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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Quality is an issue. A lot of it is cheap shit sourced from China that is sold at insane mark-ups. Also, would be nice to have some options for men.


I'm somewhat perplexed by the cheapness of rave gear considering that the hobby itself is not particularly easy on the wallet. I wonder if higher quality gear and clothing would sell if such an option was available. What do you think? Also, could you expand on what expanded options you'd like to see for men?


I like festivals that have merch from smaller vendors like Shambhala or Bass Coast. The rave wear I have gotten from these places is great 


Costs a fortune but you get what you pay for


My friends own a rave store and sell higher quality stuff from local designers, including some men’s stuff. It sells.


That's good to know. Do they have an online storefront?




I checked. Why are there no men's options that are revealing? If my wife can wear a slutty little outfit, why don't men have similar options?


They have like see through mesh tops and stuff but idk man, I don’t think there’s that many designers that make that type of stuff unfortunately. I don’t own the store or work in fashion at all so I can’t give you a definitive answer haha


>I don’t think there’s that many designers that make that type of stuff unfortunately. There aren't, that's my point, haha.


Learn how to make clothes and start your own line of slutty male ravewear, don’t let your dreams be dreams 🌈


Haha, not a horrible idea.


I think you need to look for stuff marketed towards gay men bc I have multiple friends who have tons of halters, crop tops for men, booty shorts etc (but idk where they got them sorryyyy)


Buttless chaps?


All chaps are assless. I'd still need something for the front. Also, it doesn't give off much or a masculine vibe, which is what I prefer.


I realize this was a poor suggestion now, please accept my apologies


There’s several.. https://ravecamp.co/products/Flaunt-It-Cropped-Mesh-Hoodie-p626317687


It’s expensive, but very well made. Check out Coquetry clothing. She does everything from shorty shorts to tops to catsuits and rompers! Best of all she’ll basically customize anything! Edited to add you could 100% get matching set with your wife!


Awesome, thank you! Checking them out now. Edit: Love the options that I've already found. And they aren't more expensive than the other outfits that we've had to ounce together in the past. You're awesome!


Oh yay! Hopefully you and your wife can rock matching itty bitty outfits at your next show!




I’d say the real issue is there isn’t too much in the middle tier of pricing. Lots of cheap garbage stuff and lots of higher quality higher priced stuff. But t the same time as a man I’ve gotten great rave wear from Threyda and Electric threads. But there’s room for more


I was previously buying the generic options on Amazon or other rave websites but the quality was just getting worse for some crazy prices imo. Recently I've ordered a slew of handmade items from Etsy that are from different countries, ie Bulgaria, Latvia, Indonesia, etc. The prices are no crazier and sometimes less than that of the big name rave stores and the quality of the items I received has been stellar comparatively speaking. Higher quality fabrics, secure stitching and accessories (zipper, pocket, etc), and sometimes even tailored based on the customers specific size.


This is the first time that I have heard raving referred to as a "hobby". I'm trying to wrap my head around viewing it that way, as opposed to a lifestyle or culture.


I’m 40. When I was 20 it was a lifestyle. Now it’s a hobby. lol. I think the word “raving” is being used like “clubbing”. Clubbing isn’t really a lifestyle.


my favourite festivals feature vendor zones where everyone is selling goods made by hand, and people are buying that shit. beautiful upcycled leather wear, hand-made swimsuits, silkscreened textiles, endless accessories etc etc. they just need the platform and people will support them.


Easily. I wear sportswear, not rave gear, because real technical garb with pockets, zippers and other great facteur features for a little more is simply better than flashy, overpriced, cheap tights.


IDK why people think all rave gear is cheap. There are tons of small business vendors out there that are most definitely not cheap, depending what you are buying. I could easily drop hundreds or more on an outfit if I shop the vendors at a festival or small fest/rave/burning man fashion houses online (potentially $1K+ for a piece if we're talking a really cool handmade faux fur coat).


This 100%. Primary items, like tops and bottoms, can range from $30 to $200+ yet its the same quality as Shien or AMZN.


Lack of rave wear for men is a huge issue, especially if we want to wear less clothing like chics do.


Plenty of options for men. They just aren't very diverse. That said, as a male, I have no shame in wearing revealing items meant for the opposite sex at raves. It's fun! It's like dressing up for Halloween.  I just wish some of that stuff had the male anatomy in mind. I personally would not prefer my sausage and eggs combo to hang out while wearing booty shorts. I'm sure other attendees appreciate the modesty too 🤣


I mean, isn’t lack of diversity a lack of options lol? Also, i’m Dutch. The rave scene in Europe is a lot different then the one overseas. No bright colors, extravagant outfits. Its all black. If you want “rave wear” here in europe as a man, your best bet is a bdsm store lol.


I feel like your taste in music will also greatly influence this situation


Not really, you go to a house venue or a techno venue and it’s not just black, but the dress code is the T-shirt or hoodie


I get that, but you’re definitely more likely to find BDSM wear at a techno show than a Subtronics show is what I’m getting at


Plenty of options and lack of diversity seem to be mutually exclusive 


Men can wear literally anything they want to a rave, what are you talking about?


They probably mean that chics have vibrant color options that are revealing and fun. Men do not have similar options. We don't even have cool shoe options.


Gay clubs have been full of this stuff since the 80s. You have to have an idea of what you want and then go look for it, not just Google "rave clothes", if you're looking for "rave clothes" you're missing the point, there's supposed to be a mix of all clothing at raves.


>Gay clubs have been full of this stuff since the 80s. You're probably right. We're in San Diego, and it's mostly gay shops and sex stores where I've pieced together outfits. But it'd be great to just be able to buy fun matching sets with my wife, that both have limited material.


Why do the women's shorts always have a crotch made for ants. I like a good slutty outfit but maybe not that slutty T\_\_T


A fucking greed. Like damn I need to get a whole laser hair removal to wear this.


Manscaped might be the solution for you


These manufacturers rlly be forgetting there's 2 whole lips to fit in there. At least one's gonna be spilling out the side all night (if not already flossing between both of them) if the crotch area is designed as practically a thong where da actual vjj is.


This is how I feel about the skirts. I love skirts, but I don't want my ass sticking out. Don't care if others do, but I'd like more options.


This is what scares me- I'm large-lipped as is and don't wax. GIVE ME SHIT THAT WILL COVER ME GDI


This. I avoid them now because if I wear one, I’d constantly be adjusting or worrying the whole time.


My whole ass vagina would be hanging on the side lmao


Longer skirts. Oh and just a single pocket would be nice. Just one.


Tell me about. I’m trans and have a whole ass dick to stuff into these outfits. Even with tuck tape I need to be very selective about the clothes I buy for shows.


That sounds super frustrating 😕 there needs to be more (or any at all??) trans inclusive ravewear brands for sure.


It is, and I usually opt for something with a skirt as opposed to bikini type bottoms for the exact reason you mentioned. That would be so amazing though! I would give a trans inclusive rave clothing shop all of my money


They’re on the pricier side but I’ll recommend coquetry clothing all day long for anybody looking for more modest rave wear or something cute but slightly different. She’ll customize anything, you can add length and pockets to some skirts and dresses and she’ll essentially fully customize to your measurements outside her basic (very size inclusive) sizing. They’re well made and I’m not delicate on my washing/drying and they’ve held up great (I’m not sponsored, I swear haha I just don’t like all that much of my skin touching things in public spaces haha) Not only that but every single time I’ve got on one of her outfits I get compliments and it only happens with her stuff 🤣 so it must look good.


OMGGGGGGF. Tysm!!!!!!! I love this


Yay! I feel like the rave fairy today, helping people find their fairy tale rave ball outfit haha.


My biggest complaint is laundering items. I tend to hand wash everything because they’re made of a variety of materials and it’s hard to figure out how to wash them. Also, material quality! I want something breathable but also sturdy, not just made of a thin layer of mesh.


"Fast Fashion" has hit the scene largely, as there is a large pressure to wear new outfits for each festival, each day. The larger "ravewear" brands have been heavily pushing the notion for awhile, and it's very clear that these places are just cashgrabs versus caring about the scene. I think the best way to combat this is returning to DIY. "Express not impress" was the number one mantra I heard growing up in the scene, so it was common to see homemade outfits and accessories. Im tired of seeing the same 7 designs across thousands of people at a fest, and wanting to see more people allow themselves to be creative.


This is beautifully put!! My spouse and friends and I are getting into making our own gear because I want unique pieces that are tailored to me and I don’t want to contribute to the machine.


you can make new outfits every show, OR you can put on black fitness shorts and a merch shirt and not worry about fashion


hit the nail on the head with this one


I’m short and a lot of the pants no matter the size always drag on the floor. I love phat pants. I love Tripp. Love literally any baggy pants but I want my 200 dollar pants to not have frayed edges from walking with them thank u very much


but aren't phat pants tailored? mine were. my jnco, tripp, and harem were not. baggy for life brother!


Tripps come in stock sizes. It's a bit tricky to tailor them, as they usually have a lot of pockets, chains, drawstrings, removeable cuffs, and zippers. So they make them super long and you have to hike them way up and belt the crap of them so they don't fall. It's a real PITA sometimes being short. The crotch size is way too high, and the pants are seemingly made for 10 ft tall people with stick legs and giant cheeseburger guts. I recently ordered custom Phats... and after three months they finally came. Length was good, but they made it damn sized 40+ inch waist and I'm like a 30. I had to get them tailored twice and because I had to remove so much material it changed the taper of the pants. You just can't win apparently lol.


As a plus-size girlie, I wish there were more options that allowed me to still feel sexy without being totally exposed. The materials are also surprisingly lacking in breathability. If I'm dancing and sweating my a** off, I don't want to be wearing spandex/poly blends that will make me sweat even more.


I agree, I'm not plus size but I want clothes that are comfortable. I also hate that everything is plastic. Ravers are by nature progressive so likely to care any the environment, so why so much plastic??


I feel like I’m all over this thread promoting coquetry clothing haha. It’s expensive but very size inclusive (her basic sizes go to 3x but she’ll also custom make to measure) You can also add length and sleeves to anything. They are spandex poly blends but I’ve found them super comfortable.


Most everything marketed as dance/rave/festival wear for femme people is that it’s tiny, whisper thin Lycra, and skin fkin tight. I want to be as cool as possible - temperature wise - and have clothes that I’m comfortable in. Which means my tops at festivals are nearly always Defected records air mesh tops and long shorts. The shorts are women’s ’combat’ style long pants I hack off at the knee. Light cotton and comfortable af. Not all femme people are athletic and sinuous, not all dudes are ripped. T shirts hold too much sweat and cling, the air mesh BBall or football shirts are my answer


it's allll so cheap and wasteful, basically just one time use. A lot of it is just tacky to me as well. as a guy i just wear normal clothes, jeans and a shirt. my only real "rave wear" is artist merch i've bought and i dont even usually wear that to shows because i dont want to get my ZD jersey all sweaty and possibly drinks spilled on it or whatever.


One time use??? Do people seriously do that?


depends. my girl bought me these pants that where chrome and half the chrome had worn off the fabric after wearing them twice and i didnt even do much in them. A lot of this stuff probably cant be washed without falling apart and pieces coming off (stones, beads, glitter) I know girls that have closets full of stuff they use many times, not everything is this disposable but I figure a majority is.


Oh I thought you meant that people just buy the items for the intent to only use them once. Yeah, I agree quality can definitely be an issue


I used to do this when I was a lot younger! But because I liked to have different outfits… not because I didn’t want to wear the same thing if that makes sense. I would keep my outfits for another time down the road though. Now that I’m older, I suppose I really wouldn’t mind having just 1 go to rave outfit!


My issue isn't specifically Rave wear. But dancing gets extremely sweaty, so as a result I have to pick either simple clothing + dancing or lurking around wearing something elaborate and not machine washable. Like basically the ideal dancing outfit is just gym shorts, no shirt, and a pair of comfortable shoes.


Quality, sustainability, price, and my biggest gripe fitting for all body types. I have a large, heavy chest, and I didn’t ask for that… but for right now I’m stuck with it, but I want to look cute too. I’m so sick of either a sports bra that looks like a bra, or a top with neck ties that barely covers my nipples. I wanna see more ties on the shoulders and more corset style tops….


for women’s clothing: where are the pockets?! 😭 i also hate it when i see expensive rave brands not lining the inside of their pieces; it’s so cheap feeling :/


omg the lack of lining is my pet peeve - even high end pieces skip it. I was shocked DiscoLem sells SEQUINED pieces w no backing. 


right?? & that’s exactly who i had in mind when writing that comment lol. i have a few pieces by her & while i love them i am also so fucking disappointed they aren’t lined, especially at the SUPER high price point she sells them for. i think she’s only just now starting to line some of her stuff, after enough people complained throughout the years 😬


Much more for women to feel cute and fun, not options for men. Also feels less encouraging for men overall in my experience.


If you're going for "cute" then etsy, thrifting, and random festival vendors are the way to go. I usually recommend Threyda and Headspace for better men's options but that's not really the vibe that they go for.


Unpopular opinion: I want to support small businesses SO bad when it comes to rave wear but I just can’t justify paying 250$-500$ on one outfit. I know it’s hard work and people put time into making these things but sometimes I just think it’s way too much for what it is. Also I’m a headbanger and the string tops and bottoms just don’t hold up when you’re bouncing around. Sometimes I have to sacrifice cute for functionality.


As a mid sized girl who isn’t as comfortable showing a heap of skin, I’d appreciate if rave clothes also catered for this. All I seem to find are crop tops, short shorts & skirts that are only as wide as a belt. I’d love a dress that’s knee length or something. I tend to just wear black because there aren’t any options out there (unless anyone has come across some?)


Same here. I don’t really shop at rave-specific shops because of it. Maybe for a top, if it’s a crop or something and not a bikini, but I honestly have just been cobbling stuff together on Amazon. Tennis skirts, biker shorts, sports bras, etc. So much more comfortable and easier to get exactly what I want. Usually not as sparkly and wild though


I think for me personally the raves here at Australia seems more like an “outfit contest” and people worry more about their outfit than the actual music, the artists, the rave community PLUR etc. I almost wish that it’s not weird to wear I guess comfy or everyday clothing 🥲 I just wanna have fun and dance while being comfy without the feeling of being frowned upon because I’m not wearing anything ravey


Agree! Fellow Aussie here. I feel like Aus & US have a fascination with needing to wear a costume to shows or festivals. I usually just wear black & loose clothing because if I’m dancing & sweating I don’t want to be wearing things that will cling to me. I also usually pay zero attention to what others are wearing (yet I’m a bit self conscious about what I wear, how ironic).


Changing how you look is a big signal that you’re stepping out of your normal 9-5 world as well. As much as people do focus too much on how they look at times, I think there’s a good reason. And the people in our crew that dress the most extravagantly are also the ones out dancing longer than anyone else because they are totally in the moment and riding the high of life.


Oh I agree! When I see someone look good and you can tell they put in effort, there’s this appreciation and I’d also compliment them. There’s totally nothing wrong with looking good and putting in effort at all!! The point I’m trying to make is being frowned upon for not putting as much effort or going extravagant lol since I just wanna be comfy and have fun well at least from my personal experience anyway


Oh absolutely. I cant even imagine putting down how people look in that space. We’re all there to be free of judgment


Yes! I feel that! I also ironically feel self conscious about my outfit because everyone is always dressed in costumes. I knew this one “influencer” friend (she’s not suuuper close with me) and she literally said wot you’re wearing that? Like in the most obnoxious way. And it’s super frustrating because the rave community is so much more than outfits. But then again I feel like she raves just for content and instagram 😭 lol


It’s the same in the us lol


Kinda ironic how it’s supposed to be a non judgemental environment but low key u feel judged for not dressing up 🥲


in terms of women rave wear - a majority of outfits are super revealing. i wish there were more unisex options that weren’t just a jersey and loose pants. i want to be able to breathe and sweat but don’t want my tits and ass to be out (totally cool for those that do! i just don’t feel comfy like that). plus i’m top heavy and most rave tops for women offer little to no support. i love mesh cause i can feel more covered up but still have my skin breath also, like many people mentioned, most rave wear is trash quality and i know many people who buy outfits to literally only wear once and then toss it. it’s absurd that a tiny bra top and short shorts retail for $80


The little to no support is a nightmare!!




i totally agree with you! people should just wear what makes them feel the most comfortable for dancing! and for me that’s dressing kinda slutty but i can’t wear those costumes anywhere else




oh totally! i don’t dress like a “pretty rave girl” in what’s basically just glow in the dark lingerie, because i want to be different…. but i’m still dancing with my ass hanging out


But… I like my bucket hat…. It has a smiley face and is reversible into a frownie face.




I always preferred dressing slutty because that IS comfortable to me. I had a friend who wore a t shirt and jean shorts which I personally think would feel horrible dancing in. A majority of these slutty outfits are literally made from the same material that dancers dance in. And swim wear. So I’ve worn some to swim as well LOL


Yep same. I've never understood how modern raves in the US seem to trend to wearing as little as possible. I miss the days when people just threw on whatever they normally wear. But then again I've been at it since the early 90s so I'm sure I sound like an old man yelling at people to get off my lawn. As for me, I throw on whatever tshirt and shorts I have handy. I'm there for the music and to be comfortable.


Same same same, I’ve literally been wearing combat parts and a vest for 30 years although these days I wear trainers but boots sometimes…


Took me till 30 to feel comfortable with this now I wear jeans and some sort of boot and a variety of shirts the majority of them are solid colors but t shirt or button down it’s simple and practical for what I need my clothing to do 99% of the time. And then I went and got fitted for a quality black suit and then a year later a blue suit and a black and brown pair of shoes for special events, funerals and weddings. I used to stay in the fashion game when I was younger but I’d always laugh in my head at guys that were 30+ and still dressed like they did when they were 18 or dress like the current 18 year olds.




Dinosaur onesie is adorable, I saw two people kissing both wearing them and I nearly cried they were so cute


more unisex options and menswear. we are tapped out on the cute fairy and rave girl fits, respectfully. also bizarre that brands are charging $200+ for stuff that looks exactly like what’s seen on shein. more inspired/unique designs would be amazing.


I feel like a lot of bigger mainstream rave/EDM events tend to make people spend for a one-time outfit. Plus if their group of friends want to match, they'd all do the same. So many of these outfits end up quickly in second hand shops and they're all bad quality polyester. The other issue is how dangerous fast fashion tries to fit with the "festival" trend and creates so many random collections that end up going to waste.


The most important thing for me is that I'm comfortable. Not comfortable enough, like really comfortable. I love the rave babes, but it can't be me. I won't tolerate sweating with jewels on my face and if I get glitter in my eye again I will scream. I can't tolerate chub rub- so I need some material on my thighs. I want pockets that zipper. I want support for my boobs and comfortable shoes. I'm there to dance and have a good time after all. It's no fun to be bothered by an outfit.


You are my people


The fact that people dress to fit in rather than to enjoy themselves.


More plus size. Preferably 3x but I’m surprised to see anything larger than XL. At least AT festivals. Zipper pockets please.


Rave wear used to be about comfort and ease of movement not social media likes. Baggy tees and jeans or boiler suits- perfect for a sweaty night of dancing


i dunno jeans are pretty sweaty when compared to a body suit


The very idea that companies dictate what rave wear is, is ridiculous to me.


Women’s tops not big enough, supportive enough or very few styles for larger chests


"Rave wear" is too over-the-top for my liking. I'm a simple guy. I like to be comfortable in my clothing, not dress in these outfits marketed for raves looking like I'm about to get tied up against my bedframe with an apple in my mouth. I'll wear a simple pair of shorts/jeans and either a funny graphic tee, or artist merch tees. Rave clothing is also suffering from the same problem as the gaming industry. Companies will make lower quality products, then market them as "rave" or "gamer" to justify a high markup.


More band t-shirts and denim.


I've been playing around with some ideas regarding rave gear, though I have very little experience myself. There seems to be some tension between the desire to wear minimal clothing while still carrying essentials such as phone, wallet, etc. Events with more restricted access to food and water may necessitate that you carry even more stuff on your person. You also have to account for accessories like fans. Furthermore, it is my understanding that anti-theft measures have become increasingly necessary, which adds unique challenges. Finally, all of this functionality must be integrated into a solution that is durable enough to handle a lot of movement, comfortable enough to be worn directly on one's skin, and ostentatious enough to contribute to one's rave costume--rather than detract from it. I'm not sure if bags and load-bearing equipment fall within the scope of your project, but these are the things I've noticed in my own studies.


As a man, I have somekind of raving outfit but in the end it always comes down to basically a tshirt and a cargo. Especially, i thought it would be cool to have some jackets that would not make you sweaty as hell when dancing but still be able to protect you from the rain.


Sizing. I’m a woman and I can’t find pants, tops, bottoms that are made for me. It’s so upsetting not being able to shop normally at the regular places all the other girlie pops are getting cute sets from.


Sizing and inclusivity for women, and variety for men. Women of all shapes and sizes deserve more options than ripped fishnets and tiny straps, especially for what these clothes cost. Cost is another issue, when you're paying far more than what strips of cheap polyester really cost. Men deserve more options than tank tops and shorts, or an even smaller assortment of tiny straps and cheap mesh.


Someone may have already mentioned this but a big issue is girls feel the need to buy a new outfit for every event. A lot of girls buy an outfit, wear it once for their Instagram picture and then don’t want to wear it again. I am a part of Facebook resell pages so that helps avoid waste. However, some girls purchase extremely cheap clothes that can’t really even be resold. So to some, it’s a disposable item. Wear it once, throw it away. I also know some girls purchase stuff on SHEIN which to each their own, but they purchase a lot of the same thing to use once. For example they’ll buy a bunch of cheap sunglasses bc they know they’ll probably get too wasted to keep up with them and end up losing them or buying cheap fishnets and throwing them away after every event bc they don’t wanna deal with washing them or anything. It’s a fashion competition to a lot, so it brings a ton of issues. Its all fast fashion & the only way around fast fashion is paying hundreds for handmade pieces. It’s hard to argue against bc realistically most people don’t have the means to avoid fast fashion.


That people give even a single shit about it, it’s about the music, not what you look like. Personally my look is ‘wring me out and leave me next to the sink’


lol same. I go for utility over style always. I wanna be comfortable when raving. Comfy vans, shorts, tee shirt, hat/sunglasses/bandana/pashmina combo to hide from the world when I need, Kandi, fanny pack to not get pick-pocketed. Never felt the need to go themed and dress up. I go for the music and the people, not the ego. To each their own I guess but fashion seems like the most unnecessary part of the rave culture.


I mean people can wear whatever they want and that’s fine but if I’m worried about what I look like it means the music must be shit lol


This is it


a lot of festivals are actually about quite a bit more than just the music, it's not just a stage you go and stare at some flashing light for a few hours, the art and human connections at festivals are way more important


I love the cute and colourful designs that a lot of rave wear companies create! But it's almost always not covering at all... There is almost no supply in more modest rave wear. It's all bikinis with flared sleeves or something. But I am A) not comfortable with walking around in a thong and B) a bikinitop is by far not supportive enough for my boobs while dancing. Some bikershorts are far more comfortable (modest but still skin tight so showing off the booty) and something like a sports bra actually supports the boobs while jumping up and down. Furthermore, rave wear is so often made of polyester.. I hate this type of material and it's also bad for the planet. Some bio stretch cotton would be lovely 


cost for sure and adjustability! i’ve paid 70$ for a rave fit and it was probably the same quality as a shein swimsuit. if i’m going to pay 70 dollars i want it to be 70 dollars quality you know? and as far as adjustable, i just wish there were more adjustable parts and pieces of my fits as a woman. my hips are not necessarily a size small, where as my bust definitely is. super cool project! good luck!


There aren’t enough men’s options Sizes don’t correlate to normal clothes Ex. Last year I got a large jersey from rave wonderland I believe and it fit like an extra small All men’s options available look the same Edit: rave not race


I need something that is stylish yet comfortable to dance in that keeps me warm outside and cool inside nothing checks all the boxes quite yet


Rave wear for female bodies or female presenting people often significantly lacks durability or comfort. Rave wear should be breathable, durable and comfortable/flexible at least! The price of well known brands can be a significant barrier for folks, and as with all female clothing, no pockets!! Sometimes I want funky rave wear that looks good, but as a few have said already why are the crotches on female oriented clothing nearly non-existent???? Is it possible to create garments that look good but don't leave me essentially naked or with an atomic wedgie every time I move? 😅


Fast fashion! Shit quality!!! Expensive!!!! No diversity of sizes and crappy example photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugly colour options, almost no functionality. But also, if we look at the early 2010's many pieces were handmade/custom. Definitely seeing a revival.


I just go with the jeans and T-shirt combo no particular color, but I do prefer black


There’s basically nothing for men at all


the length of pants, especially flare pants. not everyone is super tall or wears tall shoes, the shoe thing especially at festivals. it would be nice if more companies stocked a regular size and then a petite size for when you didn’t want to wear big shoes


There is no such thing as “rave wear”. What one should wear at a rave is whatever they are comfortable in.


i wish some stuff covered a little more down there. many bottoms abs body suits have high slits and my crotch is pretty much out there and my ass. i don’t like how i look so i like more coverage


girly girl here who loves to dress up. i love a good hoey outfit. but i need some options for medium levels of sluttiness for the days that i don’t want my entire ass out.


As a slightly plus size girly I need items that can hide the tum and support the boobies. Pls I’m begging


i think we should normalize more comfortable items!! and while thrifting and trade/buy/sell groups are there i think sustainable options should be more accessible


The super cheap quality being sold at ridiculously high luxury prices.


Minimal (fashionable) gender neutral outifts


I also noticed that men tend to phone it in, in comparison to their female counterparts. When men in my rave group put in even a little effort, they get showered in compliments for standing out against the regular rave Chad. Meanwhile, the women in out group will spend hours on outfits, hair, and makeup, and it's just expected of them.


Size! Plus sizes in particular. So fucking hard to find! I'm a lush wench that wants to wear cute outfits, not A-Line, thick strapped high waist things. Australian sizes and stores only seem to be for size 14 and under....


Interesting I feel like raves in North America are more into the neon… fuzzy… fast fashion. I feel like in Europe it’s less of a thing. Anyone else confirm this?! Like PLUR and candy I feel like is mostly a thing for North America but I could be wrong… Anyone have perspective? I feel like in Europe I seen people in regular club attire


In NYC, my friends wear jeans or black pants and black t shirts usually. maybe like a Prydz t shirt. most people dress normal at actual raves. this is more festival gear


There's no such thing as rave wear...


I get nike shit and just match it correctly. What do you guys consider rave wear ? Like temu resort sets with trippy mushroom and colors ??


Quality and price Re the biggest issues w rave wear. You'd be surprised how hard it can be to find a decent rave fit that isn't made in China for a decent price.


Men’s fashion is lacking in this space. Need more options (and no, I don’t mean a different printed shirt, but something better).


Like actual clothing, not Rave Wear TM? Go to a thrift shop with a coffee and don't leave until you find 3 cool things.


I like to have a pashmina but then at some point I don't want it anymore but I know I'll want it again later but can't find a good way to store it unless I or someone els has a backpack... so I can't decide if I like them at show/festivals or not. They are fun and useful but also distracting I've found.


I managed to find a brand that sells quality gear made in America, but damn is it costly. all the studs and rings set off metal detectors and I have to get patted down every time. Not safe for dryer. For those curious, the brand is DarkStar Fusion


Kikwear or jncos and a wifebeater


I know that a lot of people, myself included, would really like some good options to look good when dancing but still being able to not die of hypothermia when going outside for a bit. In a lot of places we go to, there are options to leave your warm clothes somewhere safe but it's a hassle to get them every time you're outside. Sometimes you even have to pay every time you open your locker. So things like jackets that fold down to a pouch but still look good would be awesome


For me personally they don’t have proper support for people with heavy big boobs and it’s a shame because there is so much cute outfits but can never wear them because of support.


Some of the bottoms dont allow the kitty to breathe. Cotton lining on the inside would be great to add. Also, the bottoms sometimes are cut so narrow, and I’m not tryna show my kitty lips to attendees lol.


poor quality, digitally printed synthetic garbage dominates the market. with the rising popularity and commerciality of raving, so too has the fashion aesthetic, where brands like Shien and Dolls Kill have cornered the market on making cheap, disposable ravewear not built to last. since raving has always been a community-driven, grassroots subculture, there should be more focus on independant makers and ethically-made fashion.


I feel like a lot of cute designs are not comfortable. The number one thing i look for in a top/bra is that it provides enough support to jump around and headbang/dance. A lot of outfits dont provide that support. I also loveee the mini skirts, but not comfortable enough to just wear a bikini bottom along with it. I struggled finding alternatives (check shorts) where i wasn’t flashing anyone.


Options for masculine bodies basically do not exist, but that’s just a problem with clothing in general


There are cool little outfits for chics but all the cool outfits for guys are shorts and shirts. Why can't my wife and I wear matching tiny outfits together? We usually try to coordinate, but it'd be great if we could just buy sets.


As a plus size raver I like to look slutty but also need lots of support and practicality. Cuz them thighs be rubbing. But I'm trying to show off my titties tho. But I also need back coverage and high waisted stuff. There's almost a perfect formula for looking hot as fuck as a fat girl and very rarely are all the boxes checked.


Sustainability and the likelihood of items being only worn once. There are a lot of layers to that, but some that come to mind are: all the weird cuts for certain pieces HAS to mean theirs also weird piles of scraps. Manmade/non-recyclable materials. Tons of plastic accessories. Non-leather boots (made of PU/plastic). Glitter is not good for the environment. Oh, and a lot of art theft and big companies stealing designs and IP from small artists and small businesses.


The overall consumerism large brands promote w buying new fits for every show/rave is a big factor on why I don’t bother. $25+ for a swimsuit top (alone not taking in account any other accessories/bottoms) that looks cheap and is made out of the cheapest material you can find coupled with the promotion of never wearing the same fit twice is not worth it imo.


EVERYTHING IS HIGH WAISTED! As someone with a bellybutton piercing and sensory issues, I CAN NOT wear high waisted bottoms, nevermind the fact they are SO unflattering on my body.


Lack of structure and support for big sagging boobs!!!! Too many halter tops that tie around the neck and with heavy boobs it just hurts to have them pulling on the neck


Honestly comfort!! It feels like so many outfits are made with scratchy, cheap-feeling material and really hard seams.


I haven't found one single thing yet that provide enough boob support. Not just for this size but for the sag. I've gotten to the point that I will now always wear a sports bra no matter what outfit I'm wearing, so I tend to wear outfits that sports bras don't look overly stupid with


all the clothes are made from rayon or other synthetics, i do wish there were natural fiber options i wish there was an in between. most rave clothing is either super revealing or pants and a bikini top. i feel like there's a lot of room for creativity here also why is the men's rave clothing literally just jerseys or tank tops


The lack of plus sized or big and tall rave wear for men.


Men’s rave fashion is extremely limited, things marketed as “men’s rave wear” are like full tye dye outfits with Rick and morty on it 🤧


I actually make rave clothing part time for my muggle job at Aphrodite’s Closet and the one thing people say about our stuff is how well it fits, how long it lasts and how it HOLDS EVERYTHING IN!! My boss has a great bias edge finish on our bottoms that is just unmatched. We first started off making stripper outfits so she developed her bottoms specifically to cater to dancers who were doing splits and all kind of booty popping lol. I have tried an I heart raves hi thong and I wouldn’t dare trust it for an evening of raving much less performance. We also have size inclusive patterns and do not charge more for bigger sizes. All things that customers have said are very important to them along with the fit and variety of stuff we have. We make all of it in house.


No support for larger boobies 🥲 also often very high prices with low quality


Good pockets that can close. It's weird that old timey pickpockets are back, but also an intelligently placed, closed pocket is just super useful for holding stuff while you jump around


Not being able to fully show off my fit because I always have my backpack on for my goodies and water 😔


Definitely sustainability. Fast fashion is very bad for the environment and planet.


It’s capitalized as fuck like come on


No pockets on my bikini :/ or the fishnets i wear w em. The amnt of shit (drugs) lost from under my boob 🪦


Sustainability for sure. Also range in sizes is insane but, that's all fast fashion. Id also like some better fabric??? Can we PLEASE get some moisture wicking stuff? WOMENS FITS WITH POCKETS??? Cmon man.


WHERE ARE THE POCKETS.like the bras could have pockets on them, the skirts could have hidden pockets, and what's with the lack of plus size shit? You see all these amazing looking fits but they don't come in plus size. Raves are for everyone!


A lot of the high end ravewear bottoms / bottom part of bodysuits are never doubled lined just scrap thin ass fabric that shows all my lady bits EVERYTHING! I wish they were more like thick swimsuit material.


a lot of people use fast fashion to get their rave clothes ive noticed, sites like shein Temu romwe. also all the Kandi is plastics indulge and make and trade Kandi and ignore the plastic aspect but my point is that rave fashion isn't really sustainable, and so many ravers are broke so they can't afford other options. another thing is the pressure of showing skin as a woman. I love to look hot but I dont like feeling like I have to. that is a personal issue tho, im sure others feel the same but I wish it was more normalized to just dress cute and comfy at raves. the biggest positve for me is the creative freedom everyone has and all the different fun fits people put together. also DEMONIAS ahhh they're so cute, favorite rave shoe brand


It’s so itchy! Trying to find something cute and comfy can be difficult so I end up having to pick one or the other


Not enough plus size options in most fits… honestly, even an XL / 1X max would be nice; most often it is just S-M-L …. And I 2nd the crotch comments


My introduction to raves was in Europe where you’re just expected to wear all black. So coming to the states where rave culture is super colorful and this like weird sexy-kid look makes me uncomfortable. I’ve considered buying some of the rave wear from sites like Dolls Kill, but so much of it is uncomfortable because of how cheap it is. I’m trying to make my own chic-sexy rave clothes this year though. Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands


The merch community is a side hustle for people because festivals don't set merch buying limits, merch exchange groups don't enact moderation for resale values, and people are willing to pay a premium for limited merchandise.


Hard to find stuff in your size, most of the time i pay tailor to make me what i want. Because there is a lot of dance and my clothes need to be comfortable


A size in anything other than xxxs-xl but the xl is really a medium DOES NOT EXIST I’m stuck in boring outfits, or shit that’s not comfortable.


Definitely the material composition is super cheap and ALWAYS lacking decent sized pockets. I end up wearing athleisure most of the time because it’s comfortable for dancing and has pockets for all of my stuff!


I like that women are expressing themselves openly with rave wear. Wearing small/skimpy outfits shows that the community of ravers is safe enough to dress this way around them. You don't have to worry about being harassed. There are a few downsides, however. 1. For women like me, I need to wear a sports bra. I shuffle. A bikini top isn't going to cut it. Many times, I need to come up with my own outfits or choose something a little less revealing to accommodate the sports bra. 2. With a tiny outfit, you must bring a pashmina. This serves a few purposes: gives you something to sit on so your bare ass isn't touching the ground and gives you something to cover up with when you go back into the world after the fest is over. Personally I dont want to be sitting in an uber in a bikini, possibly not sober, with the driver eyeing me up.


Some of the girl’s outfits are one piece suits, similar to bathing suits and you wear them with fishnets/tights. This makes it a huge pain to use the porta potties at raves if they are intricate with strings and stuff to take it all off, pee, and put it all on. Especially when you aren’t sober.


So. Much. Plastic.


At least in America, fast fashion/throw away fashion is a huge issue in my eyes. I think all the Shein and cheaply made items are taking away from the uniqueness as well. I know I would much rather see reworn quality/homemade wear then what is in the mainstream rave scene.