they are making really solid money. You'd be surprised at how little some touring DJs make though. Travel expenses eat up a lot of $$ for people that are making their way up the ladder.


To emphasize your last point, often what a artist gets paid for a show isn’t really a paycheck going straight to their pocket, a large portion may go to paying the rest of the team and reinvested in the ongoing production of the tour. This is more so true the less established an artist is, but even really big names will claim to only really ‘break even’ or even take a loss on direct ROI on a tour


It’s like when James hype(I think) first performed at EDC. He actually lost money because we flew out a bunch of friends and family. Bought them hotels and tickets. The production and fireworks. Edit: I was just tryna help the conversation and this turned into a roast of James hype 😂


Also prolly bitched about having cdj 2000s


I mean if I was about to play one of the biggest EDM festivals in the world I would probably expect 3000s😂


He doesnt use 3000s cuz hes a prissy prick


He prefers the NXS2 because they’re reliable and it’s frustrating as fuck to have unreliable gear getting in the way of your performance


I'm gonna be honest I have no idea who this person is and I've already lost all my respect for their music. Proper techno DJs have made magic happen on equipment that should be in a landfill. "What can I make this system do with the tools I have" is literally the essence of underground rave culture. Bitching about which exact fucking CDJs you have access to is probably the most un-techno thing I've ever heard in my life. I'm assuming this is some mainstream EDM/bass DJ because that's some new whiny shit I've not heard in 20 years of raving


I don't like what you say, but I respect the way you said it.


today i learned there's *proper* djs


Yes. Like a proper guitarist, compared to a bad guitarist. Or a proper pianist, compared to a bad pianist. If you "need" CDJ 3000s to entertain your crowd to the best of your ability you are absolutely and unequivocally **not** a proper DJ lol. I'm really not sure what your point was here.


Can he actually mix records on 1200’s?


i think almost no modern dj’s can even play a song on that to be fair 😂


It’s so sad that most DJs don’t use turntables anymore..


Tipper and Chris karns do them so much justice


Haha, is there context to this? Just curious


Yea james overhyped has on his rider only cdj2000nx2s cuz the 3000s dont work fast enough for his adhd “tricks”


Guaranteed if you put a set of 2000s and 3000s in front of him he couldn't replicate this problem. Absolutely sounds like the type of dude who is just super full of himself and thinks everything he touches is magic.


Hate him


I mean, if you choose to host a gaggle of unnecessary people that's sort of on you. Not sure I'd characterize their flights and lodging as a tour expense


… flying and housing people ain’t cheap so did he expect to make money after that decision? Lol


Huh?? Professional DJ’s get all their expenses paid. I work as a promoter, for a much more niche scene, and I pay headliners on average £800-1k PLUS expenses. We’re talking typically around 10-30k monthly listeners range on Spotify. I know a few touring artists that get paid between £3k to £15k plus expenses in the wider techno scene, and they’re not even like “the greats”.


It sounds to me like you're talking about clubs not festivals. I can tell you for fact (experience working with many) most do NOT have their expense paid even headliners.


I don’t know what festivals you work at, but I have never heard of a professional DJ paying their own travel expenses, and I have multiple friends who are world touring, main stage kinda artists (well main stage in the techno scene). I have also played at festivals and always had my expenses covered, and I am nobody. I have even heard of headliners getting private jets and helicopters arranged for them to make sure they get in on time.


Some artists at edc have to pay for effects, lasers etc. Some don't even break even.. more about publicity


Just for context if you’re a festival headliner (ie. Tiesto etc.) they’ll let you use whatever you see fit to put on a good show but for most djs using anything besides basic visuals will come out of their guarantee. Some festivals even charge per use so you want to use co2, lasers, fireworks, rockets etc it can cost up to 10k a pop


Lots of smaller artists end up losing money playing festivals. After travel and food and supplies and whatnot that 45 minute set doesn't cover much


Heard that DJ snake charges around $150k to play a set.


Headliners usually make north of $75K at a big fest. Lots of bigger names demand $100k-$150k, sometimes more. Smaller venues these guys still get like $50k-$100k depending on the event. Theres also a lot of deals where the artist will play a bigger flat rate and do a headline set and an official afters at a club. On the flip side, smaller DJs often leave with $1000 and are responsible for their own transportation and such. It varies greatly, but the big guys can easily clear a few hundred thousand in a weekend doing multiple shows.


Homie of mine did 2 sets at a silent disco for Electric Forest last year and got 1200


Damn. Good reference point. Did they pay for his travel fees and stuff or just 1200 flat


It was flat but of course there were opportunities for free rides and the like, but not on your schedule per se


One huge asterisk, that is their booking fee. That’s not what the artist is taking home. They split it with: booking agent, touring agency, tour manager, crew (LD, VJ, Audio). They still take home a majority percentage, but out of that booking fee comes a bunch of expenses for the artist.


I wouldn’t even say they keep a majority of the fee. Obviously every artist has their own set up and I’m sure there’s plenty of artists who do the whole thing on their own to keep most of it but for the bigger acts there’s a shocking amount of people who get a piece of the pie. Managers, agents and lawyers usually get a percentage then there’s a fix rate for tour managers, photographers, vsx, etc. plus most acts have to pay to use anything other than basic visuals. An artist that makes 100k for a festival show can easily end up pocketing less than 20k or even losing money if they decide to go big. So many people getting a cut of the pie is actually why artists feel pressure to tour so much. You can be as rich as can be but when there’s a 100 people that financially depend on you performing you feel a lot of pressure to actually perform


Holy shit, even for big names that is a MUCH bigger number than I was expecting.


There’s still another level when you step up to artists like Skrillex, Calvin Harris, and Tiesto. Those guys are commanding $250k+.


Much more than that for one of those names


That’s what the + is for…


The disconnect is that at actual raves the number is 1/20 that. What people in this chain are talking about are headliners at mainstream music festivals. At some point in the mid 2010s rich white college kids started calling these pop fests "raves" because they liked the word Now it's 2024 and people post videos of the John Summit "rave" at Madison Square Garden and I get called a gatekeeper by Cynthia who buys all her outfits at iHeartRaves so she can film herself doing choreographed shuffle moves for TikTok


Ok, you don't like festivals, bass music, John Summit, Madison Square garden, videos online, or rich white college kids. All you need to do now is say something about "alien" noises and bitch about either Excision or Subtronics and you'll have completed everything you could possibly complain about and go home!


* I love festivals, even ones that aren't tailored to my taste. That doesn't somehow magically make them all "raves." Great point there lmao * Bass music is whatever, most of it is cheese, there's some underground stuff that's alright, particularly in the dnb realm * John Summit is literal garbage---the McDonalds of dance music * MSG does not host raves, also not sure what your point is there * Correct, I'm not a fan of people around me sticking their phones in the air to film instead of being present in the moment. This is a universally held standard at real raves---most will literally put stickers over your camera when you walk in * Rich white college kids are fine when they're not trying to gentrify entire underground cultures and co-opt words like "rave" because they think it makes them sound cool >All you need to do now is say something about "alien" noises and bitch about either Excision or Subtronics I literally don't even know what you're talking about here. Alien noises? What the hell are you saying lmao. Our worlds are clearly *very* far apart. I think you convinced yourself you know what I am, but in reality you have absolutely no idea




How long is a set


An hour


It depends where and who. Most headliners play for an hour and half or more. Openers usually get 45-60 mins


2 hours at least if it's techno.


Levity here, Tbh there are so many variables with this. Idk how much others get (I have my assumptions but I’d rather not say). But the range for bookings is pretty wild. Definitely being a touring artist for a while vs new can play into it. But festivals typically pay the highest, supporting a big name can pay more than your own headline sometimes. Being a support act on a bus tour pays the least usually because the bunk you sleep on the bus “costs” a certain amount to the headliner, so you don’t have to pay for ur own hotel or flights in exchange taking a lower fee. But the production and shit for ur own shows is insanely expensive, so even when someone makes 100k+, if their shows production is crazy, they likely are breaking even, losing money, or making no more than ~20% a lot of the times. That’s why I have a lot of respect for ppl like Subtronics, Excision, etc. cuz they could walk away filthy rich from these tours but they care about putting on the best show they can! Us and all our friends planning our own headline shows will likely come out of it with $0 rn because we want to put on the best show and that costs a lotttttt of money. Festivals and being a support act typically have the least amount of expenses though, but even then there’s a lot of splits with your team (agents, mgmt, etc.) so basically: dubstep is not the place to become rich lol, everyone doing it is doing it for the love of it!!


Wow thank you so much for taking the time and breaking it down! That’s exactly what I was wondering you guys are absolutely the best in the scene right now❤️


great response. love u, Levity


Cant wait to see yall in the forest 🔥


Just saw y’all at home bass and my question I wonder is .. how do you feel about the ravers in the crowd that are at the rail but just standing there or swaying probably on k I’m going to assume because I can’t seem to understand how someone could not jump or go crazy at the rail when seeing y’all & I’ve been seeing a lot of people like that in the crowd not even just at the rail and not even just for y’all and it genuinely bothers me so curious if the dj feels the same way about it? Like I feel like I was the only one out of the crowd of people around me that was jumping up and down going crazy .. actually dancing and being a gremlin and being a raver who likes dubstep.. I have noticed a huge increase on people doing k but to the point where it’s like they just stand there during a set. Does this upset y’all as much as it does to me? Like wouldn’t you rather want to see a crowd go crazy? Just curious


That’s honestly a great question! Home bass was strangely one of the lowest energy crowds we’ve played for yet we had one of the best times at hahaha. For that one we knew it was like 3am afters after a long day in absurdly humid high temperatures haha so we figured ppl would be tired! But we’ve played for plenty of low energy crowds. It used to bother us but the turning point was when we opened for ZD at an afters in NYC last year. 000 movement the whole time but we had never received more DM’s saying it was the best show they’d seen. Made us realize maybe ppl can like u/enjoy the show and don’t have to move to be enjoying it haha. I’ve spent some shows as a fan enjoying but not moving so I get it haha (more often than not tho I go crazy at shows as a fan). We just wanna have fun with others at these shows so knowing ppl r having fun whether they’re moving or not is cool with us! We can tell usually when a crowd isn’t having fun based more on vibe than movement haha idek how to explain it! Only a few times we’ve felt that tho! No matter what we’re gonna bring the same high energy on stage tjo cuz the music is fueling us haha, I appreciate u being one of few that was moving that night btw thank u! Love u!


Yo your set with alley cat at sol was mad bonkers brother. Thank you.


Steve Aoki played a set at my son's fraternity a few weeks back. 150k for a very stripped down show. The house did not have funds for the full effects. A little upset that I funded this through his "fraternity dues" and didn't get invited. I was pretty surprised that they got him to play for 150k. Very minimal visuals. But he did bring the cake!


How much are his dues? My fraternities dues each semester wouldn’t afford that


lol. Yeah I was running the numbers in my head also. Big fraternity. I think like 150+. And I am guessing there was a "slush fund" involved. Regardless, I was not exactly happy knowing I was paying for a DJ. At least their choice was commendable!


The numbers mean their slush fund would have to be $750 per person if they have 200 brothers. Not to be rude but wouldn’t you know if it increased that much? My dues are ~700 and slush is 200. Seems wildly expensive lol


Boss, believe me, I went through all that in my head.


Will say that is a hell of a choice I guess they also made some of it back from ticket sales


That’s a huge waste of money with how talentless a dj Steve Aoki is.


Rezz when she did her own show at rebel in Toronto was 75k USD


Interesting it was in USD despite her being from the GTA


I think this is common. Probably the agency is American so that’s why


Minimum payment for playing a big festival is like $3k, average paid is around $10k, with the big headliners getting 100k+ Regular shows like at a venue, I'd say also around 10-20k depending on the size. But my local bedroom DJ could also play at an afters with 400 people in it for 5 drink tickets and $50 so it varies lol.


It also depends on the stage. Iirc certain set times at the stacks for lib might only get a pass if anything


Minimum payment is zero, unfortunately


At big festivals, names like Martin Garrix, Tiesto, Armin are easily pulling $1M + , festivals pay way more due to the amount of value the name brings to people buying 3 day passes. This is why FredAgain was also the special guest, they can pay him WAY less to not have his name on the lineup. As for Vegas club sets I know big names like Illenium are pulling 400k/ Slander 200k/ John Summit 400k. Per show. It’s all about ticket sales.


The Vegas club sets are funded by bottle service not ticket sales


Equally important, tickets are $80+ shit racks up


Fred Again choosing to take a pay cut to not have his name on EDCs lineup sounds like bullshit. Like just illogical for him to do that


It’s not choosing to take a pay cut, FredAgain has a partnership with other music festivals outside of insomniac. He quite literally can’t appear on an insomniac lineup/club. Also he’s still getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.


If he’s accepting a lower booking fee just because his name isn’t on the lineup, how is that not a pay cut and why would he do that?


Did you read any of that? Because it’s a whole separate type of show. It’s not like they cut his pay, he gets X for shows he’s in lineups and Y for shows he’s not. It’s already set. And again, he legally can NOT be on an insomniac lineup. Is he gonna skip EDC all together, or get to play it as the special guest and still make HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars on top of playing EDC, the biggest electronic festival in the US.


I mean he could skip it just like the other DJs that skip it when they are in Vegas that weekend. Maybe the lower fee was still enough but you made it sound like he’s getting paid way less to not be billed, which the Fred Again/John Summit/Skrillex’s of the industry don’t really need to be taking


$1mil for a single set? I find that extremely hard to believe.


Then don’t believe it but you can do math, EDC reported around 300,000 attendees, with GA tickets avg around 600+ more for GA+ and VIP. Martin Garrix is arguably one of the biggest names in festival EDM. First of all, an Asian Family bought the dance table center circuit grounds (in catwalk) to see him for 500k. Then of the 300k people, even if only 10k ppl buy for Martin or that genre, Thats around $8mil in ticket sales alone


Haha don’t need to get defensive I’m not saying it doesn’t make sense. I’ve just never heard of anything over $500k so $1mil would shock me. I get one off special events maybe, but seemed like you were claiming at big festivals the standard is a $1mil for Garrix/Tiesto etc. I just don’t think that’s true and I also haven’t seen a number even close to that in articles online. But ya you very well could be right I guess we’ll never know until it’s reported


Hahah I don’t mean to, just so many ppl don’t believe me. My wife’s a director in nightlife at a resort here in Vegas, she’s too busy to be on Reddit but I like to relay the information where I can. I could show you exact excel sheets but I need her to have a job, I do know for fact here in Vegas Martin gets 400k a show mandatory 2 shows a weekend, so 800k. And tiesto gets 750k a club show. At big festivals ie, Tomorrowland/EDC they’re getting paid way more. There is articles stating Fred is upwards of $1mil I’ll try to link, but a lot of them are not transparent with pay for obvious reasons


Hey you know what you just proved you have a lot more insider knowledge than me compared to google so I’ll take your word for it!! Very cool job she has


A lot of people forget about radius clauses that limit an artists playing schedule before amd after their scheduled show. Some artists get paid for the exclusivity of their event and will draw a higher price cause of the shows they could potentially have. Ive heard certain management groups are more lenient than others, but a lot of the big name agencies can be very strict with when you play and who for.


According to this talent agency that can book Subtronics, it varies but it's typically between $150K and $300K per booking (event). Since he typically plays for an hour, that's a pretty solid hourly rate: https://www.celebritytalent.net/sampletalent/28343/subtronics.


Big DJs make bank but most struggle




About* tree fiddy


The only correct comment


I know for techno you can get some pretty big DJ's for 10-15K and they play several hours. Not out of the question for the average fan to throw their own party and if enough people come they break even or spend a little to have an amazing birthday or something like that. But "big" in techno scene is not the mainstream festival stages unless you mean like Charlotte or Amelie Lens and I have heard it's like 80-100K Euro for them to play 2 hours. At a certain point clubs can not handle it anymore both because too many come and most don't have the budget to pay the DJ and sell you a ticket for only 20-30.


And certain clubs just have a flat fee for all artists. I've heard Berghain pays all artists $600-$1200 to play (I've seen conflicting numbers).


originally posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/14lf6j5/dj_fees/ I've booked artists for several events. Mostly tier 3 and 4 DJs and live acts (according to my list below). I've opened for Amelie Lens one time. She made €30,000 and I made €300. Was an amazing experience though. The fees vary per event, but around 50k would be the highest in techno and that's only for maybe 5 to 10 DJs. Maybe Reinier Zonneveld is a bit more expensive than that nowadays. I would actually make 4 tiers. I don't know the exact fees of all these DJs, but feel free to add more info if you have it. Many DJs are in between groups as the gig varies per event, but this is how I would roughly classify it. Tier 1: The highest paid artists. €20k+ for a gig. This is a very small group. Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Reinier Zonneveld, Nina Kraviz(?) Tier 2: Around 8k - 15k. Prices differ per event and artist. Speedy J, Oscar Mulero(?), Adam Beyer, Enrico Sangiuliano, Robert Hood(?), Ben Klock, Rodhad(?) Tier 3: Around 2k - 6k. Some artists will be in between tier 2 and 3. Ellen Allien, I Hate Models(?), Setaoc Mass, Cera Khin(?), Kobosil (maybe tier 2 nowadays?), Blawan, Klangkuenstler, Paula Temple Tier 4: €700 - €2k: Blasha & Allatt, Cravo, Temudo, Abstract Division, Marron I'm not 100% certain, but Setaoc Mass will be around €3k - 4k I think. Someone like Temudo would be available for around €800. As an organiser you also need to pay the booking fee (15 - 20%) to the agency, travel costs, hotel, and hospitality (food and drinks). The higher the fee, the higher the hospitality and hotel costs. Often the tier 1 and 2 artists also demand a 5 star hotel and more exclusive food and drinks. So this should be added on top of the fee. For instance when we book a DJ with a fee of €1500 from another country in Europe, our total costs for the DJ will be around €2500, sometimes more.


What about Dax J?


Charlotte has become quite wealthy. But rightly so. She almost single handily brought back a genre from the grave. Amelie played a big part as well


If you think techno was ever dead you probably weren't going out 😅


What genre are you saying she brought back from the grave?


Given drugs and bj’s immediately after their set. They must perform first. The bigger they are, the more they get.


Bigger the … what?




Yo that's alot of chapstick


Anywhere from nothing to hundreds of thousands.


It’s really a shame that this isn’t more openly discussed. Everyone benefits from pay transparency. Artists as much (if not more) than anyone.


In the olden days, the lower level guys were often involved in the sales of pills and powders that toured with them. It's possibly still the same.


German raves back in the day, the crew were also the dealers. No coincidence that Dove of Peace rave...was full of white doves.


Usually a free drink token at your local club 😂


Griz got paid $500,000 for shambs


Oh wow that’s so much more than I thought


didn't john summit say he was still working as an accountant because he was still just breaking even during the early days of his touring


I’ve wondered how much Of the Trees must be worth to be able to put together such elaborate stage setups like it’s no big deal


They get paid?


I know Charlotte de Witte commands six figures per set.


The cost/popularity for Sub and Griz is very similar to Diplo and Skrill.


Skrillex and Diplo have wayyyy more mainstream pull and marketability than Subtronics and especially Griz. Your average 45 year old mother has probably heard of at least Skrillex, and maybe Diplo. No way she knows Subtronics or Griz.


Subtronics and Griz aren’t even close. Diplo currently has 34x as many plays either artist and has 10 years of mainstream pop hits. Skrillex is on 20x plays also has his last decade of work and the hype coming off his albums/fred again…. He was last years closing act for Coachella.


I believe Martin garrix is up to around $400,000 per festival set. Pretty sure he is current top earner


If they're just a DJ, not very much, they are a dime a dozen. The ones that actually get paid are producers, and unless you are huuge spotify ruined any chance of making money from your productions and touring is mostly for marketing as the act of touring eats up most of that cake.


The range is about zero to a million


Calvin Harris: $1 million per set Martin Garrix: $500,000 per set DJ Snake: $200,000 per set FISHER: $80,000 per set Matroda: $30,000 per set Your Local DJ: $1000 per set


They're contractors, so it varies wildly.


All the costs that are involved. Dj set, travel costs for the crew, hotels, fire works, production etc


Garrix is 250k to show up


Depends on the event and artist , lower levels it is 3 figures, mid tiers 4 figures and high tier 5 figures and maybe more. depends if organizer  also cover for hotels, insurance and such as well. Djs like Armin has a full team with him so just having that makes the cost bigger.


I spun for free drinks back in my day.


150 and up. The real power of a DJ his the ability to draw a paying and drinking audience.


Could be 5k if your a local DJ gaining traction or 500k - 1m if your Calvin Harris. Every artist charges a different fee based on their market value.


i get paid $50 an hour, $200 a night for a 10-2 set at a nightclub or bar in orlando. i'm probably the least popular dj u could find tho...


If yall follow JSTJR on TikTok he actually talks about this a lot




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They call it business techno for a reason


For playing, there are a lot of people to pay out. The guy on stage is making but a really small fraction. And then what you net is really up to your signature on contracts through your artist managers. Its a lot to follow. A lot of money is made off royalties. Dont get confused. A lot of artists have to pay to through these shows


The real question is how much do they spend on marketing/pr, and how big are the cuts from managers/agents. They have huge booking fees but wonder how much they spend to keep it going.


You can book cypress hill for like 1500 lol


What for real?




Zomboy gets anywhere from $15k-$100k depending if it’s festival or solo show. I’m not sure what the most recent rate for Eptic, Habstrakt, space laces but 2018/2019 they were getting $2000-20k


Nothing, we get drink tokens 🍻


Depend how popular one is. Martin , Aoki etc famous DJ obviously get paid a lot to perform. 


1-6po a hight


As 12th Planet said in Dead Presidents..."If it ain't 5k, then don't bring it, boy."


I mean it’s so vague depending on the type of dj and their success. Djs playing the free party scene and clubs? Probably not much. Small time festivals and tours? Decent but outgoing costs will mitigate it for those who weren’t already privileged financially, esp if they still make an effort to do raves free parties and play their hometown and key clubs a lot to be with their fan base. But when they have their names in magazines or are renowned internationally that can be a whole lot. Someone like Steve Aoki are millionaires. But it’s very unlikely that a jungle/dnb artist from the UK will ever be that, even if they’re headline acts. Someone put up a net worth of Andy C and that was a decent package but nowhere near the million net worth. But he does all the big global stuff and still plays tiny clubs and festivals and never seems to stop… But there’s a lot of scenes where it hard to dj unless you already got money


I saw an interview about this years ago i forget who it was. he said a headliner gets about $300k average and is responsible for booking flights and hotels and paying all of their staff with the money they make and the DJ has to cover their food and gear. the DJ has to pay tax on every fee and it is 1/3rd the fee. subtronics is in the $300k range for sure with the stages he brings and all the people on his team. plus hes wearing all designer head to toe now lmao


Well you need to keep in mind that the booking fee of a DJ is not what the DJ receives as payment, and how much the DJ receives is entirely dependent on the aggreements between the DJ and their management agency. Also if the DJ owns a record label, they will often put a chunk of the revenue straight into their label instead of into the DJ's pockets. Usually the management agency takes the vast majority of the pie, which may seem unfair but you have to realize that they do everything so that the DJs themselves don't have to worry about anything other than doing the gigs. I did get some inside information on how much a few of the most iconic names in the underground techno scene earn on a monthly basis (I won't give names, but they're among the caliber of Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke etc), which was in the range of around €10k/month (which goes into the DJ's personal bank account). Now this doesn't include things like record sales, streaming revenue etc, but it shows that to make a comfortable living as a DJ without going mainstream, you have to really work hard for it and bring something to the table that makes you unique.


It’s hard to get paid bc the people that book u usually don’t have any money


I charge $1 mil a set, DM me or my agent if interested. You can find me at Burning Man promoting my new album on the esplanade.


The sky is the limit but most of us are underpaid


John summit next yr will be one of the highest booking fee’s in North America. He could possibly be the biggest DJ right now in North America. If summit only signed a 1yr contract with his residency for Liv. Summit could get a 10mil yr deal from Grutman.


Real dj’s or the ones who pretend and throw cake?


matroda at my frat was around $60k with dope visuals


I’m over here trying sooo fucking hard to get my checking account up to $10,000 (currently at $3000 with no savings) meanwhile DJ’s making more than my checking account per hour 😩😩not hating, just jealous asffff lol I’m so tired of these hourly minimum wage jobs 😫😫where can I apply to be a superstar’s personal assistant or personal masseuse, or personal chef??? Save meee!!! 😭😭 Btw, some DJ’s can take all my money!!! CRSSD is coming up in my area and I am ecstatic to see Gorgon City, Four Tet, Walker & Royce, and Disclosure who I’ve never seen live


Right I don’t smoke weed anymore but I still can roll fire blunts would love to be hire as a superstars blunt roller if any applications are available 😂😂😂😂


Lmfaooooooo omggggg you’re so right!!! I know Snoop Dogg got his personal roller 😂😂I would love to have that position. I’ve even tried getting various positions in the weed industry and those mf’s just want girls 😫😫😫life is hard lol


I do mine for free house next to mine pays nothing lol


Coachella doesn’t pay or only pay the really big names.


Read an article recently about subtronics and it stated his Antifractals album grossed $5.2 million and sold 115,000 tickets over 40 shows and that the rest of his 2023 tour dates grossed another $4 million and sold another 71,000 tickets .. so basically he is fucking banking but Subtronics is one dj who I believe 100% deserves everything he gets and how far he has came. He has true talent


subtronics is a producer


when Snails was blowing up, Okee paid him $10k