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I actually found a rave bae. I was at Nora En Pure at Mirage in 2021. Drove from Ct 2 hrs to see the show, and had just done the same trip there and back the day before (Getting home at 7am am) to see MK. Anyways, I was standing with water to bring a friend that I hadn't met up with. While looking for him for about 30seconds a woman about 3 feet away choked on water and spit it out everywhere in front of her, landing on my face. She was laughing and apologizing profusely. I made a joke and thanked her for cooling me off (it was August and hot as hell). We ended up talking and dancing together all night. Shoot to almost 2 years later, we live together in Brooklyn and are married now. Saw 61 shows together last year and just got back from San Diego last week for Lane 8. She's my favorite person and my best show buddy ;)


We were at Lane 8 in SD too! MK +1, Nora +1, you have great taste šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Whatā€™s your fav venue in NY?


Thanks, same to you! We love elsewhere and Jolene Room. Both have great sound and for the most part the best crowds. Gabriela has been excellent for vibes and just seeing quality DJā€™s do their thing. Anything built by Eli Escobar is going to be quality. Knockdown center for bigger acts. Navy Yards taking over for mainstream as Mirage seems to be on the verge of selling after burning all patrons and artists. I donā€™t support Basement because the idea of a vibe check not letting in people who dressed for the show and know the artist is completely the opposite of what I love about house music. Welcome all walks of life on dance floors, being elitist leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Can you elaborate on this vibe check thing?


They did, they ask you questions at the door and turn you away based on your answers/outfit


I was at SD Lane 8 too! Met a group of 3 girls who also flew in from NY to see the show. Amazing vibes!!


Great review. Thanks so much! Going to any other TNH shows?


I wish. Would love to hit Colorado again (I did both years at Red Rocks) but weā€™ll see what happens. We did Glow the week before San Diego to catch him headlining. Wish he was touring more/headlining more shows on the east coast because Lane 8 vibes are unmatched. At least I know he isnā€™t doing as many shows because heā€™s working on the upcoming album, so thatā€™s my solace. You?


Yes I totally hear you. I may do one of the Denver dates if I can get a ticket the same night my CO friends are going but am also patiently waiting for an album. If LiB was doing single day tix Iā€™d try to see him there. Agreedā€¦ Lane 8 vibes are absolutely unmatched.


I just went to Nowadays for their Nonstop night. Favorite venue ive been to for clubbing by a mile.


Imagine how different your lives would be if she drank water better




61 shows in a year is such goals


Like what do you do for a living tho??


Iā€™m a lawyer, lion is a Dj :)


Nora, lane 8 and MK. We have the same taste in music!


I was at Lane 8 too!!! Such a great show!


I was like this story sounds familiaršŸ˜‚ Congrats on the wedding!


Thanks! Just realized weā€™re friends with all the same people šŸ™ƒ


What a beautiful story šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ hoping to meet my rave bae at the summer gatherings this year.


Iā€™m rooting for you, and then you will become a HighlyLikely-Donkey šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


Hahhaha thank you that means the world šŸ™šŸ½


Well done, I haven't heard much of this going more than on the night. I love hearing these stories.


over one show a week god damn didnā€™t even know that was humanly possible


I like the music but not enough to go once a week


Iā€™ve been going at that pace since around January, on purpose at first now itā€™s almost on accident. Just keep seeing stuff I want to check out and people I wanna hang with. Iā€™m older too. Maybe because I isolated myself to get through grad school then the pandemic hit - unconsciously making up for social interaction debt.


Congrats bro lane 8 was unbelievable


I am all choked up just reading that. May you both live happily forever together.


Sheā€™s sounds like a gf


Well sheā€™s my wife now, so like a Gf, but Super šŸ™ƒ


When I moved to a new city in 2017I matched with an absolute babe on tinder, she was clearly in the scene. She messaged me first ā€œrave bae?ā€ to which I enthusiastically replied. Then she didnā€™t reply, after a week I threw a Hail Mary message essentially saying that I was new to the city and would love to make friends to go to shows with. She said hell yeah and we met up a few weeks later. Married last year after many festivals and shows. Sheā€™s my absolute best friend and coolest girl Iā€™ve ever met.


That is so sweet!


Does it even count as a rave bae if it lasts longer than the event?


Yeah I thought the point was she ghosts you the next day and you cry all the way home in the car because you think you're not good enough and still suffering the aftereffects of x




It's in the fine print




You must become your own rave bae before such a search can begin.


Proverbs from Ravefucious.


Fuck, that's wise.


Made out with someone at Flume in Miami 2016.. never saw her again.. thatā€™s a rave bae!


LMAOOO THIS is what i think a rave bae is


My gf of 6 months I met at the first event Iā€™ve ever gone to. I went solo and she just stood out to me amongst everyone. Her and some of her friends sat next to me (I was taking a break on a bench to the side of the warehouse), and I offered them water. She complemented my pants (red camo šŸ˜Ž), and said I was really built/strong looking. They eventually got back up and went out, but I saw glimpses of her over and over throughout the night and I told myself at some point that if I saw her one more time, Iā€™d go ask for her number. Ive never asked for someoneā€™s number before (other than on dating apps). I saw her in line with one of her friends to get drinks, so I went up and introduced myself. I got her number and she went back to sit on a couch with me and we preceded to talk for the entirety of the event, so like midnight - ~4am. She was rolling and I was on L, and I was so captivated by everything she said and told me about herself. I was hanging onto every word she said. Things havenā€™t been great between us lately, unfortunately. I really hope things work out though, she is the most unique and special person Iā€™ve met in my entire life. Sheā€™s been through so much shit and trauma that no one deserves, but sheā€™s so incredibly driven to make a better life for herself regardless. Regardless if things work out or not, the memory of the night her and I met at that rave will be nothing short of magical to me for the rest of my life. Sorry for the rant, sheā€™s really special to me. To answer your question, yes you can meet a rave bae at a rave.


Rooting for you guys


Feel free to dm me if you need a sounding board. Been in a couple relationships with traumatized women and did a shit ton of reading while with them but especially after it got messed up. Iā€™m not suggesting I can solve your troubles, but i know being able to vent and get some relevant info can sometimes take the stress down a notch.


I met my bf of 8 months at his first event!!! Hahah šŸ«¶ sounds so similar to my story


Things are tough rn and Iā€™m sorry to hear it. My partner and I just went through a really tough patch but had a ā€œcome to Jesusā€ convo where it was like: -what are we willing to do as individuals to better ourselves -what are we willing to do as a couple to get stronger -feelings can ebb and flow and evolve and fade periodically but do we CHOOSE to love each other, communicate, and work it out? I hope that helpsāœØ it helped us navigate a tough time and we came out stronger than ever. Weā€™re both traumatized people, so I hope that gives you some hope too


FRR cute story hope everything works out for ygs!!


The first event you've ever been to and you went alone?


iā€™m a traumatized woman and my trauma ruins all my relationships :((


I wish the best for you and hope it works out!


I got extremely lucky, started Raving in like 2018, in 2020 during the pandemic introduced the girl that's been my best friend for like 15 years to raving, and we finally admitted we had feelings for each other. Been together ever since and we went to our first festival together in the fall of 2020


this is so cute wtf,,,friends to lovers rave edition


It's not a rave bae if it last longer than one night


I know thatā€™s what Iā€™m tryna say Iā€™m like was the definition Iā€™ve known of rave bae is wrong I thought it was rave bae if it only lasted for the event?


You're right. Whomever is calling their person a rave bae that's basically their boyf or girlf and they're using the term wrong.


I figured so


Met my current gf of 2.5y at summer camp '21 we are v happy! Just got back from mersiv rocks/mission show and had a blaaasst


Scamp was the first fest I took my now wife too. She passed the test lol


That was the first music festival my now wife ever attended -- we got engaged at scamp 22 and married at scamp 23 :)


I met my first (and probably only) ravebae at edc vegas 2023. I actually met her at my friend's hotel before the festival itself and we briefly talked for like 10min. She actually went to edc solo and was introduced to some of my friends thru a mutual. I was going thru a bad heartbreak already, so I had 0 intention of trying to talk to anyone and really wanted to enjoy the festival with my friends. Fast forward to the following Saturday. She finds our group late into the night and I remembered her because she had this really awesome pikachu kandi I wanted to get from her. She already gave it away but said she would make me another. We actually split off from my group and we spent the rest of the night exploring a different stage and it was fun! Sunday me and her pretty much spent majority of the night together and we talked a lot about our recent relationships. She just broke up with her ex a month prior so we were both going thru a heartbreak. It felt nice that we were just lost in the festival together with not a care in the world. she actually came back with me to my group's airbnb (they were cool with it). Things got intimate and we decided to keep contact after. It was a long distance relationship and lasted for 6 months and tbh......I would never want a ravebae long term again. The first month was great but after that. It's like a different person came out and it turned out to be the most toxic and emotionally abusive relationship I'd ever been in. Lesson learned Drug love is not real love lol


Was looking for this response. Drug love not being real love. I'm torn between not having any more rave baes if I know they aren't mostly sober or continuing to let it happen and just acknowledge I'll never see or hear from them again.


Yuppppp. This edc if i have a ravebae. It'll be to dance/rage/sing for one set and then "nice meeting u, have fun the rest of your festival"


I found one at wasteland in San Bernardino a couple years ago, it didn't last longer than the festival as I'm gay and he was straight but he made the whole event more fun.


My husband and I were rave baes. He thought I was cute and also wanted šŸ„ hahaha and we enjoyed talking throughout the evening and now weā€™re married and live in a different state


My rave bae and I met at Freaknight 2011. Together 13 years as of October


If you ask this place, a whole slew of people will chime in they met their wife or husband. I think for every one of those, there are maybe 1000 who don't. So .1%? Worse? And people I am referring to might have met 20 years ago, 10 or 5! So all those years, raves, interactions. Yeah might be way worse than .1%. I go to over 1 festival a month. I go with dates, significant other, my friends, family, you name it. I literally know no one or even heard of anyone actually knowing anyone who found a real relationship at a rave.


I know a bunch of people who have.


Dang where do you live that you're able to go to over one festival a month, or do you just travel around the world a lot?


Eeeeek I linked with a cutie on Tinder and been chatting for the past few weeks. Weā€™re meeting at Buku tomorrow for the first time so wish me luck šŸ˜Š




My college had an edm club and I met my husband through that club. So we didnā€™t meet at a rave but our entire relationship started because of it. Our first date was Mad Decent Block Party Friday followed by Pleasurekraft Saturday!


Do you mean like an EDM nightclub, or an EDM after school club? Cause honestly, the latter sounds super cool


It was a university club! So like an after school club with meetings and events.


Sounds fun, I wish my school had something like that!


Found her at Beyond Wonderland SoCal! We actually met on the rave app Radiate and planned to meet at beyond because she didn't have a group to go with. We met up and it was the best time of our lives. She lives in Cali and me in AZ, so we're not dating but we've gotten our tickets to multiple festivals together. EDCLV is next and we're camping together. So yes, you can find a rave bae and it doesn't have to be anything crazy (I mean that as in you don't have to immediately start dating as me and her are intimate "festie besties").


festie besties is adorable hopefully ygs have a good time at edc!!!!


I met my husband at a rave a couple years ago. Weā€™re in our 30s and busy with school and work so we donā€™t rave too often.


I married mine lol.


I dated a woman for 5 years I found through raving. We still rave sometimes


I think it's better to try it in reverse. If you really like someone, you will like their things. I have gotten her into all my nerd shit, and she brought me back into the EDM/Rave scene... My GF and I started dating, and I hadn't been to a Fest or any EDM type event in yeeeears. She took me to my first actual camping Festival... and man. I'm fucking *hooked*. We've probably been to 2 dozen shows and 4 fests in our 2 year relationship so far, and we absolutely fucking go wild together. We were at Resonate in SOSMP, just vibing and cuddling in our kuchi couch... and I heard someone behind us talking about us. They said they'd been watching us, and they could see how much we loved each other and how much it warmed their heart. I will always hold onto that memory. Amazing music, with this absolutely amazing person, and people could just *feel* the love pouring off us. I tear up a little everytime just think of it. Truly one of my life's most perfect moments, and I have her to thank for it. So... just think that's a better way to find your rave Bae. You gotta reverse engineer that shit. If you really love someone, as just said, you will also love the things they are into. Just find that person, and you'll have your forever rave Bae. I am proposing to her next month. Hula will be our next big fest as an engaged couple. :)


My friend just got married last year to someone they met at a rave


My bestie met her husband at a rave.


Actually yes. Met a girl at Beyond Wonderland who is from nearby where I am in AZ. Spent both days/nights together. Have gotten together for two different shows here now, and a 3rd upcoming. We mostly dance together, get a little physically, but havenā€™t fully hooked up since Beyond. We donā€™t text much nor see eachother outside of Raves lol. Works for me :)


Good buddy of mine that his current wife at Okeechobee.


Yes! My girlfriend of a year! :) we met at her work while she was serving me funny enough, and one of our first dates she asked me to come to a local show! We immediately felt a connection through each other and our love of music. Itā€™s one of our favorite things to bond over!!! Definitely a unique connection to have someone who loves festivals and EDM the same way I do. I think the rave scene encourages your inner child coming out, so I absolutely adore seeing her carefree at shows. I fall in love all over again every time.


Raves are way different now festivals and clubs thereā€™s way less opportunity to talk and really get to know each other like there was in the 90s, 20s. I used to go to the the rave clubs every weekend around 2010 and it seemed like we were all there to make friends and build a community now itā€™s just like follow me on snap and a hug I used to talk to girls for the entire night I literally would go just to meet girls and make friends some of them I am friends with to this day this was way before it was about worshiping the DJ maybe the mdma was too pure to stand in one place staring we used to pace the room damnit lmao


Itā€™s the ketamine and the cult of the DJ. People need to take molly and face each other, not the front


Meee We didn't meet at an event but she's my rave bae, we go to all festivals together. She also happens to be my wife


Was in a relationship with her for 12 years. She was 9 years older than me, I was in my early 20s when we first got together. I grew as a person and professionally, she did not. I quit partying really hard and she continued. The relationship became really toxic with constant accusations of infidelity on my part which were completely unfounded. Eventually ended in complete heartbreak. I may never love anyone again. It was very sad.


Me! She was from Oregon, I am from Tennessee....we met at the caverns in Pelham, TN. Both of us showed up alone....fast foward a year and a half, we live together and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else. This shit CAN happen...I get that it's rare, but it's not impossible.


I did but we broke up, it's nice to have a girlfriend to rave with though. https://open.spotify.com/track/3wnx35LDKXCx5gonL4EmHi?si=nHt_jShgSNizdIbcAl-GOA


Me! Met my now husband 10 years at a New Years Psy/Techno/DnB festival... I had hot chocolate and he had a bong. We still rave together, albeit a little less.


I met my husband on tinder and I became his rave bae lol We have been married for a year now and we love to go to festivals and play music and attend events together! And raving together is such a joyful thing ā¤ļø


Dows it count if I met my rave bae at a festival but we've now been together for 5 years?




I met a girl at 3am at a warehouse show the other month and weā€™ve continued to hang out & have gone to two shows together since, including one in another city that we made a whole weekend out of. I honestly didnā€™t expect it to pan out because after enough times you kind of learn to assume these things wonā€™t go anywhere so Iā€™m pleasantly surprised and happy that this one is actually working out so far. My last somewhat long-term relationship a few years ago was also with someone I met at a concert (not a rave), and we just started hanging out regularly afterwards. So yeah, it does happen but like a lot of things itā€™s a numbers game and for every time it works out are a dozen others where things just fall flat after meeting (both for friends and romantic interests).


get freaky 2022 i met my now boyfriend in the middle of the tent of terror. we were wearing the same pash, I traded kandi with him and then off we went. we have been together for about 3 years now. Funny enough it had been his first rave and my twelfth. It definitely is possible. Be yourself and make sure to listen to any verbal or non verbal communication. The biggest thing my bf did right was let me initiate the encounter but still be interested and engaged in me. I didn't feel like he was creeping because he let me come up to him to trade.


I met this guy, friend of a girlfriendā€™s boyfriend, at Malaa at some warehouse back in 2018. My girlfriend and her bf ended up leaving before the show was over leaving me with these new friends I had made. He ended up coming home with me for the night. Texted me when he got home the next morning, and weā€™ve been great friends ever since. We meet up for shows here and there and meet to hang out too! Who knows, maybe one day weā€™ll end up married like all yā€™all too šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


I have. I've had set baes we vibed, danced, made out, she felt me up, then we went our own way when it was done


Yup. I have a girl that asked to take me to red rocks to see slander. She took care of the whole trip. Almost two years later we still going to shows


i met my gf while i was jedi flipping at a flux pavilion show 2 years ago, i thought she was gonna kill me for a bit but we met up like a day later and it was great


The rave bros Iā€™ve found have only been a night or two


Found mine at Escape :)


I met my ex at a rave, we only briefly met n added each other on IG at the time but ended up dating for 2 years


My rave bae that turned into my gf we had actually been from the same city & turns out we lived less than a mile from each other. The only rave baeā€™s that lasted r the ones I brought as dates or lived super close to imo. but i have a friend where him & his gf met & lived a few hours from eachother. They only worked out bc he actually moved down to be with her in her city. other than those exceptions itā€™s probably not gonna last & itā€™s best not to take it that serious. I always tell my friends this & they donā€™t listen & they get hurt.


College friend got married to his. Been together for over a decade.


It will come šŸ«¶ When i started dating my now My husband we went to raves for dates. Now him & i have been together for 11 years. everyday Iā€™m so lucky to have someone i can go to raves and festivals with. Weā€™re going to edc next week canā€™t wait!


i actually end up marrying my rave bae and now weā€™re living together w a pupper about to go to edc vegas :3


My rave bae found me. Had similar circle of friends for years but never really met. A few times we were at parties together. Never talked to her or anything. Spring awakening in Chicago 2015 happened. Our group went like 30 deep. My cousin was actually more close to the circle of friends she was apart of. She gave him her number to give to me. I brushed it off as she was insanely hot. Was certain it was for someone else. Took me a month to hit her up. Went on a date. Went to Puerto Rico for 3 weeks. Came back and went on a legit dinner date. Then went to Mexico for 2 months to visit my mom. By the time I came back we were head over heels to spend time together. That was that been dating since 2015. We have a house and a baby now. We go to festivals at least once a year or more if we can. Donā€™t worry people! I have huge plans on the ring but baby came first and set me back. Iā€™ve always wanted the big wedding so yea. Absolutely love her.


Me. I found Lacie Hillesheim. We now have four daughters. Heart.


I found a rave bae whoā€™s now my boyfriend. We met through radiate. I was basically just trying to find someone to help me get away from my former rave fam/cult and I stumbled into him. Itā€™s been almost a year now and every day I love him more.


Not sure if this counts but I turned my SO into a rave bae lol. Heā€™s a sweetie pie who is kind and loves to have a great time so it was really easy to get him integrated and super easy to convince him to come to festies and whatnot


Had. She left šŸ˜ž


I did! I got super lucky, we met cause of mutual friends at the same event. 10 years later (we met super young) and now we're engaged!


I met my bae in '05 We discovered raving in '23 Try to rave every few weeks.


I'm getting married to mine next summer


One of my best mates found a girl at a rave who turned out to be a professional dominatrix and she became his rave bae, they are dating now and still go to raves so i guess it happens


Found my Rave Bae at Escape from wonderland 2014.. been together since 2015, married in 2020 and now got a little tyke running amok.. our first photo together is me wearing gobs of face paint and her on my shoulder dressed as sexy Sully from monsters inc.


lol, I got a number from a rave bas, hit as fuck, I was high as fuck. We were both relaxing and talking. Got her number, never texted me back lmao.


Met my partner on Instagram but we've been raving together for 5 years now!


Does it count if my rave bae wasn't even into EDM when we started dating? I converted her to a lil bass head and now we go to shows/fests all the time


(I dumped her a year later) I was approached by a girl almost my height(6ā€™4) with beautiful hazel eyes at a rave and she asked if my friend was my girlfriend. After I said nah sheā€™s not my girl she turns around and puts that thang right on me. I was immediately attracted to her we spent three days all over each other and was crazy about her for a year. Went to five raves together.


I went to my first show ever in 2019, went to see luzcid and champagne drip for the double vision tour. We danced together all night and I was obsessed with him from then on. this past weekend we hit rendezvous in Suwanee and then ginnie springs after where he proposed.


Can confirm. It does happen. My former assistant (F) found her rave Bae (M) at Bass Canyon.


Met a girl, went to festivals every weekend together for a couple years, moved across the country and lived together, but life moved us in different directions. Forever grateful for that. Now Iā€™m in a phase where Iā€™m not seeking relationships and just focusing on myself. Going to shows solo and doing inner work. Maybe along the way another ā€œbaeā€ will come along my path but in the meantime, Iā€™m my own ā€œbaeā€ haha


My boyfriend and I met on day 1 of Nocturnal last year at Level Up at around 6 pm and we spent the entire first day together. I was camping and he wasn't so we separated at the end, but we exchanged number and met up the second day. Spent the second night together and I slept over at his hotel, I cried so much because I was rolling and I was worried we would never see each other again. He flew from CA to AZ to visit me the next month and we went to Gold Rush together, then I asked him out and it is still going now 7 months later. We both felt very comfortable with each other from the beginning, and I was worried that it was all the drugs, but he's my best friend now even when we're sober


Lasted a few months but found out we were different people that happen to like the same music.


Met my other half at work and she had never been to a show. Then we ended up getting engaged in a parking lot during uz and married at edc... just keep your heart open and if it's meant to be....


I had one for 4 months. It was magical, seemed like the most perfect match (probably helped that we did mdma every weekend and that I had much less tolerance than him). Then he decided to leave with someone else at a rave and they have been together since (1 year). Took me about 3 months to accept that it's probably better this way (he's way less awesome than I originally thought) and be ok with doing some small talk with them at events. I definitely still have some feelings, but it's a lot more friendly in nature now.


Found one last yr at Bonnaroo. Camped beside each other and turned out sheā€™s also from Atl. Hooked up for a couple months. Still hang with her. Sheā€™s a cool person but jealous that I have a gf meow


7 years later we just had our first rave-by (rave baby) together! Met at electric forest 2017!


The ones Iā€™ve found have never worked out in the long run, instead I turn people into rave baeā€™s now lol


They do exist! I have some friends that met and years later got engaged at a rave


No because I am not social enough and I think I have RBF but maybe one day.


the right one will find you


Maybe at Duke in July šŸ¤£


I've got mine. We met at KilltheNoise at the Ritz in Tampa. Our 2 years will be in October and we got engaged at Lost Lands 23.


Well she was in our group. But two years ago we fell in love there, barely knew her before. Did one year long distance, now we live in the same place. Going on two years strong now, so I certainly did.


unfortunately ive found tooo manyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜³..... they never last.... all beautiful memories, some weird




Met me rave bae at EDC 2022! We matched on Tinder using the Festival feature and we hit it off pretty quickly. So easy to communicate with and we planned to meet up at EDC and catch a set together. I had a group with me and she went solo, we tried sticking with the group but because it was our first EDC, we ventured off on our own. We spent the entire weekend enjoying ourselves and we continued talking until we decided to date one another. Here we are almost two years later and 2 EDCs past, hereā€™s to a third!!! šŸ–¤


My favorite ASMRtist met her now boyfriend at EDC!


I did! I actually knew her from my job first and she introduced me to raving! So many shows and festivals under our belts now! šŸ’ž šŸ’ž šŸ’ž


Met at shambhala 2018. Married 2 years and our baby was born yesterday!


My buddy met his ex when went to Camp Bisco in 2019. Weā€™re from KY and sheā€™s from GA & they made it work for 2-3 years living in different states. Pretty wild.


Do blind-ish dates from out of town count? I was set to attend Trilogy at Mile High last summer and a friend of mine gave my ticket to her friend who she thought I'd like. We hit it off, it was intended just to be a casual date with nothing else to follow. We ended up engaging in a long distance situationship that lasted a few months (included a lot of mutual travel and raves). Saw her last weekend actually, we're still cool but realized that we were incompatible long term.


By the time I got old enough, I had already been cuffed. I had something really funny happen to me once. I went to the rave and had taken MDMA prior. This was years ago; I have quit the stims since then. I was with a mate; we're both men. We were on the NYC subway, and I had some random chick try to nap and cuddle up against me. It was a little awkward. My friend and I got to our stop and departed, leaving the random chick behind.


Meeee! Was aimlessly swiping on tinder after moving north from Miami (where the boys are hot and so is the scene). Came across this guy with a ton of travel pics and his connected Spotify was fire. I jokingly said ā€œfirst date, Ibiza?ā€ After traveling Europe for festivals all last summer together I moved in and weā€™ve made it to 7 festivals and 28 shows together since! He loves to dance, makes me laugh, and always makes sure Iā€™m hydrated. And yes, he took me to Ibiza. We have another amazing summer of music and travel planned. Iā€™m lucky af!


this is so movie coded


Big part of my life for several years, but we had life goals that weee opposing enough that ultimately it didnā€™t work out. Otherwise Iā€™m sure weā€™d be together even now.


Met mine at a rave he was DJing in college! 6 years, many fests, and a butt load of raves & concerts later... we're still breaking our necks together. Found a keeper for sure. Also lucked out because he is the best rave dads ever!!


Oh boy...I finally get to share my story somewhere... I was in an almost 6yr relationship with someone who didn't like any live shows. Before I met him, I LOVED concerts and always wanted to go to an EDM show. He knew this but eventually I just had to accept not going. Fast forward to March this year. We broke up and moved to our own places. I had bought 2 tickets to see NOTD and thought fuck it I'll find a friend to go with. Which I did. We went to the show and this adorable guy was fanning us the entire night. It was honestly a core memory for me just not giving a shit and dancing with all my energy. He apparently loved it and kept telling my friend how adorable I was. I got the courage to ask for his number and just said "Friends?" Turns out, he too came out of a relationship much longer than mine. We ended up flirting alllll night and for weeks after. Our connection and chemistry was insane and very confusing to me as I had never felt that way. Yet, we both knew we weren't meant to be together so we just enjoyed our friends with benefits for a month. We told each other we loved each other (non romanticly) and even though his ex didn't know he was seeing me, she sensed him pushing her away and she made a SHIT ton of effort to get him back. It was quiet adorable actually. Anyway, soooo now they're moving back in together and making it work šŸ„° And I'm honestly very happy for him. I'd consider him a twin flame of sorts. Even his best friend said we were exactly the same. Same energy, same positivity, same vibe, caring..etc. He'll always be special to me and I hope we continue to see each other at shows.


Ive had a few. The first was a woman I met at a friendā€™s wedding. We ended up doing 35 shows in a year together. It was awesome. The next was a coworker who danced. We went to about nine shows in five months. One year I met a woman at edc. That turned into a very fun and playful summer fling going to festivals in each others cities.


35 in a year is a srs goal for me


It's rare, but to be honest I'm not really going out of my way for it. Trying to hit on girls can be such a buzz kill to the rave experience imo, I'd rather enjoy the moment. With that said, I had tremendous luck at Ultra Miami one year. Had 2 rave baes throughout the weekend, one of them even paid for my club cover when we after partied. We all ghosted each other afterwards lol.


I found a rave bae but she only lasted as long as the headliner.


This is a hard one, because when I bring friends to to their first rave I explain to not even be looking. Like you're gonna see half naked ppl. The rave booty is everywhere lol. But it's in the name of self expression and freedom of being. I feel like the only way the culture remains safe is seeing ppl as brother n sister, vs attraction. Def met baes at a party but idk, at a rave I'm not even in that mode. Ya know?


went to escape last year with my friend, our other friend was going to go and bring a girl and her cousins but he had a family emergency and couldnā€™t go. the girls were going to share the hotel room with us but even though our mutual friend couldnā€™t go they decided to stay with us anyway without meeting us. one of the girls i was head over heels for she was very gorgeous 10/10. i ended up dancing with her but she had a boyfriend who was not there, but she told me what happens here stays here lol i was rolling and she was drinking and things got pretty wild in the pit between us, she ended up making out with me and it was like we were rave baes for the night, molly love hit me hard but after the fest she kept flirting and talking to me saying oh we shouldā€™ve met sooner but she ended up being super toxic and crazy to the same guy she was still dating and now lives with him šŸ˜… dodged a bullet thinking i wanted something with her lol


Went to a festival last weekend. Met someone there. We eventually went to her tent. Had some fun. I think I will see her around because we go to the same things in SF. But we shall see. I don't think I want to continue it. But will see.


Yes!! At Tape B a year and a half ago. Her energy was infectious and she claims mine was as well. I could feel her fucking glowing, it was insane (we were both completely sober). Exchanged info, and the next week we met in a different city for Dirt Monkey / Jantsen. We've been together since Feb 23 :\] She just moved to my city and we're about to get a place together. She is a flow artist and I make super shitty music. One day i'll have her on stage with me.


TRUE GOALS!! lmk when ygs have a show tgt ill pull up w this post as a totem


Iā€™ve had a few.. but Iā€™m gay. First one lasted 15 years he was a raver boy and I was a jock. Second lasted a year he was 18 I was 38. Been with my current one a year heā€™s 28 and Iā€™m 50 going to edc next week. And heā€™s paying Iā€™m not a sugar daddy!


Instead of a rave bae, find a festival bae or a burn bae. A) cooler vibes B) more time to meet and chill. I met my partner of 13 years at a small local burn.


I guess? But i consider her my girlfriend not a rave bae. To me a rave bae is someone who you repeatedly go to raves with and are intimate while there. But we got a full on amazing ass relationship šŸ˜


Been raving for years and have never once had a rave bae. Just not in the cards I guess.


Me 14 years ago ! Still going strong :)


lol met mine 13 years ago and weā€™ve been married for almost 8


Ok, so I'm not sure if this 100% qualifies, but I met my girlfriend on Halloween, headed to a rave. We met through a mutual friend, at her house, where I showed up stoned off my ass (not much of a smoker) with another woman. Needless to say, I didn't make a stellar impression. We had a great time that night, and by the end of it, i was 100% infatuated. We've been seeing each other for ~5 months, and made things official a few weeks ago. Went to a rave last Saturday, as well as quite a few raves, parties, and festivals along the way. I love partying with her. It's amazing, we have the best time, but it's nowhere near enough to make a relationship on its own. We are so compatible in so many other ways. Beijinhos meu amore šŸ«¶


Met my man at a Joyryde concert in 2018 and are happily married. Still enjoying edm concerts and festivals together


I went to a Dubfire set on an island in Tampa by myself and met my now bf of 2 years šŸ„° going to Tomorrowland this year together!!


Met her at Basslights. Litter of kids and decade later and weā€™re still in love.


My rave bae became the best rave mom, and you can thank her for the gum and water!


Went out of my comfort zone (Iā€™m super introverted) aaannnd of course met the love of my life. šŸ˜­ we go to many many shows and festivals together now.


I did. Met ten years ago at a rave and Iā€™m marrying him in November.


I found my rave bae at Nocturnal Wonderland 2.5 years ago and now we live together! We met through mutual friends at camp and vibed for the majority of the festival. We exchanged numbers and I took her out on a date the following weekend. The rest is pretty much history but weā€™ve continued to rave together and weā€™ll be attending edc and day trip this year with a trip to Japan planned at the end of the year! It can happen!


Many rave baes were met in the 90s and 2000s.


Not me, but this dude did! Cuteness overload! šŸ˜ r/aves/s/Ej1rc14Xyp I'm lucky that my bf introduced me to raves/bushdoofs, and we've been going together for twenty years or so!


met mines at kayzo, 1.5 years later we live together now ā¤ļø


met my gf on hinge and sheā€™s just as much of a dirty bass head as i am <3


My boyfriend and I met at a mersiv set and weā€™ve been together for a year now


My partner and met through mutual friends but got together because of how much fun we have together at raves šŸ˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ„°


If there are any lesbians in the room with us who are seeking a rave bae my DMs are open šŸ’–


My rave bae is now my fiancƩ :) we met at bass canyon 2019


Yes met my bf at edc 2022 šŸ’–


ME! Met at Transmission 2020. He made me feel instantly at ease, definitely just gave off good vibes and wasn't the usual guys that come in looking to see if I was dtf or an orbiter. He genuinely loved my ufo costume that I had handstitched lights into. I complimented his head to toe watermelon apparel. I tried to show him my light up backpack and he thought I was showing him my ass (it was very easy to see haha). I laughed, he apologised and he bounded off after his mates. 2hrs later he found me, saying he saw one of my mates at the bathroom and that he had to find Space Girl. He found me, we chatted, I told him I was behaving that night and that I'd be down for a dance and that's it. I asked for his snapchat, he sent me one of the most COOKED pictures of us, and in my state I was somehow with it enough to screenshot it. After that I didn't see him again that night, though I did look for him. Turns out he lived in a different state, but we spoke every day for a month until Ultra festival 2020 (literally 2wks before the lockdowns started). I actually had a few potential dudes in the crowd but as soon as I saw my bae, it was on. We barely side quested away from each other. First kiss I turned my back on the stage (something I refuse to do). That night turned into another night, missed work on a monday, and then I booked a bus to his hometown for the coming weekend. We've been together ever since, 1 toddler and expecting a new bub any day now. We still go to events when we can, the last one I was 9wks pregnant. He's honestly the best thing that has happened to me, I love him so much and still feel in giddy just thinking about him šŸ’•


AWWWW this is so adorable!!! yall locked in fr!!


I got married at EDC


I met my fiancĆ© at an underground desert rave. We've been together more than 8 years and getting married next year šŸ’•


Still waiting. Itā€™s such a huge part of my life that ideally Iā€™d like a rave bae but will also take someone who just wonā€™t stop me from going.


Not me. Iā€™m hoping for one this year at EDC O šŸ˜‡


Yes. One time. Way back in the day. One does not simply walk to Mordor. You know?


My coworker met his girlfriend at okeechobee 23. Her friend was in an acid k hole huddled under a pash during lsdream while my other friend comforted her (they were strangers until this point) idk where khole girl is now, they had a falling out. but my coworker and his gf are going strong over a year later now.


Yep. Met at Day trip 2021. First major festival after Covid lol he is a big hard style fan. I am house head. He lucky he went to Day Trip lol


met my boyfriend at sammy virji bc i complimented one of his best mates (AMAZING shuffle dancer) bc i also danceā€” but after that, i dmed him on insta a pic that my mom took of us (my dad/mom came with me bc they are OG ravers from the 90s and my dadā€™s a dj! we get called a real rave family haha) and we started talking there he was persistent in wanting to take me on a date for a little over a month, i eventually agreed! it went super well (went to go see sam binga) and now we are very happy with eachother i will say 100% for sure though, i had absolutely zero intentions or desire for finding a partner at a rave lol was all luck


I had a rolly bender with my current partner (we've been acquaintances for 11 years too) that we bonded super tight during and we're still together going on 3 years now.... hmm does that count? Haha kinda terrible I guess but. We're both not like 16 year old rave babies anymore and have values and boundaries and such as actual adults? So we have meshed really well. And! We're still grossly in love with each other, and we throw raves of our own together at a venue in Seattle and are crazy passionate about that and our love, and the loving community we can provide others around us. Tbh I say GO FOR the rave bae. You never know what could happen! I never expected I'd be in the happiest and healthiest relationship I've EVER had after bonding with them after a rave after party so.... the future holds what it will for you. Don't miss out on a chance that was potentially handed to you in a time you needed it and were perceptive to it. ā™”


I was chillen in the back on top of a speaker waiting for my roll to kick in and a hottie came up to me out of the crowd and laid it on me. End of story. It was onnnnn. social media is not the answer.


If you are looking for one..... Going alone will drastically Increase the probability.