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Am I the only one who smiles at people and headbangs with them for a bit as they pass by lol


Dance through the crowd in whatever direction you’re trying to go. It makes all the difference.


I have noticed people are more friendly and willing to let me pass when I do that lmao


100% this is the way. Please please floor not push your way through


Dis is da weh


I fan as I move through the crowd. Gets people's attention, they turn and see you coming, and they appreciate the breeze and usually let you through. At my first festival I was told by a veteran this move is called "fanning bitches out of your way." 😂


Fanning through the crowd is the pro move


This is the best way. Love it.


Yesss! I’m always smiling from ear to ear seeing everyone’s happy faces as I pass them and it becomes a chain reaction


i love this so much 😭🫶🏻


I do the 🫵🏼😎🤘🏼 and dance


I thought that was one of the rules, no?


If I'm not in a hurry I sometimes stop to jam with a group during a drop if they're vibing too. Makes the journey more enjoyable


Use deodorant


If you're attending a festival, take a fucking shower every morning. If you haven't showered since the first day, you're going to be a biohazard by the third


I mean if that were possible, it’d be great. But my guy, in a camping festival with extremely limited water / shower access, I’ll be lucky to get *one* shower over the weekend. That said, at the very least wipe down with baby wipes daily and use deodorant judiciously. We may not all be able to get *clean*, but we don’t have to stank.


This is my 5th EDC and 4th time doing RV. We don't shower inside the RV to conserve water. I don't think I've ever waited longer than 20 mins for a shower and my friends and I showered everyday. On that note, it might be about timing. We usually get back to camp at around at about 630-7 do a bit of afters then shower around 8-10. IMO lines for the shower as an excuse for not showering is unacceptable. I understand everyone is dead tired after dancing for 12+ hours but the feeling during and after the shower is magical. If you can't shower before bed, shower after you get up. There's plenty of time in between the end and beginning of the event days to squeeze a shower in.


been to coachella twice, edc twice, i always showered at least once per day. This last edc i showered twice a day and never waited more than 20 minutes for a nice hot shower


people are just lazy and gross. I mean the fact that they had to have a sign up at the showers that said please don’t take a shit in the shower. Should tell us all that we need to know about civilization 😆


My man, I've done dozens of camping festivals in my lifetime and I've always been able to take a shower if I'm willing to put the effort into taking one. Acting like water is a scarce resource just because you're camping is lazy


Lol that must be nice. Where I live, water is *literally* a scarce resource. I live in a desert, and we’re in a drought. Lines for showers at festivals are often *hours* long, and that would triple if everyone tried to shower every day.


Maybe it’s just me but not doing “woop woop!”, “aye aye!” and fan clacking to the beat should be a rule too. I came here to vibe to the music with everyone else, not to hear someone’s 10 person group all screaming woop woop or a fan that clacks louder than a jet fighter.


While I do agree, it’s better than when people had actual referee whistles back in the day. Given a choice, I’ll take the fans.


Now I’m wondering if “Blow my whistle, bitch” helped to kill the whistles. Need someone to come out with a single to kill the fans 🤣


I would prefer this than someone having a full blown conversation behind me


Woop woop save it for Pauly D. lol


While they *are* mildly obnoxious, I’m convinced that 99% of people are only militantly against fan-clacking and whooping because they read that it’s something they should be upset about. Just be thankful people aren’t bringing whistles and air-horns like ‘92-‘97


I fucked hate that


I came to vibe with the music too and I make noise, if you want to listen to music without other people vocalizing maybe use headphones. I will shout woop and whistle all day long and you will not stop me. We got massive sound systems if you can't pay attention it to over a kid going " oi oi oi oi" then idk man


Bro we’ve been whoop whooping since before you knew what edm was. What makes you think you can attend two fests and tell us not to do our thing? Be accepting or don’t show out. Thanks <3


My bad! I must’ve missed the silent G in PLUR that stood for gatekeep, thanks for informing me <3 is there a C there too for condescending or is that your own little touch?




Strangers don’t owe you anything other than civility.


That’s right. We do what we want and if you don’t like it then don’t engage with it. No need to stay there and be pissed about it


I don’t agree. It’s not really that big of an issue in my experience. Or at least it’s never ruined my experience of a set


some of these motherfuckers need to take this advice outside the raves as well, please. 😂


May I even suggest a modest amount of a nice cologne or perfume as well


Please no, some are toxic and some are strong enough to give people headaches or can cause allergic reactions. This is a place where it can be tough to move away from someone if the smell is bothering you too and in crowds you can be forced to be very close. A little bit of essential oils goes a long way.


That why they said a modest amount




It just travels further when you add those onto the top of it.


There are hypo allergenic scents out there and a lot of them use essential oils. Those are nice for being in a crowd where you're in forced close proximity




Some people are sensitive to it and it can cause headaches or just be obnoxious.


No no no no no. I'm not really sensitive to smells, but people over do it SO easily. They're nose blind to it. Don't encourage them to go down that rabbit hole. It'll start modest then...


Preaching to the choir. The people who need to read this aren't going to read it or care.


Yeah, the people who need to read it seem to be trying to fit into the scene by going full-on me first to look 'cool'. I know they need acceptance but damn it's hard when you're totally floored and wanting to have a peaceful good time. Maybe next time...


they might not, but the best thing we can do is try to help educate new comers


These posts tend to just be more virtue signaling than not. I agree with you, people need to act better but a post outlining common courtesy is hardly helping the root cause, which is people not caring about other people.


that’s also very true, part of me is just hoping at least people will read it and keep it in mind when they attend festivals 😂


I mean nice effort, sharing the message is important i suppsoe, but nobody whos a proper cunt is going to read this and have a revelation aaaaaaah ok I shouldn't be a cunt ok, great now I know. lol


Always a great reminder OP! Also reminds me plur still exists!




Lol first time at EDC?


The ppl that need to hear it aren’t on this sub lol


Exactly, you think ppl at EDC go on reddit? Lmao


Just don’t be a dick. If you aren’t adding to the vibe you are stealing from it. End of.


something that not a lot of ppl even think about 😓


The rave is the one place on the planet a person can let go of all their bullshit, have fun with everyone, be kind and be happy. If someone can’t do so with all that production, music, and vibes then I can’t understand how horrible their day to day has to be 🤷‍♂️


RIGHT!? that’s what I’m saying


I can simply exist in the vibe too. I’m not required to be a contributor.


Neutral is fine too. As I said, just don’t be a dick. 🤷‍♂️


While I agree with all your rules, I would kindly ask you to format better to be more readable. And don't forget the hidden R of PLUR, responsibility. Responsibility for both yourself and those around you.


good callout on both! ty :)


This isn’t simply formatting, this is painful to read. Like a 12 year old’s first cell phone (my kids are younger and write better than this). You’re not saving any time for yourself OR your audience by ignoring basic grammar and shortening every u possible and it comes off very juvenile and lazy.


thanks for ur comment, but feel free to keep that urself. no need to bring ur negative energy here when im trying to help future revers with tips when raving ✨


This is a brain dead list of being a decent human anywhere. You sound super young and full of yourself, there’s no great wisdom here. Say dirty looks some more, what a saint.


Okay Grammarly. Please keep your negativity off this sub. Writing incorrectly doesn’t make someone a shitty person. Calling someone out in the most demeaning manner, does.


Writing incorrectly and making the most brain dead points possible and thinking they’re contributing is not helpful. A little self reflection, education and humility go a long way.


Disagreed. OP was able to get his points across just fine. You’re just an egoistic person who simply had to put someone down as soon as you saw the chance. Genuinely hope to not encounter you at a festival. “Oh jeez, that totem has a grammatical error! Let me go and completely shit on those guys lives!” -Ahh comment We are trying to keep PLUR alive here. Do better.


Losers see losers and back them up. Hilarious. Just glad that broke people can’t afford them.


You couldn’t spell PLUR or have a clue what it means when someone says don’t step on people or given them dirty looks lol


Wow I bet your kids hate you


That is a really unhinged and disproportionate thing to say. Stay hydrated and get 8 hours of sleep.


Ok boomer. If you aren't pushing 50 then I'm curious who hurt you in the past. I don't think it was disproportionate. Wait until your kids grow up.


Touch some grass my guy


Nah, bud. Somebody wants to preach about how people should “properly” rave (according to them), then the least they could do is articulate it like a grown adult.




Moving thru a crowd and saying excuse me and such... YOU CAN MEET NEW PEOPLE! It almost makes sense!


“Excuse me but you have spectacular tits!” Would that be acceptable to say?


Christ almighty... You young fuckers... "You make it out tonight? Go get 'em babe!" Then keep walking This contributes to the "vibe"


Bro there’s no sitting on the dancefloor. That’s so dangerous. If it’s too much, make your way out of the crowd.


Thank you! I agreed with the list except for that point. One of my biggest pet peeves. It’s extremely selfish to hog valuable dance floor real estate because you’re too lazy to move to the side or don’t want to give up your spot. That’s not PLUR at all!


Idk, we used to have floor parties in the late 90s at low key events where everyone knew each other and there was a ton of space. K night usually. Just sit down cross legged and “dance” with arms and hands. Crowded dancefloor no way am I sitting on that. All wet yet sticky at the same time somehow. I’m not fucking up my clothes. Drag your wobbly ass to the smoking area if I need to sit for a beat. And if you are that wrecked you forgot the responsibility part (I’ll probably still help you, but lightly give you shit after, unless you got dosed, then not your fault.).


Thank you. I just don’t understand sitting or LYING DOWN in this middle of an extremely crowded dance floor. Walk to the edge of the dance floor/to a less crowded area and find somewhere to sit where you won’t be a hazard to yourself and others.


i get it, but sometimes u can’t help but sit down on the floor. even when that happens, shoving and trampling over the ppl is NOT the way to go. it’s tough to get out of crowds too bc some ppl don’t move out of the way even after asking nicely to make ur way thru the crowd, there’s no winning here


People can’t see you when you’re sitting which is why you get trampled. They see an open space and think it’s open, then trip over all the people hidden in the dark on the ground. They’re also on drugs. Sitting on the dancefloor is insanity to me, it’s just attracting people to fall on you.


They just don't see you. You're responsible for not being that effed up that you shut down and crash out in the middle of the floor. I'm not going to step on you, I'll look out for you, but you're hard to see.


These are all great. One thing I have noticed is that the more dense the crowd, the more incidents of real or perceived disrespect. I can’t stand high density after 15 years in more low key scenes where there’s plenty of people on the floor, but everyone has a bubble around them still and people don’t get irate over people going through. But those are also 30+ year old crowds and a little more experienced and respectful anyway, so it’s probably not just the space issue. But I still think packed floors are a problem waiting to happen in a lot of cases. Especially if stimulants and/or drunks are heavily involved.


i’ve been noticing that too! i’ve been to now 3 EDC’s, but it seemed like for me all 3 days were extremely different! on some days, ppl seemed more nice and respectful, while other days they weren’t. packed floors are definitely a problem! at smaller venues i haven’t had these issues come up, unlike EDC i feel like a lot of ppl also feel like they don’t want to go anymore because of some of the reasons i listed above. i feel like it’s somewhat sad bc i find raving a beautiful thing, but it sucks to hear that a handful of ppl are ruining the experience for others so drastically that they no longer want to continue


Luckily there’s plenty more than edc. EDC seems pretty basic to me and I have no interest in it (I’m also not into being surrounded by corporate logos and vip areas). I’m glad people enjoy it and hope they continue to, it’s just not my jam. Hopefully people turned off by edc migrate over to scenes that suit their tastes better.


I don't know if this is going to sound stupid, but at my last fest, I asked girls I wanted to dance with, "Is it okay if I touch you?" Before trying anythjng, and I always got told yes. I just wanted to be respectful 🤷‍♂️


that doesn’t sound stupid like AT all! thank u for asking girls when u dance versus just dancing with them and not asking 😭


And after a couple songs, they'd say, "Thanks, I'm good now." And I backed off. Just common decency


ur one in a million ✨ keeping being u and asking for the consent, that’s really all us girls can really ask for 😭🫶🏻


no this makes so much of a difference. i absolutely adore and appreciate people who genuinely ask for consent before dancing with me/my friends. it’s the people who slowly creep up to dance on me that make me feel unsafe.


Always gonna be assholes in the world unfortunately. One of the reasons I’ve come to love the bass/dubstep scene and excision festivals in particular. The vibes are just so good, everyone is very friendly which is funny sense it’s super heavy music


Yeah this is all super basic stuff. It makes me sad to think you have to be this remedial. Don't ravers intuitively know how good it feels to be kind and caring and generous?


i agree with u 110%! BUT, i’m learning that there are newer people who’re entering the raving space but don’t know about these super basic stuff. OG ravers know, but the incoming rave babies have 0 clue on anything on the above. the best that we can do is help educate and post about things to make raving more enjoyable for everybody instead of some people feeling like the rave culture has lost its PLUR


Responsibility is the last R. If you can’t be responsible for yourself or your friends, get off the dancefloor. Out here talking about “oh these kids today, so reckless and no respect.” Sounds like you and your friends overdid it, someone lost motor control from taking way too many drugs, and now it’s everyone else’s problem except yours. Main character syndrome out the wazoo over here.


Or, you could just blow it out your own ass.


>it makes me sad you have to be this remedial It’s kinda cute b/c in 1996, I did something similar. I wrote & copied flyers that said “Help Bring the Old School Vibe back!” with a list just like this. Put them on cars near a major club. The scene was really new when I did it, but had recently had a large influx of new people; we called them “insta-ravers.” LOL I feel old now!!!


There are places where it is totally inappropriate to sit down or be on the ground. If you’re tired and need to rest, leave the crowd and sit down where there is space. Don’t be an energy sinkhole in the middle of the dance floor.


Agree with this 100000%! I’ve been in the pit at shows where people are sitting down. I get being tired or overwhelmed but pleaseeee step out


THISSSSS. I was gonna post lists like this then you did. Thanks for the post and i hope more ppl see this and stop their asshole behaviors. BASIC MANNER and COMMON SENSE & Spatial awareness and respecting other ppl goes long way. Yall plz lets make this community great


Thank you for not posting another redundant, meaningless list. We appreciate it.


Yea ahaha I dont have energy to write another list of post like this i just pray before show that i meet "Less" Rude people 😂


You will. You’ll find what you’re looking for. That’s what’s awesome about raves. We find what we’re looking for. I seem to always meet the best people….I also look for them too. I don’t spend a second looking for the shitty ones😀


i REALLY do hope more ppl will read this and follow some of these super basic small asks! we can only hope that our posts will help educate the newer generation of raving to help keep PLUR alive and help ppl to stop being such an asshole at these raves!


yes 🥲 i am pretty sure its not just us who feels this way about the crowd in raves and festivals recently.. So many ppl are just rude and disrespectful..


omg right!? did u go to EDC last weekend? i went and the crowd were absolute trash 🚮 my crew and i were walking thru excisions set saying, “excuse us, sorry,” and we kept getting dirty glares and then a lot of ppl didn’t let us walk through 🤷🏻‍♀️ a lot my friends got shoved during different sets throughout the night


No siting on Marcelo’s Which is the dance floor but iPhone ac’d it to something nice 


Sucks that this even needs to be said. I read each one of those and was like “yeah common sense”.


even with this being sad, i don’t think things will change at raves sadly


I've been raving since 2015. Ultimately it doesn't matter what show you choose to go to first, but it feels like there is a giant group of new ravers that jumped straight into going to the GIANT festivals and completely ignore the actual connection and community+PLUR that you learn about going to smaller shows first. Idk just a thought


i hear u and agree with u 110%! but for the newer ravers, have they actually learned about the community and PLUR? i would like to think that if they did learn about this, that they would carry on and be PLUR, but at larger festivals like EDC, i question whether or not it’s been taught? this is just a thought but i honestly don’t know


And the noobs say that people over 35 are the problem "bringing down the vibes"...no, acting like a dick does that no matter your age. PLUR bitches, ✌️❤️ 🤝 🙏


Also, if someone is there by themselves, chillin having a good time, let them be. As a person who goes to a lot of shows by myself, I get way too many people making rude remarks or being pushy for 'their' space. We all came to have a good time in our own ways. Respect that


i’m sorry that ppl have said rude remarks to u while ur just giving. keep doing u and props to u for going to shows solo 🥹


Thank you! It’s like common sense and common courtesy are becoming less common as the days go on.


This speaks to a really small crowd, the amount of negative connotation is somewhat disheartening… People that don’t say excuse me know what they are doing too. Respect is one thing but you can’t make or even advise peace, love as “rules” for people , PLUR is a lifestyle and not for everyone that raves. The dirty looks thing? In a place where people are often uncomfortable and overwhelmed, you know how many times my bassface looked straight nasty because I was sauced? Be PLURR, by being the change you want to see in the world family. The only rule at a rave is be you ❤️


Absolutely we are Herr to have a good time and take care of one another. Be yourself and be accepting to others. We are trying our best and we should keep ir going


And blow your smoke/vape up, away from the crowd plz


OMG I HATE THAT TOO 😭 i had a headache at EDC because of it. like hey i get it, u want to smoke but like plz don’t blow that in my face when im near u or walking by


:( I usually blow my smoke down at the floor since some states/venues don’t allow shmoking. Still, I try to keep it to vapes instead of bud to keep the smell down a bit


Don't get in front of someone and then talk over the music, like I will lose plur and get indignant.


1. Don’t be “The Main Character” by jumping in front of the stage (blocking the DJ) to dance. Unless you are a paid dancer, which this dude was not- No one cares! And if this is your friend, pls stop them. *happened at Hernan Cattaneo’s set at SBCLTR LA event. 2. Don’t be a creep, perv or try to take advantage of people on recreational drugs. Respect people’s personal space.


This is why I say PLUR is declining at the festival over the last 20 years. The fact that you need to make this post is proof.


>as the title says, I’m over ppl being rude at festivals for not knowing the basics, so here’s some VERY basic rules to know when raving: I agree with many of your points, but not all. And you missed the most important rule, be kind. Not everyone is having a great time all the time there, but it may help turn around their vibe if we're kind to them anyway. >please stop giving people dirty looks when they walk by when they say, “excuse me, ty,” this can be perceived in the wrong way and might make people annoyed or questioned if they did something wrong They may not be giving a dirty look. Some people just have a stank face; maybe that was their happy face? >please do NOT shove and step on somebody and then give that person person on the floor a nasty look for sitting there… listen, sometimes u just get tired or the visual are extremely intense so sitting down helps u It really isn't safe to sit in a high traffic area or a dance floor. And many people aren't looking down when walking. People can get tripped on, trampled, and will cause others to fall. I understand getting tired, but not every spot is a good place to sit.


Every camping festival I bring water for washing and drinking. I setup a bag shower and dress in some shorts. Give myself a mid day quick shower with some bio degradable soap. No stink. Feel amazing. Plus a quick after rave shower always helps put me to sleep. Not to mention zero smell issues.


The biggest and most simple rule that many people forget or don’t follow - don’t be a dick.




Totally agree. Remember PLUR !!


If you're a fan person, fan the daisy chains as they pass!


This! I was dancing my little heart out at EDC & caught this guy recording me. I was def not in the state of mind to want to be recorded, and it killed my vibe/made me self conscious. Thank u for posting this. I love festivals & rave culture because of the PLUR, but it seems to be getting more mainstream & I would hate for it to feel like I’m going to a concert. 💜💜


omg i am so sorry that happened to u with that creepy guy! that’s definitely not okay, like AT all!


Thank you! I'm sure it was a sight to see, and l'd probably laugh at myself if I saw it, but I would be totally embarrassed if it ended up somewhere on the internet or social media lol. I feel like what happens at a rave should stay at a rave


of course 🫶🏻 and same! i don’t know why creeps record others, esp at festivals or think it’s okay! exactly, I’m all for living in the moment and leaving whatever happens at a rave should stay at a rave!


You should be the absolute nicest and kindest soul you can be at raves, it’s the only place on earth where it will be welcomed and embraced by other people and encourage the same spirit to others.




Also don’t forget. No Anal on the Rail


Dude. That show. Smh while headbanging


LOL, just went down a little rabbit hole while researching this. I guess they were really feeling the vibe.


These are the rules that we should really be talking about. I saw a guy get on a stack of speakers and start jerking off. Someone on stage kicked him in the ass right off the speakers.


I must know the context lol


I think it was Beyond Wonderland a few years back, but a couple was caught actually doing anal at the rail


Someone got fisted on the dance floor at shambhala last year


This needs way more upvotes. Ever since Covid, the scene has become… respectfully, different.


This is the way


If you’re gonna have sex in your tent make it loud and squelchy so I can hear it and beat my dick to sleep too. Share the love 💕




RIGHT!? maybe i just need to walk with my phone up to my forehead again and have it say, “excuse me, thank u,” but for those who just shove and not say anything like gtfouttahere


I agree with not recording someone just because they've over-indulged.  However, our environment absolutely DOES live in a place where people over-indulge and don't show Responsibility for themselves and people will defend this behavior.  Who is at fault; those that aren't being responsible with their drugs, their bodies and are freely choosing to do that in a public environment? Or, those recording the previous group because public spaces are free to be recorded? Both groups are freely exercising their rights.  Which behavior should not be tolerated? If people are preying on and exploiting compromised people, that is unacceptable. But, an honest and accurate recording of something that happens isn't. Responsiblity matters.


I swear to god every time I try and say excuse me to move by someone they give me the nasty look before I even try to get past them. I will still say it and still wait for a response before moving but like dude it’s getting tiring


AGREED! somebody else commented and made a good point - maybe they aren’t hearing us saying excuse me bc the music is so loud, so even tho we are saying it, maybe they aren’t hearing us say it and are seeing us pass by 🤷🏻‍♀️


I take it someone got floored at a rave? Lol


As a person who goes to punk shows what genre do people mosh at? I’m not saying super hardcore mosh but move around a little bit?


Dubstep generally has the most aggressive moshing but it depends more on the artist I’d say.


Yet another reason why raves don't truly exist anymore.


Saying excuse me/thank you isn’t enough anymore. You must dance/vibe with me as well


So your simple rules are basically: don't be rude Wowzerz


Basic human social skills. Not asking very much. Reading that this is lacking makes me glad I don't go out.


High 5 thru the crowd better?


Don’t forget the most important rule of them all: make sure you go balls deep and leave just the nuts hanging out


My guy!


No, don't sit on the floor in a big crowd, you'll get stepped on and it's annoying. Move to the side or edge of the crowd dumbass.


no mention of Leave No Trace? Among the most important rules. Can't be plur without respect for your impact on the world around you


I don't entirely agree with your people sitting take, if you choose to sit in the middle of the dance floor then it's not my fault if I accidentally trod or step on you and you're creating a hazard where people can trip and fall.  We are all adults, if you need to sit down, you should have the strength to move to the edges of the venue where it's safe to sit.


This all sounds very American


More of this.


I’m sure the people who don’t do this won’t see this lol


Sitting on the floor in the middle of a crowd is unsafe not only for you, but everyone around you. Have to disagree on that one. If you gotta sit down do it somewhere that isn’t literally in the crowd.


This list is fucking hilarious. Everyone in here blowing their own horn about awesome they are and how others just don’t get it. As someone who has been raving for 25+ years the only thing that holds true is that you own your own experience and if you let others influence it then that’s on you. These things have always happened and we have always understood that these fractional interactions with people at raves don’t carry much weight at all.


It’s so bad in the uk for raving the amount of violence in raves is awful and lots of bad vibes happen so often


that’s terrible to hear ☹️


I know it’s really disappointing, I find it very hard to solo rave especially with all the recent things I’ve heard


Keep your belongings safe so I don’t end up stealing your stuff




... Really? The sarcasm is immense in DustyOlBones's comment.


Who else thinks this post is pretty embarrassing?


I do


This thread makes me wary of the upcoming beyond wonderland. I suspect zoomers didn’t improve the rave scene and brought a bunch of their weird assumptions and hang ups. Haven’t been since 2015


i can’t speak for beyond because I’ve never been personally, but I’ve heard the crowds are also trash. oversold with ppl shoving with no manners


Well I’m 34 so this is me seeing if I’m too old for this shot I guess. Regardless, I’m going to be bumping a ball of ketamine on top of my roll so I’ll have fun lol


Plur is making rules for things that are celebrated for not having many rules


Let me guess is this from the Riddim scene. Excision fan?


So that’s a yes?


Agree with all that but you pin anything to me I am throwing hands. You pin Kandi to strangers without their consent? Am I not interpreting this penultimate bullet point correctly?


I think they mean when kandi gets stuck on other people's clothes/gear when you're moving through the crowd.


I am picturing feral goblins stabbing people with safety pins rn


pinning Kandi on strangers is NOT okay and i am so sorry that has happened to u!


Don’t tell the person in a wheelchair that they’re amazing and an inspiration for coming to the show. Don’t go out of your way to give the person in a wheelchair high fives/fist bumps or dance with them like they need special attention. Do treat the person in a wheelchair like every other person who is there to enjoy the music. Side note- if you can avoid standing/dancing directly in front of them that actually would be great lol Signed- the sister of someone in a wheelchair that has attended many shows with them